
  • Admissible
  • Adaptive law
  • Arbitrary switching
  • Asymptotically stable
  • Asymptotic stability
  • Asynchronous switching
  • Average dwell time
  • Autonomous system

  • Balanced truncation
  • Boundary layer
  • Bounded L2 gain performance
  • Brownian motion
  • Brownian path

  • CCL
  • Chattering
  • Chattering elimination
  • Closed-loop system
  • Common quadratic Lyapunov function
  • Cone complementary linearization
  • Congruence transformation
  • Continuous-time
  • Control input
  • Controlled output
  • Controllable
  • Controllability
  • CQLF

  • Delay-dependent
  • Delay-independent
  • Delay partitioning
  • Discontinuous control
  • Descriptor system
  • Discrete-time
  • Discretization
  • Dissipative
  • Dissipativity
  • Dissipativity-based SMC
  • Disturbance attenuation
  • Disturbances
  • DOF
  • Dwell time
  • Dynamic output feedback

  • Eigenvalue allocation
  • Equivalent control
  • Estimation
  • Exponentially stable

  • Fault detection
  • Fault-tolerant control
  • Feedback control
  • Feedback gain
  • Filter
  • Filtering
  • Finite time
  • Full column rank
  • Full-order

  • Guaranteed cost

  • H control
  • H filtering
  • H performance
  • H2 filtering
  • Hankel-norm
  • High-order

  • Incompletely modeled
  • Initial condition
  • Impulse free
  • Input-output method
  • Integral SMC
  • Integral sliding surface
  • Integral switching function

  • Kalman filter
  • Krylov projection

  • L2 - L
  • L2 - L control
  • L2 - L filtering
  • Less conservativeness
  • Linear-quadratic regulator
  • Linear sliding surface
  • Linear switching function
  • Linear time-invariant
  • Linearizing variable transforms
  • LMIs
  • LMI Toolbox
  • LTI
  • Lyapunov approach
  • Lyapunov function
  • Lyapunov-like function

  • Markov chain
  • Markov process
  • Markovian jump linear systems
  • Markovian jump singular systems
  • Markovian jump singular time-delay systems
  • Markovian jump systems
  • Matlab
  • Matching condition
  • Matrix equality constraints
  • Matrix inequality
  • Mean-square exponential stability
  • MIMO
  • Minimization problem
  • Mismatched
  • Mixed H2/H∞
  • MJLS
  • MLF
  • Mode-dependent
  • Model reduction
  • Model transformation
  • Multiple-input multiple-output
  • Multiple Lyapunov functions

  • Necessary and sufficient
  • Neutral delay
  • Nonconvex
  • Nonlinear systems
  • Nonlinearities
  • Nonsingular
  • Norm-bounded

  • Observability
  • Observer
  • Observer-based SMC
  • Optimal control
  • Optimal performance
  • Output feedback

  • Padé reduction
  • Parameter-switching
  • Parameter-switching hybrid systems
  • Parameter-switching systems
  • Parametrization
  • Passivity
  • Performance analysis
  • Piecewise Lyapunov function
  • Positive definite
  • Positive realness

  • Reachability
  • Reaching condition
  • Reaching law
  • Reaching motion
  • Reaching phase
  • Reduced-order
  • Regular form
  • Robust control
  • Robust filtering
  • Robustness

  • Saturation
  • Schur complement
  • Single-input single-output
  • Singular matrix
  • Singular systems
  • SISO
  • Slack matrix approach
  • Sliding mode
  • Sliding mode control
  • Sliding mode controller
  • Sliding mode dynamics
  • Sliding mode observer
  • Sliding surface
  • SMC
  • SMC law
  • SOF
  • Solvability conditions
  • SQLF
  • Stability analysis
  • Stability condition
  • Stabilizable
  • Stabilization
  • State estimation
  • State feedback
  • State feedback control
  • State trajectories
  • Static output feedback
  • Stochastic admissibility
  • Stochastic perturbation
  • Stochastic stability
  • Stochastic stabilizability
  • Stochastic systems
  • Stochastically admissible
  • Stochastically stable
  • Strict LMI
  • Subsystems
  • Sufficient condition
  • Supply rate
  • Switched delayed hybrid systems
  • Switched quadratic Lyapunov functions
  • Switched hybrid systems
  • Switched state-delayed hybrid systems
  • Switched stochastic hybrid systems
  • Switched stochastic systems
  • Switching function
  • Switching rule
  • Switching signal
  • Symmetric
  • Synthesis
  • System state

  • Terminal sliding surface
  • Terminal SMC
  • Terminal switching function
  • Time-delay
  • Time-delay systems
  • Time-varying
  • Time-varying delay
  • Tracking control
  • Transient performance
  • Transition probability
  • Two-dimensional

  • Uncertain parameter-switching hybrid systems
  • Uncertain systems
  • Uncertain transition probabilities
  • Uncertainties
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