7.12 Querying Behaviors with Interface Type Assertions

The logic below is similar to the part of the net/http web server responsible for writing HTTP header fields such as "Content-type: text/html". The io.Writer w represents the HTTP response; the bytes written to it are ultimately sent to someone’s web browser.

func writeHeader(w io.Writer, contentType string) error {
    if _, err := w.Write([]byte("Content-Type: ")); err != nil {
        return err
    if _, err := w.Write([]byte(contentType)); err != nil {
        return err
    // ...

Because the Write method requires a byte slice, and the value we wish to write is a string, a []byte(...) conversion is required. This conversion allocates memory and makes a copy, but the copy is thrown away almost immediately after. Let’s pretend that this is a core part of the web server and that our profiling has revealed that this memory allocation is slowing it down. Can we avoid allocating memory here?

The io.Writer interface tells us only one fact about the concrete type that w holds: that bytes may be written to it. If we look behind the curtains of the net/http package, we see that the dynamic type that w holds in this program also has a WriteString method that allows strings to be efficiently written to it, avoiding the need to allocate a temporary copy. (This may seem like a shot in the dark, but a number of important types that satisfy io.Writer also have a WriteString method, including *bytes.Buffer, *os.File and *bufio.Writer.)

We cannot assume that an arbitrary io.Writer w also has the WriteString method. But we can define a new interface that has just this method and use a type assertion to test whether the dynamic type of w satisfies this new interface.

// writeString writes s to w.
// If w has a WriteString method, it is invoked instead of w.Write.
func writeString(w io.Writer, s string) (n int, err error) {
    type stringWriter interface {
        WriteString(string) (n int, err error)
    if sw, ok := w.(stringWriter); ok {
        return sw.WriteString(s) // avoid a copy
    return w.Write([]byte(s)) // allocate temporary copy

func writeHeader(w io.Writer, contentType string) error {
    if _, err := writeString(w, "Content-Type: "); err != nil {
        return err
    if _, err := writeString(w, contentType); err != nil {
        return err
    // ...

To avoid repeating ourselves, we’ve moved the check into the utility function writeString, but it is so useful that the standard library provides it as io.WriteString. It is the recommended way to write a string to an io.Writer.

What’s curious in this example is that there is no standard interface that defines the WriteString method and specifies its required behavior. Furthermore, whether or not a concrete type satisfies the stringWriter interface is determined only by its methods, not by any declared relationship between it and the interface type. What this means is that the technique above relies on the assumption that if a type satisfies the interface below, then WriteString(s) must have the same effect as Write([]byte(s)).

interface {
    WriteString(s string) (n int, err error)

Although io.WriteString documents its assumption, few functions that call it are likely to document that they too make the same assumption. Defining a method of a particular type is taken as an implicit assent for a certain behavioral contract. Newcomers to Go, especially those from a background in strongly typed languages, may find this lack of explicit intention unsettling, but it is rarely a problem in practice. With the exception of the empty interface interface{}, interface types are seldom satisfied by unintended coincidence.

The writeString function above uses a type assertion to see whether a value of a general interface type also satisfies a more specific interface type, and if so, it uses the behaviors of the specific interface. This technique can be put to good use whether or not the queried interface is standard like io.ReadWriter or user-defined like stringWriter.

It’s also how fmt.Fprintf distinguishes values that satisfy error or fmt.Stringer from all other values. Within fmt.Fprintf, there is a step that converts a single operand to a string, something like this:

package fmt

func formatOneValue(x interface{}) string {
    if err, ok := x.(error); ok {
        return err.Error()
    if str, ok := x.(Stringer); ok {
        return str.String()
    // ...all other types...

If x satisfies either of the two interfaces, that determines the formatting of the value. If not, the default case handles all other types more or less uniformly using reflection; we’ll find out how in Chapter 12.

Again, this makes the assumption that any type with a String method satisfies the behavioral contract of fmt.Stringer, which is to return a string suitable for printing.

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