Part I: Escape Your Reality

Chapter 1: The Life of Your Dreams

Chapter 2: Realizing That Old Dream Isn’t Worth Realizing

Chronology of a 9-to-5 Career

OMG, I Need a Job!

The J-O-B Is Not the Answer

Chapter 3: Charting a New Course

The Business of Navigating

Beware of Subtle Changes

Set Sail on Your Journey

A Vision for Your Life

Revisit Your Goals Periodically

Chapter 4: The 9-to-5 Cure Equation

Solving the 9-to-5 Cure Equation

Part II: Live the Life of Your Dreams

Chapter 5: Career Myopia and Other Misperceptions

Career Myopia: Putting Work in Perspective

The No-Vacation Nation

The Deliberate Lifestyle

The Power of Time Off

Time and Money in Abundance

Chapter 6: The Framework—Lifestyle Design

An Introduction to Lifestyle Design

Your Ideal Work Year

Your Ideal Career

Your Ideal Workplace

Your Ideal Work Mates

Your Money or Your Life

Your Ideal Attitude

Part III: Work on Purpose

Chapter 7: The Headlines—Survivalnomics

The Age of Survivalnomics

Taking Inventory of Our Work

Chapter 8: A New Strategy—The Patchwork Principle

The Big Picture in a Nutshell

The Patchworker Agenda

Practical Considerations

Chapter 9: Guiding Beliefs of the Patchwork Principle

The 11 Guiding Beliefs of the Patchwork Principle

Chapter 10: The Mindset of the Successful Patchworker

Know Your Patchworker Personality Type

Master Your Approach

Adopt a Healthy State of Paranoia

Part IV: Make It Happen

Chapter 11: Take Inventory and Build Your Brand

What Do You Have to Offer?

What Do You See Out There?

What Do You Not See Out There?

How to Pitch Your Niche

Chapter 12: Go Fish

What Is Fishing?

How to Fish

The Cardinal Rules of Fishing

Chapter 13: Stand and Deliver

Perception Is Everything

Key Elements of a Good Pitch

Chapter 14: Negotiate—Everything!

The Negotiation Mindset

Negotiating Your Time

Negotiating Your Rate

Managing the Negotiation Process

Negotiating Your Title

Negotiating Your Location

Negotiating Some Extras

Part V: Think It Through

Chapter 15: Do You Have What It Takes?

The Mindset

The People Skills

The Fiscal Discipline

The Courage to Change

The Nerve to Tackle Your Fears

Chapter 16: Consider the Drawbacks

Personal Drawbacks

Professional Drawbacks

Chapter 17: Plan Your Escape and Get Out of There

Part-Time Patchworking

Leaving the Door Open

Leaving a Trail

Part VI: Set Up Shop

Chapter 18: Get Your Move On

Journaling Your Journey

Startup Costs

Chapter 19: Meeting Uncle Sam and Other Necessities

Establishing Your Business

Taking Steps to Safeguard Yourself

Chapter 20: Parting Thoughts

Be Willing to Make Some Big Mistakes

Never Underestimate Yourself

Cultivate a Community of Colleagues

Go Easy on Yourself

Lead with Kindness

Be Willing to Apologize

Stay Positive

Keep Making Forward Progress



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