
In business today no matter what our job title the ability to present a message to a group of people is something we all have to do in one form or another.

The reality is engineers don’t just deal with machines and models, accountants don’t just deal with numbers and solicitors don’t just deal with legislation. We need to present to our co-workers and managers. We need to go out into the world and present ourselves and our ideas to audiences such as clients, groups or agencies.

We need to know how to present with impact to do this effectively.

For a presenter to succeed he or she must figure out how to get the information out of their mind to the people in the audience in a way they will understand, remember and even act on. This is the skill of presenting.

This is the skill you may not have been taught despite graduating from a top university, having a 25-year career under your belt or acquiring a very impressive job title.

This is a skill you can acquire now using the Audience Focused Presenting three-step method.

Don’t let yourself down when you stand up to speak.

Great presenters are created, not born.

Good luck out there.

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