
ability, 3335, 46, 4950, 54, 5658, 62, 73, 76, 85; underrating of, 5354, 144145; underperformance, 7677

achievement, 54

accommodating style, 52, 59, 63, 73

affirmation, 2728, 43, 46, 55, 87

age, 36, 41, 5556, 65, 85, 329330, agenda setting, 243245, 350

Albright, Madeleine, 143, 337

assertiveness: assertive style, 47, 5253, 5862, 308; effects of, 203; in women, 5862, 165166

Atkeson, Lonna Rae, 22, 38, 40, 42, 49, 64, 279

authoritative acts, 59, 85, 115

authoritative representation, 317318

authority, 12, 5, 18, 2527, 33, 115, 307; entitlement to, 51, 85; factors contributing to level of, 23, 25, 4243, 88, 115, 130, 137

authority gender gap, 1, 2223, 25, 27, 4243, 53, 55, 58, 71, 138139, 151

average participation, 1; per capita participation, 101102

Ban, Radu, 1416, 361362

Brady, Henry, 10, 3334, 36, 3841, 58, 164

Bryan, Frank, 11, 15, 97, 110, 113, 114

Burns, Nancy, 3, 9, 19, 2223, 3439, 4142, 4849, 80, 8286, 116, 141, 170, 194, 276278, 320, 354

“care” issues, 173186, 189193, 199, 267270, 318, 386388, 404. See also poor and needy

“care” words, 173175, 180, 183191, 196, 198, 375, 377

Chambers, Simone, 24, 26, 29, 238

charities, 3536, 4142, 239

cheap talk, 314

Christie, Chris, 8, 10

churches, 9, 4041, 72, 81, 111

civic associations, 9, 14, 2223, 43, 81, 8384, 170, 300; women’s organizations, 8286. See also intergroup civic dialogue; public meetings

civility, 234236

class, 31, 40, 66, 235, 307, 328239

Clinton, Hillary, 33, 47, 335336

comfort with disagreement, 27, 58, 6566, 162163, 334, 368. See also conflict aversion.

communication styles, 2627, 5960, 68, 205, 308; of women, 205, 321322; community, 319321; competence, 22, 2729, 47, 54, 57. See also assertive

competence: perceptions of, 59, 7072, 74, 166; self-perceptions of, 42, 55, 71, 76

competition, 57, 6264, 71; competitive norm, 9092, 171

confidence, 226227, 245248, 270, 309, 312313; confidence gap, 54, 57, 6263, 70, 144, 155; confidence index, 368; increase of, 245248; self-confidence, 44, 5358, 76, 117, 147148, 150151, 154162, 165. See also income redistribution experiment

conflict: conflictual environments or settings, 45, 6365, 9092, 146, 321

conflict aversion (or aversion to conflict), 53, 6265, 79, 146147, 162163

confrontation, 59, 346. See also conflict

consensus 6365, 8893, 95; consensual norms 95, 171, 205

cooperation, 6365, 6768, 79, 93, 95, 167; cooperative norms, 59, 77, 8990, 92, 171, 319

critical mass theory, 1519, 303, 315

culture, 63, 66, 330332; gendered cultures, 27, 29, 7980, 205. See also masculine styles; feminine styles; gendered roles

de Beauvoir, Simone, 1

decision rule, 2931, 75, 8896, 124, 129130, 137138, 140142, 155156, 196, 205206, 309313; changes in behavior, 233; effects of, 88, 122, 213218, 244245, 251260, 372, 396; gender composition, 311; majority decision rule, 30, 8894, 118122, 126129, 132133, 136138, 142, 155, 159160, 165166, 179182, 187189, 195, 206, 309313, 379383; proportion talk, 370371; relation to interruptions, 205206, 209218; unanimous decision rule, 2930, 8895, 118119, 121122, 126130, 132133, 136138, 142, 159161, 165166, 171172, 179182, 187189, 195, 205206, 247, 309311, 384385

deliberation, 1819, 2429, 104105, 119; civility in, 234235; conditions of, 270272, 307

deliberative democracy, 236, 256, 272, 356358; deliberative design, 88, 116; democratic deliberation, 5, 9, 14, 2021, 24, 65, 67, 139141, 196; enclave deliberation, 81; female preferences for, 69, 146; inequality in, 114116, 139141; influence of justice concepts, 240272; norms, 9091, 111, 130, 140141, 165; potential of, 305306; preconditions for, 2425, 81; reciprocity, 234235; recommendations for equal, 141, 195196

Deliberative Justice Experiment, 97113; analysis method, 108109; comments of participants, 105106; conditions of, 98, 107109, 324325; deliberation in, 104107; description of, 102108, 111112; implications of, 341347, 354356; limitations of, 326328; unanimous rule, 342347

democracy, 22, 2829, 81, 115116, 139, 303, 305307, 357358; adversary, 236238; unitary, 237238

disadvantaged groups, 10, 15, 20, 2527, 31, 8183, 142, 198, 234, 341

descriptive representation, 1114, 16, 2122, 116, 142, 168, 174175, 197, 298299, 317318

different perspectives welcome, 192, 369

discussion facilitators. See moderators

dominance, 60, 66, 73, 78, 207

duty, 3637, 42, 316

Eagly, Alice, 19, 23, 5152, 5963, 6567, 6970, 7273, 78, 116, 148

economic inequality, 169, 240, 251252. See also income redistribution experiment.

education, 35, 3940, 4344, 86, 164, 324, 328329, 328329; as a women’s issue, 170, 182184, 276278, 320; classroom setting, 34, 64, 7980

efficacy, 37, 131133, 139, 145, 192193, 225227. See also confidence

efficiency hypothesis, 119, 124126, 136, 140

egalitarianism, 99, 119, 149, 153, 172, 183, 313314, 333, 362, 367; egalitarianism index, 367; egalitarians, 108, 179, 185; gender-egalitarian condition, 175178, 212213; gender-inegalitarian condition, 175177, 191, 211212; individual egalitarianism, 108, 131, 179, 182, 186; saturated egalitarianism, 124, 182, 186, 209

elaborated interruption, See interruptions

elaborations, 207208, 218222

elites, 10, 20, 334341

empathy, 19, 28, 65, 90, 368; empathetic engagement, 28, 140141, 147155, 162164

empowerment, 8587, 9394, 132133, 196, 245, 254272

enclave hypothesis, 75, 8081, 8788, 95, 117118, 128130, 171, 311312

enclaves, 31, 8187, 138, 160, 180182, 196, 226, 353356; effects of, 127130, 225, 234238, 331; rapport in, 229231; nonexperimental, 111, 297298, 339. See also gender composition

engagement. See political participation

equal disadvantage hypothesis, 117, 127128, 138

equality ratio, 284296, 301302

external validity, 31, 100, 110113, 273274

femininity: behavioral norms, 5253, 5961, 63, 66; communication style, 17, 20, 27, 47, 5961, 6566, 77, 79, 336; habits of mind, 19, 23, 26

“financial” issues, 47, 60, 170171, 175, 186190, 268269, 335, 377, 386387

“financial” words, 173175, 180181, 186191, 335, 375, 377

Fishkin, James, 14, 2425, 119, 305, 357

floor constraint, 103104, 106107, 241. See also income redistribution experiment

floor income, 241. See also income redistribution experiment

floor time, 10, 11, 114116, 205, 217, 266; talk time, 25, 73, 115119, 124131, 139141, 151; proportion talk, 11, 119134, 152162, 228, 255258, 370371

frequency, definition of, 174

friendship, 2728, 9091, 146, 236, 339

Gandhi, Indira, 78, 334, 336

Gastil, John, 3, 6, 14, 69, 8893, 111, 237, 305306, 349350, 359, 363

gender, 2, 77, 95, 99100, 203, 313314; differences in, 19, 5253, 65, 150152, 242; inequality of, 56, 1119, 23, 101, 273, 324, 332333. See also inequality

gender composition, 5152, 6987, 110111, 117, 122126, 138, 155156, 275, 317; as a factor in deliberation, 138, 140143; effects of, 34, 9395, 298299, 372, 376, 400, 403; equality ratio, 405; predominantly women, 7879, 81, 8687; predominantly men, 7880, 87, 165; single-gender groups. See enclaves; mixed-gender groups; 8485, 87, 110, 127, 130, 133, 158160, 302. See also school board study

gender gap, 3536, 42, 307, 316, 373; gender gap in speech participation, 1, 30, 38, 88, 94, 120127, 135138, 151; gender gap in influence, 1, 23, 3233, 47, 94, 116, 135138; school board study, 299300

gender-egalitarian condition, See also egalitarianism, 175177, 212

gender-inegalitarian condition, See also egalitarianism, 175176, 191, 211

gendered institutions, 315318

gendered norms, 19, 23, 27, 52, 63, 66, 71, 7778, 85, 314318; gendered speech, 58, 85; of interaction, 7780, 95, 316; socialization, 61, 63, 95, 100, 279, 338; violations of, 5961, 144, 308, 316317

gender role theory, 5253, 62, 88, 116122, 127128, 138, 171172, 309315; gender(ed) roles, 2, 23, 42, 48, 52, 66, 144, 166, 200, 276

gender tokens, 18, 117118, 126128, 138, 217, 281282, 295, 304

Gini coefficient, 127, 129, 293, 371

group composition, See gender composition

group generosity, 30, 239272; minimum guaranteed income, 107, 240, 257, 263, 314. See also income redistribution experiment

group norms, 4, 88, 117, 147, 269

groups, 34, 6970, 75, 109, 111

Habermas, Jürgen (Habermasian), 24, 26, 81, 238

Huddy, Leonie, 1920, 47, 65, 194, 209

impostor syndrome, 54

income redistribution experiment, 240242, 315; agenda setting, 243245, 397; conditions of, 262263; effects of decision rule, 248260; empowerment, 244245, 246, 249, 254260, 270272; expressed preferences, 249, 256260, 265; influence of women, 260267; preferences for generosity, 251260, 262, 269270, 399401, 404; results of, 242248, 251262, 264272

inequality: differences in expertise, 323; gender inequality, 71, 99, 101, 234, 273304, 332334; gender quota laws and regulations, 12, 16

influence, 30, 33, 51, 59, 7274, 90, 114, 133; attempts to exert, 59; affects of low, 172; factors in level of, 5960, 139; perceived influence, 116, 130137, 139, 191193; self-assessments, 130133, 191192; group assessments 130133, 137, 191192

institutions (rules and procedures of group interaction), 88, 95, 113, 118, 130, 141, 197; structuring of, 50

interaction: See communication styles

interaction hypothesis, 9394, 118, 120122, 124, 126, 128, 135, 137, 172, 300303

intergroup civic dialogue, 301; effects of gender composition in, 301303; equality ratio, 301; fostering inclusion and support in, 301, 303; results of, 301303; speaking turns in, 301

internal validity, 100, 168

interpersonal support, 204205. See also solidarity

interruptions, 201202, 309, 312, 392; effects of, 204205, 222228, 231233; elaborated, 207208, 218222, 229231; functions of, 201202, 204, 232; meaning of, 202204; measurement of, 206209, 209210; negative, 7879, 201, 207, 209213, 229231, 311, 312, 393, 394395; neutral, 207, 229231; positive, 85, 201204, 207, 226228, 229231, 233, 313, 394395; relation of to decision rule, 205206; similarities to volubility, 202; studies of, 204205

intersubjectivity, 24

Kahn, Kim, 47

Kathlene, Lyn, 17, 21, 64, 67, 80, 111, 146, 198, 200, 203204, 232, 316, 360

Lawless, Jennifer, 21, 45, 47, 54, 57, 58, 145, 203, 352

leadership: effects of leadership position, 282; female leaders, 78, 82, 144; leader or leaders, 1112, 34, 85; leadership behavior, 38, 5253, 54, 71, 84; perceptions of, 7273; seeking of leadership roles, 4546, 48, 5758; styles of, 67

liberalism, 100, 108, 132n32, 163164, 166, 169, 196197, 313314

Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count software (LIWC), 174, 184, 389390

majority rule, See decision rule

Mansbridge, Jane, xv, 10, 11, 13, 2022, 2526, 68, 88, 9092, 115, 142, 144146, 197, 203, 236237, 317, 325, 346348, 354, 357358, 364

masculine: masculine styles, 21, 33, 47, 5253, 5960, 6566, 7778, 94, 165, 308; masculine subjects, 116

maximize the floor, 103

media, 4648, 81

mediation, 137138, 225, 267

Meir, Golda, 78, 334, 336

men, 116; confidence of, 159151, 156, 158159, 165; effects of women’s participation on, 318319; overconfidence in, 54, 63, 144; perceptions of, 116, 166; political priorities of, 170171; type of speech, 188

mention, definition of, 174

Merkel, Angela, 334, 336, 337

minimum guaranteed income, 240, 396. See also income redistribution experiment

minority status hypothesis, 7477, 80, 8788, 9495, 117118, 120, 122, 135

moderators, 302, 347350

motions. See school board study

motivation, 29, 3334, 37, 4046, 50, 51

my voice heard, 192, 369

my voice was influential, See influence

negative feedback, 5557, 145, 149, 159162, 166; negative quiz feedback, 149, 159, 160, 165166

no taxes or redistribution, 103. See also income redistribution experiment

norms of interaction, 7780, 165, 316

opinions: expression of, 38, 4142, 70, 8486, 147148

opportunity, 43, 4950, 51

perceived influence, 2324, 38, 72

PEW Research Survey, 240n4

political information or knowledge, 37, 40, 4243

political participation, 1011, 15, 2022, 3435, 65, 279; activism, 170; authoritative acts, 39, 72; contributing money, 37; meeting attendance, 1114, 38, 110111, 113, 164; party affiliation, 16; pathways to, 3940, 43, 49; proselytizing, 49, 80; resources, 33, 37, 3942; political standing, 2223, 139; running for office, 4445, 57, 80, 82; serving in office, 11, 2022, 4447, 72, 110, 198, socialization effect, 279; voting, 33, 3536, 38, 86, 133134

poor or needy, 2, 3, 20, 30, 99, 104, 168171, 173, 188189, 194198. See also income redistribution experiment; words associated with, 389390

postdeliberation survey, 367369, 396. See income redistribution survey

power: See authority

predeliberation preferences, 313, 367368, 396. See also income redistribution survey

preferences hypothesis, 123126, 135, 140

preference minorities, 89, 93, 310

presidential candidacies, 47, 80

priorities: issue priorities, 1617, 1920, 26, 30, 67, 166, 168170, 172173, 189191, 195198

problem-solving, 62, 140141

procedural rules, See decision rule

PROPA (Private Roots of Public Action), 34, 37, 83, 86, 278

proportion talk, 11, 99, 120122, 124128, 131, 134, 151, 223, 227228, 268; effects of liberalism on, 374

prosociality, 147148, 167168

public discussion or talk (speaking), 43, 52, 81, 84, 114, 133

public meetings, 811, 23, 38, 112113, 145146, 164, 305306; devaluation of women, 307308; examples of, 17; importance of, 306; underrepresentation of women, 1416

public talk, 305, 329, 31, 37, 40, 85, 111112, 169

race, 31, 112, 301303, 328329

range constraint, 103104, 106107, 241. See also income redistribution experiment

Rawlsian theory of justice, 241

reciprocity, 234235

recorded comments. See school board study

recorded seconds (to a motion). See school board study

redistribution, 99, 119, 123, 194. See also income redistribution experiment; principles of, 103106, 241

representation: equalization of, 234

resilience, 56, 159, 161, 166

Ridgeway, Cecilia, 5253, 59, 6971, 73, 78, 84, 116, 166, 202203, 316317

“rich” issues, 173, 180

“rich” words, 180181, 375, 390392

rules, See decision rule

safety net, 103, 106, 240241, 253, 255256, 259, 261263, 264, 266, 270, 318

Sapiro, Virginia, xvi, 19, 42, 47, 70, 142, 150, 169, 235, 335

satisfaction with discussion, 89

Schlozman, Kay Lehman, 9, 10, 19, 2223, 33, 3442, 4849, 58, 80, 8283, 8486, 116, 141, 164, 170, 194, 276278, 320, 354

school boards, 31, 112113, 273278, 313; agenda issues, 276278; decision making, 275; gender composition, 275278, 405; general information, 275276; power of, 275276

school board study, 274, 280300; board composition, 284, 324; effects of deliberative conditions, 297; effects of gender composition, 283300; effects of gender enclaves, 296298; equality ratio, 284, 288; formal leadership, 274, 282, 287, 288295, 304; gender composition, 280283, 324; gender gap, 299300; gender tokens, 295, 304; men at a disadvantage, 287; motions, 283, 284289; participation equality, 284, 286, 290, 298, 304; procedures of, 280283; recorded comments, 283, 284289; results of, 274275, 284300, 303304; seconds, 283, 295296; speaking turns, 285, 289; talk time, 297; verbal participation, 283; women at a disadvantage, 286287

self-efficacy, 22, 2728, 44, 54, 56, 131132, 145

self-effacement: behavior, 6061; statements, 4546

self-regulation, 236

sex, See gender

“silent sex”, 1, 29, 3233, 143, 165, 275

sociability, 202

social connections: social bonds, 27, 53, 65, 6768, 146147; sense of community, 6768, 94, 146

social cues, 66, 145, 147

social sanctions or dislike, 5961, 144

social identity minorities, 8990, 93, 118, 139

social rapport, 2728, 79, 203, 321322; instead of civility, 236; relation to enclaves, 229

socialization, 19, 59, 65, 79

solidarity, 28, 87, 95, 201, 204205, 212. See also interpersonal support.

speaking turns, 1011, 208231, 273274, 284302, 329333, 366

speech: as a status indicator, 201, 202203; dimensions of, 201; formal speech, 58, 95; speaking behavior, 4345, 58, 99, 114, 130, 133, 137, 142144; political participation, 279; public speaking, 58, 70

speech participation, See speech and gender gap

status, 1, 5, 22, 2325, 28, 7071, 202203; inequality, 7374, 77, 115, 139, 156159, 163, 166, 202; relation to authority, 133, 202204

stereotypes, 76, 117, 139; female, 22, 23, 4748, 56, 5860, 6667, 74, 77, 144, 165166; male, 47, 5556, 72, 77, 116

stereotype threat, 48, 7577

substantive representation, 16, 2021, 74, 77, 168, 175, 189, 193, 195196; numbers not determinant of, 1618, 29, 4749, 52, 279, 282, 317318

symbolic representation, 16, 2122, 4849, 74, 200, 279, 309, 317318

talk time, 227, 312. See also proportion talk

Tannen, Deborah, 58, 79, 201202, 205, 236

Thatcher, Margaret, 20, 78, 334, 336, 339

TM module, 174

Tocqueville, 9, 30, 234, 236n40, 305, 306, 307, 356

unanimous rule, See decision rule

unelaborated interruption, See interruptions

validation, 227

Verba, Sidney, 3, 910, 19, 2223, 3342, 4849, 54, 58, 80, 82, 83, 8486, 116, 141, 164, 170, 194, 276278, 320, 354

violated entitlement hypothesis, 117, 127128, 138

visibility, 4849

voice, 114116, 141144, 164, 166, 195197; gender gap, 85, 190, 198; lack of, 35; relation to authority, 25, 139; women’s voice, 182, 184, 190193,

volubility, 308

volunteerism, 33

Wald test, 220

women: disempowerment of, 313; effect on men, 239240; empowerment of, 278280; inclusion of, 236; influence of, 308; low confidence of, 226; participation of, 315318; effects on men, 318319; preferences in deliberation, 6465, 119; preferences of, 319321; representation of, 315318; underrepresentation of, 307; women’s issues, 193195, 274, 276278, 319321

workplace, 1213, 35, 55, 61, 74, 84

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