Part 3
I Assert, Therefore I Am

This pivotal section will offer five chapters that you won’t want to miss. In Chapter 9, we’ll look at the array of items and issues that you deem are worth asserting yourself. In Chapter 10, I’ll explore the many levels of assertiveness at your disposal, depending on the situation you face (digressing to simply getting what’s yours).

In Chapter 11, I’ll look at the issues of birth order, cultural heritage, and social status and how they affect your ability to develop effective assertiveness skills. In Chapter 12, I’ll highlight key organizations that give you the opportunity to actually throw yourself into situations where you have to speak up (yup, you’re going to do it!).

To round out the section, I’ll discuss physical assertiveness in Chapter 13—standing tall, walking with a purpose, being more aware, being more alert, and projecting greater strength and authority to others. With all this in mind, I’ll bet you’re eager to begin!


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