The Mission

Do not value money for any more nor any less than its worth; it is a good servant but a bad master.

—Alexandre Dumas fils, Camille, 1852

Walt Disney once said, “I want to make money from my movies so I can continue making movies.”

Note the purity in the statement. It's about the mission. His soul's mission. Money is secondary. Money is the means to an end. The relationship between his mission and money is symbiotic and cyclical. One begets the other.

Disney loved cartoons. He knew that if they made him happy, they would bring joy to many others who watched them. And he wanted to make people happy. If we apply the Awakened Millionaire formula for Disney, it might look something like this:

  1. Passion: Creating cartoons and bringing others joy.
  2. Purpose: Produce cartoon films for the public.
  3. Mission: Bring others great joy by producing touching cartoon films for the public.

Walt Disney is the perfect example of a man who was driven by passion. His passion explicitly included bringing others joy, but when we love something so strongly, we don't want to keep it to ourselves. It's almost criminal to keep it to ourselves. We want to share it with the entire world. Even if we have the fears of putting ourselves out there, it is deeply ingrained in our soul's desire to radiate outwards.

At the grand opening of Disneyland on July 17, 1955, Disney said in his speech: To all who come to this happy place; welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past…and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts that have created America…with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world.

This is a mission statement. Disney's statement is as clear as day.

His success, his unstoppable drive is fueled not by money, not by success itself, but by one crystal clear thing. His passion. It gave him a vision. And it carried him along, guiding him every step of the way through his remarkable journey. He wanted to make an impact—and he did.

Regardless of the path that Disney's legacy has taken since his passing in 1966, his impact continues to ripple through time.

We must love what we do. Work done on what we love is no longer work. It is passion in action. It is joy. It is the reality of the Awakened Millionaire. Awakened Millionaires love what they do, and that love can change the world.

Money makes manifest the mission and purpose of our soul. Money is an ally to the soul. If we love what we do, then money is simply a tool to manifest it. They form a cyclical relationship in which one begets the other. In combination, mission and money can proliferate, and both become exponentially greater.

This is the foundation of the Awakened Millionaire.

This is the power behind the Awakened Millionaire.

This is the fuel driving the Awakened Millionaire.

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