

  1. ABN Amro
  2. Affordability barrier
  3. Agricultural Bank of China (ABC)
  4. Akbank (Turkey)
  5. Aldi
  6. Aligning customer experience: step 1: use the Wallet Allocation Rule to link satisfaction and share of wallet; step 2: align share of wallet and revenue objectives; step 3: align revenue and profit objectives
  7. American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI): comparing McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s; as customer satisfaction metric; examined as predictor of growth
  8. Arrow Bank (Thailand): description of; examining the NPS of; Wallet Allocation Ruler drivers of share of wallet
  9. AT&T
  10. Averages: fans vs. non-fans satisfaction and spending; how they can be misleading


  1. Ball, Lucille
  2. Bank of China (BOC)
  3. Bank of Communications (BANKCOMM) [China]
  4. Banking. See Business banking; Retail banking
  5. Barclays
  6. Barriers. See Market barriers
  7. Boorstin, Daniel J.
  8. Booz & Company
  9. Brand rank: average number of brands used to determine; customers’ relative satisfaction levels and perceived; determining your company’s; difference between first choice and second choice; distinguishing between drivers of satisfaction and drivers of; how different wallet shares result from customer perception of; how to improve your; key drivers of; market barriers to; market share as strongly linked to; percent first choice to determine; share of wallet used to determine; Wallet Allocation Rule strategic issues related to. See also Competitors
  10. Brands: analyzing satisfaction and corresponding first-choice; average number used by customers; buying decision based on competitive alternatives vis-à-vis; collecting data on the wrong; collecting data on the wrong people or use of; conditional-use; customer intention to recommend; damage to Chilean pharmacy retailing; difference between first choice and second choice; drivers of satisfaction and share of wallet for Tim Hortons; high-loyalty; JCPenney rebranded as the JCP; penetration of; percent first choice of; satisfaction with mass market versus niche ; “Share of Best” Grid of; Top-2 box satisfaction scores of Canadian QSR; usage of; Wallet Allocation Rule to calculate share of wallet by. See also Customer switching; Firms
  11. Brazilian grocery retailing: description of; Wallet Allocation Rule to determine business drivers
  12. Brico Dépôt (France)
  13. British Medical Journal
  14. Burger King
  15. Business banking: in Thailand; Wallet allocation Rule drivers of share of wallet. See also Retail banking
  16. Business growth: as CEO focus debate over ACSI and NPS as predictors of; headroom for; relationship between customer satisfaction and; relationship between NPS and; story of HomeBanc Mortgage’s; three variable required for creating organic; word of mouth relationship to. See also Firms


  1. Canadian quick-serve restaurant (QSR) market: description of the; drivers of satisfaction and share of wallet for Tim Hortons; NPS or satisfaction-based metrics used by the; Top-2 box satisfaction scores of the
  2. Carrefour Hyper (Brazil)
  3. Castorama (France)
  4. Centennial Medical Center
  5. Change. See Organizational change
  6. Chedraui (Mexico)
  7. Chief executive officers (CEOs): customer loyalty as top priority of; organization change role of the; profits and growth focus of; typical attitude toward marketing by
  8. Chief marketing officers (CMOs): customer loyalty as top priority of; customer loyalty metrics tracked by; evidence of distrust of CEO toward their; organization change role of the
  9. China Construction Bank (CCB)
  10. China Merchants Bank (CMB)
  11. China’s People’s Liberation Army
  12. Chinese retail banking: customer relationship management (CRM) strategy used in; description of; satisfaction, Wallet Allocation Rule, and share of wallet in
  13. Cirque du Soleil
  14. Citibank
  15. Clinical Evidence study
  16. CNBS Financial Group
  17. Coca-Cola
  18. Comerial Mexicana (Mexico)
  19. Companies. See Firms
  20. Competitors: analysis to determine reasons for customer use of; determining how much of your customers’ money goes to; understanding why your customers use your; Wallet Allocation Rule and impact of your brand; Wallet Allocation Rule case study on customer purchase from. See also Brand rank; Wallet Allocation Rule practice cases
  21. Conditional-use brands
  22. Cooperative de Consumo (Coop) [Brazil]
  23. Credit unions. See U.S. credit unions
  24. Cumulative customer profitability
  25. Current Account Switch Guarantee (UK)
  26. Customer loyalty: as CEO and CMO top priority; customer retention and; how share of wallet is increased through; research on failure to turn customer satisfaction into; spending as demonstration of; word of mouth through. See also Customers
  27. Customer Loyalty Is Priceless (Gitomer)
  28. Customer loyalty myths: loyal customer cost less to serve; loyal customers are less price sensitive
  29. Customer profitability: aligning revenue and objectives for; aligning satisfaction, revenue, share of wallet, and; CEO focus on growth and; customer revenue versus profit issue of; top 20 percent of customers generating majority of
  30. Customer recommend intention
  31. Customer relationship management (CRM) [Chinese banking industry]
  32. Customer retention: business importance of; shifts in company strategies to ensure
  33. Customer satisfaction: aligning share of wallet, revenue, profit, and; analyzing first-choice selection corresponding to; averages and misleading belief that share of wallet is tied to; averages of fans vs. non-fans average spending and; Chinese banking industry’s CRM approach to; distinguishing between drivers of rank and drivers of; drivers of Tim Hortons; first choice brands and; Gossen’s second law on; high-sales stores and; hospitals and patient satisfaction rates; implications for managers of spending not linked to; mass market brand market share and; with mass market versus niche brands; mistake of taking short-termism approach to; Montgomery Ward’s promise on; as relative to competitive alternatives; research on relationship between business outcomes and; return on investment for Groupon offers and; Wallet Allocation Rule used to link share of wallet and; Wallet Allocation Rule used with metric of; as weak predictor of share of wallet . See also Customer satisfaction relationships; Wallet Allocation Rule practice cases
  34. Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless (Gitomer)
  35. Customer satisfaction metrics: American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI); Canadian quick-serve restaurant (WSR) use of; ecological fallacy of incorrectly using; how averages can be misleading; how managers use and misuse; issue of inputting erroneous values to; purchase intention; recommend intention; statistically significance concept of; three must-have; tracked by CMOs; Wallet Allocation Rule as the “best,” . See also Net Promoter Score (NPS); Share of wallet; Wallet Allocation Rule
  36. Customer satisfaction must-haves metrics: average number of brands used as; determining how much of your customers’ money goes to competitors as; percent first choice; share of wallet as
  37. Customer satisfaction relationships: between burger chain market share and satisfaction ; between business outcomes and satisfaction; between market share and satisfaction, ; between NPS and satisfaction; between price and satisfaction; between share of wallet to satisfaction. See also Customer satisfaction
  38. Customer switching: enticing; Lloyds TSB customer “barriers to,” ; needs-offer gap and; UK banking Current Account Switch Guarantee for. See also Brands
  39. Customers: breakdown of their experience with marketing; collecting data on the wrong people or; cumulative customer profitability of; difference between brand first choice and second choice by; efforts to understand minds’ of; enticing them to switch; Field of Dreams mentality regarding; JCP rebranding failure to capture; purchase intention of; retaining; steps for aligning experience of; wallet shares as result of perception of performance by; word of mouth to attract new. See also Customer loyalty


  1. David, Packard
  2. Deloitte
  3. Deming, W. Edwards
  4. Deutsche Bank
  5. Dia (Brazil)
  6. Disney
  7. “Disruptive Innovation” award
  8. DIY (do-it-yourself) retailing [France]: description of the; drivers of share of wallet for top
  9. Dollar Stores
  10. Drivers: business banking share of wallet; Chilean pharmacy retailing share of wallet vs. NPS; distinguishing between satisfaction and brand; French DIY (do-it-yourself) retailing share of wallet; key brand rank; measuring the wrong; MENA retail banking share of wallet vs. NPS; perceptual map of grocer retailing share of wallet; “share of mind” retail banking; Tim Hortons satisfaction and share of wallet; Turkish retail banking satisfaction vs. share of wallet; U.S. credit union; Wallet Allocation Rule to determine Brazilian grocery retailing,
  11. Drucker, Peter


  1. Ecological fallacy: description and causes of; National Geographic video example of
  2. Economist magazine
  3. Eisenhower, Dwight D.
  4. EU Commission
  5. Evidence-based management
  6. “Evidence-Based Management” (Pfeffer and Sutton)
  7. Extra (Brazil)


  1. Farmacias Ahumada (Chile)
  2. Farmacias Cruz Verde (Chile)
  3. Favaro, Ken
  4. Field of Dreams mentality
  5. Firms: CEO focus on growth of; customer first and second choices among brands and ; customer profitability of; determining competitive rank of your; marketing budgets of; revenue of ; Wallet Allocation Rule bringing organizational change in; Wallet Allocation Rule strategic issues related to operations of. See also Brands; Business growth
  6. First choice brands: brand ranked by percent of exclusive; difference between second choice and; satisfaction and
  7. Five Guys Burgers and Fries
  8. Florida Power & Light
  9. Fordham University
  10. Fornell, Claes


  1. Garanti Bank (Turkey)
  2. German retail banking: ATMs used as part of; cooperative banks (Volkbanken and Raiffeisenbanken) of; description of; direct banks (Internet banks); private banks of; savings banks (Sparkassen) of; “three pillars” of
  3. Ghent University
  4. Gitomer, Jeffrey
  5. Gossen’s second law
  6. Great Recession (2008): comparing Walmart and Target same store sales; increased Walmart same-store sales during; short-termism consequences demonstrated during the
  7. Grocer retailing: in Brazil; perceptual map of drivers of share of wallet for; perceptual map reflecting barriers to use; Wallet Allocation Rule case study on; Wallet Allocation Rule to examine Mexican supermarket chains
  8. Groupon offers
  9. Growth. See Business growth
  10. Gupta, Sunil


  1. Harley Davidson
  2. Harvard Business Review: on creating organic growth; on customer loyalty and share of wallet study; on customer retention strategies; on customer revenue versus profit issue; on customer word of mouth; “Don’t let the math scare you” quote from; on evidence-based management; on net income growth study findings; on Wallet Allocation Rule study findings
  3. Harvard Business School
  4. Headroom for growth
  5. Heraclitus
  6. Hewlett-Packard
  7. High-loyalty brands
  8. Hippocratic Oath
  9. Hofmeyr, Jan
  10. Holley, Charles
  11. Home Federal Savings & Loan
  12. HomeBanc Mortgage Corporation
  13. Hospital satisfaction rates
  14. HSBC
  15. Hypermarket competition


  1. IBM
  2. IMD Business School
  3. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)
  4. ING Bank
  5. International Journal of Bank Marketing
  6. Ipsos Loyalty
  7. I0015 Bank (Turkey)


  1. JCP
  2. JCPenney
  3. Jiffy Lube
  4. Johnson, Ron
  5. Journal of Marketing
  6. Journal of Patient Safety
  7. Journal of Service Management


  1. Kaplan, Robert S.
  2. Keiningham, Timothy L.
  3. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): average number of brands used as; percent first choice as; share of wallet as
  4. Kmart
  5. Koestler, Arthur
  6. Kroger
  7. Kumar, V.


  1. Leeflang, Peter S. H.
  2. Lehmann, Donald
  3. Leo Burnett Worldwide
  4. Leone, Robert P.
  5. Leroy Merlin (France)
  6. Lerzan, Aksoy
  7. Lloyds TSB: impact of negative and positive barriers for ; improving fees and services to increase share of wallet; ordered spilt (2008) of; potential market impact on competitors from change in performance of; separated into Lloyds Bank and TSB
  8. Lloyds TSB customers: “barriers to switching” for ; description of the; other banks used as a percent of the total; Wallet Allocation Rule driver analysis of
  9. Louw, Alice
  10. Loyalty Myths (Keiningham, Vavra, Lerzan, and Aksoy)


  1. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
  2. Management practice: analyzing satisfaction and corresponding first-choice selection; customer satisfaction versus market share ; evidence-based; must-have marketing metrics for
  3. Managers: aligning satisfaction, revenue, share of wallet, and profit; business results of share of wallet focus by; Field of Dreams mentality by; how satisfaction metrics are used and misused by; lack of insight in how to use competitive rank by; misleading belief of spending link to satisfaction; ramifications of the Wallet Allocation Rule for; satisfaction does not link to spending implications for; short-termism mistake by; understanding key drivers and barriers to share of wallet; understanding of opportunities for growth and ROIs; Wallet Allocation Rule strategic issues for; Wallet Allocation Rule’s customer-centric perspective for
  4. Market barriers: affordability; distribution channel; Lloyds TSB; measuring the wrong; perceptual map reflecting grocery retailer; shared buying decision
  5. Market share: deconstructing; formula for calculating; how to improve your rank and; JCP rebranding failure to capture; mass market brand satisfaction and; relationship between burger chain satisfaction and; relationship between customer satisfaction and, ; as strongly linked to competitive rank
  6. Market share components: penetration; share of wallet; usage. See also Share of wallet
  7. Marketing: annual budgets set aside for; breakdown of customer experience with; Peter Drucker on the aim of; typical CEO attitude toward; word of mouth
  8. Mass market brands: satisfaction and market share of; satisfaction with niche versus
  9. McDonald’s
  10. McKinsey & Company
  11. McKinsey study
  12. Medical errors
  13. Medical treatment failure rates
  14. Meer, David
  15. MENA retail banking: description of; drivers of share of wallet vs. drivers of NPS
  16. Metrics. See Customer satisfaction metrics
  17. Mexican supermarket chains
  18. Microsoft Excel
  19. Microsoft windows
  20. Money-losing delighters
  21. Montgomery Ward
  22. Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
  23. “My metric is best” argument


  1. Narayanan, V. G.
  2. National Geographic video
  3. Needs-offer gap
  4. Net Promoter Score (NPS): banks in Turkey’s satisfaction, share of wallet, and; comparing Wallet Allocation Rule accuracy to; comparison of ACSI and; description of; effective application of data of; examined as predictor of growth; grocer’s Wallet Allocation Rule case study on use of; HomeBanc Mortgage Corporation’s; how averages can be misleading; how managers use and misuse satisfaction metrics like; Jiffy Lube; MENA retail banking drivers of share of wallet vs. drivers of; relationship between business growth and; relationship between customer satisfaction and; of Thailand’s Arrow Bank; of the top three pharmacies in Chile; of U.S. credit unions; Wallet Allocation Rule used with; as weak predictor of share of wallet . See also Customer satisfaction metrics
  5. Net Promoter Score (NPS) classification: Detractors; Passives; Promoters
  6. New York Times
  7. Newman, David
  8. Next Gen Market Research Award for Disruptive Innovation
  9. Niche brands: customer expectations of; satisfaction with mass market versus
  10. Northwestern University


  1. Organizational change: painful gap between CEO and CMO driving; resistance to; Wallet Allocation Rule implemented for. See also Change


  1. Patient satisfaction
  2. Penetration: description of; strategy to increase
  3. Pepsi
  4. Perception of performance: customer’s; share of wallet due to customer’s
  5. Performance standards
  6. Petersen, J. Andrew
  7. Pfeffer, Jeffrey
  8. Pharmacy retailing (Chile): damaged brand image of; description of the; drivers of share of wallet vs. drivers of NPS for Cruz Verde; NPS of the top three pharmacies; Wallet Allocation Rule applied to the
  9. Price: myth that loyal customers are less sensitive to; relationship between satisfaction and
  10. Price-based competition: failure of JCP’s changed approach to; Groupon offers for; Wallet Allocation Rule case study on grocer and
  11. Profit. See Customer profitability
  12. Project Impact (Walmart)
  13. Purchase intention: marketing spent attempting to understand; Wallet Allocation Rule used with


  1. Quick-serve restaurants (QSRs). See Canadian quick-serve restaurant (QSR) market


  1. R-square: to assess satisfaction/NPS metric links to share of wallet; Microsoft Excel formula for calculating
  2. Rank. See Brand rank
  3. Recommend intention
  4. Reichheld, Fred
  5. Reinartz, W.
  6. Restaurants: ACSI of U.S. burger chains ; Canadian quick-serve; distribution channel barriers for
  7. Retail banking: in China; drivers of share by credit union customers in; in Germany; in MENA (Middle East and North Africa); share of deposits in; in South Africa; in Turkey; understanding drivers of “share of mind” in; in the United Kingdom. See also Business banking
  8. Return on investment (ROI): of Groupon offers; manager understanding of opportunities for growth and; strategies for maximizing
  9. Return on Quality (Rust, Zahorik, and Keiningham)
  10. Revenue: aligning satisfaction, profitability, share of wallet, and; cumulative customer profitability; profit versus
  11. Rosenzweig, Phil
  12. Rust, Roland T.


  1. Safeway
  2. Salcobrand (Chile)
  3. Sasser, W. Earl, Jr.
  4. Sears
  5. “Share of Best” Grid
  6. Share of deposits (retail banking): definition of; drivers of U.S. credit union customer; relationship of various metrics to U.S. credit union
  7. “Share of mind,“
  8. Share of wallet: aligning satisfaction, revenue, profit, and; averages and misleading belief that satisfaction is tied to; averages of fans vs. non-fans average satisfaction and; barriers to; based on competitive alternatives vis-à-vis brands; business results of manager focus on; correlations between Wallet Allocation Rule and; as demonstration of customer loyalty; description of; determining brand rank using; drivers for the top DIY retailers in France; drivers of satisfaction vs. drivers of; drivers of Tim Hortons; how customer loyalty increases; implications for managers of satisfaction not linked to; key drivers of; perceptual map of drivers of different grocery retailers,’; pharmacy retailer Cruz Verde drivers of NPS vs. drivers of; relationship between satisfaction to; as resulting from customer perception of competitive rank; satisfaction and NPS as weak predictors of; strategy to increase; Wallet Allocation Rule to calculate brand-level; Wallet Allocation Rule used to identify opportunities to expand; Wallet Allocation Rule used to link satisfaction and; Walmart stores in Mexico and their declining; Zipf distribution used to calculate the. See also Customer satisfaction metrics; Market share components
  9. Shared buying decision barrier
  10. Sharma, Samrat
  11. Short-termism
  12. Simon, William S.
  13. Soriana (Mexico)
  14. South African retail banking
  15. Store-level satisfaction
  16. Stuart, Jennifer Ames
  17. Supermarkets. See Grocer retailing
  18. Surety Bank
  19. Sutton, Robert
  20. Switching. See Customer switching


  1. Target
  2. Tijs, Marleen
  3. Tim Hortons (Canada)
  4. Trade Joe’s
  5. Turkish retail banking: comparison of drivers of satisfaction and share of wallet; description of; satisfaction, NPS, and share of wallet for
  6. Türkiye is Bankasi (I0015 Bank) [Turkey]


  1. UK Payments Council
  2. The Ultimate Question (Reichheld)
  3. United Kingdom retail banking: analysis of Lloyds TSB customers ; characteristics of; Current Account Switch Guarantee impact on the
  4. U.S. credit union customers: drivers of share of deposits for retail banks by; relationship of various metrics to share of deposits by; study on usage by (2012); top driver of rank for
  5. U.S. credit unions: description of; low fees of; NPS of; Wallet Allocation Rule score of
  6. U.S. Department of Defense
  7. Usage: description of; strategy to increase


  1. Van Doorn, Jenny
  2. Vanderbilt University
  3. Vavra, Terry G.
  4. Verizon


  1. Wallace Company
  2. Wallard, Henri
  3. Wallet Allocation Rule advantages of applying the; average number of brands used to track; barriers to share of wallet under the; as the “best” metric; on buying decision being based on brand vis-à-vis competitive alternatives; correlations between share of wallet and; cross-cultural application of; customer-centric perspective of the; customer satisfaction put in competitive context using the; discovery of the; Disruptive Innovation award for; formula for calculating; for identifying opportunities to expand share of wallet; key drivers to share of wallet under the; linking satisfaction and share of wallet using the; as not being a panacea; performance standards required for effective; ramifications for managers of the; strategic issues of the; Zipf’s law foundation of. See also Customer satisfaction metrics
  4. Wallet Allocation Rule data issues: inputting erroneous values; measuring the wrong brands; measuring the wrong people; measuring the wrong things
  5. Wallet Allocation Rule implementation: circumstances leading to; disruptive innovation and benefits of; Rule 1: get the data right for; Rule 2: set the right performance standards for
  6. Wallet Allocation Rule practice cases: in Canadian quick-serve restuarant (QSR) market ; cross-cultural application of; grocer case study of; in pharmacy retailing in Chile; steps for applying the; in UK retail banking market; in U.S. credit unions. See also Competitors; Customer satisfaction
  7. Wallet Allocation Rule steps: 1: survey customers on their regular brand use; 2: gauge
  8. satisfaction for each brand used; 3: calculate brand-level share of wallet
  9. Wallet Allocation Rule/share of wallet correlations: changes and predicted changes in individual wallet share; by firm/brand preference and number of competitors; pattern of rank and wallet share; research findings on the. See also Share of wallet
  10. Walmart: comparing same store sales of Target and; low ACSI scores and dominant market share of; as mass market brand; Mexican grocery market share held by; Project Impact and loss of sales by; same-store sales increases (2008) experienced by; stores in Brazil
  11. The Washington Post
  12. Wendy’s
  13. Whole Foods
  14. Wolf, Linda
  15. Word of mouth


  1. Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi (Yapi Kredi) [Turkey]


  1. Zahorik, Anthony J.
  2. “Zero Defections: Quality Comes to Services” (Reichheld and Sasser)
  3. Zipf, George Kingsley
  4. Zipf’s law
  5. Ziraat Bank (Turkey)
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