The Process of Product and Service Production

3.1. The strategic importance of the “supply chain” within digital development

The “supply chain” is the logistic chain spanning from taking customer orders to delivering the ordered product or service and receiving the corresponding payment. The supply chain has always been crucial because it is here that all options taken during the strategy and development phase of the product offer are solidified, and where the relationship with the business’ customers takes place, determining their degree of satisfaction.

It is inseparable from the strategy because it is not enough to decide on “good things to do”, but we must also “do them well!” This goes for other way around as well.

However, with the accelerated development of “digital” technological innovations, performant and competitive “supply chain” management becomes more and more strategic, under penalty of leaving the market. As such, Amazon is a particularly illustrative example: they have been able to combine a range of new services by drawing on digitalization and the logistic chain’s performance by very quickly integrating all useful innovations: robotizing of transfers, the Internet of Things (IoT), and even drones.

A good command of technology, which has an enormous impact on the “supply chain”, is clearly a major competitive factor that can “disrupt” the balance of forces at play on a market. Never in history has innovation had as much of an impact on the production of goods and services than today. Businesses that know how to take advantage of this will create determining competitive advantages. Conversely, those that lag behind will have trouble surviving.

The most driving innovations capable of revolutionizing the “supply chain” are improving every day in an exponential manner, for example:

  • – rolling mini-robots, capable of picking and transporting from shelves according to orders taken by the delivery service, aided by artificial intelligence to optimize parcel delivery;
  • – autonomous vehicles, by granting artificial intelligence and adequate sensors to existing trucks so that they can assure delivery without human intervention;
  • – drones, which are already being experimented with by Google, Amazon, and also UPS and FedEx for delivering parcels to the final customer;
  • – smart glasses, which allow repetitive tasks to be performed more quickly and efficiently, all while reducing mistakes;
  • – 3D printing, which is used today for quick prototypes, but could soon replace certain steps in production and thus revolutionize the “supply chain”;
  • – the analysis of purchase data alongside suppliers who, thanks to artificial intelligence, allow us to optimize the supply process by guaranteeing superior service.

We note in the previous examples that the interest in innovations is multiplied by the introduction of artificial intelligence coupled with “Big Data”. This association will revolutionize the production of services even further than that of tangible products. As an example, artificial intelligence would handle 50% of questions or problems handled by lawyers and would, in time, cover 85% of back office.

3.2. Description of the “supply chain” process

Robotic or not, with artificial or human intelligence, the “supply chain” process includes, invariantly, a certain number of large functions.

We are referring to it as a “macro-process”, because it goes from final customer to final customer (it is sometimes called “quote to cash”) and it is this transversal vision “from start to end” that results in managerial strength. Indeed, what is truly important is the performance of the results seen by the customers of this process: sometimes, it is preferable to degrade a function’s performance in order to optimize the global performance of the process. For example, it is sometimes better to choose a slightly more expensive supplier, but with a better quality and service regularity, allowing the enterprise to respect deadlines and increase customers’ degree of satisfaction.

Figure 3.1 shows the sequence of functions implicated in the customer-to-customer supply chain macro-process. The functions are groupings of competencies placed under the same level of hierarchical responsibility in order to realize activities which are executed in order to bring added value to the different transformation steps: manufacturing a part, quality inspection, storage, etc.


Figure 3.1. Supply chain process

(1) Order-taking

This activity, which consists of presenting the enterprise’s product offering to customers/prospects and trying to get orders from them, is generally entrusted to commercial function.

(2) Planning production

Starting from the backlog of orders registered or predicted with a certain degree of probability, it is necessary to predict the quantity of materials or components to be supplied, all while taking into account suppliers’ delivery times and scheduling production with available resources (personnel, material).

(3) Purchases

The “purchases” function identifies potential suppliers based on criteria related to quality, price and provision deadlines. It negotiates prices with suppliers, allowing the supply function to place orders corresponding to the needs expressed by production.

(4) Supply

On the basis of the planning done in terms of quantity, and on the basis of indications from the “purchase” function in terms of price, the supply function is responsible for passing orders onto suppliers and then verifying that the orders received comply, which triggers the payments.

(5) Manufacturing

By using supplied materials or components as well as resources in terms of personnel and machines, the activity of manufacturing realizes requested products/services under the stipulated conditions related to quality, cost and deadlines. This goes for products manufactured according to customer orders or products in stock.

(6) Delivery/Billing

Manufactured products/services are then delivered to the customer in accordance with his order, triggering the billing.

(7) Invoice collection

Collecting the invoiced amount marks the end of the “product and service production” process, sometimes called the “supply chain”, or more explicitly “quote to cash”.

3.3. Good practices and performance indicators for operations involved in the production process

Since most indicators are objectively measurable in this more operational macro-process, we will focus on performance indicators rather than maturity models as proposed above.

The business’ strategic objectives (e.g. five-point increase in the global market section) are broken down into a certain number of “result objectives”. For example:

  • – reduce the average cost of products/services by 5%;
  • – diminish the number of returns due to bad quality by 30%;
  • – reduce the deadline by six months for the development of new products estimated at three years;
  • – reduce the delivery time of an ordered product/service by 15 days.

It is often a combination of result objectives that allows the business to meet a strategic goal.

These “result objectives” can be assigned to various operational processes within the business. In the above example, all objectives concern the “production” macro-process except for reducing the deadline for development, which concerns the “offer creation” macroprocess. The macro-process performance indicators are support for result objectives assigned to the macro-process in question. In the above example:

  • – the “cost” indicator supports the 5% cost reduction objective;
  • – the “number of returned products” indicator supports the 30% returns decrease objective;
  • – the “delivery time” indicator supports the 15 day delivery decrease goal.

The performance indicators of the macro-process “Production” come in four kinds, known as the CQFD process performance indicators:

  1. 1) cost (the cost of provided products or services);
  2. 2) quality (the quality of these products or services);
  3. 3) flexibility (the process’ ability to adapt to fluctuations in demand);
  4. 4) deadlines (respect for deadlines agreed with customers or clients).

Figure 3.2. The CQFD process performance indicators

In order to achieve objectives, we need to deploy performance improvement approaches such as Lean, Six Sigma, Total Quality, etc.

So that these improvements can be executed concretely, the result objectives must be decomposed into “activity objectives” assigned to clearly identified functional managers, for example:

  • – for the purchasing function: to renegotiate lower purchase prices in a proportion that is compatible with the result objectives, while taking into account the objectives set to the manufacturing function;
  • – for the production function: reduce the cost of production by process re-engineering operations the process or by investing in more powerful tools, etc.

Figure 3.3. Activity objectives of a process

As they do for result objectives, the performance indicators will serve as support for “activity objectives”.

The performance indicators for the “quote to cash” macro-process can be broken down into:

  1. 1) result indicators that express global performance in the provision of finished products/services from the process to customers, according to the criteria: Quality, Cost, Flexibility and Deadlines;
  2. 2) activity indicators that allow us to measure performance in the execution of activities contributing to the realization of products and services of the process.

3.3.1. Result indicators


Percentage of customer returns

Evolution of volume of work in progress versus produced quantities

Number of references, products, processes and production sites that are certified in quality and safety


Evolution of the unit cost of finished products

Evolution of the percentage gross margin: contribution to covering the company’s commercial and administrative expenses


Percentage of SKUs that are out of stock

Number of products configurable by the customer Proposal of different delivery times according to price


Service rate (respect for agreed upon deadlines) that is “on time, in full” (OTIF)

Evolution of service rate relative to the stock coverage rate

Quality Quality of published information (reliability, pertinence, opportunity)
Cost Unit margin per customer/product
Flexibility How far back the backlog goes (months)

Age of late invoice payment

Average delay for customer payments (New Economic Regulation law)

Refunds and credits issued to cancel bills

Customer services

Publication of customer satisfaction survey results

Quality of answers provided (regularity, clear formulation, etc.)

Cost Margin (earnings – costs) for maintenance Margin for guarantees
Flexibility Percentage of product offers with substitute products Delay for the delivery of substitute products
Deadlines Average time frame for handling customer complaints Publication of the average delay for putting back into service

3.3.2. Activity indicators


Evolution of the number of suppliers under self-control

Evolution of the purchasing budget compared to the number of references

Evolution of the rate of returns towards suppliers


Evolution of purchase prices, for example, for components or suppliers

Evolution of percentage of the supply function costs against the purchasing budget

Evolution of percentage of total value of products returned to suppliers against the purchasing budget


Number of unique source references versus the number of references

Number of production delays due to raw material ruptures versus the total number of production delays


Service rate (respect for agreed deadlines)

Delivery time/product/supplier


Number of customer complaints recorded by the help desk

Non-quality costs + inspection costs + prevention costs

Number of defects divided by number of units produced per piece of equipment

Number of incorrect withdrawals from stocks versus number of total withdrawals

Evolution of number of months of coverage for material stock

Evolution of number of months of coverage for finished product stock Stock depreciation rate


Evolution of unitary cost of the process activities

Rate of absenteeism

Global productivity per employee = total produced value divided by the number of employees

Actual versus target production rate per piece of equipment

Rate of material waste per piece of equipment

Evolution waste costs

Downtime/theoretical hours of use per piece of equipment

Valorization of unused production capacity

Evolution of indirect costs versus production costs

Evolution of fixed costs versus production costs

Discrepancies in performance: actual versus standard unitary production costs

Evolution of the logistic function’s cost versus production costs

Evolution of fixed and variable costs per package, per sales unit

Total cost of stocks/COGS (Cost of Goods Sold)


Percentage use of production capabilities

Evolution of make-ready time/manufacturing time

Percentage components that several products have in common

Percentage use of logistical capabilities

Percentage of outsourcing

Deadlines Not applicable
Sales and customers

Conversion rate of proposals into orders

Number of visits per customer

Quality of published information (pertinence, reliability, timing)

Percentage renewal of the customer portfolio

Number of eco-product references or references from fair trade


Cost of the “commercial” function/company’s turnover

Price comparison with the competition

Decomposition of prices according to services pertaining to the product (transportation, dossiers, guarantees, telephone support, etc.)

Evolution of the average bundle of goods purchased per customer

Flexibility Percentage of interchangeable products
Deadlines Average delay for processing orders
Customers services

Frequency of customer satisfaction surveys

Number of inquiry tickets that have not been solved and their age

Cost Not applicable
Flexibility Not applicable
Deadlines The time the help desk or customer service department takes to respond to customers

3.4. The economic performance of the processes

We hereafter present the ABB–ABC–ABM approach because it is often misunderstood and poorly applied, whereas it should be the management controller’s priority tool for monitoring operational performance.

3.4.1. ABB–ABC–ABM: a management tool to help make decisions under certain conditions

The basic underlying principles of ABC (activity-based costing) modeling turn this approach into a potentially tremendous tool for monitoring economic performance at a very operational level. Whether or not it becomes this tremendous tool depends on how we approach its implementation!

If we are complacent with allocating loads as appropriately as possible for activities and then products in order to calculate the costs, we are using an approach purely based on accounting. Though the allocation keys are sound, we will likely have more accurate costs than traditional approaches. However, we will still be far from a monitoring tool because the relation between these costs and the “operational performance levers”, which management can act on to manage future developments, still remain to be established.

Conversely, if the model relies on operational indicators that are representative of the process’ performance, management will be capable of setting “improvement objectives” in accordance with these indicators. Thus, the approach can serve to construct a budget consistent with the entirety of the managerial objectives, then to analyze achievements in order to highlight the performance discrepancies that the managers are accountable for.

If this is then used to establish “corrective action plans”, aiming to reach the predicted global performance planned in the budget, then management is equipped with a true tool for monitoring performance, and management control has a remarkable animation tool and a great help in decision-making.

The key factor of success in the approach’s execution is therefore designing the model from an ABB (activity-based budgeting) point of view and then using it from an ABM (activity-based management) point of view for managing responsibilities pertaining to performance objectives, the calculation of ABC costs is merely a result.

3.4.2. ABB–ABC–ABM: the logical sequence of implementation (ABB, then ABC, and then ABM)

A well-constructed ABB–ABC–ABM model highlights the resources consumed by a company’s products or services. It says a lot about what the resources are used for, the importance of the processes and the priority of products. Which products consume the most resources? How are the resources consumed by the processes? This information is not always easy to obtain, notably when resources are shared.


Figure 3.4. The ABB–ABC–ABM model

Answering these questions, the method appears as a decision-making tool. It helps arbitrate during planning and allows us to better prioritize allocations.

What is the logical sequence of operations required to implement an ABB–ABC–ABM model? First of all, we need to design a model based on the following:

  1. 1) defining products and services, at the right level of granularity;
  2. 2) studying processes homogenous enough with regard to the pursued goal;
  3. 3) analyzing activities necessary for realizing “customer products/services”;
  4. 4) identifying resources necessary for realizing these activities.

This model has to be designed and used from an ABB perspective in order to work out a forecast budget. This budget is constructed from sales or production forecasts. It integrates all the performance objectives related to the implementation of activities and resources that are necessary for realizing products. In an ABB approach, these performance objectives will be associated with:

  • – “activity drivers”, which allow the volume of the activities to be deducted from the sales and production forecasts;
  • – “resource drivers”, which allow the volume and valorization of the resources to be deducted from the forecasted volumes of the activities.

A budget constructed this way is the result of a negotiation concerning volumes to be produced and performance objectives. Thus, the management agrees on operational commitments. By proceeding in this manner, we avoid an approach based purely on accounting and costs calculation. Instead of doing accounting, we are constructing a management tool, which is not the same thing!

The logical next step after ABB is the forecast calculation of ABC. The same model is used to calculate the cost of the activities, products and services at all stages of the production process. Thus, we end up with standard costs and forecast margins.

The final step is ABM. Performance discrepancies between actual data and ABB objectives are analyzed in order to infer action plans. For this purpose, we need to gather real-world information of all kinds: quantities sold, sales revenue, quantities of semi-finished products/components/materials, hours of production, expenses by responsibility centers, etc. This information will be integrated into the model.

3.4.3. Using ABB–ABC–ABM as a tool for “operational management control”

In the classical IS pyramid, there are transactional systems at the base that handle the flows of information necessary to the enterprise’s day-to-day functions, which are ERPs, production management and accounting systems, etc. Up top are the Business Intelligence tools, the scorecards and the management consolidation dashboards to be found.


Figure 3.5. Information System pyramid

Between the two is operational management control. This is field-oriented, affixed to the enterprise’s product or service production processes. In fact:

  • – transactional systems, by nature, do not handle forecasting matters. The forecasting systems manipulate data that are useless at the transactional level and run simulations that the transactional systems cannot run;
  • – as for systems of reporting and management consolidation, they present themselves as multidimensional cubes. They are capable of aggregating data and analyzing it from many angles. They are also capable of performing a “drill-down” type of reporting that is necessary for a good understanding of what is going on.

To achieve this, it is essential to choose the right level of granularity. This choice is fundamental. In order to make decisions, we must define at what level of granularity we want to work. If the grid is too fine, we will get lost within details; however, if it is too large, the data may be inconsistent. We must find the appropriate granularity, which will emphasize, within all indicators of the model, the most important levers of performance. Modeling the enterprise’s processes by highlighting the key performance indicators and defining the right mesh adapted for decision-making are among the most important activities for an operational management controller, who unfortunately is not always prepared for handling these matters.

3.4.4. Approach to implementation and traps to avoid

The main trap to avoid is viewing the ABC approach only as an accounting method. Of course, it is more pertinent than other cost calculation methods because it relies on allocation keys that theoretically have a more operational significance. However, in this case, only allocating expenditures would already be known about, because they originate either from “actual” accounting records or from a budget that has been previously prepared by other methods.

As a matter of fact, the problem with this accounting approach is that it is always possible to imagine percentages for sharing charges. However, it is more difficult to allocate these charges in accordance with performance indicators! This difficulty, however, presents a fundamental advantage because the method, necessarily focuses on the essentials: the actual indicators that are truly operational and useful to the management.

The key to success therefore consists of constructing the ABC model within an ABB approach, meaning only operational indicators from which management can set objectives are retained.

Defining the ABC model within ABB logic means that the needs have to be calculated based on the sales forecasts (or provision of products/services forecasts), similar to the calculation done by the material requirement planning (MRP) system. Thus, the calculations are done in the “induction” way, meaning that what is produced requires (or induces) activities to be realized which will also induce resource consumption. Be careful to choose the right way, focused on management and not accounting!

With the calculation of full costs from the ABC method, we can ascertain that certain products are profitable and others are not. The temptation is to say: “We will get rid of the non-profitable products and focus on the profitable ones.” Questioning profitability is useful but be careful! All of the fixed expenses that make certain products non-profitable will apply to other products and lower their profitability if they remain present.

What instrumentation must be used so that exploiting this approach is not too time-consuming? This brings us back to the granularity issue. If the model was constructed with a granularity suitable for highlighting true performance levers, it is obviously essential to implement all the metrology tools necessary to gather the relevant information. Conversely, if the model goes into too many details compared to strict managerial needs, then the implementation of the corresponding metrology tools will cost far too much for a minimum benefit. This will not be “profitable” and the approach will be justifiably judged counterproductive to the enterprise.

Under the pretext that an ERP delivers results in real-time, it leads to the illusion that it is a decision-making tool. Even though we observe the fluctuations of an actual cost from minute to minute, what kind of relevant decision can be taken, if the reasons for these fluctuations cannot be identified (evolution of objectives/discrepancies vs. one or another indicator, etc.)? What types of action can be triggered if the managers responsible for the decisions that lead to the observed results remain unknown? The calculation of a budgeted standard cost, then the analysis of performance discrepancies relative to objectives which served to work out the budget, present numerous advantages to monitoring performance.

3.4.5. Links with processes

Processes have always been very present in industrial enterprise culture. They have been defined as “a sequence of activities, a value chain linking activities”, and process approaches were used without anyone even knowing it!

Total quality programs have also generated approaches for stabilizing the company’s processes. These process approaches are intended to reveal dysfunctions related to deadlines and hidden activity costs.

However, as sophisticated as it may be, it has always been difficult for management control to account for process optimization issues. It is, in general, more at ease with accounting and financial aspects than with operational approaches at the production floor level.

The ABB–ABC–ABM approach is a very powerful “tool” for management control by measuring the efficiency of processes, provided it is implemented correctly and in the right direction (management and not accounting).

This approach allows also calculating the actual cost of processes, which classical approaches struggle with. It is easy to know the cost of hierarchical structures in silos. However, the cost calculation of transversal processes requires identifying their activities and valorizing them via the resources that they consume. This is precisely what the ABB–ABC–ABM approach allows us to do, though under the condition that each of the actors (or group of actors) indicates the time spent on (and frequency of) each selected activity. Once again, the granularity is crucial to avoid falling into excessive detail that is potentially impractical. These full cost calculations will show that certain processes are not competitive or profitable compared with the competition. If so, they would need a vast reform through a BPR type re-engineering approach.

Since the objective is to provide products/services to customers under agreed upon CQFD (cost, quality, flexibility and deadlines) conditions, the notion of cost of products produced by the enterprise’s processes is obviously very present. Regretfully, the ABC approaches described in the literature skip the processes with a shortcut linking directly activities to products.

To illustrate the problem of activity versus process, let’s take for example a fairly simple activity: the computer hotline. Answering a call is an activity that impacts at least two customer processes: one of a technical nature: “provision of workstations”, and another of a functional nature: “provision of applications”. So the same activity “I answer a call”, does not represent at all the same thing in these two types of process. For example, for the “provision of applications”, this will have repercussions in corrective maintenance, while for the “provision of workstations” the impacts will rather concern the servers. The process gives substance to the activity.

In summary, Figure 3.6 shows, the ABB–ABC–ABM model must be the image of the operational process and its components (products/services, activities, resources) in an economic vision of the process in a “mesh” that is adapted for the decision-making of management.


Figure 3.6. Generic ABB–ABC–ABM model

3.5. The big picture of performance in the “supply chain” process

As we have seen above, two complementary approaches are necessary to steer the “supply chain” process’ performance, namely the “balanced scorecard”, and the ABB–ABC–ABM approach.

These approaches are structurally very different:

  • – the balanced scorecard approach’s purpose is to gather all performance indicators of all operational macro-processes not only those of the “supply chain”. However it does not calculate the values, which the company’s diverse information systems are supposed to provide. However, it does not calculate their value;
  • – the ABC–ABB–ABM approach, conversely, has a much more reduced scope, since it is limited to the “supply chain” process for the “finance” section alone. However, it articulates all necessary elements for cost calculations and fosters operational monitoring (budget, actual, discrepancies, corrective action plans).

However, these two approaches complete each other and interface with each other as shown in Figure 3.7.


Figure 3.7. Measures of performance: the balanced scorecard and ABB–ABC–ABM approaches

The quality, flexibility and deadlines indicators will directly feed into the “internal processes” and “customers” sections of the “balanced scorecard” sections of the balanced scorecard, whereas for the “finance” section, most of the indicators will transit through an ABB–ABC–ABM model to have their value consistently calculated.

3.6. Case study: assessing the maturity of the supply chain process

3.6.1. Air France

Air France agreed to test the questionnaire and evaluate its maturity in terms of sustainable development. The following question sheet concerning the governance process was provided to illustrate the method.

The test was conducted by the authors through discussions with representatives from the company, to whom we are sincerely thankful. The maturity evaluations obtained in this way correspond to perceptions, which would, of course, need to be backed up with precise audits in order to be confirmed.

The company Air France, which is a world leading actor in three main professions (i.e. passenger air transport, air freight [cargo] and aircraft maintenance), has paid particular attention to sustainable development for several years. This attention ranges, inter alia, from societal innovations: the Foundation Air France’s action against deforestation, dedicated training, cooperation workshops with partners, etc.

In a more general manner, the importance of risk prevention and risk management is crucial in air transport – and vigilance is a duty. All stakeholders are involved in the day-to-day operations of the company, including sub-contractors who play an active role in terms of consolidating global performance.

Other stakes: maintaining continuity. If we take, for example, the IT sector, the business continuity plan (BCP) organizes the operation of a degraded mode of business: in case of dysfunction impacting a critical process, tests have been run previously in order to guarantee that the BCP remains operational.

Simplification is currently a main factor. As a whole, staff is invited to review any suggestions on the ground with the goal of providing concrete solutions.

Culturally, the business process approach is also present – this includes paying particular attention to interfaces between activities. Since performance contracts apply by hierarchical functions (the “silos”), the processes that combine those functions allow us to coordinate those contracts within the functions, namely during transversal review sessions.

In reality, the enterprise must above all assure operational service without ruptures or patches along the chain of the customer’s experience. That is, the transversal approach by processes constitutes a permanent reference.

Feedback from past experiences is of course, taken into account when defining performance contracts.

All throughout the year, management reviews monitor the progress of performance contracts and anticipate to avoid “bad surprises”. These reviews are led by steering instances that help inter alia to make choices regarding means and investments.

Performance contracts deal with the following aspects: flight safety, health and safety at work, customer quality, operational performance, economy, human resources, environment and sustainable development, food security, safety and IS.

Table 3.1. Air France: overview of the maturity of the supply chain process. Summary of results of the detailed evaluation grid from the guide “Performance durable de l’entreprise : quels indicateurs pour une évaluation globale ?”1

Air France Overview of the supply chain process Non-existent Discovering Deploying Under control Optimized Comments
Within the entirety of its “quote to cash” process functions (purchases and suppliers, production and logistics, sales and customers, customer services), the enterprise has identified performance indicators in terms of quality, cost, flexibility and deadlines. × An operations committee meets every 15 days to provide an activity overview, monitored directly by the Chief Operations Officer (COO), who is the accountable manager. Processes and indicators are analyzed and actions or decisions are taken in order to refine the trajectory or correct certain points.
It monitors the evolutions of these indicators with the help of the Balanced Scoreboard, containing four sections: customers, processes, preparation for the future and finances. × There is no Balanced Scorecard, but they use numerous scorecards that integrate visions with multiple aspects, facilitating a global and integrated vision of operations (for example ground operations, industrial maintenance, catering, etc.).
Action plans have been launched in order to correct observed discrepancies, be they qualitative (quality, flexibility, deadlines) or economic (costs). They are regularly monitored. × The purpose of their Integrated Management System is to define the methodology to be used in the management system, aiming for integration and consistency. It is the vector for carrying out action plans with qualitative and economic improvements as a result.
Process performance tracking benefits from digital tools that upload data online to check its proper execution. × Digitalization makes it easier to track evolutions and improvements with a broad sharing of results, particularly using mobile phones, to capture and report data. The usage of tablets adapted to each business unit is developing more and more in order to increase global efficiency and a better customer focus.
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