

  • A activities, in time-blocking system, 324
  • accountability, 221
  • accountant, as member of your wealth team, 358–359
  • achievement(s)
    • increasing speed to goals, 89–91
    • mapping for goals, 78
    • recognizing, 195
  • action
    • taking based on rankings in time-blocking system, 325
    • teaching power of over words, 202
  • activities
    • as goals, 81
    • increasing motivation using, 68
  • acts of service, as a love language, 180
  • adjustments, in time-blocking system, 331, 333–334
  • administrative roles, 80/20 rule for, 320
  • adoption, 205
  • adversity
    • about, 95–96
    • learning from failures, 96–100
    • power of persistence, 100–105
    • protecting your attitude, 105–108
  • affirmations, positive, 106–107, 116, 131
  • alcohol, 122
  • Alcoholics Anonymous, 141
  • Alessandra, Tony (creator of Platinum Rule), 158
  • almonds, 123
  • along the path, sowing seeds, 45–46
  • Anecdote icon, 3
  • appreciating assets, 256
  • appreciation, as a characteristic of a great employee, 217–218
  • aspirationally wealthy, 244, 245
  • assessing
    • mentors, 26
    • progress in time-blocking system, 331–333
    • qualitative goals, 332–333
    • strengths and weaknesses, 286–287
    • time usage, 20–21
  • assets, appreciating, 256
  • assigning
    • timeframes to goals, 85–86
    • your time a monetary worth, 288
  • at-home hobbies, balancing with household tasks, 321–323
  • attitude
    • about, 129
    • being positive, 130–133
    • comparisons for encouragement, 136–137
    • cultivating your self-esteem, 133–136
    • developing the habit of personal reward, 138
    • positive, as a personal characteristic for improving success, 340
    • protecting your, 105–108
    • of wealthy people, 235
  • attorney, as member of your wealth team, 359
  • avoiding
    • distractions, 162
    • negative comments, 194


  • balances, maintaining healthy, 298
  • balance-sheet affluent, 246
  • balance-sheet wealth, 245, 246–247
  • balancing
    • discipline with procrastination, 41–42
    • price vs. promise, 42
  • BBO (Boys Breakfast Out) tradition, 200
  • behavioral styles
    • about, 58
    • communicating in your mate's, 181–183
    • Compliant
      • about, 66
      • characteristics of, 66
      • communicating with someone who has the, 182–183
      • downsides of, 67
      • drivers of, 66
      • how they operate, 66–67
    • DISC model, 59–60
    • Dominant
      • about, 60–61
      • characteristics of, 60–61
      • communicating with someone who has the, 181
      • downsides of, 62, 64
      • drivers of, 61
      • how they operate, 61–62
    • Influencer
      • about, 62–63
      • characteristics of, 62–63
      • communicating with someone who has the, 182
      • drivers of, 63
      • how they operate, 63
    • motivation and, 58–59
    • Steady
      • about, 64
      • characteristics of, 64
      • communicating with someone who has the, 182
      • downsides of, 65
      • drivers of, 64–65
      • how they operate, 65
  • belief systems, 141
  • belonging, increasing your feelings of, 145
  • benchmarks
    • about, 57
    • setting with children, 203–204
  • berries, 123
  • Bezos, Jeff (Amazon founder), 137
  • blueberries, 123
  • body, as a temple, 112–113
  • body positioning, 162
  • Boys Breakfast Out (BBO) tradition, 200
  • Brody, Adrien (actor), 16
  • Buddhism, 146
  • Buffett, Warren (investor), 215, 268, 360–361
  • building
    • benchmarks, 57
    • children's character, 201–206
    • commitment to goals, 78
    • customer/client relationships, 223–226
    • debt-conquering strategy, 258–261
    • flex time in time-blocking system, 330
    • friends through personal connection, 158–163
    • friendships, 148
    • health teams, 113–115
    • inducement rewards, 57
    • integrity in business, 225–226
    • a legacy as a measure/model of success, 350–351
    • relationships, 148
    • routines, 289
    • self-confidence, as a measure/model of success, 349
    • success tournaments, 86–89
    • sustainable exercise programs, 125–126
    • unity, 149
    • value, 224–225
  • business owner
    • 80/20 rule for, 319
    • forced savings as a, 274–275
    • guaranteeing retirement success as a, 278–280
  • business relationships
    • about, 211
    • building customer/client relationships, 223–226
    • characteristics of great employees, 215–218
    • characteristics of great employers, 218–223
    • providing more than you're paid for, 212–215
  • business savvy, maintaining, as a measure/model of success, 347
  • buying time, 311


  • calculating hourly income, 307–308
  • capital, increasing, 92
  • career
    • as a category of success, 12
    • as goals, 82
  • caring, as a characteristic of a great employee, 216
  • Carnegie, Andrew (entrepreneur), 82, 350–351
  • Carnegie, Dale (author)
    • How to Win Friends and Influence People, 155
  • categorizing
    • goals, 84–85
    • success, 11–14
    • tasks in time-blocking system, 324
  • category tournament, 88–89
  • cellphones, turning off, 293–294
  • Chadwick, Florence (swimmer), 101
  • Champions of Wealth course, 258, 259
  • Chapman, Gary (author)
    • The 5 Love Languages, 180
  • characteristics
    • of Compliant behavioral style, 66
    • developing welcoming, 159–160
    • of Dominant behavioral style, 60–61
    • of great employees, 215–218
    • of Influencer behavioral style, 62–63
    • personal, for improving success, 337–343
    • of Steady behavioral style, 64
  • charisma, as a benefit of being motivated, 52
  • Cheat Sheet (website), 3
  • cheerleader, being a, 169
  • children
    • adoption, 205
    • building character of, 201–206
    • defining success for individual, 192–193
    • demonstrating love to your, 197–198
    • encouraging gifts and skills, 194–195
    • establishing values in, 201–202
    • helping them to avoid life's dangers, 204–206
    • recognizing differences in, 193–194
    • setting goals/benchmarks with, 203–204
  • chocolate, dark, 123
  • choosing
    • motivation types, 67–71
    • work situations, 216–217
  • chores, buying time for, 311
  • Christianity, 146
  • Churchill, Winston (UK Prime Minister), 213
  • circumstances, mastering your, 41
  • circumventing interruptions, 292
  • claiming rewards, 58
  • clarity, lacking, for your future, 354
  • Clason, George S. (author)
    • The Richest Man in Babylon, 29
  • clinging to commitment, 185–188
  • clutter overload, preventing, 298
  • Collins, Jim (author)
    • Good to Great, 219
  • comfort, finding in faith, 144
  • commitment
    • clinging to, 185–188
    • creating to goals, 78
    • as the key ingredient to marriage, 177–179
    • to marriage, 172–175
  • communication
    • in business relationships, 213
    • as a characteristic of a great employer, 219–221
    • effective, 291–292
    • frequency of in business, 226
    • in marriage, 179–183
    • personally in business, 226
    • in your mate's behavioral style, 181–183
  • comparisons, for encouragement, 136–137
  • complacency, balanced with contentment, 132
  • completion, as a motivator, 70–71
  • Compliant behavioral style
    • about, 66
    • characteristics of, 66
    • communicating with someone who has the, 182–183
    • downsides of, 67
    • drivers of, 66
    • how they operate, 66–67
  • complimentary behavior, 164
  • compound effect, 45
  • compound interest, 241–242
  • compounding, as a benefit of being motivated, 52
  • compromise
    • achieving harmony through, 174–175
    • harmony and, 183–185
  • concentration, as a personal characteristic for improving success, 342
  • condensing conversations, 295
  • conflict resolution, 168.See also disagreements
  • Confucianism, 146
  • consistency, turning into repetition, 19–20
  • consumer debt, 256, 355
  • contentment, balanced with complacency, 132
  • Controlling Cholesterol For Dummies (Rinzler), 122
  • conversations
    • enraging in good, 162–163
    • shortening, 295
  • Coonradt, Charles (author)
    • The Game of Work, 21, 221
  • core purpose, 219–220
  • core values, 219–220
  • courtship, 187
  • Covey, Steven (author)
    • First Things First, 326
    • Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, 158
  • creating
    • benchmarks, 57
    • children's character, 201–206
    • commitment to goals, 78
    • customer/client relationships, 223–226
    • debt-conquering strategy, 258–261
    • flex time in time-blocking system, 330
    • friends through personal connection, 158–163
    • friendships, 148
    • health teams, 113–115
    • inducement rewards, 57
    • integrity in business, 225–226
    • a legacy as a measure/model of success, 350–351
    • relationships, 148
    • routines, 289
    • self-confidence, as a measure/model of success, 349
    • success tournaments, 86–89
    • sustainable exercise programs, 125–126
    • unity, 149
    • value, 224–225
  • credit card debt, 256–258, 355
  • CRM (customer relationship management) software, 291
  • cultivating self-esteem, 133–136
  • customer relationship management (CRM) software, 291
  • customer service roles, 80/20 rule for, 320
  • customer/client relationships, building, 223–226


  • daily habits, maintaining, as a measure/model of success, 346–347
  • daily objectives, prioritizing, 318
  • daily prayer, 150
  • daily prioritization, in time-blocking system, 323–326
  • day, dividing in the time-blocking system, 327–328
  • debt
    • about, 255
    • consumer, 256, 355
    • creating a conquering strategy, 258–261
    • creating your debt-conquering strategy, 258–261
    • credit card, 256–258, 355
    • good, 355–356
    • reducing credit card debt, 257–258
    • success principles about, 256
  • Debt Management tool, 258, 259
  • decision-making
    • about, 298–299
    • assessing timeframe for a decision, 302
    • determining most efficient way, 303–304
    • difficulties of, 299–300
    • evaluating the gravity of a decision, 300–301
    • gut feeling, 303
    • narrowing options to two, 302–303
  • delayed gratification, 42
  • delegating responsibilities, 295, 297–298
  • desire for gain, as a motivator, 53–54
  • destination focused, as a characteristic of Dominant behavioral style, 61
  • determining resource needs, 92–94
  • detours, limiting to goals, 78–79
  • developing
    • faith, 140, 142–143
    • the habit of personal reward, 138
    • spirituality, 143–147
    • welcoming habits and characteristics, 159–160
    • your likeability, 163–166
  • diet, 120–123
  • diminishing intent, law of, 42, 273
  • directness, as a characteristic of Dominant behavioral style, 61
  • disagreements
    • about, 166
    • being a cheerleader, 169
    • displaying loyalty, 169
    • giving grace, 167
    • love, 169
    • taking responsibility, 167–168
    • taking the high road, 166–167
    • transforming foes into friends, 170
  • DISC model, 59–60
  • discipline
    • about, 35–36
    • balancing with procrastination, 41–42
    • keys to success, 40–42
    • law of sowing and reaping, 43–47
    • as a reward not a punishment, 36–39
    • teaching, 202–203
    • where to focus your, 39–40
  • discounted company stock, investing in, 278
  • discouragement, facing, 101
  • discussions, rebooking, 295–296
  • displaying loyalty, 169
  • distractions, avoiding, 162
  • divorce
    • about, 361–362
    • dropping the D-bomb, 179
    • intergenerational transmission of, 178
  • documenting goals, 77–79
  • doing more than you're paid for, as a personal characteristic for improving success, 338
  • Dominant behavioral style
    • about, 60–61
    • characteristics of, 60–61
    • communicating with someone who has the, 181
    • downsides of, 62, 64
    • drivers of, 61
    • how they operate, 61–62
  • Doubletree Hotels, 225
  • doubt, 97–99
  • dress for success adage, 161
  • drivers
    • of Compliant behavioral style, 66
    • of Dominant behavioral style, 61
    • of financial freedom, 230–231
    • of Influencer behavioral style, 63
    • personalizing, 55–56
    • of Steady behavioral style, 64–65
  • drugs, 122, 206


  • earning(s)
    • relationship with wealth, 267
    • replacement income, 238
  • economic trends, studying, 215
  • effective communication, 291–292
  • effective listening, 159
  • ego, 99–100
  • 80/20 rule (Pareto principle)
    • about, 23, 31–32, 120–121
    • matching time investment to return, 316–318
    • at work, 318–320
    • in your personal life, 320–323
  • 85/10/5 rule, 325
  • Einstein, Albert (scientist), 241
  • e-mail, turning off, 293
  • emergencies, credit card for, 257–258
  • Emerson, Ralph Waldo (author), 74
  • emotions
    • financial freedom and, 231–233
    • fueling fire with, 91
    • keeping in check, 185
  • empathy, showing to others, 164, 184
  • emphasizing the positive, 37–38
  • employees
    • characteristics of great, 215–218
    • expanding opportunities for, 223
    • guaranteeing retirement success as, 276–278
  • employers, characteristics of great, 218–223
  • encouragement
    • comparisons for, 136–137
    • opportunities for, 197
  • energy, as a benefit of being motivated, 52
  • enjoyment, wealth and, 253–254
  • entrepreneur
    • forced savings as an, 274–275
    • guaranteeing retirement success as an, 278–280
    • maintaining spirit of an, as a measure/model of success, 347
  • establishing
    • a consistent process of success, 16–20
    • long-term service relationships, 226
    • traditions, 199–200
    • values in children, 201–202
    • your 50 goals, 79–83
  • estate planning, 357–358
  • evaluating
    • mentors, 26
    • progress in time-blocking system, 331–333
    • qualitative goals, 332–333
    • strengths and weaknesses, 286–287
    • time usage, 20–21
  • event, failure as an, 100
  • examples, people in your life as, 28
  • executive leadership, 80/20 rule for, 319
  • exercise
    • about, 124
    • common sense and, 125
    • creating a sustainable program for, 125–126
    • options for, 124–125
    • in your morning routine, 19
  • expanding knowledge, 92–93
  • expectations
    • being realistic, 297
    • resetting, 118–119
    • setting, 296–297
    • setting for success, 16
  • expressing faith, 142–143
  • eye contact, 162


  • failure
    • as an event, 100
    • fear of, as a barrier to goal setting, 76–77
    • fear of, being paralyzed by, 96–99
    • learning from, 96–100
    • as a motivator, 69
  • faith
    • about, 107–108
    • developing, 140, 142–143
    • expressing, 142–143
    • finding comfort in, 144
    • love and, 146
  • Fallaw, Sarah Stanley (researcher), 268
  • family
    • about, 189–190
    • being a successful parent, 190–195
    • building your child's character, 201–206
    • habits for creating success, 195–200
    • parents, 206–209
  • Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Dreams (FORD) system, 162
  • Family Fridays tradition, 199, 322
  • Family Game Night tradition, 199, 322
  • family meals, 198
  • Family Sunday Dinner tradition, 199–200
  • family traditions, 322
  • Farrar, Steve (author)
    • Point Man: How a Man Can Lead His Family, 198
  • fear of failure
    • as a barrier to goal setting, 76–77
    • being paralyzed by, 96–99
  • fear of loss, as a motivator, 54
  • fear of rejection, as a barrier to goal setting, 75–76
  • fear of success, as a barrier to goal setting, 76
  • feedback, engaging in, 162
  • finances, focusing discipline on your, 39
  • financial freedom
    • about, 230
    • drivers of, 230–231
    • emotions and, 231–233
  • financial planner
    • about, 238–239
    • as member of your wealth team, 359
  • financial success
    • about, 229–230
    • as a category of success, 12, 13
    • difference in wealthy people, 233–236
    • financial freedom, 230–233
    • knowing your wealth number, 236–244
    • types of wealth, 244–247
  • first impressions, 160–162
  • First Things First (Covey and Merrill), 326
  • The 5 Love Languages (Chapman), 180
  • flame, rekindling the, 186–188
  • flex time, building in time-blocking system, 330
  • forced saving mechanisms, 273–275
  • FORD (Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Dreams) system, 162
  • forgive, learning to, 143–144
  • 40-Day Challenge, 187
  • 4-percent rule, 238
  • 401k plan, 276
  • Frankel, Victor (author)
    • Man's Search for Meaning, 100
  • Franklin, Benjamin (Founding Father), 170
  • friendships
    • about, 155
    • building, 148
    • creating through personal connection, 158–163
    • developing likeability, 163–166
    • disagreements, 166–170
    • rules learned in kindergarten, 156–158
    • transforming foes into friends, 170
  • fruits, eating, 123


  • gain, desire for, as a motivator, 53–54
  • GALP (Gone After the Last Payment) plan, 260–261
  • game meat, eating, 122
  • The Game of Work (Coonradt), 21, 221
  • generating
    • benchmarks, 57
    • children's character, 201–206
    • commitment to goals, 78
    • customer/client relationships, 223–226
    • debt-conquering strategy, 258–261
    • flex time in time-blocking system, 330
    • friends through personal connection, 158–163
    • friendships, 148
    • health teams, 113–115
    • inducement rewards, 57
    • integrity in business, 225–226
    • a legacy as a measure/model of success, 350–351
    • relationships, 148
    • routines, 289
    • self-confidence, as a measure/model of success, 349
    • success tournaments, 86–89
    • sustainable exercise programs, 125–126
    • unity, 149
    • value, 224–225
  • genetics, 114–115
  • George, King of England, 13
  • gift(s)
    • discipline as a, 38–39
    • encouraging of children, 194–195
  • “gig economy,” 307
  • “go big or go home” philosophy, 79
  • goals
    • about, 73–74
    • categorizing, 84–85
    • communication of, as a characteristic of a great employer, 219–221
    • comparisons based on, 137
    • creating success tournament, 86–89
    • identifying tasks that support, 317–318
    • increasing self-esteem with clear, 133–134
    • increasing speed to achievement, 89–91
    • labeling and balancing your 50, 84–86
    • measurable, 80, 332
    • naming, 287–288
    • non-number-based, 80
    • number-based, 80
    • overcoming barriers to setting, 75–77
    • pinpointing resource needs, 92–94
    • power of, 74
    • power of documenting, 77–79
    • qualitative, 332–333
    • recording your 50, 79–83
    • setting with children, 203–204
  • Golden Rule
    • about, 141, 146–147
    • applying to friendships, 156–158
  • Goldman Sachs, 215
  • Gone After the Last Payment (GALP) plan, 260–261
  • good debt, 355–356
  • good soil, sowing seeds in, 47
  • Good to Great (Collins), 219
  • grace, giving, 167
  • grammar, 161
  • gratification, delayed, 42
  • gratitude
    • increasing motivation through, 69–70
    • as a personal characteristic for improving success, 339
    • in your morning routine, 19, 131
  • gross asset number, setting, 238
  • growing spiritually, 147–152
  • guaranteeing retirement success, 275–282
  • gut feeling, 303


  • habits
    • about, 7–8
    • developing welcoming, 159–160
  • happiness, daily, 133
  • hard worker, as a characteristic of Dominant behavioral style, 62
  • harmony
    • achieving through compromise, 174–175
    • compromise and, 183–185
  • health, physical
    • about, 111–112
    • as a category of success, 11, 13
    • creating a health team, 113–115
    • creating your health team, 113–115
    • diet, 120–123
    • exercise, 124–126
    • having only one life to live, 112–113
    • health events, 117–120
    • maintaining, as a measure/model of success, 347
    • mental health, 115–117
    • relationship with motivation, 117
    • rest, 126–127
  • health events, 117–120
  • heart health, 123
  • high fructose corn syrup, 122
  • high road, taking the, 166–167
  • Hill, Napoleon (author)
  • Hinduism, 146
  • home cleanliness, focusing discipline on your, 39
  • home office, 18–19
  • home ownership, 243–244
  • honoring parents, 206–209
  • hourly income, calculating, 307–308
  • household tasks, balancing with at-home hobbies, 321–323
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 155
  • humble, being, 188


  • icons, explained, 3
  • identifying
    • DISC behavioral style, 59–60
    • tasks that support goals, 317–318
    • your rhythm, 288
  • idleness, 204
  • impressions, first, 160–162
  • improving
    • quality of life, 310
    • your hourly value, 308–310
  • “in the zone,” 288
  • income
    • defined, 267
    • increasing, 309–310
    • wealth and, 252–253
  • income wealth, 244, 246
  • increasing
    • capital, 92
    • income, 309–310
    • productivity, 309
    • skills, 93
    • speed to achievement of goals, 89–91
    • your value in business relationships, 213–214
  • indecision, 97
  • inducement rewards, 57
  • Influencer behavioral style
    • about, 62–63
    • characteristics of, 62–63
    • communicating with someone who has the, 182
    • drivers of, 63
    • how they operate, 63
  • integrity
    • building in business, 225–226
    • as a personal characteristic for improving success, 340–341
  • intent, law of diminishing, 42, 273
  • intergenerational transmission of divorce, 178
  • interruptions, circumventing, 292
  • investing
    • in discounted company stock, 278
    • in personal relationships, 320–321
  • investment lender, as member of your wealth team, 359–360
  • Islam, 147
  • It All Goes Back In The Box (Ortberg), 255


  • Jefferson, Thomas (U.S. President), 13
  • joint venture, marriage as a, 179
  • journaling, in your morning routine, 19
  • Judaism, 147


  • Kendrick, Alex (author)
    • The Love Dare, 187
  • Kendrick, Stephen (author)
    • The Love Dare, 187
  • knowledge
    • expanding, 92–93
    • lack of, as a barrier to goal setting, 75


  • lack of knowledge, as a barrier to goal setting, 75
  • Larsen, Ralph (CEO), 220
  • law of diminishing intent, 42, 273
  • law of reciprocity, 165
  • law of sowing and reaping, 43–47
  • learning
    • from failures, 96–100
    • to forgive, 143–144
    • life-long, as a personal characteristic for improving success, 339
  • legacy, as a measure/model of success, 350–351
  • leisure activities, time-spending decisions for, 312–313
  • Lemonis, Marcus (TV personality), 16–17
  • life insurance, 357–358
  • life-long learning, as a personal characteristic for improving success, 339
  • Lightner, Candace (MADD founder), 69
  • likeability, developing your, 163–166
  • limiting detours to goals, 78–79
  • Lincoln, Abraham (U.S. President), 15
  • listening
    • demonstrating, 162
    • effective, 159
  • living trust, 357
  • long-term relationship. See marriage
  • long-term service relationships, establishing, 226
  • loss
    • fear of, as a motivator, 54
    • as a motivator, 69
  • love
    • about, 169
    • demonstrating to your child, 197–198
    • faith and, 146
    • making the decision to, 173–174
  • Love Is A Decision (Smalley), 15, 171–172, 173
  • love languages, 180
  • The Love Dare (Kendrick and Kendrick), 187
  • loyalty
    • as a characteristic of a great employee, 217–218
    • displaying, 169


  • MADD (Mothers Against Drink Driving), 69
  • maintaining
    • business savvy, as a measure/model of success, 347
    • daily habits, as a measure/model of success, 346–347
    • entrepreneurial spirit, as a measure/model of success, 347
    • healthy balances, 298
    • moderation, 113
    • motivation, 297–298, 304
    • optimism, 106
    • physical health, as a measure/model of success, 347
  • management professionals, 80/20 rule for, 319
  • Man's Search for Meaning (Frankel), 100
  • mapping achievement of goals, 78
  • market value, realizing your, 264
  • marriage
    • about, 171–172
    • clinging to commitment, 185–188
    • commitment as the key ingredient, 177–179
    • communication, 179–183
    • compromise, 183–185
    • divorce, 361–362
    • staying committed, 172–175
    • value of the institution of, 175–177
  • Marston, William (psychologist), 60
  • master list, in time-blocking system, 324
  • mastering your circumstances, 41
  • matching time investment to return, 316–318
  • measurable goals, 80, 332
  • measures of success
    • about, 345
    • building self-confidence, 349
    • creating a legacy, 350–351
    • looking for self-improvement, 350
    • maintaining business savvy/entrepreneurial spirit, 348
    • maintaining daily habits, 346–347
    • maintaining physical health, 347
    • playing your game, 345–346
    • serving others, 347
    • staying mentally tough, 350
    • working toward security, 348–349
  • median net worth, 267
  • meditation, in your morning routine, 19, 131
  • Memorable Getaways tradition, 200
  • memorizing spiritual passages, 151–152
  • Meniere's disease, 114
  • mental attitude
    • about, 129
    • being positive, 130–133
    • comparisons for encouragement, 136–137
    • cultivating your self-esteem, 133–136
    • developing the habit of personal reward, 138
  • mental health, 115–117
  • mental toughness, as a measure/model of success, 350
  • mentors
    • about, 25, 28
    • evaluating, 26
    • multiple, 27–28
    • not-so-perfect, 27
  • Merrill, A. Roger (author)
    • First Things First, 326
  • milestones, recognizing, 195, 226
  • The Millionaire Next Door (Stanley), 242–243, 268
  • models of success
    • about, 345
    • building self-confidence, 349
    • creating a legacy, 350–351
    • looking for self-improvement, 350
    • maintaining business savvy/entrepreneurial spirit, 348
    • maintaining daily habits, 346–347
    • maintaining physical health, 347
    • playing your game, 345–346
    • serving others, 347
    • staying mentally tough, 350
    • working toward security, 348–349
  • moderation, maintaining, 113
  • momentum, growing, 16
  • monetary costs, of leisure activities, 312–313
  • monetary worth, assigning your time a, 288
  • Mothers Against Drink Driving (MADD), 69
  • motivation
    • about, 51–52
    • behavioral styles and, 58–59, 60–67
    • benefits of being motivated, 52
    • categories of, 56–58
    • choosing types of, 67–71
    • Compliant behavioral style, 66–67
    • Dominant behavioral style, 60–62
    • Influencer behavioral style, 62–64
    • maintaining, 297–298, 304
    • motivators, 52–55
    • personalizing drivers, 55–56
    • relationship with health, 117
    • Steady behavioral style, 64–65
  • multitasking, 293
  • Murphy's Law, 43


  • naming goals, 287–288
  • necessities, credit card for, 257–258
  • needs, wants becoming, 264–268
  • negative comments, avoiding, 194
  • net worth
    • home ownership and, 243–244
    • median, 267
    • targets for, 242–243
  • Newton, Isaac (scientist), 16
  • Nightingale, Earl (personal coach)
    • about, 8, 25, 74
    • motivational talks by, 116
    • on success, 120
  • non-number-based goals, 80
  • number-based goals, 80
  • Nutrition For Dummies (Rinzler), 122


  • oatmeal, 123
  • offline time, scheduling, 292–294
  • olive oil, 123
  • omega-3 fatty acids, 122
  • opportunity
    • expanding for employees, 223
    • seizing, 214–215
    • timidity and, 360–361
  • optimism, maintaining, 106
  • organizing surroundings, 289–290
  • Ortberg, John (author)
    • It All Goes Back In The Box, 255
  • overcoming time-management obstacles, 291–294
  • over-deliver, 225


  • pain/pleasure, as a motivator, 54–55
  • Parable of the Sower, 43–47
  • parents
    • being successful, 190–195
    • honoring, 206–209
  • Pareto, Vilfredo (economist), 23
  • Pareto principle (80/20 rule)
    • about, 23, 31–32, 120–121
    • matching time investment to return, 316–318
    • at work, 318–320
    • in your personal life, 320–323
  • passion, as a key ingredient to success, 29
  • patience
    • connecting with success, 102–103
    • as a personal characteristic for improving success, 341–342
  • Paul, Apostle, 144
  • “pay yourself first,” 269–275
  • Peale, Norman Vincent (author)
    • The Power of Positive Thinking, 116
  • people resources, 93–94
  • perfectionism, 334
  • performance, praising, 222
  • per-hour worth
    • about, 305
    • calculating hourly income, 307–308
    • importance of, 306–307
    • improving through work efforts, 308–310
    • making value-based time decisions in personal life, 310–313
  • perseverance, as a personal characteristic for improving success, 338
  • persistence, power of, 100–105
  • personal activities, scheduling in time-blocking system, 328–329
  • personal connection, creating friends through, 158–163
  • personal growth/development
    • appreciating, 83
    • power of, 67–68
  • personal happiness, as a decision, 132
  • personal life, 80/20 rule for, 320–323
  • personal motivation
    • about, 51–52
    • behavioral styles and, 58–59, 60–67
    • benefits of being motivated, 52
    • categories of, 56–58
    • choosing types of, 67–71
    • Compliant behavioral style, 66–67
    • Dominant behavioral style, 60–62
    • Influencer behavioral style, 62–64
    • maintaining, 297–298, 304
    • motivators, 52–55
    • personalizing drivers, 55–56
    • relationship with health, 117
    • Steady behavioral style, 64–65
  • personal reward, developing the habit of, 138
  • personality, pleasing, teaching fundamentals of a, 202
  • personalizing drivers, 55–56
  • persuade, compared with understand, 184–185
  • persuasion, as a personal characteristic for improving success, 341
  • physical health
    • about, 111–112
    • as a category of success, 11, 13
    • creating a health team, 113–115
    • creating your health team, 113–115
    • diet, 120–123
    • exercise, 124–126
    • having only one life to live, 112–113
    • health events, 117–120
    • maintaining, as a measure/model of success, 347
    • mental health, 115–117
    • relationship with motivation, 117
    • rest, 126–127
  • physical touch, as a love language, 180
  • planning time, scheduling in time-blocking system, 329–330
  • planting, as a success strategy, 43
  • Platinum Rule, 158
  • playing your game, as a measure/model of success, 345–346
  • plussing strategy, 212, 225
  • Point Man: How a Man Can Lead His Family (Farrar), 198
  • poisons (diet), 122
  • pornography, 177, 204–205
  • positive
    • being, 130–133
    • emphasizing the, 37–38
    • recognizing the, 185
    • staying in comparisons, 136–137
  • positive affirmations, 106–107, 131
  • positive attitude, as a personal characteristic for improving success, 340
  • positive thinking, 115–116
  • poultry, eating, 122
  • The Power of Positive Thinking (Peale), 116
  • praise
    • for performance, 222
    • putting in writing, 208
  • prayer
    • power of, 150–151
    • Serenity, 334
    • in your morning routine, 19, 131
  • premarital counseling, 176
  • preventing clutter overload, 298
  • price, balancing promise vs., 42
  • primary care doctor, 114
  • prioritizing daily objectives, 318
  • problem-solving, in business, 224–225
  • processed sugar, 122
  • procrastination, balancing discipline with, 41–42
  • productivity
    • as a benefit of being motivated, 52
    • increasing, 309
  • The Profit (TV show), 16–17
  • progress
    • assessing in time-blocking system, 331–333
    • as a motivator, 70–71
  • promise, balancing price vs., 42
  • protecting your attitude, 105–108
  • publications
    • Controlling Cholesterol For Dummies (Rinzler), 122
    • First Things First (Covey), 326
    • First Things First (Merrill), 326
    • The 5 Love Languages (Chapman), 180
    • The Game of Work (Coonradt), 21, 221
    • Good to Great (Collins), 219
    • How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 155
    • It All Goes Back In The Box (Ortberg), 255
    • Love Is A Decision (Smalley), 15, 171–172, 173
    • The Love Dare (Kendrick and Kendrick), 187
    • Man's Search for Meaning (Frankel), 100
    • The Millionaire Next Door (Stanley), 242–243, 268
    • Nutrition For Dummies (Rinzler), 122
    • Point Man: How a Man Can Lead His Family (Farrar), 198
    • The Power of Positive Thinking (Peale), 116
    • The Richest Man in Babylon (Clason), 29
    • Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 158
    • Success For Dummies (Ziglar), 25, 75, 157
    • Successful Time Management For Dummies (Zeller), 342
    • Think and Grow Rich (Hill), 29, 90, 150
    • Timid Salespeople Have Skinny Kids (Ziglar), 97
    • The Tribute: What Every Parent Longs to Hear (Rainey), 209
    • Weight Loss Kit For Dummies (Rinzler), 122


  • qualitative goals, evaluating, 332–333
  • quality of life, improving, 310
  • quality time, as a love language, 180
  • quick thinker, as a characteristic of Dominant behavioral style, 62
  • quiet time, in your morning routine, 19


  • Rainey, Dennis (author)
    • The Tribute: What Every Parent Longs to Hear, 209
  • rainy-day fund, 356
  • raises, setting aside a percentage for retirement, 277
  • Ramsey, Dave (financial expert), 255
  • ranking tasks, in time-blocking system, 325
  • ratios, knowing to successful endeavors, 103–105
  • reacting, 290
  • reading, in your morning routine, 19
  • rebooking discussions, 295–296
  • recalibrating our definition of success, 119–120
  • receiving gifts, as a love language, 180
  • reciprocity, law of, 165
  • recognizing
    • achievements, 195
    • differences in children, 193–194
    • milestones, 195, 226
    • positives, 185
  • reducing credit card debt, 257–258
  • rejection, fear of, as a barrier to goal setting, 75–76
  • rekindling the flame, 186–188
  • relationships
    • building, 148
    • business
      • about, 211
      • building customer/client relationships, 223–226
      • characteristics of great employees, 215–218
      • characteristics of great employers, 218–223
      • providing more than you're paid for, 212–215
    • as a category of success, 12, 13
    • investing in personal, 320–321
  • Remember icon, 3
  • reminders app, 32
  • repetition, turning consistency into, 19–20
  • replacement income, earning, 238
  • resetting expectations, 118–119
  • resources, determining needs for, 92–94
  • responding, 290
  • responsibility
    • buying time for, 311
    • delegating, 295, 297–298
    • taking, 167–168
    • teaching, 202–203
  • rest, 126–127
  • Retirement Savings Calculator, 238–239
  • retirement success, guaranteeing, 275–282
  • return, matching time investment to, 316–318
  • revocable living trust, 357
  • rewards
    • claiming, 58
    • developing the habit of personal, 138
    • discipline as, 36–39
    • of leisure activities, 312
  • rhythm, identifying your, 288
  • The Richest Man in Babylon (Clason), 29
  • Rinzler, Carol Ann (author)
    • Controlling Cholesterol For Dummies, 122
    • Nutrition For Dummies, 122
    • Weight Loss Kit For Dummies, 122
  • Robbins, Tony (motivational speaker), motivational talks by, 116
  • rocky places, sowing seeds in, 46
  • Rohn, Jim (personal coach), 11, 25
  • routines
    • creating, 289
    • success, 18–19
  • rules, wealth and, 254


  • salami approach, for tasks, 71
  • Sales Champion (website), 59
  • sales professionals, 80/20 rule for, 319
  • salmon, eating, 122
  • saving mechanisms, forced, 273–275
  • savings
    • about, 250–252
    • rainy-day fund, 356
    • starting too late, 353–354
  • scattering the seed, as a success strategy, 43
  • scheduling
    • personal activities in time-blocking system, 328–329
    • planning time in time-blocking system, 329–330
    • self-evaluation in time-blocking system, 329–330
    • time offline, 292–294
    • your time, 289
  • Schuller, Robert (preacher), 97, 188
  • security
    • increasing your feelings of, 145
    • working toward, as a measure/model of success, 348–349
  • seeds, 123
  • selecting
    • motivation types, 67–71
    • work situations, 216–217
  • self-confidence
    • building, as a measure/model of success, 349
    • lack of, as a barrier to success, 38
    • as a personal characteristic for improving success, 343
  • self-directed, as a small business owner, 281–282
  • self-directed retirement accounts, 281–282
  • self-discipline, 201–202
  • self-esteem, cultivating your, 133–136
  • self-evaluation, scheduling in time-blocking system, 329–330
  • self-improvement, looking for, as a measure/model of success, 350
  • self-motivated, as a characteristic of Dominant behavioral style, 61
  • Serenity prayer, 334
  • service-based roles, 80/20 rule for, 319–320
  • serving
    • as a characteristic of a great employee, 218
    • as a measure/model of success, 347
  • setbacks. See adversity
  • setting
    • benchmarks with children, 203–204
    • clear and compelling standards, 221–222
    • expectations, 296–297
    • goals with children, 203–204
    • gross asset number, 238
  • Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 158
  • shortening conversations, 295
  • skills
    • encouraging of children, 194–195
    • as goals, 82
    • increasing, 93
  • sleep, 127
  • small business owners, guaranteeing retirement success as a, 281–282
  • Smalley, Gary (author)
    • Love Is A Decision, 15, 171–172, 173
  • smiling, 159, 163–164
  • social media, influence on wealth of, 267–268
  • Social Security Benefit Formula, 274–275
  • Social Security benefits, 276–277
  • Socrates (philosopher), 168
  • solving problems in business, 224–225
  • sowing and reaping, law of, 43–47
  • specialists, medical, 115
  • spiritual community, finding a, 147–149
  • spiritual passages, memorizing, 151–152
  • spiritual study, 149–152
  • spiritual wealth, 143
  • spirituality
    • about, 139
    • developing, 143–147
    • growing in, 147–152
    • individual journeys of, 140–143
  • standards, setting clear and compelling, 134, 221–222
  • Stanley, Thomas (author)
    • The Millionaire Next Door, 242–243, 268
  • Steady behavioral style
    • about, 64
    • characteristics of, 64
    • communicating with someone who has the, 182
    • downsides of, 65
    • drivers of, 64–65
    • how they operate, 65
  • Stone, W. Clement (personal coach), 25
  • The Strangest Secret recording, 74
  • strengths, assessing, 286–287
  • success. See also specific topics
    • about, 7–8
    • categories of, 11–14
    • clues from, 23–24
    • connecting patience with, 102–103
    • creating and replaying experiences, 135–136
    • creating the habit of, 14–16
    • as a decision, 14–15
    • defining for each child, 192–193
    • establishing a consistent process of, 16–20
    • fear of, as a barrier to goal setting, 76
    • financial
      • about, 229–230
      • as a category of success, 12, 13
      • difference in wealthy people, 233–236
      • financial freedom, 230–233
      • knowing your wealth number, 236–244
      • types of wealth, 244–247
    • how to approach, 28–33
    • measures/models of
      • about, 345
      • building self-confidence, 349
      • creating a legacy, 350–351
      • looking for self-improvement, 350
      • maintaining business savvy/entrepreneurial spirit, 348
      • maintaining daily habits, 346–347
      • maintaining physical health, 347
      • playing your game, 345–346
      • serving others, 347
      • staying mentally tough, 350
      • working toward security, 348–349
    • recalibrating our definition of, 119–120
    • setting expectations for, 16
    • setting up each day for, 196
    • speeding up the process of, 21
    • staying focused towards, 120
    • staying on track for, 20–21
    • time management
      • about, 285–286
      • assessing your strengths and weaknesses, 286–287
      • assigning time a monetary worth, 288
      • circumventing interruptions, 292
      • communicating effectively, 291–292
      • creating routines, 289
      • decision-making, 298–304
      • delegating, 295, 297–298
      • following a system, 289–291
      • identifying your rhythm, 288
      • maintaining healthy balances, 298
      • maintaining motivation, 297–298, 304
      • minimizing damage, 294–297
      • naming goals for direction, 287–288
      • organizing surroundings, 289–290
      • overcoming obstacles to, 291–294
      • preventing clutter overload, 298
      • realistic expectations, 297
      • rebooking discussions, 295–296
      • scheduling time offline, 292–294
      • scheduling your time, 289
      • setting expectations, 296–297
      • shortening conversations, 295
      • using technology, 290–291
    • what constitutes, 8–9
    • what doesn't constitute, 9
    • what it is to you, 9–11
  • Success For Dummies (Ziglar), 25, 75, 157
  • success routine, 18–19
  • success tournaments, creating, 86–89
  • Successful Time Management For Dummies (Zeller), 342
  • sugar, processed, 122
  • surroundings, organizing, 289–290
  • Swiss-cheese approach, for tasks, 70–71


  • taking turns, 165–166
  • Taoism, 147
  • task-based roles, 80/20 rule for, 319–320
  • tasks
    • categorizing in time-blocking system, 324
    • identifying ones that support goals, 317–318
    • ranking in time-blocking system, 325
  • teaching
    • discipline, 202–203
    • fundamentals of a pleasing personality, 202
    • power of action over words, 202
    • responsibility, 202–203
  • technology, time-saving, 290–291
  • Templeton, John (investor), 143
  • Think and Grow Rich (Hill), 29, 90, 150
  • thorny soil, sowing seeds in, 46
  • time
    • buying, 311
    • costs, of leisure activities, 312–313
    • evaluating usage of, 20–21
    • matching investment of to return, 316–318
    • scheduling your, 289
  • time management success
    • about, 285–286
    • assessing your strengths and weaknesses, 286–287
    • assigning time a monetary worth, 288
    • circumventing interruptions, 292
    • communicating effectively, 291–292
    • creating routines, 289
    • decision-making, 298–304
    • delegating, 295, 297–298
    • following a system, 289–291
    • identifying your rhythm, 288
    • maintaining healthy balances, 298
    • maintaining motivation, 297–298, 304
    • minimizing damage, 294–297
    • naming goals for direction, 287–288
    • organizing surroundings, 289–290
    • overcoming obstacles to, 291–294
    • preventing clutter overload, 298
    • realistic expectations, 297
    • rebooking discussions, 295–296
    • scheduling time offline, 292–294
    • scheduling your time, 289
    • setting expectations, 296–297
    • shortening conversations, 295
    • using technology, 290–291
  • time-blocking system
    • about, 289, 315–316
    • assessing progress, 331–333
    • daily prioritization, 323–326
    • 80/20 rule, 316–323
    • making adjustments, 331, 333–334
    • process of time-blocking, 326–330
    • setting up family traditions, 322
  • timeframe tournament, 87–88
  • timeframes, assigning to goals, 85–86
  • Timid Salespeople Have Skinny Kids (Ziglar), 97
  • timidity
    • about, 97
    • opportunity and, 360–361
  • Tip icon, 3
  • tongue, holding your, 184
  • Tracy, Brian (personal coach), 25
  • traditions, establishing, 199–200
  • tributes, writing to parents, 209
  • The Tribute: What Every Parent Longs to Hear (Rainey), 209
  • turns, taking, 165–166
  • Twain, Mark (author), 350


  • under-promise, 225
  • understand, compared with persuade, 184–185
  • unity, building, 149
  • upbeat tones, speaking in, 164


  • value-based time decisions, making in your personal life, 310–313
  • value(s)
    • creating, 224–225
    • establishing in children, 201–202
    • increasing yours in business relationships, 213–214
    • of the institution of marriage, 175–177
    • setting clear, 134
  • vegetables, eating, 123
  • verbal communication, 161
  • video games, 204
  • vision communication, as a characteristic of a great employer, 219–221


  • Wallace, Russell (botanist), 95
  • walnuts, 123
  • wants, becoming needs, 264–268
  • Warning icon, 3
  • warnings, people in your life as, 28
  • weaknesses, assessing, 286–287
  • wealth
    • after your death, 255
    • compound interest, 241–242
    • debt, 255–261
    • defined, 267
    • differences in wealthy people, 233–236
    • estate planning, 357–358
    • having enjoyment, 253–254
    • income and, 252–253
    • knowing your wealth number, 236–244
    • net worth targets, 242–243
    • personal, 249–255
    • rainy-day fund, 356
    • relationship with earnings, 267
    • rules of, 254
    • savings, 250–252
    • statistics on, 233
    • success mistakes in, 353–362
  • Wealth Commitment document, 273
  • wealth plan
    • about, 263
    • guaranteeing retirement success, 275–282
    • paying yourself first, 269–275
    • realizing your market value, 264
    • wants becoming needs, 264–268
  • wealth strategy plan, writing a, 354–355
  • wealth team, 358–360
  • websites
    • Cheat Sheet, 3
    • retirement savings calculator, 238–239
    • Sales Champion, 59
  • weight, focusing discipline on your, 39
  • Weight Loss Kit For Dummies (Rinzler), 122
  • whole grains, 123
  • “why,” 10–11, 90–91
  • “Win the day” slogan (Oregon Ducks), 17–18
  • words, teaching power of action over, 202
  • words of affirmation, as a love language, 180
  • work activities, factoring in time-blocking system, 329
  • work situations
    • choosing, 216–217
    • 80/20 rule in, 318–320
  • worry, 99
  • Wright, Steven (comedian), 15
  • writing
    • putting praise in, 208
    • tributes to parents, 209
    • wealth strategy plans, 354–355


  • Zeller, Dirk (author)
    • Successful Time Management For Dummies, 342
  • Ziglar, Judge (author)
    • Timid Salespeople Have Skinny Kids, 97
  • Ziglar, Zig (author)
    • on attitude, 105
    • motivational talks by, 116
    • on net worth, 243
    • Success For Dummies, 25, 75, 157
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