Technological Change and Organization

The organizational level (meso-level) is important for understanding the dynamics of technological change, especially as technology plays an increasingly important role in organizations (section 3.1). In addition, there are many interdependencies between organizations and technologies, as shown by the work of some historians (section 3.2). On the one hand, organizations can participate in technological change, for example, by contributing to the R&D effort through private research laboratories or through partnerships with public laboratories. In some areas, such as chemistry or, more recently, mobile telephony or artificial intelligence, companies have proven to be the driving force behind technological change. On the other hand, technology can also influence companies, for example, by introducing tools that promote new organizational forms. Therefore, within the organization, a major question, raised by history, sociology and philosophy, concerns the link between technology and workers’ autonomy (or conversely their control) (section 3.3). Many technologies carry a form of ambivalence and can become instruments of empowerment or, on the contrary, control of workers, depending on how they are used. Finally, this implies that any technological change also implies a process of social change (section 3.4): support for employees when jobs change or even disappear, change management, in particular.

3.1. Omnipresence of the technical object in work activities

While for a time, the technical object was confined to the functions that were precisely designated “technical” (in industry: research and development (R&D), production preparation and control, manufacturing), it now has, with digital technologies, a central place in all the company’s functions. Without claiming to be exhaustive, we propose to report on this phenomenon in an illustrative way.

3.1.1. The R&D function in the lead1

The R&D function has always maintained a close link with digital technologies, compared to the company’s other tasks. Not only are these technologies designed quite extensively by R&D, but they have sometimes been designed first for R&D and then extended to a wider audience. The world of R&D therefore has a more daily, and in a way “natural”, relationship with these technologies.

For years now, R&D has been experiencing the use of a wide range of digital tools. This is the case for those that enable a very fast and low-cost flow of information: messaging, the Internet, electronic databases, online scientific journals and specialized social networks. Scientific monitoring, literature reviews and cooperation between researchers are greatly facilitated.

By accelerating computation and reducing the resources required to perform a test, digital tools increase the efficiency of R&D. They also make it possible to make the results more reliable, because the experiments have been replicated over a larger number of tests and computer-aided design (CAD) tools leave less room for error than hand-operated drawings, etc. But these tools also transform the way of working and support the development of new skills and innovations.

Collaborative tools make it easier to work with others and remotely. In internationally fragmented R&D networks, in multi-organizational R&D partnerships, these tools are valuable. The development of online virtual communities, specialized social networks, wikis, Internet forums, etc., provides new spaces for the exchange of ideas, inspiration and learning.

Digital equipment is also changing the way we work, because of the new possibilities it opens up in terms of prototyping. This is particularly the case in software development. Tools such as 3D printers make it possible to materialize ideas at a fairly early stage and very easily. It is now possible to test the ergonomic character of an object, check its compatibility with another, etc. Other technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality make it possible to project a user into experiences of using a product at intermediate states of realization, facilitating very rapid feedback from customers.

Finally, digital technologies offer many possibilities to involve customers in design processes: crowdsourcing platforms, remote data collection and use, physical or virtual prototype testing, etc.

3.1.2. Marketing challenged by digital transformation

In the marketing function, which is essentially open to new ideas, “digital marketing” has become very important. It consists of promoting products and services and interacting with the consumer through the available digital technologies. It has become an essential component of a marketing strategy.

Digital marketing concerns both operational sales activities (prospecting by emailing and other means of electronic promotion, online sales) and strategic brand policy activities (use of social media, brand blogs, etc.), as well as customer loyalty (community animation using chat tools, mobile applications, “in-store” interactions by digitizing the point of sale).

Even more profoundly, the development of digital technology is changing interaction with consumers and potentially creating a new paradigm (Quinton, 2013). The digital world makes more data available to consumers who can easily compare product performance and prices. With one click, they can switch from one sales site to another and have the product delivered to their home as soon as possible.

The development of social networks disrupts consumer relations with brands, from a simple conversation between the service provider and consumers to a multitude of exchanges between customers themselves on forums, through co-creation, brand communities, communication via mobile phones or online games, etc. (Iglesias and Bonet, 2012). Shared dissatisfaction with a product or service can affect a hard-won brand image. This phenomenon requires new skills that the actors in the marketing department do not always possess.

From a more global perspective, the market can be seen as a carrier of symbolic resources that allow consumers to tell their stories by building their identity. However, digital technology affects the relationships that individuals maintain, through the products they use, with others and with themselves.

Belk (2013), a North American marketing professor, is at the origin of an extended self theory which postulates that beyond a core self, other elements (objects, people, places, ideas, experiences) gravitate towards the person’s history and define it. In this context, a smartphone, a computer or any other digital object can fall within this status and constitute an extension of oneself. Belk questioned the relevance of the notion of the self in a digital world. He identified five major changes that also have an impact on marketing:

  • – the dematerialization that the digital age has extended to the entire sectors of the economy, particularly cultural goods (music, films, books, etc.);
  • – reincorporation, which allows an individual to appear in various forms, with the use of avatars in video games, as well as in blogs or social networks;
  • – sharing with a circle of acquaintances whose scope has considerably expanded with social networks that allow individuals to be in contact with others who are geographically very distant;
  • – co-construction of the self, linked to the intensification of sharing (especially with photos of an object that you would like to acquire) that allows an individual to obtain rapid feedback and thus to reassure her/himself about his/her choices or perceptions;
  • – distributed memory, because everyone’s life is now delivered by Google in small pieces that fit together more or less successfully.

3.1.3. Factory 4.0

Obviously, “factory” does not spontaneously rhyme with digital technologies. However, industrial activities, although considered more traditional, are not to be outdone. The notions of the factory of the future, industry 4.0 or even the connected factory, became very popular at the end of the 2010s. They constitute one of the European Union’s strategic axes, together with the “Horizon 2020” and “Factories of the Future” programs. In general, the idea of stopping the deindustrialization of developed countries is nowadays a necessity, and digital technologies are called for as a reinforcement.

Without being the only ones concerned, the manufacturing industries will be profoundly affected. According to the Fédération des industries de la mécanique (2015, p. 21–22), ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies), which pave the way for the connected and digital factory, should make it possible to deliver:

“– continuous, instant and integrated communication of information relating to production processes (design, manufacturing, logistics and maintenance) and manufactured products;

– the simulation of the product, process, workstation and even the factory, logistics and supplier chain;

– self-diagnosis and self-adaptation of production processes and equipment and continuous product monitoring” (authors’ translation).

To meet these needs, the Boston Consulting Group, an international strategy consulting firm, has identified nine technologies that are transforming industrial production (Gerbert et al., 2015):

  • Big Data and analytics: the presence of sensors on machines and products facilitates the collection of large datasets from many different sources. With appropriate processing and analysis tools, this data makes it possible to optimize the production chain by identifying in a very detailed way the problems that arise in relation to an increased knowledge of customers’ habits and preferences;
  • autonomous robots: manufacturers in many industries have long used robots to tackle complex tasks, but robots are evolving to be even more useful. Advanced robotics now makes it possible to create robots that are cheaper, more autonomous, more flexible and capable of greater cooperation with humans;
  • simulation: 3D simulation of products, materials or processes extends to the entire production chain. Real-time data acquisition offers the possibility of refining models to better reflect reality and allow operators to optimize machine settings;
  • horizontal and vertical integration systems: information systems facilitate integration and communication within and between companies, functions and services, and between companies in order to automate value chains;
  • Industrial Internet of Things: with the multiplication of sensors on machines and products, even unfinished ones, machines can know the production history of the object, the corresponding final demand in order to respond in a fully automated way or through global control of the manufacturing process;
  • the cloud: cloud storage is already widely used for software and data management. As its performance improves, data and machine functionality will be increasingly deployed in cloud storage, making it easier to share large amounts of data;
  • additive manufacturing: beyond the production of prototypes, 3D printing already enables the production of complex parts, spare parts and even customized tools in small series. The speed and accuracy of printing should increase and allow, in some cases, large-scale production. In addition, efficient and decentralized additive manufacturing systems will reduce transport distances and available stock;
  • augmented reality: this technology, which is still in its infancy, will be able to support a wide range of services, from sending instructions to repair a damaged part on a mobile device to providing real-time information to operators on the operation of an installation or even training;
  • Cybersecurity: with the increase in connectivity (presence of sensors generating data, communications within and outside the company), the need to protect critical industrial systems and manufacturing chains against threats is increasing and cybersecurity is becoming a major challenge for industrial companies.

Factories are therefore also deeply concerned by digital technology, whether it concerns, to use a few illustrations, prototyping (rapid prototyping and printing of unit products via 3D printing), manufacturing (simulation before starting production, collaborative robotics, Internet of Things, etc.) or maintenance (preventive maintenance by anticipating the replacement of parts or systems through Big Data, remote maintenance of industrial machines, etc.). On the periphery of production, traditional activities such as logistics are at the forefront of modernity with voice recognition, which is used in order preparation or automatic goods movement systems (automatic conveyors, guided carts, etc.).

But to meet their industrial challenges, companies are not relying solely on digital technology, as in the case of the Fonderies de Sougland, an SMI based in northern France for nearly 500 years that combines digital technology, reorganization and employee empowerment (see Figure 3.1). This case – it is far from being isolated – also shows that digital transformation is not only for large high-tech companies.


Figure 3.1. The factory of the future

(source: adapted from Alliance Industrie du Futur2)

3.1.4. e-HR

No activity escapes the “digital revolution”, including those areas that were seen by non-specialists as less technical and less likely to receive significant contributions from digital technology. This is the case for the human resources role.

Indeed, in human resources departments, the challenge is twofold. On the one hand, as with other support roles, it is a question of taking advantage of the facilities offered by new technologies and the cost reductions they allow. Thus, many start-ups now offer digital services to automate some of the tasks assigned to the HR function (e.g. CV pre-selection, administrative management of employees). The progress made in the field of HRIS (Human Resources Information Systems) therefore makes it a cost reduction lever today. But, on the other hand, it is also a question of modernizing the company’s image and thus attracting and retaining young talents, accustomed to using digital tools. These two issues (reducing HR role costs and at the same time attracting candidates and retaining employees) may seem contradictory. We illustrate them by referring to the effects of digital technology on some key recruitment and training activities (see Table 3.1).

Table 3.1. How digital technologies have changed the HR processes (non-exhaustive examples)

Field of activity Developments related to digital technologies
1. Recruitment
Make the company known to candidates Social networks are nowadays platforms for raising the visibility of a company’s “employer brand”.
Publish job advertisements Tools are available to publish a job advertisement on several job boards at the same time.
Receive applications It is now possible to receive applications in different forms and through different channels (on an internal website, through LinkedIn, through an application form, etc.) and to store them in a single space (application management software).
Search for candidates Digital professional social networks allow companies to search for candidates based on criteria and keywords (linked to skills or professional experience, for example).
Structure the data on the candidates Algorithms are used to extract structured data from CVs (unstructured data, text).
Select candidates Pre-selection algorithms can help recruiters in selecting applications, for example, by assigning a relevance score to each CV based on a comparison of the keywords contained in the CVs and in the offers.
Automate some of the administrative tasks involved in recruitment Some information systems offer solutions to automate the production of employment contracts or the transmission of information to administrative services.
2. Training
Manage employees’ training requests Some online training management tools allow employees to register independently for certain training courses (with the agreement of the line manager, if necessary).
Offer massive training courses at a lower cost COOCs (Corporate Online Open Courses) make it possible to train all employees at a low cost (cost mainly related to the production of training materials).
Promote training and the transfer of skills between peers Corporate social networks facilitate the exchange and transfer of skills and knowledge between employees of the same company.

3.2. The interaction of technological and organizational systems

Beyond the fact that technology occupies an important place in work organizations, companies are also essential stakeholders in technological change (Chandler, 1992). In particular, they have a privileged role in the transformation of scientific and technical knowledge into consumable products by individuals (Caron, 2010).

Many innovations have thus emerged in private laboratories, or following partnerships between several companies, or between companies and public laboratories. However, a company’s ability to innovate depends largely on two factors: its organizational structure, and the financial and human resources it devotes to innovation.

3.2.1. Technological change and organizational structure

The study of the succession of technological changes in the 19th and 20th Centuries in the Western world identifies two phenomena that highlight the profound links between technological change and organizational structure. First, the structure of an organization affects its organizational capacity; but, as a result, the need for innovation also encourages organizations to focus on certain organizational structures.

Caron (2010) identifies several stages in the history of technology between the 16th and 20th Centuries in the Western world. He shows, in particular, that between the years 1830 and 1960, four main categories of actors emerged and had to coordinate themselves around technological research: companies, trades, engineers and universities. In particular, since the 1880s, the emergence of large companies has profoundly changed the technological landscape. Indeed, these companies have developed planned research strategies, and policies to appropriate the knowledge produced, by the patent filing system. In the United States, Edison is the embodiment of this movement (see Box 3.1).

The French automotive industry is a second example: the brothers André and Édouard Michelin, Armand Peugeot and Louis Renault, created great industrial empires based on innovation (the dismountable tire for Michelin, for example) and greatly contributed to the development and dissemination of innovations to the general public. These two examples show the important role that companies have played in technological change.

The success of large companies in the field of technological innovation depends largely on their ability to limit the risks inherent in R&D activity, as well as to monetize the knowledge produced. The process of national and then international concentrations of companies in certain fields, such as synthetic chemistry, is an illustration of this. Caron (2010) explains that, from the end of the 19th Century until World War I, companies in the technological sectors tended to group themselves into national and then international oligopolies, in order to pool research efforts and the knowledge and innovations produced. These large groups or companies, such as Bayer in Germany, opted to create integrated research laboratories alongside the establishment of partnerships with public laboratories. This internalization of research allowed them to have groups of employees dedicated to producing knowledge and to controlling the dissemination of this knowledge. Thus, this strategy was accompanied by massive patent filings to protect the knowledge produced, or by scientific publication strategies aimed at disseminating knowledge on behalf of the company. Caron (2010) and Chandler (1992) give the example of General Electric’s laboratory (see Box 3.2).

The example of General Electric, or more generally the fact that many companies set up internal research laboratories dedicated both to fundamental and applied research at the beginning of the 20th Century, clearly shows the role of the company as an actor of technological change and the importance of the organizational structure in this role.

Beyond the internal laboratories at the beginning of the 20th Century, companies have also gradually adopted other organizational structures more favorable to innovation, of which we give two examples here: the network structure and the extended enterprise.

The network structure dates back to the 1980s. This type of organization is based on the decentralization of tasks and institutionalizes the operation in business units, to the detriment of hierarchical functioning. These business units benefit from the proximity of the field (market, for example), as well as from the ease with which knowledge and innovations can be disseminated between units. Several studies have shown the usefulness of this type of organization in the field of innovation (Tsai, 2001). However, this represents a reversal of the pyramidal hierarchical organization common in the 20th Century and therefore requires an adaptation of human resource management practices, with, for example, the mobility of researchers between units (Gilbert et al., 2018).

The extended enterprise goes even further than the networked enterprise by setting up inter-company cooperation systems: co-design, co-development and co-production. In these systems, companies pool resources (material, human, financial, for example) and coordinate to produce together. The advantage of this model lies in the fact that companies focus on their area of excellence, and join up with external partners on elements of the value chain that are not part of this area (Defélix and Picq, 2013). It is highly developed in sectors that require multiple skills or that are involved in several fields of activity (interdisciplinary): the automotive industry or aeronautics, for example. The extended enterprise can also refer to the involvement customers in a product’s design before it is launched on the market: this is the case today with many start-ups that, using crowdfunding, offer individuals the opportunity to receive a test version of the product and to give their opinion on it. Finally, this extended enterprise system is similar to the notion of open innovation, in which companies rely on an entire ecosystem of both internal and external R&D (Gilbert et al., 2018). Like the network structure, the extended enterprise requires an adaptation of management practices, for example, in terms of skills and knowledge management or legal matters.

These new and more cooperative ways of working towards innovation require significant coordination and cooperation capacities. The different groups of actors involved in the development of the project (engineers, researchers in companies, researchers in laboratories, customers, etc.) will have to coordinate themselves around a project of which they do not necessarily have the same vision or knowledge. The work of the sociology of translation, and, in particular that of Star and Griesemer (1989), has focused on this very issue of coordination around scientific research work. They stress the importance of having “boundary objects”, objects in the broad sense of the term (standards, reference systems, work programs, concepts, physical objects), which will enable agreement, coordination and work sharing around an innovation. In particular, these boundary objects must be sufficiently flexible so that each group of actors can maintain its own vision of the project, and sufficiently robust to allow for delegation and work sharing. This notion underlines the importance of adopting less streamlined working methods, leaving room for flexibility and uncertainty in the production of scientific innovations.

Finally, companies have also adopted new ways of working, as more conducive to innovation. These new ways of working may also have led in some cases to the adoption of new types of organization. We give here the example of CAD, developed, in particular, in the book edited by Cadix and Pointet (2002) (see Box 3.3).

These various examples therefore highlight the role of the company in technological change, as well as the profound interdependence between technological change and organizational structure. The school of structural contingency (Lawrence and Lorsch, 1967), among others, provides a clear understanding of this interdependence. According to this school, the environment (competitive, strategic, economic, etc.) is a decisive factor in the structure and performance of an organization. Thus, a particularly competitive environment requiring strong innovation capacities may encourage organizations to adopt the structures and processes mentioned above: creation of internal laboratories, network structure, extended enterprise, digital design tools, etc. From then on, it becomes easier to understand the mimicry and ultimately the homogenization of the structures of so-called innovative companies.

3.2.2. Technological change, and financial and human resources for innovation

Beyond the organizational structure, the question of the financial and human resources that organizations allocate to innovation should not be neglected. In fact, these expenses can be considerable. Thus, in 2012, OECD companies spent US$752 billion on R&D, which corresponded to more than two-thirds of the total R&D expenditure (OECD, 2014). In the same year, Chinese companies spent $224 billion on R&D, one-fifth of OECD spending. These expenses were mainly allocated to experimental research and to a lesser extent to fundamental research.

The OECD has carried out numerous studies on the link between R&D spending, technological change and growth. According to this organization, investment in R&D and employee training is a necessary condition for global growth. Moreover, the most developed economies tend to be more R&D intensive, due to their proximity to the “technological frontier” (the most advanced level of technological research), which requires their industries to innovate to make further progress.

However, investments in R&D and training have rather long-term effects, which can weaken them in times of crisis. For example, during the Great Depression of the 1930s in the United States, patenting declined (OECD, 2015). Similarly, R&D spending decreased during the 2008 crisis, except for the companies that invest the most in R&D globally, which maintained their efforts during the crisis.

In this context, the OECD is particularly interested in public policies aimed at supporting companies’ innovation efforts. These policies acknowledge that the costs and uncertainty associated with R&D, as well as the payback period and the non-rivalled and non-exclusive nature of R&D, can be a barrier to business investment in this area. They also acknowledge that companies’ R&D efforts can benefit a country as a whole, by contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and innovations, and because of their potential economic benefits. In France, for example, which is one of the most generous countries in terms of indirect support for R&D3, this includes the Crédit dimpôt recherché (a research tax credit) (see Box 3.4), and PhD contracts in companies (CIFRE; see Gilbert et al., 2018). On average, in the OECD, direct and indirect government funding of R&D represent between 10% and 20% of business R&D expenditure.

Business expenditure on R&D can take a wide variety of forms, from providing premises for researchers to purchasing machines, the hiring of research staff, financial support for public research, etc. Whatever their form, they give a good idea of the role of companies in technological innovation and the importance they attach to the subject.

A particular form of means allocated by the company to innovation can also be identified: human resources. Again, this support can take many forms. The creation of internal laboratories, already mentioned and now well established in large companies, is of course one of them. More innovatively, some companies seek to take into account the fact that employees themselves can innovate, sometimes outside any established circuit, any institutionalized structure. They will then seek to stimulate and encourage this creativity, which can take various forms. At Google, for example, since 2004, employees have had working time (one day a week) dedicated to developing their personal ideas and projects related to Google’s overall business. This system was linked to an internal collaborative platform, Google Labs, allowing exchanges on projects and ideas. Two of Google’s most profitable projects were born from this device: Gmail and Adwords. Even if the reality of this 20% rule is subject to debate, the fact that Google communicates on the subject and that this device has such a media success clearly shows the need for companies to record and make visible the innovation potential of employees. At Orange, an international system allows employees in each country to submit their innovation ideas (service, product or organizational) on a platform for expert evaluation. This system was then extended, as in other companies, by an internal incubator system (see Box 3.5).

Intrapreneurship schemes are increasingly developing in all areas where companies need to innovate. Intrapreneurship refers to schemes that allow employees of a company to carry out an innovative project while maintaining their salary status. These measures have two complementary objectives: to capitalize on a potential for innovation (employees) and to retain employees with innovative ideas who may be tempted to develop them in a less restrictive framework than that of large companies. They must therefore have several characteristics: selection of the most promising ideas, creation of a space and ecosystem conducive to new ways of working, more agility and proximity with regard to small businesses and provisioning of means and resources specific to large companies. They therefore represent costs for the company. However, the success and dissemination of such schemes illustrate the importance for companies of encouraging innovation among their employees. The example of Crédit Agricole, a major French bank, supports this point (see Box 3.6).

Finally, this section highlighted the major role played by companies and organizations in technological change. Two elements were particularly highlighted: the organizational system, and financial and human resources. We also stressed that the search for technological change has an impact on organizations, particularly on organizational structures.

3.3. Technology as a liberator and control agent

This raises another question, which has given rise to important debates in the academic literature in the humanities and social sciences: what is the effect of technology on employees? This question can be clarified: if a new technology is introduced in a company (CAD, as we have seen, or email, for example), what could the effects be on employees? The literature gives contradictory results on this issue. Indeed, while some authors or currents see the mobilization of technology in organizations as an instrument of worker alienation, others perceive it as an opportunity for empowerment. Authors such as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1999 (1848)) and Simone Weil (1951) have worked extensively on the link between technology or technological change and worker alienation within organizations, but Weil also suggests that greater mechanization or automation could contribute to the empowerment of these same workers, by having the most repetitive tasks performed by machines. This apparent contradiction can be explained, in part, by the distinction between prescriptive technologies and supporting technologies, which can be used jointly in organizations.

3.3.1. Prescriptive and assistive technologies

More specifically, the same technology can be used as a prescriptive tool or as an aid tool, and the effects on employees can therefore differ significantly. Thus, the same technology can become a control or empowerment agent. Prescriptive technologies

The main characteristic of a prescriptive technology is to constrain users. For example, software that requires the user to fill in a certain number of fields generates a form of constraint, by forcing the user to comply with the software’s functioning.

Sociological studies on the introduction of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), or integrated management software packages, clearly illustrate the importance of prescriptive technologies for employees. These software packages, already mentioned in Chapter 1, are information systems that completed the computerization of companies in the late 1990s. Market leaders include SAP and Oracle, for example. The introduction of these software packages has several objectives: to facilitate the feedback and aggregation of information, and to streamline work (Segrestin, 2003). Indeed, these software packages contribute to a high standardization of tasks and the way they are performed, in particular by standardizing the information to be retrieved at the end of each task. In addition, the distribution of software packages that can cover all the fields of an organization (marketing, finance, HR, etc.) aims at a form of integration of these different functions. In this case, the standardization effort is all the more important as the software aims to transfer and share data between functions, which requires a major harmonization effort upstream.

The financial gains associated with the introduction of an ERP can be significant: the reduction of inventory costs by 25–30%, raw material costs by 15%, production costs by 11% (Ragowsky and Somers, 2002), etc. They thus offset the significant financial costs associated with the implementation of an ERP (often more than several million dollars for large companies).

However, as discussed in Chapter 1, much work, particularly in sociology or management sciences, highlights the organizational and managerial effects of these software packages. Thus, Segrestin (2003) points out that the design and implementation of ERPs are based on three major myths, describing in a nutshell the consequences of these tools on employees: a panoptic myth referring to Foucault’s work on the supervisory society (see Chapter 1), an integration myth and a standardization myth. Other studies (e.g. Gilbert and Leclair, 2004; see Chapter 1, Box 1.6) highlight the indissoluble link between organizational structure and software operation. Pillon (2015) underlines the fact that an ERP, although intangible, largely prescribes the work of individuals (in this case, Pôle emploi4 agents).

The introduction of ERP is often accompanied by an inflation of dashboards and reports, as instruments to better monitor and control the work of individuals (Pillon, 2015). These instruments can generally be produced continuously, instantly, by the software, emphasizing the impression of permanent control for employees. This implies an increased possibility of control and supervision of the employee’s work. Indeed, the computerization involved by ERP is accompanied by the recovery of all kinds of data on the activity. For example, for a call center agent, an ERP will automatically retrieve certain data (number of calls received in one hour, processed in one hour, average call duration, among others), and the call center agent will contribute to this information feedback, for example, by entering the subject of the call himself/herself into the machine, or by sending the most complex requests to be processed to the software so that they can be transmitted to the specialized services. This has two effects for the employee: the work is more easily controlled via this information, and the call center agent has a new task of producing additional data. Then, coordinating the different services between them may have to evolve under the effect of the software. This coordination can be directly achieved by the most advanced software. We have already mentioned the example of advanced CAD software, which can modify a team’s work instructions based on changes in design made by another team upstream. The case of ERP systems differs slightly: they coordinate the activity by aggregating the different functions of the company around a common database and software. Finally, the generic dimension and standardization involved in the software contributes to the strong formalization of processes, by breaking them down into identical steps for all companies or departments. This decomposition results in a redefinition of the tasks and activities previously performed, in order to bring them into the “logic” of the software. It is in this sense that the technology becomes prescriptive.

Even more than ERP, warehouse management at Amazon gives us an insight into how a technology can prescribe almost all the work (see Box 3.7).

This example illustrates well the implications as well as the excesses of the introduction of prescriptive technologies in the world of work. In particular, it shows to what extent these technologies can constrain employees and prescribe tasks, or even all of their work. Technologies to assist in decision-making or implementation

On the other hand, a decision-making or implementation technology does not compel the user: it supports them in their tasks. For example, software that, by aggregating certain information, facilitates decision-making on a given subject supports and does not prescribe the work.

As early as the second half of the 20th Century, researchers conceptualized the notion of artificial intelligence in relation to the question of decision-making. The term artificial intelligence was coined in 1956 at a summer conference in Dartmouth that brought together researchers from different disciplines. Herbert Simon, for example, known for his work on rationality and decision-making, has been involved in this conceptualization and in the development of computer-based decision-making programs.

The most recent technological developments in the use of data provide many examples where technology can help human decision-making. Indeed, some devices using Big Data or artificial intelligence are presented as decision aids. This point is even stressed emphatically, probably because of the potential rejection by users of these devices if they are found to replace humans. For example, the development and use of algorithms in recruitment is becoming increasingly common in companies that have to manage a large number of recruitments. These algorithms aim to produce a ranking of CVs according to their degree of proximity to the job offer. However, today, the majority of companies that use this type of system insist that the purpose is to help recruitment managers in their decision-making, not to make the final decision for them. Mayer-Schönberger and Cukier (2014) and O’Neil (2016) provide many examples of such data use: Google’s influenza epidemic prediction algorithm to help health authorities anticipate the treatment of the epidemic, or crime prediction algorithms that allow police to anticipate crime, for example. IBM has also developed many tools in the field of databased decision support (see Box 3.8).

Without going as far as predictive algorithms or the understanding of natural language by machines, data processing technologies can support the decision. In the field of management, this type of approach is called EBM (Evidence-Based Management). EBM is about making decisions based on evidence, including quantified evidence, rather than intuition (Rousseau, 2006). As Lawler, Levenson and Boudreau (2010) point out, “evidence” can be simple metrics (performance indicators or indicators that describe a given phenomenon), or results from more sophisticated statistical methods (reasoning “all other things being equal”, for example). A Google project, Oxygen, provides a good illustration of this EBM approach (see Box 3.9).

In addition to decision-support technologies, technologies to assist implementation can also be cited as non-prescriptive ones. This includes software for modeling or 3D reproduction of buildings or objects. This software, initially used by architectural professionals, has recently been released to the general public. Today, for example, private individuals can plan the layout of a kitchen using this type of software. The success of 3D printers with both professionals and individuals is also part of this trend, where software or tools help to model an object or layout at a lower cost.

In the case of both decision-support and execution-support technologies, the technology is not intended to prescribe the user’s behavior. It can certainly influence it, for example by influencing decision-making, but it does not a priori diminish human freedom of choice.

These various examples and references make it possible to better understand the extent of the distinction between prescriptive and decision- or implementation-support technologies. In practice, this distinction may blur the boundaries for many technologies. In the first section, we gave the example of CAD. This technology can be seen as an aid to realization, since it facilitates design or production. But it also forces the user to a certain extent, compelling them to enter into the logic of the machine. Thus, the long transition to numerical simulation delays the physical prototyping stage, which can certainly represent an economic gain and lead to time saving, but can be difficult for employees used to making design or material choices based on the physical prototype (Cadix and Pointet, 2002). Similarly, a recruitment algorithm or IBM’s Watson program can certainly be used to support decision-making, but could also replace human decision-making, and even impose their own decision on humans. They would then become prescriptive technologies in the same way as the programs that manage work at Amazon.

3.3.2. Technological ambivalence: the same technology for empowerment and control purposes

This blurring of the distinction between prescriptive and assistive technology may explain why the same technology may be used by organizations for empowerment or control purposes. More precisely, it also illustrates the fact that, as indicated in the introduction, a technology refers to all the techniques, procedures, methodologies, equipment and discourse enabling implementations. This means that a technology can carry several possibilities of implementation.

This phenomenon, described as technological ambivalence, has been studied, in particular, by Ellul (1988), as discussed in Chapter 1.

Technological ambivalence also exists within organizations. In this case, the “negative effects” will refer to the prescriptive dimension of the technology and the notion of control, and the “positive effects” to its dimension of decision support and the notion of empowerment. Thus, the same technology may be used for prescription purposes or as a decision-making aid, which will have very different effects on the social entity.

Several authors have taken an interest in technology as an instrument of workers’ alienation, in a sometimes Marxist approach linking mechanization, capitalism and the appearance of the proletariat. Marx thus made a distinction between craftsmanship, production and manufacturing. Machines are used in production and manufacturing. In the factory, this mechanization is accompanied by a dispossession of the worker: the worker has his/her labor power, but not the means of production (which therefore refers to the notion of capitalism). Marx then denounced the fact that, in capitalist labor, the worker loses both individual freedom and know-how, in favor of a fragmentation of tasks allowed and accentuated by the machine. Weil (1951) repeated this analysis but introduced a form of ambivalence. Having had experience working in a factory, she established a link between mechanization, Taylorization and worker alienation. The machine is indeed a cornerstone of the rationalization of work, by taking on certain categories of tasks faster than humans, or even by participating in the organization of human work, as in the case of chain work. Besides, mechanization is accompanied by a fragmentation of work, which is segmented into small tasks, each worker being deprived of the vision of the finished product in favor of a much more fragmented vision. This fragmentation constitutes a form of alienation; the worker can only be aware of the physical difficulty of their work, and no longer of his/her meaning. However, this Marxist-style analysis is sometimes mixed with much more optimistic statements about technology. Indeed, the philosopher sometimes proposes as a horizon and as a solution a more complete mechanization of tasks, allowing the worker to be free from all the chain work and the most physically demanding tasks. This apparent contradiction is a good illustration of technological ambivalence: the machine can be considered as a tool of human alienation, but progress in mechanization could, to some extent, contribute to the worker’s empowerment, avoiding the most fragmented and painful tasks.

More recently, the digitalization of companies offers us many examples of such ambivalence. For example, the use of electronic messaging, which has spread very rapidly and is now widely used in companies, can have several effects. Electronic messaging facilitates exchanges by shortening the time it takes to receive information. It has thus enabled telework to develop, whether in the form of cooperation between geographically remote sites or in the form of telework. Telework can be seen as an instrument for liberating workers, allowing them to work from a place of their choice, without being subject to the constant presence of their colleagues and superiors. But on the other hand, both sending and receiving emails can be tracked relatively easily, which then gives a particularly controlling manager the opportunity to check at what times the members of his/her teams work and process their emails. In France, for example, case law thus gives the employer the right to control and monitor employees’ activity on the Internet or via email, insofar as employees are informed of this. Similarly, many corporate computers today are equipped with remote communication software that indicates whether employees are “online” or not. From then on, it becomes easy for a manager to remotely check that members of their telework team have their computer turned on and are connected to the Internet at the times they are supposed to work. Geolocation gives other examples of technological ambivalence: used to manage a company’s fleet of vehicles, it can also be used to monitor where employees are located at a particular time of day. Finally, the rise of internal and external social networks is a good example of technological ambivalence, between empowerment and control (see Box 3.10).

This section has therefore illustrated the notion of technological ambivalence, and clarified it by applying it to the question of organization. We thus have examples of technologies that can be used for empowerment, as well as for control purposes, thereby completing the distinction between prescriptive and assistive technologies presented above.

3.4. Technological change as a social process

These elements highlight the fact that a technological change in an organization is never just a change in technology. It is also still a social change, as highlighted by the work from the socio-technical perspective discussed in Chapter 1 (Trist, 1978). Three elements deserve to be distinguished. First of all, a technological change may require a development of the social entity and management methods. Secondly, some activities may be threatened by technological change, for example, due to possible automation, which requires organizations to support the employees concerned. This raises the question of the role of the different actors of this sociotechnical change within organizations.

3.4.1. Changes in the social entity and management methods

We have already highlighted in the first section of this chapter the profound interaction between the technological and organizational systems. Thus, we explained that certain structural forms, or forms of work organization, could more easily bring about technological innovation. However, beyond this phenomenon of concordance between the objective of the organization and its structure, the interaction between the technological and organizational systems also stems from the fact that the organization constitutes above all a social system, which can be modified by the introduction of a new technology. This is why this introduction is never self-evident: employees must take it on board, sometimes contributing to forms of diversion. The perspective used here to analyze the meeting of technical objects and employees is rather sociological. We will take up the subject from a more psychological perspective in Chapter 4. The organization, a social system and not only technological

The sociology of organizations emphasizes the social dimension of the organization, which can be defined as a set of organized human activities. Mintzberg (1979) thus identifies five types of human activities within the organization, corresponding to five social bodies: the strategic summit, the technostructure, the logistical support functions, the hierarchical line and the operational center.

Consequently, several questions are addressed by the sociology of organizations: what are the coordination mechanisms between these different functions? How can we ensure that individuals cooperate for a common purpose, which is that of the organization and does not necessarily coincide with their own goals? What are the obstacles and resistance to this cooperation? What are the relationships between individuals and services? How is the work controlled, evaluated? Etc.

The variety of these issues must not obscure their commonality, which lies in the concern for the human factor: relations between individuals, cooperation, control of individuals, and other aspects. This underlines the fact that the tools, techniques and rules for using these technologies are not the only factor structuring individual and collective activities within an organization. More precisely, the Taylorian vision of work, which postulated that there is an ideal way to organize work, through a continuous rationalization of the mechanical and human resources used, has since been challenged by many currents. Thus, the school of human relations, in line with Hawthorne’s experiences in valuing individuals, emphasizes the existence of the need to belong to a group, the search for esteem and good relationships, and the importance of a sense of utility. Other currents or movements have since completed or complicated this vision, but have in common that they question the idea of technological determinism, forgetting the free will of individuals. The introduction of a new technology into a social system

If we draw the consequences from this definition of organization, it means that introducing a new technology into an organization will, in most cases, require a reflection on the social changes that must accompany it. The example of the implementation of an internal social network is another example of what we are talking about. As we have seen, one of the aims of an internal social network is to encourage cooperation and employee participation. Some companies even see it as a way to develop creativity, innovation, sharing, exchange, etc.

However, the introduction of the social network alone is not enough. It must be accompanied by an evolution of the explicit and implicit rules governing the internal speaking by each employee and perhaps also by an enhancement of this social network by management, a modification of coordination methods aimed at leaving more space for the social network, etc. Without these changes in the social system, which protect employees who use the social network and even guarantee some form of interest in using it, it is likely that employees will not use this new tool (see Box 3.11).

These examples are particularly rich because they highlight the many changes in the social system that technological change may require: changes in the explicit and implicit rules of the organization, changes in assessment methods, changes in working methods, etc.

The modification of the organization’s explicit rules refers to the formal processes and rules that govern the daily lives of individuals within the organization. In the example of the social network, it is, for example, the explicit rules of speaking: who has the right to speak about a particular subject, who has the right to express a critical opinion on a particular subject, for example. Changing the implicit rules is probably more difficult to achieve because it cannot be decreed from above. Rather, it corresponds to a change in representations and values. In the example of employee discourse and the introduction of a new social network, it should be recalled that most large companies are organized in a fairly hierarchical way, where expression is reserved for managers or experts. As a result, if the organization wishes to encourage employees to speak out on the internal social network, these implicit or explicit rules must be modified so that everyone feels free to express themselves. This will involve, for example, a few forward-thinking employees who will see in the social network a way to put their knowledge and expertise in the spotlight, as well as by the company valuing them in order to give them an exemplary status.

Changing the way work is assessed is also central. It involves thinking about the interrelationships between a technology and a type of evaluation. It acknowledges that the introduction of a technology can change the activities and content of the work. For example, while a doctor’s performance today is closely linked to his or her ability to make the right diagnoses, it is likely that the introduction of new diagnostic technologies will change the way doctors’ skills are assessed, for example, by directing them towards the relational dimension, which machines cannot replace at present. Changing assessment methods has many effects on human resources management practices, including recruitment, compensation and career management for example.

Finally, the modification of working methods has two dimensions: the modification of coordination and the modification of management methods. Coordination mechanisms are key dimensions of an organization (Mintzberg, 1979). Therefore, modifying them requires considerable reflection and effort on the part of the organization. If we take the example of the introduction of electronic messaging, this has had many effects upon organizations, promoting remote coordination as we have seen. This has made it possible to envisage cooperation between geographically distant sites, including international ones, even on complex projects requiring regular exchanges. But it also meant reviewing the coordination mechanisms, for example, by assigning immediate written and digital exchanges (electronic messaging) a key role in this coordination. The change in management methods results from both the change in evaluation rules and the change in coordination methods. Indeed, ensuring coordination and evaluating employees are two central dimensions of the manager’s role and direct supervision (Mintzberg, 1979). In the example already mentioned of teleworking made possible by the introduction of remote means of communication, this introduction implies a change in managerial posture, based more on trust and less on control, since working remotely implies partly escaping the visual and physical control of the manager.

Finally, the introduction of a new technology requires significant adaptation efforts on the part of an organization: technological change cannot occur without a change in the social system. This point is underlined by the notion of a “socio-technical project”, which recalls the strong interrelationships between technology and society. The appropriation of technological change by employees

However, the organization’s adaptation efforts are not enough: in many cases, the introduction of a new technology within an organization also requires an effort of appropriation by internal actors (employees). However, this appropriation7 may ultimately lead to a form of misuse of the technology: new uses may appear, instead of the uses initially planned by the designers of the technologies. Three “perspectives” on appropriation

A large amount of research, both in sociology and management, focuses on the appropriation of tools by users. A book coordinated by De Vaujany (2005), in particular, sheds light on this question, highlighting several points. Among other things, he insists that any tool has a form of flexibility, which leaves users room for maneuver in the use they will make of it. It is this flexibility, referring to the elements described above of the ambivalence of the technology, that explains the possible occurrence of diversion phenomena. For example, the implementation of a new information system in an organization can result in a wide variety of practices and uses. It may even encounter resistance that could lead to the abandonment of the new system, or a significant part of its functionalities, as Pichault (1990) shows. De Vaujany (2005) then identifies three types of “views” that can be applied to appropriation (see Box 3.12). This analytical grid seems particularly rich for understanding the phenomenon of the appropriation of a technology by the actors of an organization and its different phases. Technological polyphony

The variety of forms appropriation takes can be explained and illustrated by the concept of polyphony (Belova, King and Sliwa, 2008), which refers to the fact that an organization brings together a great diversity of rationalities and interests. As a result, the same tool may be used differently by different actors. Pichault (1990) thus gives three examples of computerization that have led to misuse. These examples, although relatively old, illustrate the variety of forms of appropriation of the same tool within the same organization (see Box 3.13).

It should be stressed that, according to Pichault (1990), these misappropriations are, in fact, essential conditions for employees to appropriate a new technology. Moreover, according to this author, the desire for rationalization embodied in the fact of limiting employees’ room for maneuver in their use of a tool as much as possible can undoubtedly lead to a failure of the technological–organizational change, i.e. to a refusal of the tool by employees and even to conflicts. This last point seems essential and illustrates once again the profound intertwining between technological change and social change.

3.4.2. Support for employees whose activities are threatened by technological change

Beyond this appropriation dimension, technological change is linked to social or societal change when it has an effect on activities and jobs, which has been relatively common during major industrial revolutions, as discussed in Chapter 1.

More recently, computerization and digitalization have also contributed to new replacements of human by machine, leading to a question, now very present in the public debate, about the potential end of work. Indeed, computerization and digitalization offer many opportunities for business automation. Advances in artificial intelligence, for example, which refers to the construction of machines that reproduce or imitate human reasoning and capabilities, make it possible to develop programs that can perform increasingly complex tasks, not just simple and repetitive tasks, such as the machines described by Marx. One of the particularities of current technological progress then lies in the fact that machines can nowadays supplant humans in their intellectual activities, and not only physical ones (Harari, 2018). Thus, artificial intelligence has many applications today, from visual recognition to automatic natural language processing. Some jobs are strongly affected by these technological changes, and two cases in particular arise: jobs that are likely to evolve and jobs that are likely to disappear. In both cases, the organization’s support of employees is necessary. Changing professions Job transformation

The case of secretaries or executive assistants seems to be particularly emblematic of professions that change under the influence of technological change, because this profession continued to evolve during the 20th and the current 21st Centuries, but has not disappeared (see Box 3.14).

In fact, most professions are likely to evolve as soon as a technology makes it possible to work differently. We have already seen, for example, the case of CAD in the automotive sector, which changes both design and production work. In the medical sector, the emergence of new tools or technologies has also changed the way people do their jobs. For example, the rise of local anesthesia now allows dentists to perform operations with minimal suffering for patients, when most dental operations are actually painful. Similarly, discoveries and advances in radiography have significantly changed the methods of diagnosis and care of diseases: diagnosis can be made well before the external signs and symptoms of disease, and much more accurately. Support for the employees concerned

The potential importance of these changes gives the organization a key role in supporting the employees concerned. This support may require training and change management approaches. The aim of the training is to provide employees with the new skills they need to continue performing their tasks: using new software, understanding a new technology, etc. Change management approaches aim first and foremost to better identify the effects of change on employees, and not only in terms of skills. Thus, a change in activity or tasks can also affect the professional identity of employees and provoke resistance. These steps are then aimed at limiting these resistances. They can be started well before the change takes place: they then aim to prepare employees for a possible change or even to make them actors of this change. This is the case, for example, for learning expeditions, which are increasing considerably in companies (see Box 3.15). Declining professions

However, technological change can also have a more dramatic impact, leading to the elimination of some occupations. The disappearance of certain jobs

Contrary to common belief, it is not always the least qualified jobs that present the highest level of automation risk. Indeed, some very complex tasks for a human being, which are found in the most qualified professions, can be relatively simple for a machine. This paradox, known as the “Moravec paradox”, has its source in the distinction between sensorimotor tasks and reasoning tasks. Thus, some sensorimotor tasks are, in fact, difficult to program electronically (throwing and capturing a ball, for example, or recognizing faces), while some reasoning skills are easy to program (logical reasoning, or mental calculation, for example). Even if this paradox, which dates back to the 1980s, tends to lose its relevance in view of the progress made by robotics in the fields of motor tasks, we can still give examples of it today.

For example, information processing tasks, which are more common in skilled jobs, can be relatively easy to automate. For example, while a significant part of good lawyers’/traders’ work lies in their ability to process a large amount of information and make a quick decision based on that information, machines can probably do better than human beings in this type of activity. For example, they can perform complex calculations (in the case of financial trading algorithms) or scan case law texts (in the case of legal professions) more quickly. On the other hand, some physical tasks such as catching an object while flying, or cutting hair, are more difficult to perform for machines, while they require few qualifications for human beings. However, the scope of tasks that can be controlled by machines is constantly expanding. Thus, facial recognition tasks are now practically acquired for machines. But they have required computer development efforts and still represent higher costs than the very sophisticated calculation programs available in most college or high school calculators. In addition, tasks involving relational skills require even greater programming efforts, since they require the ability not only to analyze the environment but also to adapt to it. As a result, the trading profession has a higher risk of automation than that of a gardener or hairdresser. In short, the most easily automated jobs combine a low relational dimension with tasks that can be easily performed by machines such as those related to massive information processing or repetitive tasks.

Some jobs may also be delegated to a certain extent to the user or customer as a result of the development of new technologies. More and more supermarkets are using automatic cash register systems, where the customer scans his/her items himself/herself. A single employee is then required to supervise islands of four to six tills, which reduces the number of employees required to maintain them. Similarly, many websites require the user to enter a certain amount of data, which is therefore work done by the user and not by actors on the website. Another example is “captcha”, which aims to distinguish between humans and robots on the Internet. These tests, based on optical character recognition, can also potentially be used to facilitate the digitization of books. In this case, the user faces two words, the first of which is known, and the second unknown because it is poorly scanned, or a poor quality image. The user enters the two words successively: the first one verifies that he/she is a human, and by entering the second word, he/she allows the content aggregator to record the meaning of the word. These cases of disguised labor and consumer work are regularly highlighted in connection with the Internet.

The issue of business automation is becoming increasingly important in the public debate. For example, the BBC offers an online simulator to predict the risk of automation for a large number of jobs, based on a study conducted at Oxford University8. While risk estimates are not stabilized and are regularly called into question, there is a consensus among the various points of view that digitalization is potentially destructive of certain jobs. An important and unresolved question to date is the extent of these job losses, and whether they can be offset by an equivalent number of job creations. A World Economic Forum report (Weff, 2016), for example, predicts that 7 million jobs will be destroyed internationally between 2015 and 2020 in connection with digitalization, with little compensation in the creation of 2 million jobs.

It should also be noted that some jobs or sectors combine job losses with changes in them. This is the case, for example, for agriculture. As a result of mechanization and the search for productivity gains, agricultural work considerably changed during the 20th and 21st Centuries. Thus, between the two world wars, plant breeding and fertilizers began to appear, allowing for better soil productivity. After the war, research in the field of plant and animal breeding intensified: in France, the creation of INRA (Institut national de la recherche agronomique) in 1946 testified to the importance attached by the public authorities to this type of research. More recently, the rise of agricultural machinery has further changed agricultural work and reduced labor requirements. For example, the recent rise of agricultural drones makes it possible both to improve the accuracy of weather forecasts and to facilitate the surveillance of large farms, or, in some countries where this is not prohibited, the spraying of plant protection products. The employability of the employees concerned

For the organizations, this means supporting the employees concerned. This aims, in particular, to contribute to the development of employability, for example through training, or by organizing career paths offering a variety of experiences and thus the acquisition of a certain number of skills. More specifically, developing employability requires promoting the acquisition of transferable skills, rather than specific ones. This represents a real challenge and a real disruption for companies, which are accustomed to reaching targets of employees gaining specific skills that generate less risk of loss of human capital. Companies have few incentives to support employees whom technological change may make redundant. It may then be up to the public authorities to create these incentives or take over by offering training programs on jobs of the future. The role of public authorities seems unavoidable, since a large number of jobs are threatened, which could constitute a factor of mass unemployment.

Finally, technological change has a significant effect on people’s daily activities and actual work. Several degrees of change have been identified, from jobs that are evolving under the pressure of technological change to jobs that are at risk of disappearing. In both cases, this requires the organization to play a role in supporting the employees concerned. While the support of employees whose profession is changing seems to be well taken into account by organizations today, the support of employees whose profession is disappearing, which aims to develop their employability, especially externally, is undoubtedly more uncertain: organizations are not used to contributing willingly to the development of the external employability of their employees. This may require a paradigm shift for organizations and an incentive stance on the part of public authorities.

3.4.3. The actors of technological change in organizations

We highlighted the intertwining of technological and social change, the role of organizations, organizational polyphony, the need to support employees, etc. These different elements highlight the key role of certain actors inside and outside the organization:

  • – the technological actors, first of all, who will design the technological change;
  • – the decision-making actors, who will take the decision to introduce this change in the organization;
  • – trade union actors, who will influence this decision;
  • – employees and users, who will contribute to redefining the scope of this change through their appropriation;
  • – finally, technological change is embedded, as we have seen in the organization, in a more global ecosystem, including, for example, consultants and start-ups.

Finally, this section summarizes the contributions of this chapter by specifying the outlines of technological change in organizations. Technological actors

Technological actors design technologies and, in this way, contribute to defining aspect of technological change. As we have seen, many technological actors are located outside the organization: researchers, engineers belonging to companies proposing technologies, etc. However, in some cases, technological actors are located within the organization itself. This is the case, for example, for IT services, which can develop new software or new internal technological solutions. For example, some companies have taken the gamble of developing their own payroll or training management software. However, internal technological actors may suffer from their lack of specialization and time to devote to research and innovation. This is why, as we have seen, some companies are trying to create conditions that encourage employee participation in innovation, such as intrapreneurship programs. Decision-making actors

Decision-makers decide on the introduction of a new technology into the organization. This decision can be based on several types of rationality.

The search for productivity gains is regularly put forward as an argument justifying the introduction of a new technology. Thus, the massive computerization of companies and, in particular, of administrative work since the 1980s is largely in line with this logic (Pichault, 1990). Similarly, all automation technologies contribute to productivity gains.

However, other rationalities may also be at work. Thus, the fear of missing a technological milestone can contribute, as well as the desire to imitate competitors. Currently, some areas produce innovations very regularly, thus contributing to constant technological change. This is the case, for example, in the field of mobile telephony, which has seen a succession of touch screens, 3G, 4G, 5G, color screens, fingerprint reading or facial recognition, and soon flexible or foldable screens or personal assistant applications. This sector is just one example of the rapid pace of technological change. This speed and probably also the difficulty of anticipating change can lead organizations to fear that they will be overwhelmed by technological change that they would not have seen coming. This can then encourage decision-makers to introduce the vast majority of new technologies into their organization, without always questioning their meaning and contribution. Moreover, in a context of uncertainty, organizations have a strong interest in developing a form of mimicry, i.e. in aligning themselves with the behaviors of other organizations. As a result, if a large company decides to introduce a change, competing companies may tend to make the same decision. This is what neo-institutional theorists call mimetic isomorphism: DiMaggio and Powell (1983) explain that most forms of technological–organizational changes at the end of the 20th Century came not from a search for efficiency and rationalization, but from a process of homogenization of organizations. They point out that, in uncertain environments, when organizations’ objectives are ambiguous or the environment creates uncertainty (competition, technological change, etc.), doing the same as competitors in the sector seems the best strategy to adopt to limit the risks of failure. The disadvantage of this strategy is that the transferability of some changes is limited. As we have seen, the success of the introduction of a new technology depends largely on its adoption by users and therefore on the company’s context. Implementing a new technology for the sole reason that a competing organization has done so may result in a failed adoption.

Finally, the decision to introduce a new technology into an organization can meet several types of rationality and thus pursue different objectives. Trade union actors

Once the introductory decision has been taken by the decision-making actors, the trade union actors can help to define the outlines and modalities of this introduction. In some countries, such as France, trade unions are required to be consulted when a new technology is introduced that could change working conditions.

However, the different unions in a company may have different strategies for technological change. This is a phenomenon described by Pichault (1990) for Belgium: some unions favor a negotiation strategy, others reformism, others opposition. However, whatever their strategy, unions generally agree on several types of demands: maintaining membership, avoiding deterioration in working conditions, protecting individual freedoms.

Several difficulties may arise for trade unions and decision-makers when discussing the introduction of a new technology. Firstly, it is often difficult to anticipate the effects of this technology on the volume of long-term employment and working conditions. Indeed, as we have seen, the same technology can finally be used in a very different way by different line managers, and thus lead to variable situations for employees. Secondly, the social entity may present very different demands regarding technological change: some employees will demand more efficient equipment, more modern software, more efficient machines, while others will be suspicious of the introduction of these new features. Therefore, taking into account the variety of these points of view is a major difficulty. Negotiating with trade unions on these issues can then provide some assurance that different points of view are taken into account (see Box 3.16). Employees

As we have seen, the employees, agents and, more generally, the users who will use the technology will also contribute to redefining its outlines.

Through their use of the new technology, they will strongly define the outlines and limits of the technological change initially planned by designers and decision-makers. We have thus given examples of companies that, having implemented software, finally found that employees kept on working without the software. Conversely, in other cases, employees may themselves be drivers of technological change, introducing new ways of working into the company through new technologies, software or applications. For example, today, many employees whose organizations do not offer mobile instant messaging or file sharing services use external applications such as WhatsApp to coordinate, or Dropbox to exchange files. In this way, they contribute to introducing technological change into the organization. External actors

Finally, technological change places the organization in a broader ecosystem, including, for example, research laboratories, as well as consulting firms and start-ups.

Consulting firms promote the diffusion of technologies within companies, through their role as interfaces that give them access to different organizations and companies. They thus directly contribute to the phenomenon of mimetic isomorphism, by disseminating, for example, what they consider to be “good practices”, of which the adoption of new technologies can be a part. In addition to this dissemination role, they often also play a supporting role and, in this way, contribute even more to mimetic isomorphism, if they offer similar support services to the various client organizations.

As for start-ups, they now play a considerable role in the creation and dissemination of technologies, particularly in the IT world. Indeed, in this sector, technologies can sometimes represent a level of expertise that most organizations do not have: semantic analysis algorithms, for example, or machine learning algorithms, are certainly significant innovations, but do not, in themselves, carry out the instructions for use to disseminate their operations in the organization. As a result, it is mainly start-ups that position themselves at the interface between these technologies and the organization, by offering the latter new products or uses that incorporate the algorithms themselves. Thus, in most developed countries, start-ups are now multiplying in the field of Big Data applied to marketing, accounting, human resources, etc. A multiplicity of actors

The list of these different actors clearly shows that technological change does not depend solely on the technological actors. A conclusive diagram summarizes the role of each actor and thus highlights that technological change in organizations does not stop with the design of a new tool by technological actors (see Figure 3.2).


Figure 3.2. The different actors of technological change in organizations

Thus, the technological actors design a new technology, possibly in conjunction with external actors such as consulting firms or start-ups. But this new technology must then be the subject of a decision to introduce it into the organization, which is done by the decision-making (management) and trade union actors. In addition, these two categories of actors can participate in defining the rules for the use of the technology, for example, by refusing certain uses. Thus, as we have seen, a human resources department may wish to adopt a CV pre-selection algorithm, while refusing to allow this algorithm to replace human decision entirely. Finally, the new technology is then appropriated by the employees. However, this appropriation can, in turn, redefine the outlines of the new technology, as illustrated by the many examples given in the chapter. Finally, the technology as initially thought by the designers may be considerably modified during this process.

This plurality of actors already highlights the difficulty of driving technological change in organizations, whose different strategies will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 5.

The variety of actors corresponds to the notion of “technological democracy”, already mentioned in Chapter 2 (Callon, 2003). Sociologist Michel Callon thus deplores the fact that technology remains today mainly in the hands of researchers and engineers. This monopoly is accentuated by a distinction in the debates between the content of technologies, which remains the preserve of researchers and engineers, on the one hand, and the values, ethics and purpose of these technologies, which can be discussed by citizens and elected officials, on the other hand. However, the growing awareness of the secondary effects of the use of technology on the environment or democracy is gradually blurring this distinction, or at least calling for it to disappear. Callon thus gives the example of GMOs or nuclear waste, which have given rise to important debates within civil and non-technological society. The more recent emergence of algorithms that partly govern relationships to culture or consumption through their suggestions is also becoming a subject of debate, even for non-specialists (Cardon, 2015). Thus, citizens are increasingly convinced that technologies can have an impact on their daily lives, and as such judge it to be legitimate to ask for information and debate the very content of technologies. For their part, some scientists call for the production of scientific and technological knowledge to be more guided by moral and ethical imperatives. The graph above illustrates well that, when a new technology is implemented in an organization, this distinction no longer makes sense. Indeed, non-technological actors (decision-making actors, trade unions, employees, etc.) participate to a significant extent in the definition of the technology, its uses and outlines. It therefore seems illusory to think that the content of the technologies exclusively remains in the hands of engineers and researchers.

This then calls for another perspective, the socio-technical perspective. Trist (1978) points out that separate approaches to social and technological systems cannot be sufficient to reflect reality, given the profound interactions between these two systems. Therefore, from this perspective, the two systems must be viewed together. This perspective is relevant for understanding different levels (macro, meso, micro). Thus, the organization (meso-level) actually forms a system that combines a social and a technical subsystem: a socio-technical system (Trist, 1978). The optimization of this system then involves a joint optimization of the two dimensions, which cannot evolve one without the other. This is also illustrated in Figure 3.2.

  1. 1 This section is very directly inspired by Gastaldi’s work (2018).
  2. 2 Available at: www.industrie-dufutur.org/content/uploads/2018/03/BrochureVitrine_fev19-1.pdf, accessed December 2019.
  3. 3 Government support for business R&D exceeds 0.35% of GDP (OECD, 2014).
  4. 4 Pôle emploi is a French governmental agency that helps unemployed people find jobs and provides them with financial aid.
  5. 5 For example: www.bbc.com/news/business-25034598, accessed December 2019.
  6. 6 Notably: http://developer.ibm.com/watson/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2013/11/The-Eraof-Cognitive-Systems-An-Inside-Look-at-IBM-Watson-and-How-it-Works1.pdf, accessed December 2019.
  7. 7 To account for human confrontation with technical objects, the appropriation paradigm competes with others such as those of acceptance and symbiosis that are presented in Chapter 4.
  8. 8 www.bbc.com/news/technology-34066941, accessed December 2019.
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