
Our objective was not to further a given subject matter, but rather to reunite with one single approach the nine “pillars” that must be observed in order to seek sustainability in business performance. We only cite several studies that appear pertinent, knowing that the literature is very abundant in each particular subject matter.

  1. Academie (2009). La gouvernance d’entreprise: une vision globale du management. Cahiers de l’Académié, no. 14.
  2. Academie (2014). La gouvernance de l’offre: une vision globale du management. Cahiers de l’Académié, no. 26.
  3. Academie (2017). Performance durable de l’entreprise : quels indicateurs pour une évaluation globale? Cahiers de l’Académié, no. 33.
  4. Antoinette R. (2016). Le gouvernement algorithmique ou l’“art” de ne pas changer le monde. Les (n)ombres ou la vie. [Online].
  5. Ballé M., Jones D., Chaize J., Fiume O. (2018). La stratégie Lean. Editions Eyrolles, Paris.
  6. Baret P. (2017). Fanny Romestant, La RSE comme opportunité d’innovations : 10 cas de pratiques responsables. Dunod, Malakoff.
  7. Bouée Ch.-É. (2017). La chute de l’empire humain. Mémoires d’un robot. Grasset, Paris.
  8. Cameron K.S., Quinn R.E. (2011). Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture: Based on the Competing Values Framework. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
  9. CNIL (2017). Comment permettre à l’Homme de garder la main? Summary of the CNIL public debate on algorithms, artificial intelligence and ethics.
  10. Cooper R., Kaplan R.S. (1988). Measure costs right: Make the right decisions. Harvard Business Review, 66(5), 96–103.
  11. Detœuf A. (1937). Propos d’O.L. Barenton, confiseur, ancien élève de l'École polytechnique. Éditions du Tambourinaire, Paris.
  12. Fayon D., Tartar M. (2014). Transformation Digitale. Pearson, Montreuil.
  13. Fimble E. (2006). Alignement stratégique. Pearson, Montreuil.
  14. Godet M. (2013). Libérer l’emploi. Éditions Odile Jacob.
  15. Hammer M., Champy J. (1992). Business Process Reengineering: A Manifesto to Business Revolution. Harper Business, New York.
  16. Jombart P. (2016). L’excellence opérationnelle - piloter l’entreprise 5.0. Édition L’archipel, Paris.
  17. Jones G., Goffee R. (2003). The Character of a Corporation. How Your Company’s Culture Can Make or Break Your Business. Profile Books, London.
  18. Kaplan R.S., Norton D.P. (1992). The Balanced Scorecard: Measures that drive performance. Harvard Business Review, 70(1), 71–79.
  19. Kaplan R.S., Norton D.P. (1996). The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
  20. OCTO Technology. (2012). Les Géants du Web, Octo, [Online].
  21. Porter M. (1980). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. Free Press, New York.
  22. Porter M. (1983). Competitive Strategy. Free Press, New York.
  23. Porter M. (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. Free Press, New York.
  24. Scheer A.W. (1989). Business Process Engineering. Springler Verlag, Berlin.
  25. Thévenet M. (2010). La culture d’entreprise. PUF, Paris.
  26. Vegleris E. (2006). Manager avec la philo. Editions d'Organisation, Paris.
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