Also by Joe Kissell

Click any book title below or visit our web catalogto add more ebooks to your Take Control collection!

Are Your Bits Flipped?: Overcome common tech misconceptions with this collection of easy-to-read essays.

Take Control of 1Password: Slowed down by entering passwords repeatedly? Learn how to let 1Password do the heavy lifting.

Take Control of Apple Mail: Learn the ins and outs of Apple’s email app in macOS and iOS.

Take Control of Upgrading to Mojave: Experience a trouble-free upgrade to the latest version of macOS with this comprehensive guide.

Take Control of Dropbox: Discover the many features—especially the non-obvious ones!—that make Dropbox so useful and popular.

Take Control of the Cloud: Wrap your head around the wide variety of cloud services and apps, and make smart purchasing decisions.

Take Control of the Mac Command Line with Terminal: Master your Mac’s command-line interface and learn basic Unix skills.

Take Control of Your Digital Legacy: Make sure your important digital information is preserved for future generations.

Take Control of Your Online Privacy: Learn what’s private online (not much)—and what to do about it.

Take Control of Your Paperless Office: With your Mac, scanner, and this ebook in hand, you’ll finally clear the chaos of an office overflowing with paper.

Take Control of Your Passwords: Overcome password overload without losing your cool.

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