Technological Change and the Individual

The previous chapters called for the mobilization of disciplines concerned with technological change at the level of society as a whole or of productive organizations. At the individual level, a more psychological interpretation is useful. However, the association of individuals with technologies cannot be understood solely through their own characteristics (attitudes, motivations, personality traits, etc.). From the perspective of occupational psychology and activity-oriented1 ergonomics, we will focus on them essentially as they are associated with technical objects in an activity system. Moreover, without forgetting the specificity of each technology, which can have its own effects, we will focus on digital technology, specifically information and communication technologies (ICTs), to reflect the most significant transformations of the current era, those of the “digital revolution”.

In a first section (section 4.1), we will first locate the technical object (called “digital technologies”) in the system of human activities.

We will then focus (section 4.2) on the encounter between the individual and the technical object, which will be captured at three levels: object design, adoption and use. We will conclude this section by focusing on the notion of the “technological individual”.

We will continue by focusing on the effects of technological change on work structures (section 4.3).

Finally, we will examine the consequences of the digital transformation of activities on workers’ skills (section 4.4).

4.1. Activity and technical object

We recall here that the technical object is the most concrete element of technology. Composed of one or more tangible and intangible components (organs, information, energy and other resources), arranged in a functional way, it has been designed and built to meet one or more specific needs. We will define its place in the different fields of human activity, before addressing the mediations by which technical objects operate in each activity. In doing so, we will support the individual through their activities taken as a whole and then through their own activity as a worker.

4.1.1. The technical object in the activity system

We start from the theory presented in Chapter 1 (section, according to which the technical object is nothing outside the activity system. It can only be understood in relation to the human environment associated with it. It makes sense, through the use that is made of it, in all human activities. As indicated in our general introduction, the book focuses on the level of the organization. But it would be very simplistic and outdated to consider work activities as a completely separate field. This is because no human conduct escapes the instrumentation process through the mediation of technological artifacts.

While for a long time and for most workers, there was a clear distinction between the private and professional spheres, this is no longer the case today. The concept of “activity system” developed by occupational and organizational psychology reflects the reciprocal influence of working and non-working life.

The idea, developed by Curie et al. (1990), is that each activity using limited means (time, energy) constitutes both a constraint and a resource for those activities that are relevant to other contexts. To capture this system of activities, these researchers designed an inventory of the activity system which aims to describe the structure of each subsystem (or activity area) and the relationships that unite or oppose the activity areas. We have used them as a basis for providing an overview of the multiple contributions that digital technology has made to human activity (see Table 4.1).

Table 4.1. Some contributions of digital technology to the system of activity

Field of activity Contribution
1. Family life
Managing the family budget well Online comparisons of various articles
Improving the comfort of my home or making repairs Online decoration tutorials
Creating or recreating a family, a home Dating websites
Making myself available to help my parents, visiting them Communication tools to call and chat for free
Renewing or acquiring household equipment (freezers, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners) Online sales websites
2. Professional life
Doing part of my professional work at home Laptops, the Internet, printers, scanners, professional applications
Looking for ways to increase my income (overtime, undeclared work, getting an allowance, etc.) Sites for doing small paid tasks (paid surveys, product tests, etc.)
Resuming studies Free MOOCs (massive open online courses) or other online courses Distance learning at all levels (up to long term higher education diplomas)
Making business trips outside the region Online mapping
3. Personal and social life
Having free time to read Digital reading on smartphones and other devices
Resting or relaxing Streaming movies, online music
Doing some DIY work Online shops, DIY tutorials
Improving or maintaining my intellectual level Online encyclopedias, free courses, free e-books
Buying books or magazines Online sales sites, e-books
Having free time to listen to music MP3, MP4 players
Going out to restaurants, theaters, cinemas, etc. Booking sites, carpooling
Going on vacation (or going more often) Booking sites, comparison websites
Making friends Social networks
Maintaining relationships with people in good positions Professional social networks

The effects of digital technology are not limited to cumulative contributions to a structure of activity that would remain unchanged. In particular, the permeability of the boundaries between personal and professional life is increased by the use of ICT. For example, in a survey of 247 employees, El Wafi et al. (2016) showed that a large majority of respondents (70.9%) use the Internet at home to meet business needs and, similarly, use it at work to meet personal needs (63.5%). These authors also highlight that strategies differ from one individual to another, with some trying to minimize interference between the professional and private domains, while others, on the contrary, mix the two domains.

Some technical objects, some of the most everyday and seemingly harmless ones, very actively organize porosity between fields of activity. This is the case for cell phones, whose contribution goes beyond breaking down the boundaries between private and professional life. As Bardin (2002) noted, cell phones encourage social practices that are largely based on cultural norms from the professional sphere: they must be fast, functional and brief, and access networks of numerous and compartmentalized contacts.

4.1.2. The technical object and its mediations From the tool to the instrument

While technologies “do something” to humans when they are confronted with them, it would obviously be reductive to see the person only as a passive receiver of the changes administered to them. In Rabardel’s work (1995), the tool is constituted by use. It only becomes an instrument at the end of a process of instrumental genesis, when it is accompanied by cognitive patterns of use, which refers to the process of appropriation by users that we will examine later (see section 4.2).

In terms of activity theory, the instrument is a mixed entity that is both a subject and an object. In an organizational context, technical objects can, in fact, be assimilated to intermediaries between an individual subject, an object (the purpose of the activity) and other individuals. As materials for organized action, most of them fulfill, to varying degrees and in an increasingly obvious way given the increasing importance of information processing, the role of management tools.

Thus, inspired by Chiapello and Gilbert (2016), we can identify three distinct mediations: “pragmatic” (decide and act), “epistemic” (learn) and “political”2 (influence, control and arbitrate). A triple mediation Pragmatic mediation

Pragmatic mediation is the most obvious mediation, the one that corresponds to the usual definition of a tool: what makes it possible to act on the object and thus to carry out work. In pragmatic mediation, technical objects are the means of a transformative action directed towards a management object (often an operational objective) on which the emphasis is placed. Most often, the justifications for the introduction of a technological innovation are explicitly based on this pragmatic mediation.

For example, an electronic calendar might be introduced to manage the user’s time, to organize meetings without wasting time (possibility of consulting the free time slots of their employees at any time), to delegate the management of their schedule to an employee without risk of error and to manage resources shared by teams. Epistemic mediation

In epistemic mediation, the technical objects equipping the action are cognitive tools that convey and produce mental representations. They allow the subject to access knowledge about the object. Knowledge may have been previously deposited in the instrument, in the form of processing rules, or may accumulate there, in the form of data collected within the context.

For example, an organization may introduce an enterprise resource planning system to improve the quality of the data at its disposal in order to base its decision-making on reliable information or to have a single reference source shared by all its units. But the software package itself, before it is activated, is not empty of intentions. It conveys a vision of reality that denies the variety of specific interpretation grids, especially when its various modules are built on the basis of best practices. Political mediation

Engaged in control and arbitration actions, the technical objects equipping the action are agents of influence. As such, they perform a political function, even when they are not designed or mobilized for this purpose. They act on the relationships of influence, reproducing them by legitimizing and reifying them. In political mediation, technical objects are a means of regulating the behavior of social actors.

Certain technologies are explicitly covered by this register, as is the case with cyber surveillance in its application at work. In the critique of transparency, two simple images are contrasted: that of the supervisor (the dominant one) and that of the supervised (the employee that the supervisor wants to be docile). But political mediation is expressed through many other technologies and in a more subtle way: groupware structures the rules of information sharing, electronic process management consolidates and tags pre-established decision-making paths, electronic messaging encourages interdisciplinary communication, etc.

This type of mediation is especially highlighted by critical studies. In the most recent literature, the emphasis has been on transparency. This notion is one of those that spontaneously meets with almost unanimous approval. It is difficult to be against it (what does one have to hide?). Investigative journalism, as well as the rise of regulatory bodies, certainly have a lot to do with it. Transparency, being assimilated to giving all available information, obviously has a direct link with information and communication technologies. For Gallot and Verlaet (2016), two researchers in the information and communication sciences, transparency could well be the utopia of digital technology, for which everyone can build a virtual reality by preserving opacity and secrecy. In any case, transparency does not automatically translate into information democracy, as shown in the example developed in Box 4.1. Sources of tension

These three mediations are totally incompatible with the linear vision of the deterministic perspective. They are therefore a source of tension, due to the interactions within the management system, which does not obey this linear vision. Pragmatic mediation is opposed to social organization, which sometimes resists it. Pragmatic mediation is thwarted by the actors’ play and their quest for autonomy. Epistemic mediation confronts the subject and its own structures of knowledge.

This vision in terms of mediation makes it possible to understand in a new light what is usually called “resistance to change” and which is nothing more than the effect of interactions in an instrumented management system. To want to annihilate these “resistances” is to pretend to introduce an instrument into an environment that we would like to be inert.

By obsessing over the reasoning on pragmatic mediation, we assume a direct action of the instrument on reality, a transformation. This conception is part of the relationship between a supposedly omnipotent subject and an obedient object. In this vision, technical objects are operators intended to facilitate the various actions necessary for the exercise of management. It is not a question of denying this character, but of recognizing that there is, on the contrary, an uncooperative action of the object towards the subject.

Indeed, the use of the instrument does not immediately lead to a transformation of the context, of the object on which it must act. Initially, the latter produces revealing effects, highlighting both small pre-existing dysfunctions and large inconsistencies. More subtly, it provokes reactions due to differences between the representations incorporated in the instrument and those included in the organization’s usual operations. ICTs therefore have very different effects depending on the type of organization in which they are developed. They are challenged when the context is not appropriate.

4.2. The encounter between the individual and the technical object

In order to better understand how the individual and the technical object meet, we will distinguish three levels of analysis corresponding to successive phases: design, adoption and use. These divisions, which correspond to a convenience of presentation, could of course be discussed. The fact is that the connection is considered too wide and the phases will, in turn, be subdivided; thus, Silverstone and Hirsch (1994) analyze the adoption of ICTs in everyday life in four stages: appropriation, objectification, incorporation and conversion. But we can also question the linearity of the reasoning. In particular, as we will see, some approaches do not dissociate adoption and use.

4.2.1. The individual in the design phase From creator to innovator

Innovation is not reduced to a creation, an invention. It is the result of a design activity that has been adopted by a market. At the end of the day, the aim is to bring profitable products to market. As a result, product design is much more use-oriented.

With regard to product innovation, for most of the 20th Century, it was the technology push model (technological progress conquering the market) that dominated (see Chapter 2). This was particularly the case in the telecommunications, aerospace, nuclear and robotics industries, under the influence of public policies and associated funding. In this model, innovation is the result of scientific and technological progress. Based on technological determinism, innovation is designed and then delivered to society or markets in a linear and mechanical manner with a top-down vision.

At the end of the 20th Century, this vision was followed by that of market pull (products marketed were inspired by the consumer), based on taking the customer into account as a key player in defining needs. This started from market expectations and aimed to adapt or promote technologies. Marketing was at the heart of the system. In companies, R&D designers were in the position to act as internal service providers at the service of marketing to provide technical solutions to needs expressed in functional terms. Although there may still be technological innovations born from the technology push model (Apple’s iPad is a good example), most innovations are nowadays born from a market pull vision.

The 1990s saw the arrival of a radically new concept. The expertise present in a company gave it a sustainable competitive advantage in its market in the name of its ability to generate innovation in its products or services. Companies witnessed the rapid wear and tear and obsolescence of the knowledge of its businesses and technologies. The rapid commercialization of products required the acceleration of innovation processes and cost pressure to streamline design activities.

The designer’s romantic vision, seen as a hero rewarded for their autonomous and independent work, is flawed, even in areas that seemed a priori the most creative. In the video game sector, for example, rationalization and customer orientation impose their law and work is segmented into a multitude of skilled trades. This sector of activity is maturing and includes large companies whose operations are far from the start-up model that dominated at the beginning. We are now speaking of organizations such as those found in the industrial world (see Box 4.2). A design shared between humans and machines?

While the technical innovations in the digital field result from a design activity, this activity is, in turn, increasingly structured by digital technology such that it is not an exaggeration to talk today about a sharing of design between humans and machines.

In industry, the future of engineering and R&D professions is strongly linked to the development of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) digital platforms that introduce new ways of working. These tools facilitate the organizational and geographical fragmentation of value chains and, while they can provide valuable assistance in terms of knowledge capitalization, they also tend towards a certain automatism. They result in a greater formalization of activities, with new tool intelligence obligations, for example, and questions are raised as to whether they are a form of support or an obstacle to creativity and innovation (Paraponaris et al., 2018). However, when faced with complex work situations, design engineers take different perspectives and do not converge on describing a single situation. While some mentioned the difficulty of achieving cohesion in their work incurred by the use of these design tools, others noted a harmony facilitated by these same tools and a more fluid collaboration.

Digital R&D is now seen as having very high stakes, which places it at the forefront of the concerns of company management (scientific and information systems departments), and as one of the prominent sources of questioning (if not concern) for R&D professionals. It is certain that digital technology will change R&D work and the professionalism of researchers and engineers, with uncertainty about the nature and depth of these transformations. For R&D managers, this calls for vigilance and consideration of ways to support these changes in work by promoting the necessary learning dynamics. For researchers, this invites them to take the initial work on these issues further.

4.2.2. The individual in the adoption phase3 The diffusionist point of view

Supporters of the diffusionist movement do not pay attention to the technical object’s design phase, of what is related to its genesis. They focus, on the one hand, on how innovations are disseminated and who their users are (the adopters) by developing behavioral models, and, on the other hand, on measuring the impact of their adoption through changes in practices.

This point of view is particularly embodied by Everett Rogers (1983), author of the diffusion of innovations theory developed from the summary of the results of various studies. According to Rogers, it is the characteristics of innovation, as perceived by individuals, that determine its adoption rate. He identifies five characteristic attributes of an innovation: its relative advantage, its compatibility with the pre-existing system, its complexity, its trialability and its observed effects.

This typology has been well received by marketing. The research resulting from it generally has a prescriptive purpose, seeking to explain disparities in an innovation’s adoption level by correlating them, through questionnaire surveys, with traditional socio-demographic variables: age, sex, occupation, income, housing, family size, etc. The groups that result from it are interpreted as customer segments. In addition, product marketing can involve opinion leaders who are the most supportive of innovation.

This theory classifies individuals, users of innovation, according to five standard profiles: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards. We provide a brief definition, inspired by Rogers (1983) and expressed from a marketing perspective:

  • – innovators are the most sensitive to innovation. They are the first consumers of a new product as soon as it is released. They make their purchases without having to consult the opinions of other users. They are more motivated than others by the status conferred by a new product. These customers like to share their experience with others on something new;
  • – the early adopters quickly buy an innovative product. They are people who like new things, they try them out and give their opinion. They show more active social participation and have a denser and more diversified interpersonal network than the late majority. They also show a higher degree of opinion leadership. They contribute using these characteristics to the triggering of the critical mass formed by the early majority;
  • – those of the early majority are thoughtful customers. They await feedback from the first experiences before buying a new product;
  • – the late majority expects the product to be used by a significant part of the population. The individuals who constitute it want proof of performance. They are very influenced by the opinions of other users and want to know to what extent a new object is better than others that are already on the market;
  • – the laggards are the last to accept an innovation. They are the most rational customers. They only buy new products when they have been tested and become commonplace or even when they are part of a tradition.

The originality of this approach is that it integrates the classification of adopters into different categories by considering the reception of an innovation on a time scale: the profile of adopters moves from a small and marginal group to a larger group, and then to a pool covering the entire population.

This view, which praises innovators, suffers from a bias in favor of innovation. As such, it has been the subject of much criticism, particularly from the sociology of innovation (Akrich et al., 2006). Moreover, by equating diffusion with an inevitable and irreversible phenomenon, it does not take into account the possible rejection of innovation by the adopter at any time (“abandoners”), and not only during the initial decision-making process.

Finally, in line with our reflections on determinism (see Chapter 1), it is clear that diffusionism expresses a certain economic determinism. Indeed, we can highlight a static vision of innovation, an idea that is part of an instrumental conception of innovation: transformed into a marketable product, responding to a need that it is able to satisfy, it would no longer be transformed. The acceptance model

Unlike diffusionism, which, by focusing on studying the process of technology diffusion through the evolution of an adoption rate, embraces the innovation promoter’s point of view, the study of uses in terms of acceptance and acceptability adopts the point of view of users.

The approaches that claim to use this perspective are numerous and sometimes contradictory, but they converge on the idea of technological non-determinism: to be accepted, a technology must be re-appropriated by the user.

Among the most well-known theoretical models, Davis’ (1989) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is the reference point (see Figure 4.1). For the TAM, the effects of beliefs on utility and perceived ease of use are the main determinants of user acceptance of the technology. These normative beliefs are assessed by the respondent’s feeling expressed in a questionnaire about his or her approval (or disapproval) of items related to these two factors.


Figure 4.1. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

(source: Davis, 1989)

Perceived usefulness is “the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance” (Davis, 1989). The perceived usefulness will be high if the individual thinks that:

  • – the system will allow him/her to learn faster;
  • – using the system will not be a waste of time;
  • – the system will make it easier to learn;
  • – the system will be very useful for learning.

Research has shown that perceived usefulness can be affected by multiple variables, which fall into three categories. A first category covers the characteristics of the user (age, sex, professional category, seniority, etc.). A second relates to organizational functioning (support from external leaders or consultants, communication policy, social influences of professional groups, etc.). A third concerns the characteristics of the technological team itself (functionalities offered, ergonomic quality, task/technology suitability, etc.).

Perceived ease-of-use refers to “the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free from effort” (David, 1989, p. 320). Perceived ease-of-use is related to items such as:

  • – using the system will be easy for him/her;
  • – the system will be flexible to use;
  • – no problems will be encountered when using the system;
  • – it will be easy to find out how to use the system.

Originally, the TAM was used to explain the adoption of applications such as word processing, internal e-mail and video conferencing. Its application now extends to practices concerning the general public (social media, mobile Internet).

4.2.3. The individual in the use phase

The acceptance of the technology and its use do not necessarily overlap. While acceptance, particularly in Davis’ case, is a matter of attitude, use is a matter of behavior. The located acceptance

In the context of real use, the question is no longer that of the acceptability of the technological object, but what it allows (or does not allow) one to do or obliges (or does not oblige) one to do. With this in mind, Bobillier Chaumon’s (2016) work focuses on testing technology in real-life situations, what he calls “situated acceptance”, i.e. the concrete experience of the tool in real life. For this occupational psychologist, the individual and personal dimension – that relating to the operator’s own activities, in their cognitive and emotional aspects – is not the only one to be taken into consideration. There are also three other dimensions to consider:

  • – the organizational dimension, which involves the operator’s relationship with the organization of work, in particular the control exercised by the technological equipment over its actions;
  • – the interpersonal dimension, relating to the collective activities in which the operator is involved and which may be affected by the technological equipment;
  • – the identity and professional dimension, which concerns the individual’s “power to act” and their ability to have their professional identity recognized. Towards a unified model of acceptance and use?

In response to the profusion of models, Venkatesh et al. (2003) proposed a unified model of technology acceptance and use, called UTAUT (Unified

Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology). This model, which incorporates the most significant elements of the eight theories considered most important at the time, justifies the use of ICTs based on four fundamental determinants of behavioral intent defined as follows:

  • – performance expectancy: the degree to which a person believes that the use of technological equipment will help them to achieve gains in their work performance;
  • – effort expectancy: the degree of ease associated with the use of the technological equipment;
  • – social influence: the effect of environmental factors such as the opinions of a user’s friends, relatives and superiors on user behavior;
  • – facilitating conditions: the extent to which a person believes that an organizational and technical infrastructure exists to support the use of technological equipment.

Such models are well suited for research, but seem unwieldy in real life. However, their contribution to managerial thinking cannot be ignored (see the example in Box 4.3). The symbiotic approach

The symbiotic approach does not separate adoption from use, considering it as an ongoing process. Based on Licklider’s (1960) theory that sees the computer as a symbiont (an organism that lives in symbiosis with humans), it involves a very close coupling between humans and technical objects. The anthropomorphic semantics of the symbiotic approach focuses on the emergence of devices that mimic the cognitive capacities of human beings in which human and non-human registers are merged. This approach, which has been closely linked from the outset with the scientific and industrial community of artificial intelligence, is enjoying a resurgence in popularity.

For Brangier, Dufresne and Hammes-Adélé (2009), who are part of this trend, the dominant paradigm, of technology as an entity external to humans who are conceived as acceptance agents deciding whether or not to use a technology, is outdated. Indeed, it is not in harmony with a world in which technological artifacts are taking up more and more space in the activities of humans, who are transferring some of their skills to them, with technological equipment becoming a part of themselves. Since humans and technologies are mutually dependent and interact, these authors evoke a techno-symbiosis, noting that individuals can no longer carry out certain activities today without their techno-symbionts, which have become human extensions.

The case reported in Box 4.4 seems to us to illustrate this symbiosis. In this case, the “social network” is not an agreed expression, but a reality where the social and digital are combined and where we find the spirit of community and freedom that marked the origins of the Internet. It also shows that digital technology can be a means of social inclusion.

4.2.4. The individual between subject and object The notion of the technical individual according to Simondon

The symbiotic approach that pays equal attention to technical objects and human subjects brings us back to the philosopher Simondon (1958) for whom the machine is a “technical individual” as it “carries its tools” and becomes capable of doing without even a human auxiliary – which, according to the philosopher, is in no way detrimental to human progress. Simondon explains, for example, how in the innovation process of combustion engines, initially associated but distinct environments end up becoming one. Although not dealing with digital technology, this reflection is stimulating when thinking about the development of a composite device combining human beings and ICTs.

Manufacturing, which used mainly manual work, included machines, but their activity was used alongside human activity: manufacturing used real technical individuals, while in the workshop, it was humans who lent their individuality to the accomplishment of technical actions. In the 19th Century, following manufacturing, the factory was a technical unit where the division of labor was embodied in the machine independently of the worker who had become a spectator of the result of the machines’ operation, since humans were no longer the control center. There was therefore a change in the relationship between the technical object and the human being, reduced to the status of a simple auxiliary of the machine and then alienated or even expelled. This thought obviously evokes line work in mass production and the meaningless work of Chaplin’s Modern Times. This representation of industrial work, which dates back to the early 20th Century, may have seemed outdated until it entered the world of services. In the digital age, the meaning of work is once again questioned: “in the digital world, who will master the purpose of work?”, asks Gomez (2017, authors’ translation).

For Simondon, in terms of the empowerment of machine work, humans’ “liberation” would allow them to hold above all the status of tool carriers – the machine becoming a fully “technical individual” instead of the human. The latter would repair and supervise the machines. The construction of technical individuals frees us from the role of technical individual; humans must now supervise, surround the technical individual, take care of both the elements of the machine and its integration into the whole. Humans would then find their place above tool carrier status. This conception of course implies a complete reform of the labor system, a redefinition of human work, work to be shared in order to let machines do the work that has hitherto alienated the human subject. Reviewing resistance to change in the light of the “technical individual”

While we agree with the above, we must admit that it is not always the individual who resists, but sometimes also the technical object. This observation extends beyond material techniques, as Teglborg et al. (2015) have shown. Based on a longitudinal case study, these authors note that resistance to change by non-human actors is linked to the interrelationship within technical systems between human and non-human actors. A case study allowed them to identify three types of resistance. The first comes from the unthinkable or a bias in the design of the artifact (non-human actor). The second results from a system effect, when the resistance effects within the device combine and have a multiplier effect. In addition, the authors argue that, while the effects of resistance by non-human actors may be obstructive, they may also be productive, in that they are able to generate learning.

Let us take the example of management software packages. As noted in Chapters 1 and 3, although they are adaptable and configurable, they are based on specific organizational models. Thus, the processes included in these software packages, insofar as they convey a specific logic of action, sometimes constitute a constraint to work as its designers have planned; otherwise, they risk being counterproductive (see Box 4.5).

The study reported in Box 4.5 shows the relevance of applying the concept of resistance to change to a technical object: the management software package slows down the development of agility and opposes the transformation of organizations involved in new environments. However, it would be an exaggeration to see this resistance only as obstructive. The implementation of an integrated management software package can have positive effects, by contributing to collective dynamics and by encouraging the development of new skills that go well beyond the optimization of management processes.

4.3. Beyond the content of activities, a transformation of working structures

The effects of digital technology are not limited to accompanying pre-existing activities currently being carried out, facilitating their exercise, or modifying the influence of some of them. However, we must be careful not to make too general an assessment, as digital technology encompasses various technical objects whose effects on activity are far from identical.

4.3.1. Variable effects depending on the technological equipment

Not all technologies are equal in the way they constrain or, on the contrary, empower users. In his study of the organizational properties of digital technologies in the workplace, Bobillier Chaumon (2013) distinguishes three types of technologies, depending on the room for maneuver they leave to the individual.

The first category includes prescriptive technologies, including technological equipment that places high constraints on the activity: ERP, workflows, certain business software packages with frozen scripts, such as in call centers. Requiring the application of strict procedures for the execution of simple and repetitive (and therefore formalizable) tasks, these ICTs closely restrict the individual’s ability to take initiative. Technology makes individuals dependent, telling them what to do and how to do it. This is the world of neo-Taylorism.

The second category is composed of flexible technologies that offer resources and means to the individual to imagine and realize the full scope of their projects. We will have here, for example, office software, messaging, the Internet, smartphones and design tools for architects and engineers. However, Bobillier Chaumon notes that these ICTs can also lead to a form of prescription of subjectivity when individuals’ behavior is required to be similar to the machines they use, including injunctions to be more innovative and more efficient, etc.

The discretionary technologies in the third category are at the confluence of the two previous ones, in that they provide a possible framework for action which the individual can use at will. They guide and inspire the user in their task, who can, at any time, abandon and go beyond it to develop their own work. This category includes digital corporate networks and knowledge management tools. Here, the constraint is more subtle than in prescriptive technologies since it depends on an individual’s “free” commitment to collective norms, often from peer groups.

These distinctions overlap with those between prescriptive technologies and decision- or implementation-support technologies discussed in the previous chapter.

4.3.2. The emergence of new work characteristics

As Brangier and Valléry (2004, pp. 216–217) point out, new characteristics of work appear with digital technology:

  • – the relationship between the pace of work and the pace of productivity is evolving towards an asynchronous mode. It is redefined to take into account the fluidity of the process;
  • – working time no longer determines productivity, which now depends more on the profitability of the installations and the machine time consumed than on direct intervention by agents. The operator becomes “a controller of the fluidity and capacity of the process” (see Box 4.6).

The traditional conception of the company can therefore also be challenged, with new forms of production and distribution emerging. We are thinking, in particular, of online platforms and the transformation of the activities they have brought about for taxis, real estate agencies, hotels and craftsmen. To take only the example of drivers, who are now isolated, they buy and maintain their own vehicles, bearing the risk of variations in frequency alone, investments and commercial risks not being covered by the site or the exchange platform.

Digital technology is changing the conditions in which work is carried out, in particular, it is facilitating the growth of teleworking and shared workspaces, since Wi-Fi and the cloud (storing data on remote servers) now make it possible to work almost anywhere.

4.3.3. The growth of telework

Telework could rightly be considered as emblematic of the transformations that have affected the world of work since the mid-1990s (Vayre, 2019). On the one hand, it is part of the gradual erasure of the work/non-work boundary. On the other hand, it meets the requirements of new forms of work that call for autonomy, empowerment and subjective engagement of employees. While it may have initially appeared mainly as a concession to workers – a social benefit – the influence of economic and societal factors in its development should not be overlooked.

The conception of work has evolved, both among managers and employees. Companies are developing new forms of working time arrangements in response to the requirements of productive efficiency (better work organization, fight against time-consuming activities, etc.). Changes in work organization also respond to a need of employees who have greater flexibility in carrying out their work and, for the most qualified categories, wish to extend it to monitoring the balance between their professional and private lives. In this sense, telework is a response to the movement to erase the boundaries between work and non-work that we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter and which has been greatly facilitated by the use of digital technologies.

After optimizing the productivity of their industrial activities, companies have made efforts to increase the competitiveness of their tertiary activities. It is on these that international competitiveness will focus in the future, as it has focused in previous decades on increasing industrial productivity. The service has become a sector of activity in which companies generate a substantial part of their turnover. In addition to this tertiarization of the economy, there is also the need to get closer to the consumer – or end-user – of the product. Telework appears to be a competitive organization of the tertiary sector providing elements to meet these new efficiency constraints within the new flexible economy.

Finally, telework is also a mass social phenomenon, affecting 10–20% of the working population in industrialized countries. It is a response to automobile congestion in metropolitan areas, the increase in transport times and the costs involved.

As for the effects of telework in the professional, family and social fields, the literature review conducted by Vayre (2019) shows contrasting results. In the professional field, on the one hand, telework contributes to concentration, productivity, efficiency and quality of work, performance, as well as to a sense of control over work (time, task, organization), autonomy and motivation at work, organizational involvement and job satisfaction. On the other hand, it also has negative effects such as loneliness, isolation, professional exclusion, misunderstanding and hostility of the professional environment, reduction in the volume and quality of exchanges with the professional environment, or even a brake on career development and promotions. However, she notes, telework covers multifaceted situations whose impacts are balanced by moderating factors that nuance the effects of telework. These factors can be positive, such as the physical layout of the home, the technical and material support of the company, the support of the hierarchy and colleagues, or negative, such as the place of telework (exclusively home vs. dedicated professional spaces), and the intensity of telework (at home full-time or part-time).

4.4. Technological changes and individual skills

It is common to hear or read that smartphones, digital tablets and the Internet require radically new skills. What should we be led to think about this? We cannot endorse this discourse for all the reasons we have given in Chapter 1, in our critique of technological determinism. This obviously does not mean that technological change has no impact on the skills required to carry out activities where digital technology is very present. As soon as activities are transformed, this has an impact on skills. To address this topic, we will first define the notion of skills before addressing the question of their production in relation to digital technologies, and then we will discuss the digital skills framework, a rapidly expanding tool.

4.4.1. Skills and their production Definition and the stakes of skills

While the term skills is widely used, it does not mean that it has a unique meaning. When an orientation psychologist, a specialist in “skills assessment”, meets an ergonomist, a specialist in “skills analysis”, or even a head-hunter, a specialist in “skills assessment”, and both use the term “skills”, it is not clear whether they mean the same thing. Our reference to activity leads us here to favor the ergonomics of human activity, which has also developed as robotization and computerization have spread, thus transferring repetitive manual tasks to automata. De Montmollin (1995, p. 78) is one of the few authors who has focused on clarifying the meaning of the concept of ergonomic skills: “Skills correspond to the hypothetical structures […] that allow the operator to give meaning, for action, to work situations (and in particular the information they provide). The skills are therefore described from the point of view of the activity. We always talk about skills for a particular task, or a particular type of task” (authors’ translation).

Within companies, new technologies have made tasks more complex, developed mental work and justified going beyond the level of task analysis alone to approach work analysis in terms of cognitive processes. At the same time, verbal activity has become more important. Today, in increasingly automated companies, work is becoming dematerialized. Until recently, the model for recognizing operators’ qualifications was largely based on industrial work based on physical effort and gestural skills practiced on the material. Then, with the implementation of new technologies, it was technoscientific knowledge that was given priority. Today, professional skills are no longer reduced to their technical aspects. Changes in work, due to the search for new forms of flexibility, are based on interpersonal cooperation and a broad understanding of the work process. They therefore require new skills from operators, skills that are more a matter of professional conduct, “interdisciplinary skills”, than the technicality of a profession; also, some people mention, for want of anything better, the need to develop soft skills. Acquisition and development of digital skills

We are now leaving the field of ergonomics, the development of skills being usually the field of trainers. However, it would be simplistic, as we will see, to limit the production of skills to training activities only.

Interest in skills development is usually linked – by consulting firms, large companies and national and international organizations – to a staff approach to human capital. This refers to the body of knowledge and skills that a population possesses. Investment in this capital is expected to determine the company’s profitability and competitiveness. We are therefore interested in the modalities of acquiring this capital, assuming that the expenses incurred are investments. Human capital is supposed to reflect the value attributed to the qualities in which we invest. The state of this capital is assessed by considering the level and duration of training or by carrying out skills analyses.

To judge its dynamics (the way it is constituted), it is undoubtedly necessary to examine the pedagogical mechanisms, as well as the concrete work situations and their modalities of regulation. Indeed, while school and professional training can play an important role, they are not the only vectors. Many of the basic digital skills are acquired in the field, through practice, observation, participation, exchange and support. Of course, it is quite different when it comes to training in advanced technologies in order to change jobs, such as becoming a developer, digital content producer or digital project manager. But, just as it is now possible to drive a car without being a motorist, it is very easy to skillfully surf the Internet to compile documentation on a specific subject, without knowing the protocols used for data transfer that allow this research. Digital training and training using digital technology

Digital training is offered with a variety of content. At the European Union (EU) level, eight key skills (combinations of knowledge, competencies and attitudes) have been defined which are considered necessary for personal development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment (European Commission, 2012). Digital skills are one of them, promoted in the same way and separately as basic science and technology skills. In fact, almost all EU countries have put in place national strategies for the development of e-skills.

Symmetrically, the use of ICT as a teaching tool is also seen as promoting the development of interdisciplinary skills and, as such, highlighted in national education policies. The situation varies from country to country.

Thus, for example, from the selection in Table 4.2, all countries agree that the use of ICT in education programs promotes analytical skills development and collaboration, while the acquisition of other skills is not considered by all to be related to the use of digital technology.

Table 4.2. ICTs for skills development

(source: Eurydice, 2012)

Denmark Spain France Netherlands Austria Finland United Kingdom
Creativity/innovation X X X X X
Analytical mind X X X X X X X
Problem solving X X X X
Decision-making X X X
Collaboration X X X X X X X
Adaptability X X X X
Initiative X X X X
Responsibility X X X

The EU notes that the presence of equipment does not mean that it is actually used in the curriculum and therefore stresses the need to train teachers and improve technical infrastructure. Nevertheless, these recommendations seem to us to be too invested in technological determinism. Associating a digital environment with a training system obviously does not guarantee an automatic production of skills. More broadly, the use of digital technology in a course is not necessarily equivalent to pedagogical innovation. For example, the design of an e-learning course requires more than just the teacher’s command of ICT. The lessons provided must be reconfigured or they will be distorted.

4.4.2. Digital skills as frames of reference

In companies, as well as at the national level, the implementation of digital skills as frames of reference appears to be a lever for the development of pedagogical and professional uses of digital technology.

Following the recommendation of the European Parliament and Council of 18 December 2006 on key skills for lifelong learning, digital skills can be defined as the “safe and critical use of information society technologies”.

Most professional activities require rapid adaptation to a variety of uses of digital tools, necessary for both work and social life. The acquisition of digital skills is therefore essential everywhere. They have been listed in reference systems covering more or less extensive skill fields.

Thus, in order to identify the shortcomings of populations and to support European countries in designing their policies and programs in this field, the European Commission has developed a digital skills framework, Digcomp, which includes 21 skills grouped into five fields of skills (see Box 4.7).

This reference system can be used for many purposes. In training, it is the basis for self-assessment tools, such as the Europass self-assessment grid for digital skills or the Ikanos online tool from the Spanish Basque Country.

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) has developed a self-assessment grid for digital skills based on Digicomp. Available in 24 languages on the Europass portal, all citizens have access to it to assess their skills and record the result in their European passport. The grid follows the structure of the framework (that of version 1.0), specifying, for each of the 21 skills, statements that reflect a level of proficiency. By completing the grid, a person can position himself/herself as an elementary, independent or experienced user on each of the skills.

Starting from Digcomp, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Spanish Basque Country created Ikanos, an online self-assessment questionnaire, in 2014. The tool allows citizens and workers to assess their digital skills in 30 questions, taking about 15 minutes to answer. Simple and user-friendly, the results are immediately available at the end of the questionnaire. This tool is available in Euskara (language spoken in the Basque Country), Spanish and English.

4.4.3. No digital skills outside the activity

Just as we were led, following Bobillier Chaumon, to speak of situated acceptance, with reference to real activity, it seems preferable to us to consider skills only in direct reference to the situations that mobilize them. Like many other authors who have examined this topic, let us recognize that skills reference frameworks, digital or otherwise, are of little use outside the training activities they develop. For the specialist in work analysis, the ergonomist, there can be no question of trying to identify, outside activity, individual skills, even if we directly question the operator.

Nor will we go into any further development of the notion of the level of mastery of a digital skill and a fortiori its value. These are subjects that also raise questions because of the social conventions to which they are subordinated. We must admit, along with De Montmollin (1984), that “nothing allows the ergonomist to affirm, for example, that solving a problem is worth more than using a code, or even that solving a problem with complex algorithms is worth more than solving a problem with simple ones” (authors’ translation).

  1. 1 The specialized literature contrasts the ergonomics of the human factor, centered on the intrinsic properties of the human being at work, an older theory and predominantly seen in the English-speaking world, with ergonomics centered on the activity, more recent and especially seen in Francophone world.
  2. 2 Rabardel (1995) speaks of collaborative mediation, which we wanted to broaden, collaboration being only one of the possible expressions of politics, as an influential mechanism governing social relations.
  3. 3 Unlike Chapter 3, which used the notion of appropriation, we focus here on readings that focus on the notions of adoption and acceptance.
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