Part Three. Analyzing Architectures

Our tour of the ABC has gotten us to the stage where an architect has designed and documented an architecture. This leads us to discuss how to evaluate or to analyze the architecture to make sure it is the one that will do the job. That is the focus of Part Three, which we begin by answering some basic questions about architectural evaluations—why, when, cost, benefits, techniques, planned or unplanned, preconditions, and results.


One of the most important truths about the architecture of a system is that knowing it will tell you important properties of the system itself—even if the system does not yet exist. Architects make design decisions because of the downstream effects they will have on the system(s) they are building, and these effects are known and predictable. If they were not, the process of crafting an architecture would be no better than throwing dice: We would pick an architecture at random, build a system from it, see if the system had the desired properties, and go back to the drawing board if not. While architecture is not yet a cookbook science, we know we can do much better than random guessing.

Architects by and large know the effects their design decisions will have. As we saw in Chapter 5, architectural tactics and patterns in particular bring known properties to the systems in which they are used. Hence, design choices—that is to say, architectures—are analyzable. Given an architecture, we can deduce things about the system, even if it has not been built yet.

Why evaluate an architecture? Because so much is riding on it, and because you can. An effective technique to assess a candidate architecture—before it becomes the project's accepted blueprint—is of great economic value. With the advent of repeatable, structured methods (such as the ATAM, presented in Chapter 11), architecture evaluation has come to provide relatively a low-cost risk mitigation capability. Making sure the architecture is the right one simply makes good sense. An architecture evaluation should be a standard part of every architecture-based development methodology.


It is almost always cost-effective to evaluate software quality as early as possible in the life cycle. If problems are found early, they are easier to correct—a change to a requirement, specification, or design is all that is necessary. Software quality cannot be appended late in a project, but must be inherent from the beginning, built in by design. It is in the project's best interest for prospective candidate designs to be evaluated (and rejected, if necessary) during the design phase, before long-term institutionalization.

However, architecture evaluation can be carried out at many points during a system's life cycle. If the architecture is still embryonic, you can evaluate those decisions that have already been made or are being considered. You can choose among architectural alternatives. If the architecture is finished, or nearly so, you can validate it before the project commits to lengthy and expensive development. It also makes sense to evaluate the architecture of a legacy system that is undergoing modification, porting, integration with other systems, or other significant upgrades. Finally, architecture evaluation makes an excellent discovery vehicle: Development projects often need to understand how an inherited system meets (or whether it meets) its quality attribute requirements.

Furthermore, when acquiring a large software system that will have a long lifetime, it is important that the acquiring organization develop an understanding of the underlying architecture of the candidate. This makes an assessment of their suitability possible with respect to qualities of importance.

Evaluation can also be used to choose between two competing architectures by evaluating both and seeing which one fares better against the criteria for “goodness.”


The cost of an evaluation is the staff time required of the participants. AT&T, having performed approximately 300 full-scale architecture reviews on projects requiring a minimum of 700 staff-days, reported that, based on estimates from individual project managers, the average cost was 70 staff-days. ATAM-based reviews require approximately 36 staff-days.[1] If your organization adopts a standing unit for carrying out evaluations, then costs for supporting it must be included, as well as time to train the members.


We enumerate six benefits that flow from holding architectural inspections.

  1. Financial. At AT&T, each project manager reports perceived savings from an architecture evaluation. On average, over an eight-year period, projects receiving a full architecture evaluation have reported a 10% reduction in project costs. Given the cost estimate of 70 staff-days, this illustrates that on projects of 700 staff-days or longer the review pays for itself.

    Other organizations have not publicized such strongly quantified data, but several consultants have reported that more than 80% of their work was repeat business. Their customers recognized sufficient value to be willing to pay for additional evaluations.

    There are many anecdotes about estimated cost savings for customers' evaluations. A large company avoided a multi-million-dollar purchase when the architecture of the global information system they were procuring was found to be incapable of providing the desired system attributes. Early architectural analysis of an electronic funds transfer system showed a $50 billion transfer capability per night, which was only half of the desired capacity. An evaluation of a retail merchandise system revealed early that there would be peak order performance problems that no amount of hardware could fix, and a major business failure was prevented. And so on.

    There are also anecdotes of architecture evaluations that did not occur but should have. In one, a rewrite of a customer accounting system was estimated to take two years but after seven years the system had been reimplemented three times. Performance goals were never met despite the fact that the latest version used sixty times the CPU power of the original prototype version. In another case, involving a large engineering relational database system, performance problems were largely attributable to design decisions that made integration testing impossible. The project was canceled after $20 million had been spent.

  2. Forced preparation for the review. Indicating to the reviewees the focus of the architecture evaluation and requiring a representation of the architecture before the evaluation is done means that reviewees must document the system's architecture. Many systems do not have an architecture that is understandable to all developers. The existing description is either too brief or (more commonly) too long, perhaps thousands of pages. Furthermore, there are often misunderstandings among developers about some of the assumptions for their elements. The process of preparing for the evaluation will reveal many of these problems.
  3. Captured rationale. Architecture evaluation focuses on a few specific areas with specific questions to be answered. Answering these questions usually involves explaining the design choices and their rationales. A documented design rationale is important later in the life cycle so that the implications of modifications can be assessed. Capturing a rationale after the fact is one of the more difficult tasks in software development. Capturing it as presented in the architecture evaluation makes invaluable information available for later use.
  4. Early detection of problems with the existing architecture. The earlier in the life cycle that problems are detected, the cheaper it is to fix them. The problems that can be found by an architectural evaluation include unreasonable (or expensive) requirements, performance problems, and problems associated with potential downstream modifications. An architecture evaluation that exercises system modification scenarios can, for example, reveal portability and extensibility problems. In this way an architecture evaluation provides early insight into product capabilities and limitations.
  5. Validation of requirements. Discussion and examination of how well an architecture meets requirements opens up the requirements for discussion. What results is a much clearer understanding of the requirements and, usually, their prioritization. Requirements creation, when isolated from early design, usually results in conflicting system properties. High performance, security, fault tolerance, and low cost are all easy to demand but difficult to achieve, and often impossible to achieve simultaneously. Architecture evaluations uncover the conflicts and tradeoffs, and provide a forum for their negotiated resolution.
  6. Improved architectures. Organizations that practice architecture evaluation as a standard part of their development process report an improvement in the quality of the architectures that are evaluated. As development organizations learn to anticipate the questions that will be asked, the issues that will be raised, and the documentation that will be required for evaluations, they naturally pre-position themselves to maximize their performance on the evaluation. Architecture evaluations result in better architectures not only after the fact but before the fact as well. Over time, an organization develops a culture that promotes good architectural design.

In sum, architecture evaluations tend to increase quality, control cost, and decrease budget risk. Architecture is the framework for all technical decisions and as such has a tremendous impact on product cost and quality. An architecture evaluation does not guarantee high quality or low cost, but it can point out areas of risk. Other factors, such as testing or quality of documentation and coding, contribute to the eventual cost and quality of the system.


The ATAM and CBAM methods discussed in the next two chapters are examples of questioning techniques. Both use scenarios as the vehicle for asking probing questions about how the architecture under review responds to various situations. Other questioning techniques include checklists or questionnaires. These are effective when an evaluation unit encounters the same kind of system again and again, and the same kind of probing is appropriate each time. All questioning techniques essentially rely on thought experiments to find out how well the architecture is suited to its task.

Complementing questioning techniques are measuring techniques, which rely on quantitative measures of some sort. One example of this technique is architectural metrics. Measuring an architecture's coupling, the cohesiveness of its modules, or the depth of its inheritance hierarchy suggests something about the modifiability of the resulting system. Likewise, building simulations or prototypes and then measuring them for qualities of interest (here, runtime qualities such as performance or availability) are measuring techniques.

While the answers that measuring techniques give are in some sense more concrete than those questioning techniques provide, they have the drawback that they can be applied only in the presence of a working artifact. That is, measuring techniques have to have something that exists that can be measured. Questioning techniques, on the other hand, work just fine on hypothetical architectures, and can be applied much earlier in the life cycle.

Planned or Unplanned

Evaluations can be planned or unplanned. A planned evaluation is considered a normal part of the project's development cycle. It is scheduled well in advance, built into the project's work plans and budget, and follow-up is expected. An unplanned evaluation is unexpected and usually the result of a project in serious trouble and taking extreme measures to try to salvage previous effort.

The planned evaluation is ideally considered an asset to the project, at worst a distraction from it. It can be perceived not as a challenge to the technical authority of the project's members but as a validation of the project's initial direction. Planned evaluations are pro-active and team-building.

An unplanned evaluation is more of an ordeal for project members, consuming extra project resources and time in the schedule from a project already struggling with both. It is initiated only when management perceives that a project has a substantial possibility of failure and needs to make a mid-course correction. Unplanned evaluations are reactive, and tend to be tension filled. An evaluation's team leader must take care not to let the activities devolve into finger pointing.

Needless to say, planned evaluations are preferable.


A successful evaluation will have the following properties:

  1. Clearly articulated goals and requirements for the architecture. An architecture is only suitable, or not, in the presence of specific quality attributes. One that delivers breathtaking performance may be totally wrong for an application that needs modifiability. Analyzing an architecture without knowing the exact criteria for “goodness” is like beginning a trip without a destination in mind. Sometimes (but in our experience, almost never), the criteria are established in a requirements specification. More likely, they are elicited as a precursor to or as part of the actual evaluation. Goals define the purpose of the evaluation and should be made an explicit portion of the evaluation contract, discussed subsequently.
  2. Controlled scope. In order to focus the evaluation, a small number of explicit goals should be enumerated. The number should be kept to a minimum—around three to five—an inability to define a small number of high-priority goals is an indication that the expectations for the evaluation (and perhaps the system) may be unrealistic.
  3. Cost-effectiveness. Evaluation sponsors should make sure that the benefits of the evaluation are likely to exceed the cost. The types of evaluation we describe are suitable for medium and large-scale projects but may not be cost-effective for small projects.
  4. Key personnel availability. It is imperative to secure the time of the architect or at least someone who can speak authoritatively about the system's architecture and design. This person (or these people) primarily should be able to communicate the facts of the architecture quickly and clearly as well as the motivation behind the architectural decisions. For very large systems, the designers for each major component need to be involved to ensure that the architect's notion of the system design is in fact reflected and manifested in its more detailed levels. These designers will also be able to speak to the behavioral and quality attributes of the components. For the ATAM, the architecture's stakeholders need to be identified and represented at the evaluation. It is essential to identify the customer(s) for the evaluation report and to elicit their values and expectations.
  5. Competent evaluation team. Ideally, software architecture evaluation teams are separate entities within a corporation, and must be perceived as impartial, objective, and respected. The team must be seen as being composed of people appropriate to carry out the evaluation, so that the project personnel will not regard the evaluation as a waste of time and so that its conclusions will carry weight. It must include people fluent in architecture and architectural issues and be led by someone with solid experience in designing and evaluating projects at the architectural level.
  6. Managed expectations. Critical to the evaluation's success is a clear, mutual understanding of the expectations of the organization sponsoring it. The evaluation should be clear about what its goals are, what it will produce, what areas it will (and will not) investigate, how much time and resources it will take from the project, and to whom the results will be delivered.


The evaluation should produce a report in which all of the issues of concern, along with supporting data, are described. The report should be circulated in draft form to all evaluation participants in order to catch and correct any misconceptions and biases and to correlate elements before it is finalized. Ideally, the issues should be ranked by their potential impact on the project if left unaddressed.

Information about the evaluation process itself should also be collected. The aggregated output from multiple evaluations leads to courses, training, and improvements to system development and the architecture evaluation processes. Costs and benefits of the evaluation should be collected. Estimates of the benefits are best collected from the manager of the development. The information about the evaluation should be retained by the reviewing organization and used both to improve future evaluations and to provide cost/benefit summaries to the managers of the reviewing organization.

This part has three chapters. The ATAM (discussed in Chapter 11) is a structured method for evaluating architectures. It results in a list of risks that the architecture will not meet its business goals. The CBAM (discussed in Chapter 12) is a method of determining which risks to attack first. In a large system, the number of risks found can be very high. Deciding which to attack first is a matter of balancing the costs of modifying the architecture to reduce the risk against the benefits of removing that risk. The CBAM provides a structure for dealing with this organizational and economic question. Chapter 13 is another case study, which describes systems that support the World Wide Web and how their evolution is an example of several cycles of the ABC.

For Further Reading

The material in this introduction was derived from [Abowd 96] “Recommended Best Industrial Practice for Architecture Evaluation,” which grew out of a series of workshops organized by the authors and others at the Software Engineering Institute. These workshops were attended by representatives of eight industrial and consulting organizations.

Architectural evaluations based on checklists or questionnaires are a form of active design review as described in [Parnas 85b]. An active design evaluation is one in which the participants take an active part by using the documentation to answer specific questions prepared in advance. This is as opposed to an opportunistic or unstructured evaluation in which the participants are merely asked to report any anomalies they might discover.

[Cusumano 95] treats the use of metrics to uncover places of likely change. Some of AT&T's rich experience with performing architectural evaluations is documented in [AT&T 93].

[1] These figures are for the evaluation team. The ATAM also requires participation from project stakeholders and decision makers, which adds to the total.

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