List of Acronyms

ADACORADAptive holonic COntrol aRchitecture for distributed manufacturing systems
AHTAverage Handling Time
AIArtificial Intelligence
AmIAmbient Intelligence
ANNsArtificial Neural Networks
ATGAdvanced Technology Group
BCIBrain–Computer Interface
BIBusiness Intelligence
BMIBrain–Machine Interface
BPBusiness Process
BRICBrazil, Russia, India and China
CAPPsComputer Aided process Planning
CBRCase-Based Reasoning
CCDCharge Coupled Device
CEOChief Executive Officer
CFMContinuous Flow Manufacturing
CHONCarbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen
CIVETSKorea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa
C-MOSComplementary Metal Oxyde Semi-conductor
CPCombination of Particle
CRMCustomer Relationship Management
CSRCorporate Social Responsibility (collaborative work)
CYC“enCYClopedia”, CYCorp AI project (Common Sense & ontologies)
DARPADefense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DBData Base
DESDiscrete Event Simulation
DFMDesign For Manufacturing
DFSDesign For Sustainability
DNADeoxyribo Nucleic Acid
DNIDirect Neural Interface
DODDepartment of Defense
DRAMsDynamic Random Access Memory
DSSDecision Support Systems
ECBEuropean Central Bank
ERPEntreprise Resources Planning
FBMsField Bill of Materials
FFBMsField Feature Bills of Materials
FSNsFractal Structured Networks
GDPGrowth Domestic Product
GMOsGenetically Modified Organisms
GNOSISKnowledge Systematisation-European IMS Project
GPSGeneral Positioning System
HMSHolonic Manufacturing System
ICTsInformation and Communication Technologies
IMFInternational Monetary Fund
IMSIntelligent Manufacturing Systems
ISInformation System
ITsInformation Technologies
KADSKnowledge Acquisition and Documentation Structuring
KBSKnowledge-Based Systems
KEGGKyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
LANLocal Area Network
LBOLeverage Buy Out
LISPLISt Processing language
LMALine Manager Advisor (IBM project)
LOCsLines of Codes
LSSTLarge Synoptic Survey Telescope
MERISEMéthode d’Étude et de Réalisation Informatique pour les Systèmes d’Entreprises
MIDsMobile Internet Devices
MMIMind–Machine Interface
MRIMagnetis Resonance Imaging
MTBFsMean Time Between Failures
MTTRMean Time To Reappear
NGOsNon-Governmental Organizations
NLDSNonLinear Dynamic Systems
NoSQLNot only SQL (non-relational DB Language)
NSANational Security Agency
OMsOperation Managements
OSOperating System
PCsPersonal Computers
PLCProduct LifeCycle
PLOTPlant Layout Optimization
PMAPrimary Mental Ability
PMIProject Management Institute
PPCPay Per Call
PPTPay Per Time
QoSQuality of Service
RASReliability Availability Serviceability
R&DResearch and Development
RFIDRadio Frequency Identification
ROIsReturns On Investments
RMSReconfigurable Manufacturing Systems
SASystem Analysis
SAASSoftware As A Service
SDSystem Dynamics
SICsSensitivity to Initial Conditions
SIDsSensitive Initial Deviations
SLAService-Level Agreement
SMEsSmall Medium Entreprises
SOCSelf-Organized Criticality
SPQLShipped Product Quality Level
SRESocial Responsibility of an Enterprise
STISynthetic Telepathy Interface
TCATricarboxylic Acid
TCMThermal Control Modules
TTLTransistor-Transistor Logic
UMLUnified Modeling Language
VFDCSVirtual Factory Distributed Control System
WAIS/WAIS-RWechsler test
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