If you do not have the time or budget to conduct a full neuromarketing evaluation, we recommend that you at least score your messages by using 24 questions. Each question has already been tested to assess and improve hundreds of ads. The purpose of this simplified tool is to identify the messages that have little chance of triggering the bottom‐up effect. For practical purposes, let's pretend that you are assessing the quality of the home page of your website. Here are the questions you can use to assess how well you are using the six stimuli to communicate your value proposition in ways that make your message optimized for the primal brain.


Personal (P)

1. Is your message clearly reawakening the customer's frustrations or threats solved by the product or service you offer?
2. Is the copy focusing on the customer (“you”) instead of focusing on the company or product?
3. Are the consequences of not overcoming the pain/frustrations clearly identified (loss of money, higher risk, psychological stress, etc.)?
4. Is the message stressing the urgency of solving the pains?

Contrastable (C)

1. Is the message using claims?
2. Is it clear that each claim is going to eliminate or treat a specific pain?
3. Are the claims helping you create sharp contrast, such as “before and after”?
4. Are the benefits/claims truly unique or original?

Tangible (T)

1. Is the value of each claim/core benefit demonstrated or proven with credible customer stories, demos, data or vision?
2. Are there analogies or metaphors designed to reduce cognitive effort to believe in the benefit of each claim?
3. To which extent is it possible to understand the value of the solution or product in less than five seconds?
4. Overall, is the message designed to be grasped with limited cognitive load (more visuals and less text)?

Memorable (M)

1. Are the claims easy to remember?
2. Is the message using no more than three claims?
3. Are claims repeated more than once?
4. Is there an effort made to simplify and accelerate the decision to choose the product or solution proposed?

Visual (V)

1. Is the page visually salient (using elements with sharp and clear visual definition, limited number of colors and well defined contours)?
2. Is there at least one strong visual presenting the value of the solution from the perspective of a customer?
3. Is the home page more than 70% visual?
4. Overall, can the overall value of the solution be understood without reading any text or thinking a lot?

Emotional (E)

1. Is the message seeking first to attract attention from the primal brain rather than explaining (bottom‐up effect)?
2. Is there a clear call to action to move toward closing a transaction?
3. Is there a big emotional lift from the reenactment of the threat/frustration (pain) to the liberation of such pain?
4. Does the final part of the message create anticipation?

Get your NeuroScore by using the following table:

P Is your message clearly reawakening the customer's frustrations or threats solved by the product or service you offer? Yes = 10 / No = 0 Report Your Score Below
Circle Your Grade
40 = A
30 = B
20 = C
10 = D
0 = F
P Is the copy focusing on the customer (“you”) or instead focusing on the company or product? Yes = 10 / No = 0
P Are the consequences of not overcoming the pain/frustrations clearly identified (loss of money, higher risk, psychological stress, etc.)? Yes = 10 / No = 0
P Is the message stressing the urgency of solving the pains? Yes = 10 / No = 0
C Is the message using claims? Yes = 10 / No = 0 Report Your Score Below
Circle Your Grade
40 = A
30 = B
20 = C
10 = D
0 = F
C Is it clear that each claim is going to eliminate or treat a specific pain? Yes = 10 / No = 0
C Are the claims helping you create sharp contrast as “before and after”? Yes = 10 / No = 0
C Are the benefits/claims truly unique or original? Yes = 10 / No = 0
T Is the value of each claim/core benefit demonstrated or proven with credible customer stories, demos, data or vision? Yes = 10 / No = 0 Report Your Score Below
Circle Your Grade
40 = A
30 = B
20 = C
10 = D
0 = F
T Are there analogies or metaphors designed to reduce cognitive effort to believe in the benefit of each claim? Yes = 10 / No = 0
T Is it possible to understand the value of the solution or product in less than five seconds? Yes = 10 / No = 0
T Overall, is the message designed to be grasped with limited cognitive load (more visuals and less text)? Yes = 10 / No = 0
M Are the claims easy to remember? Yes = 10 / No = 0 Report Your Score Below
Circle Your Grade
40 = A
30 = B
20 = C
10 = D
0 = F
M Is the message using no more than three claims? Yes = 10 / No = 0
M Are claims repeated more than once? Yes = 10 / No = 0
M Is there an effort made to simplify and accelerate the decision to choose the product or solution proposed? Yes = 10 / No = 0
V Is the page visually salient (using elements with sharp visual definition, limited number of colors and clear contours)? Yes = 10 / No = 0 Report Your Score Below
Circle Your Grade
40 = A
30 = B
20 = C
10 = D
0 = F
V Is there at least one strong visual presenting the value of the solution from the perspective of a customer? Yes = 10 / No = 0
V Is the home page more than 70% visual? Yes = 10 / No = 0
V Overall, can the overall value of the solution be understood without reading any text or thinking too much? Yes = 10 / No = 0
E Is the message seeking first to attract attention from the primal brain rather than explain (bottom‐up effect)? Yes = 10 / No = 0 Report Your Score Below
Circle Your Grade
40 = A
30 = B
20 = C
10 = D
0 = F
E Is there a clear call to action to move toward closing a transaction? Yes = 10 / No = 0
E Is there a big emotional lift from the re‐enactment of the threat/frustration (pain) to the liberation of such pain? Yes = 10 / No = 0
E Does the end of the message create anticipation? Yes = 10 / No = 0

Finally, compute your NeuroMap score by using this next table:

NeuroMap score icon. Stimulus Points Persuasive Impact
A 200–240 Your message is very persuasive.
B 160–199 Your message is moderately persuasive.
C 120–159 Your message is neutral.
F <120 Your message does not persuade.

Once you have scored each stimulus, you can use the following table to summarize your grades.


Finally, you can use the NeuroQuadrants map to figure out how you can improve the overall bottom‐up effect or your message. To determine in which NeuroQuadrant your message is likely to fall in, use the following table.

If Your Average Grade For Then Your Message Is in NeuroQuadrant Grade Average is Grade Grade Grade
P and C P and C is less than B 3 (Neutral) A/B C or less A/B A/B
T T and M is less than B 4, 1, or 2 A/B Any C or less A/B
V V and E is less than B 4, 1, or 2 A/B Any Any C or less
NeuroQuadrant 1 3 4 2

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