

Part 1: A Little Attention Please

Chapter 1 What Is Assertiveness and What Isn’t?

What Does it Mean to Be Assertive?

A Positive Term

Physical Versus Vocal Assertiveness

Developing or Exhibiting Effective Assertiveness Techniques

Nature or Nurture?

The Meek Shall Inherit . . .

Assertiveness Has Gotten a Bad Rap

Aggression, Grrr!

Assertiveness Feels Good!

There’s No Need to Nag

There’s No Need to Be Offensive

Assertiveness Is Not the Opposite of Passivity

A Different Animal: The Passive-Aggressive Type

Being Assertive Can Also Help Those Around You

Chapter 2 The World as We Found It

Press “Two” for Service, Press “Three” for Returns . . .

A Quarter-Million More People Per Day and Counting

This Update Is Brought to You By . . .

Six Minutes of Quality Time

Even Your Mother Has an Answering Machine

Tell Me to My Face

Chapter 3 Where and When to Assert Yourself

What’s Worth Fighting for and What’s Best Left Alone

The $64,000 Question

Before You Can Assert Yourself, You Have to Know What You Want

A Short Course on Decision-Making

You Make the Call

Chapter 4 Assertiveness Through the Ages

I Came, I Saw, I Made My Wishes Known

Name that Person

Assertiveness in Recent History

Assertiveness in Religion

Assertiveness in the Arts

Part 2: A More Self-Confident You

Chapter 5 Why Self-Confidence Is So Important

It’s Normal to Be Confused Today

The Importance of Self-Confidence

Feeling More Confident Even in the Face of Uncertainty

Building Blocks

Where Do You Shine, and Where Don’t You?

An Easy Game Plan

How to Talk to Yourself to Create Results

Chapter 6 Increasing Your Vocal Self-Confidence

What Is Vocal Self-Confidence?

Who Has Vocal Self-Confidence?

Be Kind to Your Vocal Chords

The Music of Your Voice

With Real-Life Subjects

Finding a Speech Pattern You Can Live With

Chapter 7 Self-Confidence Tips You Can Practice Today

Read ’Em and Reap

Getting the Best of Yourself

Going a Step Beyond

Chapter 8 Self-Confidence Every Day

Self-Confident People Are Not Paragons

Self-Confidence on the Job

Self-Confidence in Social Situations

Automatic Self-Confidence

From Self-Confidence to Assertiveness

Part 3: I Assert, Therefore I Am

Chapter 9 Must Haves, Wants, and Nice Ifs

Sorting Out What You Want

Life’s Little Menu

Home Life

So, What Must You Have?

How Much Energy Do You Choose to Allocate?

Chapter 10 The Aggressiveness/Assertiveness Grid

A Measuring Tool for How and When to Be Aggressive

When to Burn Your Bridges

Taking No Prisoners Has Its Place

Deciding to Come to the Peace Table

On Being More Diplomatic

Establishing Smooth Relations

The Final Jeopardy Category (40°)

Chapter 11 Separating Myth From Reality

Born on the Right Side of the Tracks?

Are Men More or Less Assertive than Women?

You Can Learn to Be More Assertive

Chapter 12 Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace . . .

All About Toastmasters International

American Society for Training and Development

National Speakers Association

International Society for Performance Improvement

What Else Is Available?

Chapter 13 Physical Assertiveness

Walking Tall—Will the Dynamic You Please Step Forward?

Projecting Alertness and Awareness

Physical and Vocal Assertiveness

Part 4: Assertiveness in Your Home Life

Chapter 14 Being Assertive Within Your Immediate Family

Being Assertive with Family Members

But My Spouse Won’t Listen to Me!

If Only that Were Enough

Getting Your Children to Listen and Respond

Chapter 15 Assertiveness Among Relatives

Getting Your Parents to Listen and Respond

Dealing with In-Laws

Being Assertive with Your Spouse’s Parents

Getting Anyone Else You’re Close to to Listen and Respond

Chapter 16 Neighbors and Other Acquaintances

Dealing with Neighbors

Arguing a Traffic Ticket

Speaking Up at a Town Meeting

Assertiveness All Around Town

Part 5: Assertiveness in Your Personal Life

Chapter 17 Special Assertiveness Situations for Women

I Am Woman, Hear Me Now

Social Conditioning

The Role of Physical Attractiveness

Assertiveness When You’re Dating

Asserting Yourself When You’re Harassed

Understand It the First Time

Harassment Away from Work

If Women Aren’t Free, Men Aren’t Free

All-Purpose Repellents

Chapter 18 Assertiveness for Other Special Circumstances

Speaking with an Accent

Assertiveness Challenges for the Elderly

With a Twinkle

Assertiveness Challenges for the Young

Assertiveness Everywhere Else

Assertiveness Challenges for the Vertically Challenged

Assertiveness Challenges for the Horizontally Challenged

The Ever-Worthy You

Chapter 19 Becoming an Assertive Consumer

Dying on Hold

Fingers Do the Walking

A Little Service, Please

So, You Bought an Appliance and It Turned Out to Be a Lemon

Negotiating a Lease

Your Home, Your Castle?

Getting Assertive with Telemarketers

Better Business Bureaus

More Consumer Help

Avoiding Car Repair Blues

Problems When Buying a Car

Dispute Resolution Programs

State, County, and City Government Consumer Offices

Chapter 20 Becoming an Assertive Citizen

Calling on Washington, D.C. . . . Is Anybody Home?

Dealing with Bureaucrats 101

Could I Get a Little Attention Here?

How to Communicate by Phone with a Bureaucrat

Let Me Say It a Different Way

You Don’t Have to Actually Use Any of This Stuff . . .

Part 6: Assertiveness in Your Professional Life

Chapter 21 Being Assertive at Work

The Difference Between Progress or Failure

Why Wimps Get Passed Over

Assert and Grow Rich

Asking for a Raise

Buddy, Can You Spare a Job (at Executive’s Wages)?

Assertive Women in the Workplace

Chapter 22 Who’s the Boss Around Here?

Okay, Rehearse Your Lines

First, Know Thyself

Bricks and Mortar

Going for the Big One, Asking for a Raise

Mastering the Performance Appraisal

When You’re Asked to Do Too Much

Asserting Yourself in Dire Situations

A Parting Word

Chapter 23 Assertiveness with Your Peers

You and Your Peers

On Being One of the Guys/Gals

Being More Influential Right Where You Are

Handling Criticism from Co-Workers

Verbal Sparring

Repellent Strategies

Dealing with Coy Behavior

Being Assertive for the Good of the Group

Chapter 24 Assertiveness with Your Staff

Helping Your Staff to Be More Assertive and at Their Best

Open in Word Only

Knowing When to Drop Back and Punt

Beyond Where: When?

Having to Say It Only One Time

May I Have Your Attention?

Okay, So It’s More Work

When to Let Your Staff Have the Floor

Some Staffers Will Present a Challenge

Helping Your Staff to Work Better with You

Telling the Truth

Chapter 25 Handling Clients or Customers

Customers Are King

Keeping Your Relationships Vibrant and Long-Term

Don’t Treat “A” Customers Like “D” Customers

What Is Your Quality of Relationship?

The Customer Service Blues

I’m Worthy—You’re Worthy

Chapter 26 Collecting What’s Yours

Convincing People to Pay You

A Dollar Earned Is Not a Dollar Collected

Different Kinds of Debtors

Collection Campaigns

Initial Agreements

Polite Reminders

Aggressive Strategies

Chapter 27 Assert Yourself, Now and Forever

Practice Your New Skills for a Lifetime Payoff

Cross-Cultural Assertiveness

The Unlikely Event

A Variety of Alternatives

More Ways to Assert

Practice Your New Skills for a Lifetime Payoff

Boldly Go Where You’ve Never Gone Before

The Future Belongs to the Bold

Appendix A Further Reading


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