9.2 Mutual Exclusion: sync.Mutex

In Section 8.6, we used a buffered channel as a counting semaphore to ensure that no more than 20 goroutines made simultaneous HTTP requests. With the same idea, we can use a channel of capacity 1 to ensure that at most one goroutine accesses a shared variable at a time. A semaphore that counts only to 1 is called a binary semaphore.

var (
    sema    = make(chan struct{}, 1) // a binary semaphore guarding balance
    balance int

func Deposit(amount int) {
    sema <- struct{}{} // acquire token
    balance = balance + amount
    <-sema // release token

func Balance() int {
    sema <- struct{}{} // acquire token
    b := balance
    <-sema // release token
    return b

This pattern of mutual exclusion is so useful that it is supported directly by the Mutex type from the sync package. Its Lock method acquires the token (called a lock) and its Unlock method releases it:

import "sync"

var (
    mu      sync.Mutex // guards balance
    balance int

func Deposit(amount int) {
    balance = balance + amount

func Balance() int {
    b := balance
    return b

Each time a goroutine accesses the variables of the bank (just balance here), it must call the mutex’s Lock method to acquire an exclusive lock. If some other goroutine has acquired the lock, this operation will block until the other goroutine calls Unlock and the lock becomes available again. The mutex guards the shared variables. By convention, the variables guarded by a mutex are declared immediately after the declaration of the mutex itself. If you deviate from this, be sure to document it.

The region of code between Lock and Unlock in which a goroutine is free to read and modify the shared variables is called a critical section. The lock holder’s call to Unlock happens before any other goroutine can acquire the lock for itself. It is essential that the goroutine release the lock once it is finished, on all paths through the function, including error paths.

The bank program above exemplifies a common concurrency pattern. A set of exported functions encapsulates one or more variables so that the only way to access the variables is through these functions (or methods, for the variables of an object). Each function acquires a mutex lock at the beginning and releases it at the end, thereby ensuring that the shared variables are not accessed concurrently. This arrangement of functions, mutex lock, and variables is called a monitor. (This older use of the word “monitor” inspired the term “monitor goroutine.” Both uses share the meaning of a broker that ensures variables are accessed sequentially.)

Since the critical sections in the Deposit and Balance functions are so short—a single line, no branching—calling Unlock at the end is straightforward. In more complex critical sections, especially those in which errors must be dealt with by returning early, it can be hard to tell that calls to Lock and Unlock are strictly paired on all paths. Go’s defer statement comes to the rescue: by deferring a call to Unlock, the critical section implicitly extends to the end of the current function, freeing us from having to remember to insert Unlock calls in one or more places far from the call to Lock.

func Balance() int {
    defer mu.Unlock()
    return balance

In the example above, the Unlock executes after the return statement has read the value of balance, so the Balance function is concurrency-safe. As a bonus, we no longer need the local variable b.

Furthermore, a deferred Unlock will run even if the critical section panics, which may be important in programs that make use of recover (§5.10). A defer is marginally more expensive than an explicit call to Unlock, but not enough to justify less clear code. As always with concurrent programs, favor clarity and resist premature optimization. Where possible, use defer and let critical sections extend to the end of a function.

Consider the Withdraw function below. On success, it reduces the balance by the specified amount and returns true. But if the account holds insufficient funds for the transaction, Withdraw restores the balance and returns false.

// NOTE: not atomic!
func Withdraw(amount int) bool {
    if Balance() < 0 {
        return false // insufficient funds
    return true

This function eventually gives the correct result, but it has a nasty side effect. When an excessive withdrawal is attempted, the balance transiently dips below zero. This may cause a concurrent withdrawal for a modest sum to be spuriously rejected. So if Bob tries to buy a sports car, Alice can’t pay for her morning coffee. The problem is that Withdraw is not atomic: it consists of a sequence of three separate operations, each of which acquires and then releases the mutex lock, but nothing locks the whole sequence.

Ideally, Withdraw should acquire the mutex lock once around the whole operation. However, this attempt won’t work:

// NOTE: incorrect!
func Withdraw(amount int) bool {
    defer mu.Unlock()
    if Balance() < 0 {
        return false // insufficient funds
    return true

Deposit tries to acquire the mutex lock a second time by calling mu.Lock(), but because mutex locks are not re-entrant—it’s not possible to lock a mutex that’s already locked—this leads to a deadlock where nothing can proceed, and Withdraw blocks forever.

There is a good reason Go’s mutexes are not re-entrant. The purpose of a mutex is to ensure that certain invariants of the shared variables are maintained at critical points during program execution. One of the invariants is “no goroutine is accessing the shared variables,” but there may be additional invariants specific to the data structures that the mutex guards. When a goroutine acquires a mutex lock, it may assume that the invariants hold. While it holds the lock, it may update the shared variables so that the invariants are temporarily violated. However, when it releases the lock, it must guarantee that order has been restored and the invariants hold once again. Although a re-entrant mutex would ensure that no other goroutines are accessing the shared variables, it cannot protect the additional invariants of those variables.

A common solution is to divide a function such as Deposit into two: an unexported function, deposit, that assumes the lock is already held and does the real work, and an exported function Deposit that acquires the lock before calling deposit. We can then express Withdraw in terms of deposit like this:

func Withdraw(amount int) bool {
    defer mu.Unlock()
    if balance < 0 {
        return false // insufficient funds
    return true

func Deposit(amount int) {
    defer mu.Unlock()

func Balance() int {
    defer mu.Unlock()
    return balance

// This function requires that the lock be held.
func deposit(amount int) { balance += amount }

Of course, the deposit function shown here is so trivial that a realistic Withdraw function wouldn’t bother calling it, but nonetheless it illustrates the principle.

Encapsulation (§6.6), by reducing unexpected interactions in a program, helps us maintain data structure invariants. For the same reason, encapsulation also helps us maintain concurrency invariants. When you use a mutex, make sure that both it and the variables it guards are not exported, whether they are package-level variables or the fields of a struct.

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