3M, 36

9-to-5 Cure, 4–5, 18, 76

9-to-5 Cure Equation, 24–25, 41–42, 73, 227, 237

9-to-5 lifestyle, 2–5

10,000-Hour Rule, 121–122


academic training, 124

access, 90–91

as power, 74

accounting, 222

Adams, Scott, 230

Adler, Carlye, 219

agenda, Patchwork Principle, 76–77

Allen, Scott, 236

allodoxaphobia, 192

Amazon, 6–7

Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk), 68–69

amenities, 196–197, 39

apologizing, 234

appearance, pitching, 160

The Apprentice, 43

approach, 116–117

Ash, Mary Kay, 232

Ashe, Arthur, 113

attitude, ideal, 58–61

Australia, 32

autonomy, 96–97

availability, limiting, 110


balance, 35, 237

beginner’s mind, 237

Bennett, Drake, 72, 153

big picture perspective, 28

blogs, 144–145

boss, being, 182

breadcrumb navigation, 203–204

Brown, Tina, 72

Burkeman, Oliver, 64

business identity, 217–219, 237

printed materials, 217–218

virtual materials, 218–219

business phone, 213–214

Byrne, Rhonda, 18, 99


calendar backups, 213

calling, as work, 108

Canada, 30, 32

Canfield, Jack, 99


ideal, 47–48, 59–60

as work, 108

career choices, 7

career life cycle, 28

career myopia, 27–32, 237

big picture perspective, 28

career life cycle, 28

holiday time, 29–30

life expectancy, 28

vacations, 29–30

work-before-life mindset, 30

work versus free time, 30–32

career outlook, shape, 61–64

cyclical, 61–62

double helix, 62

linear, 61–63

spiral, 62–63

cash discounts, 225

cash flow management, 199–200

change, courage, 190–191

changes, subtle, 16–17

checking account, 222

checklist, startup, 209

China, 31

choice, 91, 93–95

chronophobia, 192

clients, Web, 141

colleagues, 230–231

communication tools, 127

competence, 161

complexity, 97–98

confidence, 161

conflict, 184

consultants, 68, 173–175, 237

contingent workers, 68

contract workers, 75

courage, 190–191

co-workers, ideal, 52–54

characteristics, 52–53

freelance loners, 54

teamwork, 53–54

Crane, George, 102

crazy skills, 187–188

crowdsourcing, 68–69, 237

Csíkszentmihályi, Mihály, 159

cultural skills, 186–187, 237

cure, defined, 24, 237

cyclical career outlook, 61–62

Czech Republic, 30


daily earnings, 55

daily rates, 167–168

Davis, Sam, 236

deadlines, negotiation, 177

decidophobia, 192

decisiveness, 182

dedication, 180–181

DeFini, Angela, 111

Degeneres, Ellen, 90

Denmark, 32

design, Web, 215–216

Diener, Ed, 39

DINKs (double income no kids), 51

Disney, Walt, 19

distractions, 195–196

dividends, 99–100

domain names, 214

Don Quixote, 230

Doraush, Michael, 64

double helix career outlook, 62

Douglas, Michael, 134

drawbacks, 195–200

amenities, 196–197

cash flow management, 199–200

distractions, 195–196

equipment maintenance, 200

high-tech headaches, 199

housebound, 197

income stability, 198

insurance plans, 198–199

living space, 197

loans, 198

paid time off, 198

payments, 199

personal, 195–197

physical fitness, 197

prestige, 198

professional, 198–200

professional development, 199

respect, 196

social network, 196

taxes, 199

weight issues, 197

dreams, 6–7


Eagle Eye, fishing approach, 132–134, 136–137, 237

Edison, Thomas, 138–139

education, 7–10

effort and reward, 98–99

EIN (Federal Tax Identification Number), 221–222, 238

Einstein, Albert, 229, 147

elevator speech, 161, 238

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 111

Emory University, 3

Emotional Intelligence (EI), 183, 238

emotional state, 17

employees, 171–172, 238

employment agencies, 151

energy, 109–110, 180

enissophobia, 192–193

enthusiasm, 111

equipment maintenance, 200

evaluation, fishing, 152, 238


First Patchworker Goal Sheet, 228

How Would Your Ideal Career Make You Feel?, 59

If Only I Had More Time, 44–45

Preliminary Goal Sheet, 20

Putting It All Together, Mad Lib Style, 46–47

expenses, 56

experience, work, 122–123

expert skills, 121–127, 238

academic training, 124

gifts/talents, 125

hobbies, 125–126

life experience, 124–125

military service, 123

parenting skills, 126–127

soft skills, 127

talents, 125

technical training, 124

volunteer service, 126

work experience, 122–123

extras, negotiation, 176–178


Facebook, 66, 142–144

faxes, 213

fears, 191–194

fear of failure, 15

Federal Tax Identification Number (EIN), 221–222

Ferriss, Timothy, 64

finances, 18

Finland, 32

first impressions, 218

First Patchworker Goal Sheet exercise, 228

fiscal discipline, 188–189

fish-and-pitch strategy, 74

fishing, 131–153, 238

blogs, 144–145

Eagle Eye, 132–134, 136–137

evaluation, 152

identification, 138, 145–152

observation, 138–145

opportunities, 132–134

re-entry shock, 134

reflection, 138

reverse culture shock, 134

rules, 152–153

Seagull Scavenger, 135–137

social media outlets, 142–144

strategy, 152–153

flow, 159, 238

focus, 180

Forbes, 2, 31

forecast, Patchwork Principle, 77–78

France, 30

free range, 238

freedom, 32

freelancers, 54, 68, 76. See also Patchwork Principle

Freelance Dance, 84, 238

job search engines, 147–148

part-time, 201–202

full-time patchworking, 203–204


Gates, Bill, 3, 21, 23

Germany, 30

gifts/talents, 125

Gig Economy, 70

Gigaverse, 70–71, 238

giggers, 68–71

Gigonomics, 69–71, 238

Gladwell, Malcolm, 95, 111, 121


action verbs, 19

boundaries, 19

change, 21

daydreams, 22

developing, 21

energizing, 21

mapping, 19–21

present, 23

quantifiable, 19

revisiting, 22–23

Goleman, Daniel, 183

Google, 36, 39, 186–187

Google AdWords, 215

Greece, 30

The Guardian, 51

Gurchiek, Kathy, 38, 147


Haidt, Jonathan, 107–108

happiness, 2–3, 32, 95–100

autonomy, 96–97

complexity, 97–98

dividends, 99–100

effort and reward, 98–99

Harley-Davidson, 58

Harvard Business Review, 30

Hayes, Erin, 39

Health Savings Account (HSA), 224–225

Herper, Matthew, 5

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann, 38

high-tech headaches, 199

Hilton, Conrad, 229

hippopotomonstrosesquip-pedaliophobia, 193

hobbies, 125–126

holiday time, 29–30, 32–33

home, working from, 49–50

home address, 221

location independent, 50–52

office locations, 50

on-site, 50

home office, startup costs, 210–211

Hooper, Mark, 64

hosting, Web sites, 214–215

hourly rates, 167

hours worked per year, 30–32

housebound feeling, 197

How Would Your Ideal Career Make You Feel? exercise, 59

Hungary, 30


identification, fishing, 138, 145–152, 238

If Only I Had More Time exercise, 44–45

imagination, 140

impressions, first, 218

income stability, 198

independent contractors, 68, 172–173, 239

independently working, 181

India, 31

inspirational skills, 183–184, 239

insurance, 198–199, 223–224

Internal Revenue Service, 220–221

interpersonal skills, 184, 239

Interspersed Retirement Model, 36

investing in self, 207

isolophobia, 193


Japan, 32


as addiction, 13

as answer, 13

dream, 7–10

postings, 142

search engines, 145–148

as work, 107

job security, 101–102

job sites, location-specific, 150, 147

Jones, Charlotte Foltz, 236

journaling, 206–207


Kaizen, 239

Khurana, Simran, 236

kindness, 232–234

Kjerulf, Alexander, 99, 111

knowledge, 106–109

Kolata, Gina, 236

Korea, 30–32


leads, 181–182

learning, 182–183

leased space, 211–212

legal structure, 221

Lehrer, Jonah, 194

life expectancy, 28

life experience, 124–125

Lifestyle Design, 7, 25, 34–35, 40–64, 239

9-to-5 Cure Equation, 40–41

attitude, ideal, 58–61

career, ideal, 47–48, 59-60

career outlook, shape, 61–64

cyclical, 61–62

double helix, 62

linear, 61–63

spiral, 62–63

co-workers, ideal, 52–54

characteristics, 52–53

freelance loners, 54

teamwork, 53–54

defined, 42

money, 54–57

daily earnings, 55

delayed gratification, 56

expenses, 56

work week, ideal, 56–57

passion, 58–61

visualization, 44–45

work year, ideal, 43–45

workplace, ideal, 48–52

home, 49–50

location independent, 50–52

office locations, 50

on-site, 50

linear career outlook, 61–63

living space, 197

loans, 198


checking account, 222

choice, 220

EIN (Federal Tax Identification Number), 221–222

home address, 221

legal structure, 221

mailing address, 221

negotiation, 175–176

P.O. Box, 221

recordkeeping, 222

location independent, 50–52, 239

Los Angeles Times, 38

lottery winners, 3–4

luck, 101

Luxembourg, 30


Maasai herdsmen, 2

macrophobia, 193

mailing address, 221

Manjoo, Farhad, 219

market trends, 108

marketplace, assessing, 127–128

The Marshmallow Experiment, 188–189

Merriam-Webster Online, 23–25, 111, 194

The Mexican Fisherman story, 40–41

micro tasks, 68, 239

military service, 123

mindset, 113–119, 180–183

boss, being, 182

decisiveness, 182

dedication, 180–181

energy, 180

focus, 180

independently working, 181

leads, 181–182

learning, 182–183

multitasking, 181

negotiation, 163–164

organizational skills, 181

personality types, 113–116

Type A, 114–116

Type B, 115–116

mistakes, 229

mobile crowdsourcing, 68, 239

mobile money, 239

momentum, 63, 74–75, 239

money, 54–57, 87–89

daily earnings, 55

delayed gratification, 56

expenses, 56

work week, ideal, 56–57

MTurk, 68–69

multibranding, 239

multitasking, 181

Murphy, Richard McGill, 236

Myers, David, 39, 98, 111

myopia, 27


navigation, 15–17, 203–204

negotiation, 162–178

deadlines, 177

extras, 176–178

location, 175–176

mindset, 163–164

process, managing, 168–170

rate, 165–168

time, 164–165

title, 170–175

The Netherlands, 30, 32

networking groups, 151–152

New Zealand, 32

Newlands, David, 64


finding, 104–105, 128–129

pitching, 129–130

protecting, 130

No-Vacation Nation, 32–33, 239

Norway, 30

notice, giving, 202


observation, fishing, 138–145, 239

Occupational Outlook Handbook, 122, 147

OECD, 38

The Office, 28, 43

office equipment, startup costs, 212

office locations, 50

office, startup costs, 209–212

office supplies, startup costs, 212–213

Olsen, Parmy, 38

on-site, working, 50

operational skills, 185–186, 240

opportunity, 106

fishing, 132–134

optimization, Web sites, 216–217

organizational charts, 141–142

organizational skills, 181

organizations, assessing, 128

originality, 102–105

Orkut, 36


paid time off, 198

paranoia, 117–119

parenting skills, 126–127

part-time patchworking, 201–202

passion, 58–61

Patchwork Principle, 38, 48, 50, 73–85, 240

9-to-5 Cure, 76

9-to-5 Cure Equation, 73

access as power, 74

agenda, 76–77

approach, 116–117

contract workers, 75

fish-and-pitch strategy, 74

forecast, 77–78

freelance dance, 84

guiding beliefs, 86–112

access, 90–91

choice, 93–95

energy, 109–110

happiness, 95–100

knowledge, 106–109

originality, 102–105

purpose, 87–90

revenue, 105–106

reward, 110–111

time, 91–93

work, 100–102

mindset, 113–119, 240

momentum, 74–75

Patchworkers, 76

pay rate, premium, 75

people skills, 75

personality types, 113–116

Type A, 114–116

Type B, 115–116

position types, 78–83

plug, 81

quick fix, 82

stand-in, 79

star, 83

walk-on, 80

practicality, 85

Patchworkers, 76, 240. See also Patchwork Principle

pay rate, premium, 75

payments, 199

Peale, Norman Vincent, 99

people skills, 75, 183–188

perception, 154–155

persistence, 101

personal drawbacks, 195–197

personal positioning statement, 161

personality types, 113–116

Type A, 114–116

Type B, 115–116

phishing, 131

phone line, 213–214

Photoshop, 218

physical health, 18, 197

pitches, 155–161, 240

appearance, 160

competence, 161

confidence, 161

elevator speech, 161

personal positioning statement, 161

research, 155–156

saltiness, 160

selling identity, 156–157

story, 157–159

work enjoyment, 159

pitching, 129–130

plug positions, 81, 240

P.O. Box, 221

Poland, 30

position types, 78–83

plug, 81

quick fix, 82

stand-in, 79

star, 83

walk-on, 80

positive change, 14–15

positivity, 234–235

practicality, 85

Preliminary Goal Sheet exercise, 20

prestige, 198

pricing strategies, 167–168

professional development, 199

professional drawbacks, 198–200

progress, 235–236

project-based rates, 168

purpose, 87–90

Putting It All Together, Mad Lib Style exercise, 46–47


quick fix positions, 82, 240

Rancic, Bill, 43

rates, negotiation, 165–168

Ray, Rebecca, 33, 39

RechargeIt, 36

recordkeeping, 222

re-entry shock, 134, 240

reflection, fishing, 138, 240

relationships, 87–89

research, pitching, 155–156

respect, 196

Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE), 92–93

retirement savings, 225–226

revenue, 105–106

reverse culture shock, 134

reverse outsourcing, 150, 240

reward, 110–111

Richards, Greg, 39

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 52

Rosenbloom, Stephanie, 38

Ross, Joel, 72

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, 153

Ryan, M.J., 190, 194


sabbaticals, 36–37

Sagmeister, Stefan, 35–36, 39

saltiness, personal, 160

savings, retirement, 225–226

Schmitt, John, 33, 39

Scott, Sir Walter, 76

Seagull Scavenger, fishing approach, 135–137, 240

search engines, jobs, 145–148

security, 10–12

selling identity, 156–157

SEO tools, 217

shared office space, 211

Sherman, Lauren, 39

Shriver, Maria, 18, 23, 231, 236

skill sets, worth of, 166–167


crazy, 187–188

cultural, 186–187

inspirational, 183–184

interpersonal, 184

operational, 185–186

organizational, 181

people, 183–188

skills sites, 148

The Sloan Consortium, 64

Smith, Logan Pearsall, 118, 147

social media outlets, 142–144

social network, 196

soft skills, 127, 240, 147

soteriophobia, 193

spending, 208–209

spiral career outlook, 62–63

sprinting, 119

staff directories, 141

stand-in positions, 79, 241

Standard Life Cycle Model, 36

Stanley, Elizabeth-Anne Anderson, 110

star positions, 83, 241

Star Trek, 229

startup costs, 207–219

business identity, 217–219

business phone, 213–214

checklist, 209

home office, 210–211

investing in self, 207

leased space, 211–212

office, 209–212

office equipment, 212

office supplies, 212–213

phone line, 213–214

shared office space, 211

spending, 208–209

Web site, 214–217

Stathis, Mike, 72, 85, 111

S.T.O.P. (See The Outrageous Possibilities), 119

story, pitching, 157–159

success, 117

Sun Life Financial, 30, 38

Survivalnomics, 66–72, 241

crowdsourcing, 68–69

Gigaverse, 70–71

Gigonomics, 69–71

work world inventory, 67–68

Sutherland, Rory, 154, 161

Sweden, 30


talents, 101, 125

taxes, 199

teamwork, 53–54

technical training, 124

telecommuters, 149, 241

temps, 68

thrive, 13–15, 28, 241

time, 87–89, 91–93

negotiation, 164–165

time off, 35–37. See also vacations

title, negotiation, 170–175

trade publications, 128

trail, leaving, 203–204

Trump, Donald, 43

Twitter, 66, 142–144

Type A personalities, 114–116, 241

Type B personalities, 115–116, 241

Txteagle, 68, 72


Uchitelle, Louis, 112

underestimating self, 230

unemployment, 12–13

Unretirement Index, 30, 241

U.S. Department of Labor, 77–78, 85, 105, 112

U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, 38

U.S. Small Business Administration, 220


vacations, 29–30, 32–34

virtual assistants, 148–149, 241

virtual leads, 141

visualization, 18–21, 44–45, 241

goals, developing, 21

goals, mapping, 19–21

volunteer service, 126


walk-on positions, 80, 241

Wall Street, 134, 153

Web sites

clients, 141

design, 215–216

domain names, 214

hosting, 214–215

optimization, 216–217

startup costs, 214–217

weight issues, 197

The West Wing, 159

Wieberg, Steve, 178

Wikibooks, 112

Wikipedia, 23, 39, 72, 85, 112, 119, 153, 161

Winfrey, Oprah, 90

Wired magazine, 19

Woodward, Jonathan, 51

Woodward, Lea, 51, 64

work, 87–89, 100–102

versus free time, 30–32

work-before-life mindset, 30

work enjoyment, 159

work-life balance, 35

work week, ideal, 56–57

work world inventory, 67–68

work year, ideal, 43–45

workplace, ideal, 48–52

home, 49–50

location independent, 50–52

office locations, 50

on-site, 50

worth, determining, 166–168


xenophobia, 193–194

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