The Abundance Manifesto 10 Principles

In 1962, Ben Sweetland wrote, “The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car … a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little.”

How about you? What vessel are you filling at the fountain of life?

Whatever it is, I hope it's big and worthy of all that you are—because you deserve it. Yet for many people, this issue of deservingness is a point of confusion. They don't understand that it's their birthright to have everything life has to offer.

You deserved it the day you were born.

Given this, what is it that prevents people from accessing the abundance that is rightfully theirs?

I believe the answer is found in these 10 principles, which I first wrote about in my blog prior to the release of my audio program, The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation. They're my observations about how you can attract personal and planetary wealth—and how I went from homeless to multimillionaire.

Of course, abundance is more than money, so these ideas are more sweeping than you may at first realize.

Abundance is about living in a world of possibilities—and acting quickly on the ones that divinely inspire you. There's only one thing that can stop you … your own mind. Fortunately, you can change that.

With this little bonus report, The Abundance Manifesto, you can expand your own capacity to receive all the good things in life—and throw away that teaspoon.

Once and for all.


The 10 Principles of Abundance

Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.

—Wayne Dyer

Everyone can use more abundance in some area of life, but, more often than not, recognizing it in the first place is really the issue.

Life is abundant, clear and simple.

If you're not in it, or feeling it, it's because you've temporarily blocked your awareness of it.

That's what this book is about—bringing awareness to the ways we block abundance, and the ways we can access it.

There are 10 principles, each laid out in its own chapter, along with an exercise to expand that chapter's concept. I recommend reading the book completely through once, then going back and rereading it one chapter at a time. Make that principle your day's focus. When you're done, start over and continue this process for at least 30 days.

Eventually, abundance will permeate every cell in your body, becoming natural and normal to you.

You'll discover abundance was here for you all along. Your search is over.

Principle 1

Thou Shall See the Alternative Reality

When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.

—Anthony Robbins

In every moment you have a choice. You can see the limitation before you, or you can see the abundance before you.

Life is an optical illusion. What you see depends on your mindset.

Your mindset depends on your programming. Because most of us are programmed by the negative-seeking media, as well as our education, parents, and all else around us, most of us are seeing the scarcity reality.

Yet an abundance reality also exists.

In other words, are you seeing an old woman or a young woman in the famous art from the late 1800s? It depends on your focus. Relax your view and you can see both ladies exist.

The same is true for reality.

It's time to move from seeing the world as scarcity- and fear-based to the world that also exists that is abundance- and love-based. You have a choice. Allow your eyes to see the new world.


Think of something in your past that troubled you at the time, perhaps a relationship that ended, or a job you left—then ask the following questions: (Please note that wherever I've used the word it, you can substitute the word him or her if that's more appropriate.)

  • How did you see it then and what was your story about it?
  • What made it feel negative?
  • Now think about where you are today. When you look back, what positive gift or benefit did you receive as a result of having that?
  • What purpose did it serve or role did it fill at the time?
  • What positive gift or benefit are you enjoying now because of it, or because of what you learned?

Now think of something troubling you right now in your life and consider the same questions.

  • How do you see it and what is your story about it?
  • What makes it feel negative?
  • What positive gift or benefit are you receiving as a result of having it?
  • What purpose is it serving or role is it filling?
  • Looking into the future, how could this be of benefit to you?

They say hindsight is 20/20 because we can see the perfection of something at a distance. But we don't have to wait to see the gifts. We have a choice to see the abundance now.

Principle 2

Thou Shall Worship Passion

I never went into business to make money—but I have found that, if I have fun, the money will come.

—Sir Richard Branson

The scarcity-based view of the world worships money.

The abundance view worships passion.

When you focus on doing what you are passionate about, money will follow (as long as you practice the other nine secrets in The Abundance Manifesto). Passion refers to the joy you get from doing something you care about and feel inspired to do.

Passion is the energy of Divine inspiration living through you.

When you express passion, you express love. When you live from love, you are experiencing the abundant essence of the Universe.

Take your eyes off money and put them on following your bliss—on following your life calling or mission.

This is the direct road to abundance.


Think of something you like to do that:

a. When you imagine yourself doing it, you can't help smiling.

b. You haven't taken the time to do in a while (or at all). Ideally, make it something very simple and accessible, such as

  • A walk by yourself or with a loved one.
  • Playing with your children or animals.
  • Puttering in the garden or knitting.
  • Learning and practicing a new language or musical instrument.
  • Listening to music.

Spend the next five minutes imagining you are doing this activity, taking into account the following:

  • What sights do you see? Who's there with you?
  • What sounds do you hear? Laughing? Talking?
  • Where are you? In the park? In a class? At home?
  • Can you touch it? How does it feel in your hands or against your body?
  • What positive emotions are you feeling? Peaceful? Content? Excited?

Write down a time to actually do this activity with the intention to keep your promise, either today or this week. If someone is involved with you in the activity, talk to them and share your vision, along with any details about how you'd love it to be. Agree on the day and time together.

There's always something we can do today towards inviting more passion and joy in our life, even if it's only a small step. It's the direction that matters.

Principle 3

Thou Shall Give 10 Percent of All Income

Tithing gives you the greatest return on your investment.

—Sir John Marks Templeton

The ancient principle of tithing asks you to give 10 percent of what you receive as a gift to wherever you received inspiration.

Giving leads to receiving.

Giving is the nature of the Universe.

When you give, you slip into the flow of life. Giving is the very essence of abundance. Give wherever you receive spiritual or inspirational nourishment.

Skipping this secret means you still believe in scarcity, else you would give.

Giving is a concrete statement of abundance.


  1. Think of an area of your life where you feel you have enough resources. It can be tangible or intangible, such as money, time, or something else you value. Whatever it is, starting with today and for the next 30 days, give some of it away anonymously.
  2. Write down how much money you received this month—your total income. How much is 10 percent of that? Then, if you're ready, give that amount today to a place where you receive spiritual sustenance. If 10 percent feels like too much, decide what percentage you can give and do that.

When I first learned this principle, I was afraid to give my money, so I started with something where I felt I had enough to give away—books.

One thing led to another, and once I saw the truth of tithing, I began to give my money. It not only brought abundant increase to me financially, but to every area of my life.

Tithing leverages and multiplies what you already have.

Principle 4

Thou Shall Keep a Clear Mind

There is a lie that acts like a virus within the mind of humanity. And that lie is, “There's not enough good to go around. There's lack and there's limitation and there's just not enough.” The truth is that there's more than enough good to go around. There's more than enough creative ideas. There is more than enough power. There is more than enough love. There's more than enough joy. All of this begins to come through a mind that is aware of its own infinite nature. There is enough for everyone. If you believe it, if you can see it, if you act from it, it will show up for you. That's the truth.

—Michael Beckwith

Clarity of mind leads to pure abundance.

Beliefs about not enough of anything are from scarcity, not abundance. Beliefs that money is bad or there isn't enough for all trigger self-sabotaging actions and self-fulfilling prophecies.

A clear mind is achieved through these 10 principles, as well as by deprogramming your mind from the history of conflict and shortage.

A clear mind is no longer a victim but a cocreator. No longer reactionary but now responsive. No longer lost but clear.


Most people associate money with abundance, so we'll use it as an example for the purpose of this exercise. However, don't stop with money—do it for other areas in your life where you'd like to see an increase.

Write down how much income you received this month.

Now double that amount and write that down.

Ask yourself, “Can I see myself creating or receiving this?”

If the answer is yes, double it again and ask the same question. Keep going until the answer is no.

This is where limiting beliefs begin to unveil themselves, things like—“I'm on a salary, I can't make more. That's not realistic. Money doesn't grow on trees. That's too much. That would be too hard. This economy won't let me. There's no way.”

Jot down your answers. Awareness starts the process of change.

None of these are facts—they're beliefs in scarcity. All are limiting negative beliefs. Sometimes releasing them is as easy as saying, “Do I really believe that's not possible? Do I really believe it's not possible to make more money?” When you question your beliefs, you loosen their hold, and then you can receive even more.

Principle 5

Thou Shall Choose the Higher Ground in Every Decision

Life in abundance comes only through great love.

—Elbert Hubbard

The ego resists love and forgiveness.

It is an illusion self-created and self-maintained. It causes broken homes and broken dreams.

In every decision, there is a choice: Come from love or come from ego. Most come from the latter. The higher ground is to choose love.

When the choice exists, ask, “What is the more loving decision here?”

Choose love.


Close your eyes and imagine a circle of your loved ones gathered around you. Feel the love they have for you and the love you have for them. Now expand that feeling as much as you can. From that space of love, think of a situation you'd like to change for better in your life. While you're surrounded in feelings of love, explain to this gathering what you'd like to be different for yourself. Tell them everything you've done or tried so far, and any mistakes you feel you've made, all the while allowing them to continue loving you. Bask mentally in their unconditional love.

Enveloped in love, consider the issue again and ask yourself, “What action could I take towards solving this now?” Write down any answers you receive.

Love is the gateway of abundance, and not forgiving acts as a block. We can release any blocked energy through forgiveness. When you forgive yourself for any perceived wrongdoing or wrong thinking, you can expand your life and get the flow going. That's when things open up in any and all areas, whether it's romance, health, physical well-being, or finances. So ask yourself, “Where in my life am I still holding on to a grudge against myself or another person?”

Principle 6

Thou Shall Implement Divine Inspiration

As fast as each opportunity presents itself, use it! No matter how tiny an opportunity it may be, use it!

—Robert Collier

Abundance comes to those who act on the gifts given to them from Divine inspiration.

An idea isn't a random event. It is an unexpected delivery from an abundant universe. Not acting on the idea is a refusal of a gift. Acting on it is an affirmation of trust.

Those who implement Divine inspiration tend to profit from their actions. This benefits all.

This is abundance.


Find a quiet time when you can spend an hour alone to think about what you really want. One way to do this is to think of a situation you don't want in your life, and then write down the ideal outcome.

State the ideal as an intention, declaring it both in written and verbal form.

Next, Nevillize your goal (I wrote about this in The Attractor Factor.) Visualize yourself already having your desire. See it as if it's already come to pass. It's not in the future; it's now. You are healed and the situation is healed.

Now it's time to let go and release it. This is the point of trust and faith.

Over the next week, take immediate action on any intuitions or ideas that come to you—because they will. It could be something as simple as getting on the computer to do some research around your goal.

Having faith means to relax … and know your desire is on its way. Just as importantly, know that you'll be okay in the meantime. This state of relaxed energy puts you in a space of receptiveness to hear the quiet whisperings of Divine inspiration.

Principle 7

Thou Shall Spend, Invest, and Save Responsibly

Many folks think they aren't good at earning money, when what they don't know is how to use it.

—Frank A. Clark

Abundance is the reality of balance and sufficiency.

As long as you spend, invest, and save in a balanced way, all is well. This needs coupled with the principle of giving (Principle 3), which can be considered a form of investing, but the point remains: whatever you receive monetarily should be split within these areas.

Doing so maintains the abundant life.


Draw a circle on a piece of paper. This represents your total income now.

Assign a percentage to various parts of how you currently allocate your dollars. For example, 10 percent to savings, 10 percent to tithing, 30 percent to taxes, 5 percent to debts, 40 percent to living expenses, and 5 percent to spend.

Fill in these percentages on your pie chart.

Notice what's out of balance, or what's missing. For example, maybe you're not tithing or saving and would like to.

Next, draw another circle and create it as you'd like it to be, then post it some place you can see it regularly.

You can also do a pie chart for just one aspect. For example, savings could be split into percentages for investing, for long term and short term, or for particular items you're putting money away for, such as a vacation, Christmas, or a wedding.

Working with percentages offers a way to manage your money easily no matter the amount of income. You'll feel more powerful with the money you have, and as your income grows you'll know what you're going to do with it. Financial security and peace is a part of all abundance.

Principle 8

Thou Shall See Behind Each Challenge

Expect your every need to be met. Expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level.

—Eileen Caddy

Problems are opportunities in disguise. Undress them to see the solution.

Inside every challenge is the resolution to that challenge.

A scarcity mind sees the problem; the abundant mind sees the product, or service, or solution.

You must relax the focus from fire-alarm concern to trusting, heartfelt expectation.


Imagine you're an inventor (or an imagineer, as they call them at Disney), and that you need to come up with an idea for an invention to compete in a contest.

To begin, you might ask the following questions:

  1. What does not work as well as you would like it to work?
  2. What problem, issue, or dilemma would you like solved?
  3. If you could make life easier, what would you invent?

Next, you'd make a list of alternatives or possibilities, along with any pros and cons, then begin to visualize what form your invention might take and what materials would be needed.

These are just some of the questions inventors ask themselves, but essentially, it all starts with a problem of some sort.

The same process can be applied in solving a personal issue, so, this time, ask the questions about your own life.

Inventors are naturally curious human beings, always sniffing around for a problem to solve—and a problem doesn't have to be bad. For example, at Disney, they're continually trying to come up with an idea for another thrilling ride experience. Problems can be fun when you explore them proactively this way. That's abundance thinking.

Principle 9

Thou Shall Experience the Miracle of Now

One of the most dynamic and significant changes you can make in your life is to make the commitment to drop all negative references to your past, to begin living now.

—Richard Carlson

In this moment, all is well.

This moment is abundance. This moment is the miracle.

Not seeing the miracle of the moment means the ego is limiting the view. Coming from fear is not coming from faith.

When in this moment, where abundance lives and breathes, seeing the next action and next inspiration is a breeze. It's right there.


Look around the room you're in and find something you feel grateful for. It can be anything—the chair you're sitting on, a refrigerator, the glass you're drinking from, or the water in the glass.

Make a list of all the things you appreciate about that thing, including the people who made it for you to enjoy. Be creative and reflect on as many aspects as you can.

  • What does that object provide you with?
  • What comfort do you get out of having it?
  • What is it good for?
  • What pleases you about it?

Abundance is as close as gratitude because true gratitude always puts you right here, right now—and where else could abundance possibly exist? It's that simple.

Principle 10

Thou Shall Help Others

You can have everything you want in life if you just help enough people get what they want in life.

—Zig Ziglar

Helping others expands your worldview to include the rest of the planet.

It also expands your energy to move it from ego to spirit.

Helping family, friends, community, and the world increases abundance for all. The more you extend a hand to others, the more you feel abundance as a reality for you.

Helping others helps you.


Write down something you'd love to do if you had the means to do it.

As an example, let's say you'd like to travel the world and have more fun.

Now imagine you're an entrepreneur looking for a way to not only do both of those, but also create a business that makes money and helps your community.

  • You could start a travel agency and sponsor fun tours.
  • You could travel around and host sporting events.

Taking what you wrote for yourself, see how many ideas you can come up with around that idea to satisfy your desire—while helping others at the same time.

Relationships, money, all the things we want in life, are going to come through other people. So you've got to make a contribution, and there isn't any way around this. In fact, the more contributions you make while doing what you love, the more you can profit. Think abundance for all.

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