

  • achievement orientation
  • Achor, Shawn
  • adaptability
  • advanced-level training
    • brutal, compassionate honesty
    • fearlessness
    • foundation of awareness (“best movie ever” exercise)
    • investigation of phenomena
    • listening
    • managing change
    • power of doing nothing
    • sensing opportunity
    • transformation with
  • Allen, Micah
  • American Mindfulness Research Association
  • amygdala
  • Anderson, Abraham
  • anger
  • anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
  • archetype, of innovators
  • Aristotle
  • attitude shift
    • beginner's mind and
    • default mode network (DMN) for
    • egoic thinking and
    • example
    • as intentional
    • mindful self-awareness for
  • auto-pilot mode, freedom from


  • basal-ganglia-thalamocortical loops
  • Beaudoin, Raymond O.
  • beginners, mind of
  • Beijing Normal University
  • belongings, respect for
  • Bio-Bus
  • body
    • awareness of
    • identity and
    • mind-body problem (mind-brain problem)
  • Bornemann, Boris
  • Boyatzis, Richard
  • brain. See Neuro Notes; neuroscience research
  • breaks, need for
  • breathing
    • “in”/”out” (for sitting still exercise)
    • for mastering emotion
  • Brefczynski-Lewis, Julie
  • Bristol airport (UK)
  • Bristol Cognitive Development Center (University of Bristol)
  • business acumen
    • cognitive bias
    • example
    • illusion of control bias
    • logic bias
    • mental agility for
    • mindful self-awareness for decision making
    • reaction time bias
    • status quo bias


  • Campbell, Joseph
  • Campbell Soup Company
  • Camp Pendleton (U.S. Marine Corp)
  • Case Western Reserve
  • caudate
  • change, managing
  • character. See Foundations of Wisdom
  • cingulate cortex
    • anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
    • dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC)
    • posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)
  • coaching
  • cognitive bias
  • Cohn, Jeffrey
  • comfort level, habits and
  • communication
    • conflict management
    • empathy in
    • expressing opinions
    • skillfulness of
    • speaking to be helpful
    • using electronic devices
  • Company F, U.S. Army
  • comparative thinking
  • compassion
    • character and
    • emotion regulation and
    • empathy compared to
    • honesty and
    • innovation and
    • kindness of
    • leadership and compassion training
    • meaning and
    • for serving others
  • Conant, Douglas
  • conditioning
    • freedom from
    • as habitual thinking
  • Condon, Paul
  • conflict management
  • conformity, need for
  • consumption, wise
  • control, of emotion
  • core values
  • counting exercise
  • Covey, Stephen R.
  • creativity
    • egoic perspective and
    • innovation and
  • curiosity


  • Dancing Wu Li Masters, The (Zukav)
  • Davidson, Richard
  • decision making
  • default mode network (DMN)
    • brain anatomy
    • defined
    • mind wandering due to
    • objective view of self
    • present-moment awareness practice
  • Desbordes, Gaëlle
  • desire, recognizing
  • DeSteno, Dave
  • dictator game
  • diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)
  • discomfort, habits and
  • distraction, freedom from
  • doing nothing, power of
  • dorsal affect processing system
  • dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC)
  • dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC)
  • dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC)
  • Draganski, Bogdan


  • economic games
    • dictator game
    • ultimatum game
  • education, business acumen and
  • egoic thinking
    • conditioning and habitual thinking
    • default mode network (DMN)
    • ego, defined
    • selfishness and negative emotions
  • Einstein, Albert
  • electroencephalography (EEG)
  • electronic devices
  • emotion
    • emotional resilience
    • emotional self-awareness
    • emotional self-control
    • happiness
    • lateralization hypothesis of emotions
    • reducing emotional interference
    • regulation of
    • See also emotion, mastering; emotional intelligence
  • emotion, mastering
    • overview
    • reducing time to resolve unpleasant emotions
    • SCIL (Stop, Control and name, Investigate, Look deeply) technique
  • emotional intelligence
    • body awareness and
    • Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI)
    • improving
    • in leaders
    • self-awareness for
  • empathy
    • in communication
    • compassion compared to
    • for innovating
    • organizational climate and
  • engineers, women as
  • eudemonic well-being
  • European Institute for Business Administration (INSEAD)


  • Farb, Norman
  • fearlessness
  • fight-or-flight response
  • flow state
  • focus
  • foundation of awareness (“best movie ever” exercise)
  • Foundations of Wisdom
    • generosity
    • integrity
    • kindness
    • overview
    • personal core values
    • skillful communication
    • wise consumption
  • Fox, Kieran
  • Frankl, Viktor
  • functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)


  • Gallup
  • Gard, Tim
  • Gates, Bill
  • gender, career choice and
  • generosity
  • Gilbert, Dan
  • GoldieBlox
  • Goleman, Daniel
  • Google
  • Grant, Joshua
  • gray matter (brain), defined


  • habits
    • brain as habitual machine
    • conditioning and
    • deviating from comfort level
    • formation of
    • mindfulness as ultimate success habit
  • happiness
    • enjoying pleasantness versus suffering
    • example
    • as good for business performance
    • mindfulness for
    • present moment awareness as first step to unconditional happiness
    • serving others for
    • study of
    • as unconditional
  • Happiness Advantage, The (Achor)
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Harvard University
  • Hay Group
  • hedonic well-being
  • Hoge, Liz
  • Hölzel, Britta
  • honesty
  • Hood, Bruce
  • hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis


  • identity
  • illusion, perception and
  • illusion of control bias
  • implicit learning
  • inferior frontal gyrus (IFG)
  • influence
  • inner voice, for mastering emotion
  • innovation
    • empathy and
    • example
    • innovator archetype
    • resilience for
  • “in”/”out” breathing exercise
  • “inside”/”outside” of mind
  • inspirational leadership
  • insula
    • brain anatomy
    • effect of mindfulness on
    • emotional intelligence and
    • mindfulness-related brain activity in
  • integrity
  • intelligence
    • emotional intelligence
    • mindfulness for improving
  • intention
  • investigation
    • of emotion
    • of phenomena
  • Ireland, Tom


  • James, William
  • Jha, Amishi
  • Johnson, Douglas
  • juggling training


  • Kabat-Zinn, Jon
  • Kahneman, Daniel
  • Katzenbach, Jon R.
  • Killingsworth, Matthew
  • Kilner, Sachne
  • kindness
  • Kirk, Ulrich
  • Klein, Miriam C.
  • Klimecki, Olga
  • knowledge, wisdom versus,
  • “Knowledge, the” (London taxi cab training)
  • Kong, Feng
  • Kozasa, Elisa
  • Kripalu Yoga


  • lateralization hypothesis of emotions
  • lateral prefrontal cortex
  • Lazar, Sara
  • leadership presence
    • authenticity of
    • business acumen relationship to
    • emotional intelligence of leaders
    • enjoying pleasantness versus suffering
    • example
    • fearlessness for
    • importance of
    • improving emotional intelligence for
    • liberation from suffering
    • mindful self-awareness as skill for
    • overview
    • pressure of
    • recognizing desire and
    • root cause of suffering
    • suffering as optional
    • See also business acumen; Foundations of Wisdom; organizational climate change; present moment awareness
  • left tilt
  • liberation, from suffering
  • Lieberman, Matthew
  • listening
  • logic bias
  • looking deeply, at emotion
  • Lutz, Antoine


  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Maguire, Eleanor A.
  • Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Matrix, The (film)
  • Max Planck Institute
  • McKee, Annie
  • meaning
    • discovering
    • purposeful paradigm shift for
    • realizing benefits of mindfulness
  • medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC)
  • medial prefrontal regions
  • mental agility
  • mentoring
  • Michelson, Albert A.
  • Miller, Willa
  • mind-body problem (mind-brain problem)
  • mindfulness
  • Mindfulness-based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT)
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
  • Mindfulness Edge, The (website)
  • mindful self-awareness
  • minivacation
  • mirror neurons
  • Morley, Edward W.
  • Mrazek, Michael


  • negative emotion
  • Neuro Notes
    • Body Awareness and Emotional Intelligence (8.2)
    • Breaks Improve Performance (8.1)
    • The Formation of Habits (1.2)
    • How Mindfulness Facilitates a Reduction in Suffering (11.2)
    • How Mindfulness Helps to Effectively Manage Change (4.1)
    • Mental Habits (2.4)
    • Mindful Mechanisms of Emotion Regulation (9.1)
    • Mindfulness and an Objective View of the Self (10.1)
    • Mindfulness and Empathy (4.3)
    • Mindfulness and Mental Agility (2.2)
    • Mindfulness and Other-Centered Mind States (5.3)
    • Mindfulness and Reduced Emotional Interference (5.2)
    • Mindfulness and Resilience to Stressful Situations (5.1)
    • Mindfulness and Shifting from the Default Mode Network to Present Moment Awareness (1.3)
    • Mindfulness and the Emotionally Intelligent Brain (3.2)
    • Mindfulness and Well-Being (6.1)
    • Mindfulness Enhances Cognitive Functioning (7.1)
    • Mindfulness for Better Decisions (2.1)
    • Mindfulness for Emotional Resilience (4.2)
    • Mind State Affects Pain Perception (11.1)
    • Mirror Neurons and the Emotionally Contagious Brain (3.1)
    • Neuroplasticity (0.1)
    • overview
    • Self-Regulation, the Anterior Cingulate Cortex, and Mental Agility (2.5)
    • Shifting from Mind Wandering to Present-Moment Awareness: It Gets Easier with Practice (1.4)
    • Stress and Habits (2.3)
    • The Wandering Mind and the Default Mode Network (1.1)
  • neuroplasticity
    • defined
    • importance of training the mind
  • neuroscience research
    • brain neuroplasticity
    • functional connectivity of brain
    • functional magnetic resonance imaging of brain
    • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
    • mindfulness and brain anatomy
    • network analysis
    • Neuro Notes
    • neurons
    • overview
    • structural magnetic resonance imaging of brain
    • study of brain
    • training the mind
  • Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
  • Nonviolent Communication (Rosenberg)
  • Northeastern University
  • Northwestern University


  • object permanence
  • open loop, of nervous system
  • opinions
  • opportunity, sensing
  • optimism. See happiness
  • orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)
  • organizational awareness
  • organizational climate change
    • emotionally intelligence, improving
    • emotionally intelligent leaders and
    • example
    • power of positive emotional climate
    • role of leaders in
  • Ortner, Catherine
  • other-centered mind states
  • others, respect for


  • pain, avoiding
  • paradigm shift
  • perception
  • perfection of present moment. See present moment awareness
  • personal core values
  • Perth Leadership Institute
  • Pomodoro Technique
  • “Poo Bus,”
  • positive outlook
  • positive psychology
  • posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)
  • practice
    • importance of
    • integrating sitting still into daily life
    • Mindfulness-based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT)
    • of mindfulness training
    • mindfulness training and empathy
    • of present moment awareness
    • Shifting from Mind Wandering to Present-Moment Awareness: It Gets Easier with Practice (Neuro Note 1.4)
    • training regimen for emotional intelligence
    • training the mind
    • See also advanced-level training; emotion, mastering; present moment awareness; sitting still
  • prefrontal cortex
    • lateral prefrontal cortex
    • medial prefrontal cortex
  • present moment awareness
    • beginning practice in daily life
    • brain as habitual machine for
    • as first step to unconditional happiness
    • leadership presence
    • overview
    • shifting to, (See also mindful self-awareness)
    • for win-win-win paradigm shift
  • Primal Leadership (Goleman, Boyatszis, McKee)
  • Prince, E. Ted
  • Psychology Today


  • rational choice theory
  • reaction time bias
  • relationship management
  • resilience
  • Ricard, Matthieu
  • Robinson, Ken
  • Rosenberg, Marshall
  • rostral inferior parietal lobule (IPL)


  • Scholz, Jan
  • Scientific American
  • SCIL (Stop, Control and name, Investigate, Look deeply)
  • Search Inside Yourself (SIY)
  • self, objective view of
  • self-awareness
    • emotional
    • flow state and
    • improving
  • self-control
  • Self Illusion, The (Hood)
  • selfishness
  • selflessness
  • self-management
  • Seligman, Martin
  • Serve to Be Great (Tenney)
  • service, to others
  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey)
  • Silbersweig, David
  • Singer, Tania
  • sitting still
    • beginner's guide to, in mindfulness
    • integrating training into daily life
    • intermediate-level guide to, in mindfulness
    • overview
  • skillful communication
  • social awareness
  • speaking, to be helpful
  • speed of light, discovery of constancy of
  • stable awareness
  • Stanley, Elizabeth
  • status quo bias
  • Sterling, Debbie
  • stress response
    • fight-or-flight response
    • mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)
    • overview
    • under pressure
  • Stroop task
  • success, training the mind for
  • sunk-cost bias
  • Suzuki, Shunryu
  • Sze, Jocelyn



  • ultimatum game
  • University College London
  • University of Bristol
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • University of California, San Diego
  • University of California, Santa Barbara
  • University of Massachusetts
  • University of Montreal
  • University of Toronto
  • University of Virginia
  • University of Wisconsin
  • U.S. Army
  • u-shape pattern, of brain activity
  • U.S. Marine Corps


  • Vago, David
  • ventral affective network
  • ventral striatum
  • ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC)
  • Vlak, Gus


  • Weinschenk, Susan
  • well-being
    • eudemonic
    • hedonic
    • mindfulness for improving
  • Weng, Helen
  • Wenk-Sormaz, Heidi
  • West Virginia University
  • white matter (brain), defined
  • Wilson, Timothy
  • win-win-win paradigm shift
  • wisdom of true excellence
  • wise consumption
  • witness consciousness
  • Woollett, Katherine
  • word-color interference
  • World War II, leadership in


  • Zeidan, Fadel
  • Zelazo, Philip
  • Zero to One (Thiel)
  • Zukav, Gary
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