Connecting the Second Subnet

The next stage is to connect the external facing servers that we chose to put onto a different subnet ( We are assuming at this point that they only have a standard operating system installed; that is, they haven't been configured for the tasks they will perform. This will be carried out in later chapters.

After the systems have been added, we will have a network configuration that looks very similar to the network. In fact, each system will be able to see everything else on this network, exactly as we saw after connecting the systems.

We won't describe each machine's configuration files in detail; instead, in the best traditions of computer textbooks, we will leave that as an exercise for the reader! As a guide, we need to create or update the following files as we did previously:

  • /etc/inet/hosts

  • /etc/hostname.hme0

  • /etc/inet/netmasks

If we check the routing table on one of the systems, say antimony, we will see similar results to the systems on the internal network, in that they route via their own interface to send data to the network they are connected to:

antimony# netstat -rn
Routing Table:
  Destination       Gateway        Flags  Ref   Use   Interface
----------------- ---------------- ----- ----- ------ ---------    U        3      5  hme0        UH       0      2  lo0

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