
All riches have their origin in mind. Wealth is in ideas—not money.

—Robert Collier


There is no more war. Money is no longer your enemy. Any financial struggle you might feel is no longer the fault of an outside force.

You, and only you, have responsibility and you will cherish that responsibility. You are no longer the victim and you will lavish in that freedom. Start now, with a commitment.

Make a commitment to reawaken your relationship with money. Make a quiet pledge to look at money with new eyes. See its simple nature. See its neutral way. See the tool it can be and the soul it can support. You are in control.

Money is not the root of all evil because money is neutral. You are in control. Money is no longer the great destroyer but rather a force of creation of your own design. You are in control. Money cannot corrupt you because it has no power of its own. It only has your power. You are in control. Money cannot harden your heart because you bring love and respect. There is no hardness in love and respect. You are in control.

Money cannot control you, imprison you, or change you. It never could. Only your thoughts about money controlled you. Only your emotions behind money imprisoned you. Only your habits with money chained you.

Those thoughts are changing. You are awakening. You are finding your soulful control. As you move through this moment of reawakening, you wonder, “How could this charade of a war have lasted for so long? How have I lived this falsehood with such precision and commitment?”

Perhaps you feel appalled by the time and energy wasted on such a ridiculous war. Or perhaps it's guilt, shame, shock, or disbelief. Don't fight it. Acknowledge it, respect its presence, and then let it go like a shadow passing with the sun. Let go of any thought or emotion that holds no importance on where you are now: looking forward.

Fortify yourself with the gratitude of knowing you are now free from this war. The fog has been lifted and can never return. You cannot break your shackles, leave the cave, see the light, walk back in the cave, shackle yourself once again, and pretend you never saw the light.

You know what that light is. You know what that freedom is. It is the light and freedom of a life unburdened by a battle with money, an enemy that never existed.

No more cursing your bills, your debts, or your liabilities. There is only gratitude for the lights, the heat, the phone, the car, or the house those bills represent. Write thank you notes on your checks. Send cookies to your debt collector. You will never curse money again, for how do you curse what brings us abundance? It is a ridiculous notion that no longer makes sense to you, the Awakened Millionaire.

When you look at the community around you, you do not see the greed or rot that is money. You see the greed and rot that is a troubled human soul who's lost its way. You do not see wicked control commanding the happiness of helpless souls. You see people ripe for awakening, ready to ascend the hill and see the battlefield where one side fights an enemy that was never there.

If you ever came across a crowd throwing money into the flames, you would not cheer, you would not cry; you would only mourn the opportunity for impact lost to an inherited ignorance our society has lived with for generations.

For you have broken the vicious cycle. The struggle between hate and love has stopped at your feet, no longer permitted a moment of your time. It is not your fate to tangle with this vicious cycle. It never was. You know that now.

You have joined the ranks of the Awakened Millionaires. They may not all know themselves as such. But they know the formula in their bones. And they know the true relationship with money for what it is: potential, power, and prosperity.

You stand with them now, those who neither love money, nor hate money. You stand with those who neither struggle with it, nor fight it. You stand with those who command it, yet respect it. You stand with those who give with it, who transform with it.

And the money will come to you, for it now has a home. It has a safe haven and a nurturing bond. It is allowed to be what it is: neutral. A tool ready for your vision to give it a mission.

Do you lust for it? No. You are an Awakened Millionaire.

Do you cherish it? No. You are an Awakened Millionaire.

Pull out a bill from your purse or wallet. Or pick up a coin from your pocket. Hold it in your hand. It does not breathe. It does not talk. It does not stare at you. It does not feel for you. But it does go where you put it.

Where will you put it?

Just imagine what you can accomplish with your money if it had a mission!

Imagine you had exactly one million dollars in your bank. What would you do with it? How would you use it? How would you live for your mission? How would you make an impact? What cause would you support? What call would you take up? Who would you help?

How would you invest in not just your future, but our future? How would you transform your money into an expression of your passion, purpose, and mission? How would you transform that money into an expression of your soul?

Perhaps you see a clear picture. Perhaps you don't yet. It doesn't matter if it's fuzzy for you now. What matters is that you feel yourself there, feel yourself with the potential energy held in those million dollars, and feel the presence of your passion. On its own, it's just money. It's just paper. With your passion, it's awakened.

Anchor yourself there. Hold that feeling. Hold the taste, the smell, the touch. Feel it with your being. Let it be your guide. For you are not just a millionaire. You are an Awakened Millionaire, and your impact will be felt for years to come.

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