12.9 A Word of Caution

There is a lot more to the reflection API than we have space to show, but the preceding examples give an idea of what is possible. Reflection is a powerful and expressive tool, but it should be used with care, for three reasons.

The first reason is that reflection-based code can be fragile. For every mistake that would cause a compiler to report a type error, there is a corresponding way to misuse reflection, but whereas the compiler reports the mistake at build time, a reflection error is reported during execution as a panic, possibly long after the program was written or even long after it has started running.

If the readList function (§12.6), for example, should read a string from the input while populating a variable of type int, the call to reflect.Value.SetString will panic. Most programs that use reflection have similar hazards, and considerable care is required to keep track of the type, addressability, and settability of each reflect.Value.

The best way to avoid this fragility is to ensure that the use of reflection is fully encapsulated within your package and, if possible, avoid reflect.Value in favor of specific types in your package’s API, to restrict inputs to legal values. If this is not possible, perform additional dynamic checks before each risky operation. As an example from the standard library, when fmt.Printf applies a verb to an inappropriate operand, it does not panic mysteriously but prints an informative error message. The program still has a bug, but it is easier to diagnose.

fmt.Printf("%d %s
", "hello", 42) // "%!d(string=hello) %!s(int=42)"

Reflection also reduces the safety and accuracy of automated refactoring and analysis tools, because they can’t determine or rely on type information.

The second reason to avoid reflection is that since types serve as a form of documentation and the operations of reflection cannot be subject to static type checking, heavily reflective code is often hard to understand. Always carefully document the expected types and other invariants of functions that accept an interface{} or a reflect.Value.

The third reason is that reflection-based functions may be one or two orders of magnitude slower than code specialized for a particular type. In a typical program, the majority of functions are not relevant to the overall performance, so it’s fine to use reflection when it makes the program clearer. Testing is a particularly good fit for reflection since most tests use small data sets. But for functions on the critical path, reflection is best avoided.

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