
A big business starts small.

—Richard Branson

Since the beginning of history, entrepreneurship and starting a business has been underpinned by the market forces of supply and demand. Across the world, all entrepreneurs look to address the demand for goods or services by providing supply.

A start-up business, which typically is started up by a founder or a group of cofounders, is a new business venture that looks to fill a gap in the market or address a particular need or shortage or a specific problem. While there are several avenues that can lead on from the initial start-up stage, it all starts from an initial idea and the courage to start and build on it and see the business develop into something to be proud of.

At the start of the process, starting and owning a small business can be as rewarding as it is challenging. Owners come from a variety of backgrounds and have many different reasons for becoming self-employed and starting their own business. In some cases, a small business starts as an idea that no one really knows about or believes in yet. However, it is important to note that some of the biggest and most well-known brands in the world would have all had to start somewhere. From Starbucks to Apple and Disney, all of these household names would have started from an initial thought that has developed into big business. So, each of these founders started with an idea and a vision that they believed in.

Over the years, becoming an entrepreneur has had an increased profile and has become a cool thing to do. It is no longer the case that we have two choices when we leave compulsory education—further education or entering the job market. It is also no longer the case that working for a big company is the only way to be recognized as successful. Starting your own business and making it a big business from an initial idea is, understandably, widely respected and admired. This can lead to success in itself and can also open the door to other exciting opportunities.

There is worldwide attention on high-profile entrepreneurs, for example, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Sara Blakely, Mark Zuckerberg, Arianna Huffington, Hilary Devey, Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, Deborah Meaden, and Sir Richard Branson. Each has their own individual story, motivation, and subsequent success story and that in turn will have inspired others to take this path.

There are also a number of mainstream television shows that have hugely increased the profile of entrepreneurship and encourage the idea of individuals starting their own enterprise, for example, Dragon’s Den, the Apprentice, Shark Tank, and Undercover boss. With the huge viewing figures across the world and the emergence and the fundamental and critical importance of social media, both the judges and contestants can “self-market” and massively increase their individual profiles and their business interests. Furthermore, taking part in these shows in turn can lead to life-changing opportunities for new entrepreneurs, not just in terms of a cash injection, but gaining an increased personal profile and the benefit of working with a successful and experienced entrepreneur.

These factors have all contributed to a shift in profile about starting your own business and entrepreneurship, making it a positive and viable choice for individuals who may not have considered this path previously.

Individuals from many different backgrounds have become entrepreneurs, and each has a fascinating story to tell about the why and the how they decided to take the first step into entrepreneurship and what they subsequently chose to do. There are many skills and competencies that an entrepreneur will possess. However, it is important to remember that the definition of an entrepreneur is very broad. Some people would say that entrepreneurs are people that take risks, others may say that entrepreneurs start and build businesses, whereas others will say it’s a mixture of different factors. There is also a school of thought that says people can in some ways be recognized as entrepreneurs while working for a company as an employee, an example being someone who runs their own large area of a big company. While it is fair and reasonable to say that each person who has become a successful entrepreneur will have their individual traits and skillset, there are some core skills that you would expect to see in an entrepreneur:

Knowledge: This encompasses business and entrepreneurial knowledge as well as opportunity and venture-specific knowledge. Specifically, this will include knowledge of how business works, the day-to-day running of a business, and knowledge about the type of business you are involved with and the type of marketplace you will be operating in. These skills will serve you well whether you are doing your research in the early stages or are doing your research when considering expansion. Doing thorough research and understanding these key concepts is vital and supports and underpins sensible, balanced, and well-informed decisions.

Personality traits: Examples of classic entrepreneurial personality traits are optimism, vision, initiative, persistence, and drive; recognizing potential, emotional intelligence; and taking risks. The last skill, taking risks, can be tricky to define and a misconception can be that you must enjoy taking risks to be an entrepreneur. That is debatable, a more accurate way of describing it may be, having an understanding that there is an element risk in various parts of the entrepreneurial journey.

Interpersonal skills: Examples include communication, listening skills, being ethical, motivation, being a role model, and having a positive personal brand and building a positive employer brand. It is skills like these that underpin important business talents such as networking and negotiating.

Creative and critical thinking: Examples include problem solving, creative thinking, and recognizing opportunity. These skills underpin some of the aspects of the start-up stage and day-to-day operations.

Practical skills: Examples include planning and organizing, understanding metrics, decision making, and setting goals. Skills like these underpin some of the important aspects involved in the day-to-day operations and running of a business as well as short- and long-term planning.

Some of the aforementioned skills can be skills that you have learned through life experience, and they do not necessarily have to come from a business context (or in some cases not even a work context). These are also known as transferrable skills and you may have them without realizing. A bit of research on different high-profile entrepreneurs show that there is not a stringent path as such; many different people from different backgrounds have successfully built successful businesses. It is worth noting that it is probably rare that any entrepreneur has knowledge or expertise in all of these areas, particularly to begin with or in the early stages. We all have to start somewhere, and as in all walks of life, skills can be learned on the job and through life or work experience. And as in many parts of life, starting and running your own business is a learning experience and no matter what your competency/knowledge level is at the various stages of the journey; there will always be skills and lessons to be learnt as you go along. It is likely that an entrepreneur is always learning and is always seeking new knowledge as different challenges appear.

Nonetheless, having some of these skills and competencies could make starting and running your own business a good choice.

In addition to skills and competencies and the potential increased profile and opportunities for entrepreneurs, there are many other factors that make starting your own business and becoming an entrepreneur an attractive option:

Deciding to look for a new challenge: At times in life, you may wish to seek a new challenge or to become a better version of yourself. This could be due to a number of factors, for example, you may feel underutilized, undervalued, unhappy, or that you are not fulfilling your potential in some way. Whether you choose to do so, or it is forced to make the decision due to factors outside of your control, having something new to focus on can be invigorating and provide the opportunity for a new challenge and a fresh start. While any decision you make and the consequences of that decision have to be carefully weighed up, starting your own business can be the very opportunity and new challenge you are looking for. As this book will cover, becoming an entrepreneur will have its challenges and embracing and facing them will be one of the key factors in making your own business a success.

Pursuing a passion: Whether you run your own business and it is an area that you are passionate about or by definition you are passionate about your business because it’s yours and you want it to succeed, the hard work needed will be that much easier as you are pursuing a passion. With hard work and a bit of luck, there is a huge variety of concepts that can be made into a viable business that can be expanded. As is sometimes said, “if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life again.”

Being inspired by other entrepreneurs: Successful people inspire other people to become successful. Entrepreneurs can learn from the stories of other successful entrepreneurs, and if they choose to start the journey, meet and network with people who have made their entrepreneurial journey a success. Learning from the experience and expertise of others who have “been there and done that” is an important part of the process. Seeing someone who has made millions after starting with nothing is inspiring for many new entrepreneurs who aspire to achieve the same.

Not being afraid of risk: Entrepreneurs tend to like risk, and ultimately, whatever type of business you have, there will be different elements and various levels of potential risk to that venture. However, the level of risk is something that has to be fully researched, measured, and understood, to make sure an informed choice can be made. Ultimately, it makes sense to have a balance of risk, pragmatism, and realism. Aspiring entrepreneurs have ideas, put them in to action and watch them develop into something.

Controlling your own destiny: As an entrepreneur, you are your own boss in a lot of ways. This is a mixture of liberating, empowering, and challenging. That means in terms of running the business, you answer to yourself, set your own hours, and manage your own workload. When you work for yourself and you achieve something, you are likely to be more fulfilled as you have achieved it for and by yourself. So you ultimately take charge and do it your own way, rather than being an employee and feeling like a cog in a large business. That said, while you answer to yourself in terms of running the business, you also answer to clients and customers, who ultimately will be paying you for what you offer. They will expect a high-quality good or service at a reasonable price. So, you are accountable, and you have to deliver.

Making a valuable contribution to the economy: The role small business plays in an economy and the value they add can sometimes be underestimated. In some ways because they start small, they can be overshadowed by the news coverage that their larger counterparts get and don’t take the revenues of larger firms. That said, while they may not make the same big revenues, that is not to say that they don’t add value. If they are set up in business-friendly countries, with sensible tax structures and regulations, small business and start-ups can make a big contribution to a country’s economy as well as their local area. Small business can give people the opportunity to have fulfilling employment, achieve financial independence, encourage innovation, and also boost employment, by employing local people, who may be not be working for larger businesses. A thriving small business will also generate more revenue and therefore pay more taxes to boost government resources. And ultimately, if a number of factors fall into place, what starts as a small business over time can expand and become a big business.

It can open doors to other opportunities: As your business goes from start-up to becoming established and potentially expanding, there is likely to be external opportunities that arise. This could be in areas such as keynote speaking, judging on business award panels, nonexecutive director or advisory roles, or taking part in business TV shows. However, these sorts of things give an entrepreneur a platform for increased profile and in some cases another source of income. There are also things that can be done to give back. For example, this could be volunteering and mentoring for a charity or giving careers talks or mock job interviews at local schools or youth clubs.

Lack of any other viable alternatives: In certain cases, due to a variety of reasons, some people are left with starting their own business as their only realistic choice. It may be the case that working for someone else is not available, not suitable, or undesirable. Other factors could be due to unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances, such as economic and job market conditions, previous work experience, unexpected sudden job loss, and education.

This book looks to outline the many aspects of running your own business and opportunities and options for expansion. The good practice and consistency of good habits you need to have to maximize your chances of succeeding will also be covered. This book also looks at the various opportunities that entrepreneurship can lead to, the types of challenges you may come across, the pitfalls you could face, and the reality, practicality, and potential rewards of the entrepreneurial adventure.

I never dreamed about success, I worked for it.

—Estee Lauder

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