Chapter 34. Quality counts: more isn’t always merrier

When you first catch social networking fever, you’re likely to become enamored with what this collaborative tool can do for your career, your business, and your life. But remember, with social networking, quality counts more than quantity. In other words, don’t sign up at every social networking site you find. Be strategic. Find the one—or two or three—that meets your goals, and focus your efforts there.

Hundreds of social networking sites exist, and more are launched every day. Whether you’re looking for a general site that attracts millions per day or a niche site that focuses on a target audience, you’re likely to find a social networking site that’s just right for you and meets your exact needs.

Keep in mind that the type of social networking that pays off in positive results takes time. That’s why it’s important not to let social networking fever compel you to sign up at every site you come across. You have to invest in establishing your presence and nurturing your network on your chosen sites. Large organizations may have a staff dedicated to developing an online presence, but most busy individuals just don’t have the time to devote that many hours a week to social networking.

As you research and plan your social networking strategy, you should identify no more than three top sites to focus on. If you’re really pressed for time, focus on the single top site. Avoid the temptation to feel that you must establish a presence on each of the largest social networking sites. If they don’t suit your needs, you’ll waste your time—even on a site that draws millions a day. If you’re looking for dog lovers, a million cat lovers a day won’t do you any good.

By focusing on quality rather than quantity, you’re far more likely to stick with your social networking campaign and see it pay off in the results you want to achieve. Efficient time management is key, even with a manageable number of sites to focus on. Here are five tips to help you make the best use of the time you devote to social networking:

  • Focus on strategic objectives—One hour of strategic time spent on social networking can be worth far more than ten hours of aimless surfing on social networking sites. Based on your strategic plan, focus on the areas where you’re going to see the biggest payoff. This may be obvious right from the beginning, or it may take time to see where you’re getting the best results. But once you notice a success pattern, keep up your efforts in that area. In addition, if something doesn’t pay off after a while, stop wasting valuable time pursuing it and invest your time in another direction.

  • Have a schedule—Carve out a special time and day to devote to social networking. This could be 15 minutes every morning or a single hour on Friday afternoon. Social networking success doesn’t come with a one-time effort. If you’re committed to success, you must participate on a regular basis, whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly. Make your participation in social networking part of your regular calendar, just like any other business task you need to accomplish.

  • Be realistic—As wonderful as social networking is, it’s unlikely to be the top priority in anyone’s life. If you know that you’re already working 70 hours a week, scheduling 10 hours a week on social networking isn’t realistic. Focus on a more realistic schedule. Alternatively, if you want to make a big PR splash on several sites, a few hours a month won’t generate much buzz. Be realistic in matching your schedule to your goals or make some adjustments to one or the other if there’s a mismatch. In addition, even though a set schedule is bound to increase your chances of success, know that there will be times you’ll have to deviate from it.

  • Get help—If social networking is a priority for you or your business, but time is an issue, consider outsourcing some of the routine tasks. An assistant or intern can often handle the day-to-day activities while you focus on strategy. Or if your goal is generating buzz rather than developing a personal network, consider handing off an entire social networking campaign to a consultant. Numerous companies and individuals offer comprehensive programs that will get you up and running in no time. If you do choose to outsource, be sure to clearly articulate your goals and expectations. Remember that even if you’re not doing the work, it’s your name, or your company’s name, that appears on these sites, and you’re ultimately responsible for your own positive image online.

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