

  • 1% principle, 193
  • 3D models, 95


  • AB testing (split testing), 200–202, 393
  • ABC analysis by product, 245–246
  • About Us page, 147
  • accordion menus, 63–64
  • activating products, 107
  • active product availability, 239
  • address verification service (AVS) checks, 262
  • admin panel, 25–32
    • Analytics page, 27–30
    • Apps page, 30
    • Customers page, 27
    • Home page, 26–27
    • Marketing page, 30
    • Orders page, 27
    • Products page, 27
    • Sales channels page, 30–31
    • settings, 32
  • Advanced Shopify, 17
  • advertising, 333–362
    • email marketing, 357–362
    • Facebook Marketing, 334–343
    • Google Ads, 343–350
    • search engine optimisation (SEO), 350–357
  • affiliate marketing, 377, 378
  • AI (artificial intelligence), 107
  • website, 37
  • alternative payment providers, 136–137
  • alternative text, 354–355
  • Amazon, 39
  • Analytics page, 27–30, 195–197
  • analytics tools, 195–197
  • announcement bar, 69
  • AOV (average order value), 27, 28
  • application programming interfaces (APIs), 18, 49
  • apps, 381–388
    • Back in Stock: Customer Alerts, 386
    • for digital products, 34
    • Foursixty, 486–487
    • Glew, 384
    • Gorgias, 382
    • Klaviyo, 383–384
    • Oberlo, 384–385
    • Okendo, 382–383
    • Plug in SEO, 388
    • PushOwl, 385–386
    • ReferralCandy, 387–388
    • using fulfillment service with, 279–280
  • Apps page, 30, 104
  • AR (augmented reality), 95
  • archiving orders, 251–252
    • automatic archiving, 252
    • manual archiving, 251–252
  • artificial intelligence (AI), 107
  • at-risk customers, 177, 182–183
  • audience building ads, 337–342
  • augmented reality (AR), 95
  • automated collections, 82, 87
  • automatic archiving, 252
  • automatic fulfillment, 275
  • automatic payments, 251
  • availability status, 239
  • average order value (AOV), 27, 28
  • AVS (address verification service) checks, 262


  • B2B (business to business) sales, 43–44
  • B2C (business to consumer) sales, 42–43
  • back end developers, 56–57
  • Back in Stock: Customer Alerts app, 386
  • backend orders, 253–254
  • banners
    • adding extra, 73
    • personalization of, 208–209
  • barcodes, 99, 235
  • Basic Shopify, 16
  • bestsellers, 211–212
  • black hat dropshipping, 45
  • blog posts, Sales channels page, 31
  • bounce rate, 57
  • broken links, 198–199, 391–392
  • business extensions, 46
  • business intelligence, 384
  • business registration number, 135
  • business to business (B2B) sales, 43–44
  • business to consumer (B2C) sales, 42–43
  • Buy Now button, 17


  • carriers, 116, 117
  • cash-positive business, 47
  • channel mix, 323
  • chargebacks, 141–142
  • chatbots, 150–151
  • CLTV (customer lifetime value), 158, 169–172, 274
  • coding, 56–57
  • COGS (cost of goods sold), 242–243
  • collections, 72, 81–107
    • activating products, 107
    • adding new products to store, 90–106
      • adding initial inventory quantity, 98–99
      • adding media to products, 94–97
      • adding product description, 93–94
      • adding variants, 100–102
      • creating new product in Shopify, 91–93
      • final adjustments, 103–106
      • pricing products, 97–98
      • selecting shipping options, 99–100
    • adding to menu, 89–90
    • creating, 82–86
    • merchandising, 106–107
    • using product tags, 86–89
  • communication with customers, 146–154
    • about orders, 258
    • clear policies and product information, 146–148
    • customer service channels, 149–154
      • chatbots, 150–151
      • email, 149–150
      • live chat, 150
      • phone, 151–152
      • Shopify Inbox, 153–154
      • social media, SMS, WhatsApp, 152–153
  • community forums, 20
  • Compare At price, 97–98, 298–300
  • confirming orders, 248–249
  • Contact page, 148
  • content, social media, 364
  • conversion rate (CVR), 27, 28
  • conversions, 256, 322
  • cost of goods sold (COGS), 242–243
  • credit card processing fees, 16
  • CSAT (customer satisfaction) surveys, 160
  • CSS platforms, 149–150
  • currency
    • personalization by, 212–213
    • setting up multiple currencies in Shopify Payments, 138–139
  • custom fulfillment service, 277–279
  • customer experience, 145–219
    • communicating with customers, 146–154
      • clear policies and product information, 146–148
      • customer service channels, 149–154
    • customer reports, 177–187
      • customizing, 184–187
      • using in Shopify, 177–184
    • customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys, 160
    • Gorgias app, 382
    • improving, 389–397
    • key performance indicators (KPIs), 154–155
    • loyalty programs, 169–174
      • customer lifetime value (CLTV), 169–172
      • referral programs, 172–174
    • making friends with customers, 12
    • maximizing, 155–160
    • monitoring customer behavior, 320
    • personalization, 203–219
      • creating personalized shopping experience, 204–206
      • gift cards, 213–217
      • giving little unexpected extras (GLUE), 218–219
      • of store, 206–213
    • researching, 403–404
    • reviews, 162–168
      • free offsite review platforms, 168
      • offsite customer reviews, 164–166
      • onsite product reviews, 163–164
      • selecting platform for, 166–168
    • user experience (UX), 189–202
      • AB testing, 200–202
      • improving, 193–200
      • overview, 190–193
    • user-generated content, 174–177
  • customer lifetime value (CLTV), 158, 169–172, 274
  • customer reports, 177–187
    • customizing, 184–187
    • using in Shopify, 177–184
  • customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys, 160
  • Customers page, 27
  • customs declaration form, 284–286
  • CVC code, 262
  • CVR (conversion rate), 27, 28
  • CX. See customer experience


  • D2C (direct to consumer) sales, 41–42
  • Dashboards, Analytics page, 27
  • data intelligence, 384
  • data-led buying, 38
  • defectors, 177
  • delivering orders, 12–13
  • demand, 37
  • description, product, 93–94
  • design, inventory, 237–238
  • detractors, 158–159
  • device analyses, 199
  • digital marketing, 13–14, 317–332
    • building marketing plan, 318–324
    • implementing marketing campaigns and automations, 324–332
    • overview, 318
  • digital products, 33–34
  • direct to consumer (D2C) sales, 41–42
  • discounts, 301–315
    • creating codes for, 302–310
      • buy X get Y discount codes, 307–310
      • percentage or fixed amount discount codes, 303–307
    • free shipping, 311–312
    • shortcuts for, 312–315
  • DNS (domain name system), 22
  • domain name, 21–22
  • domains, Sales channels page, 31
  • draft orders, 253–254
  • draft product availability, 239
  • drop-down menus, 63
  • dropline menus, 64
  • dropshipping, 44–48, 277
    • comparing different kinds of, 45–46
    • Oberlo, 384–385
    • pros and cons of, 47
    • on Shopify, 47–48
  • dynamic banners, 208–209
  • dynamic retargeting ads, 342–343
  • dynamic shipping rates, 115


  • eBay, 50
  • ecommerce, 7–14, 20–21
    • delivering orders, 12–13
    • digital marketing, 13–14
    • going live, 14
    • making friends with customers, 12
    • managing stock levels, 12–13
    • overview, 8
    • planning for success, 10–11
    • rise of social media in, 364–365
    • Shopify
      • overview, 9–10
      • setting up store, 11–12
  • economies of scale, 113
  • editing orders, 257–258
  • EDM (electronic direct mail), 27, 357
  • email
    • as customer service channel, 149–150
    • email hosting, 22
    • marketing
      • Klaviyo, 383–384
      • overview, 357–362
  • engagement levels, 369
  • website, 37
  • experts, hiring, 20, 390
  • express shipping, 115–117


  • Facebook, 366–368
  • Facebook Marketing, 334–343
    • audience building ads, 337–342
    • dynamic retargeting ads, 342–343
  • Facebook Marketplace, 49
  • Facebook Messenger, 152, 367–368
  • Facebook Shop, 366–367
  • FAQs (frequently asked questions) page, 146–147
  • favicon, 76
  • Featured Collections option, 72
  • first response times, 154
  • fixed amount discount codes, 303–307
  • flash sales, 311, 321
  • flat rate shipping, 114–115, 125
  • flyout menus, 63
  • focus groups, 198
  • followers, 376
  • footer, 74
  • Foursixty, 486–487
  • fraud, 139–142, 262–265
    • fraud analysis indicators, 262–264
    • handling, 264–265
    • investigating suspicious orders, 139–141
    • processing chargebacks, 141–142
  • free shipping
    • discounts for, 311–312
    • paid shipping vs., 110–115
  • free trial, 15–16, 22–23
  • frequently asked questions (FAQs) page, 146–147
  • front end developers, 56
  • fulfilling orders, 251, 267–289
    • automatic fulfillment, 275
    • customs declaration form, 284–286
    • local pickup, 287–289
    • manual fulfillment, 268–275
    • packing slips, 286–287
    • shipping labels, 280–284
    • using fulfillment service, 276–280
  • full stack developers, 57


  • gift cards, 213–217
    • issuing, 214–215
    • for purchase, 215–217
  • gift with purchase, 219
  • giving little unexpected extras (GLUE), 218–219, 393–394
  • Glew, 384
  • going live, 14, 399–408
    • browsing Shopify App Store, 404
    • checking prices, 401
    • checklist, 406–408
    • launching hype phase, 404
    • managing expectations, 402–403
    • ordering and inventory amounts, 405
    • pop quiz, 399–401
    • removing password, 408
    • researching customers, 403–404
    • watching Shopify reports, 405–406
  • Google Ads, 343–350
  • Google Analytics, 194, 320, 322
  • Google Reviews, 164–166
  • Google Smart Shopping campaign, 348–350
  • Google Trends, 38–39, 351
  • Gorgias app, 382
  • gross profit, 242–243
  • gross profit margin, 110–114, 294
  • guided selling, 210–211


  • H1 header, 356
  • hamburger menus, 64
  • handwritten notes, 218, 394
  • headers, 67–69, 89
  • homepage, store, 26–27, 62–76
    • adjusting theme settings, 74–76
    • menu, 63–64
    • styling, 64–74
  • hype phase, 404


  • ICE score methodology, 207–208
  • images
    • alternative text, 354–355
    • image gallery, 73–74
    • with text, 71
    • text columns with, 71–72
  • IMSs (inventory management systems), 99, 224–226
  • influencer marketing, 376–377
  • information ecology, 191–192
  • initial inventory quantity (stock on hand (SOH)), 98–99
  • Instagram, 368–373, 386–387
  • Instagram Insights, 370–372
  • Instagram Shopping, 372
  • internal search, 200
  • international sales, 17, 100, 116–117
  • interviews, 198
  • inventory, 223–246
    • before going live, 405
    • initial inventory quantity, 98–99
    • inventory management systems (IMSs), 224–226
    • inventory reports, 243–246
    • listing across sales channels, 238–241
    • purchase order (PO), 227–234
    • storing, 234–238
    • tracking stock movement, 242–243
  • inventory management systems (IMSs), 99, 224–226
  • IP addresses, 140, 263


  • Jaded Pixel, 9


  • key performance indicators (KPIs), 154–155
  • keywords, 351–356
  • Klaviyo, 383–384


  • label printers, 281
  • landed cost price, 98, 111
  • landed stock, 230
  • language, 212–213
  • Launch Engineer, 18
  • launching hype phase, 404
  • layout, inventory, 237–238
  • licenses, 33
  • linking scoial media profiles, 375
  • Liquid template language, 57
  • live chat, 150
  • Live View, Analytics page, 28
  • local pickup, 287–289
  • location-based sizing, 213
  • locations, inventory, 236–237
  • logistics, 396–397
  • loyalty programs, 169–174
    • customer lifetime value (CLTV), 169–172
    • referral programs, 172–174
  • LoyaltyLion, 173–174


  • machine learning, 205–206
  • website, 37
  • mail order shopping, 44
  • manual archiving, 251–252
  • manual collections, 82–83
  • manual fulfillment, 268–275
  • manual payments, 250
  • marketing automations, 324–332
  • marketing campaigns, 324–332
  • Marketing page, 30
  • marketing plan, 318–324
    • creating marketing channel plan, 323
    • knowing customer behavior, 320
    • marketing strategy, 320–321
    • measuring success, 321–322
    • reviewing performance, 323–324
    • unique value proposition, 319–320
  • media, adding to products, 94–97
  • mega menus, 64
  • menus
    • adding collections to, 89–90
    • creating, 79
  • merchandising, 106–107
  • meta descriptions, 352–354
  • metrics, 28–29
  • mining data, 176
  • mobile version, 391
  • Morville, Peter, 191–192


  • navigation, Sales channels page, 31
  • net profit margin, 294–296
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS), 158
  • net sales, 243


  • Oberlo, 48, 384–385
  • observation tests, 197–198
  • offsite customer reviews, 164–166
  • Okendo, 168, 382–383
  • omnichannel retailers, 32, 45, 225
  • one touch tickets, 155
  • 1% principle, 193
  • O’Neil, Tom, 193
  • online marketplaces, 48–51
  • online resources
    • AB testing platforms, 202
    • digital platforms, 37
    • dropshipping, 48
    • free offsite review platforms, 168
    • label printers, 281
    • marketplaces available on Shopify, 50–51
    • support services, 19–20
  • online sales channels, 41–44
    • business to business (B2B) sales, 43–44
    • business to consumer (B2C) sales, 42–43
    • direct to consumer (D2C) sales, 41–42
  • Online Store section, 105–106
  • onsite product reviews, 163–164
  • orders, 247–265
    • creating draft orders, 253–254
    • fraud, checking for, 262–265
      • fraud analysis indicators, 262–264
      • handling, 264–265
    • fulfilling, 267–289
      • automatic fulfillment, 275
      • customs declaration form, 284–286
      • local pickup, 287–289
      • manual fulfillment, 268–275
      • packing slips, 286–287
      • shipping labels, 280–284
      • using fulfillment service, 276–280
    • inventory levels and, 405
    • managing, 255–261
    • receiving and confirming, 248–249
    • stages of online order, 249–252
  • Orders page, 27
  • organic sales, 21
  • organic social media, 363
  • Organization section, 104
  • outbound freight costs, 111
  • overselling, 244


  • package types, 121–123
  • packing slips, 286–287
  • page load speed, 198–199, 390–391
  • pages, 31, 76–78
  • paid media, 318
  • paid shipping, 110–115
  • pallet racking, 236
  • Pareto principle, 245
  • partial orders, 271–275
  • passives, 158–159
  • passwords, 24–25, 408
  • payment gateways, 134
  • payment processing, 133–139, 249–251
    • alternative payment providers, 136–137
    • automatic payments, 251
    • manual payments, 250
    • setting up multiple currencies in Shopify Payments, 138–139
    • setting up third-party payment provider, 139
    • Shopify Payments, 134–136
    • Shopify Payouts, 137
  • ‘people also bought’ feature, 210
  • percentage discount codes, 303–307
  • personalization, 203–219
    • creating personalized shopping experience, 204–206
    • gift cards, 213–217
    • giving little unexpected extras (GLUE), 218–219
    • improving customer experience (CX), 394
    • of store, 206–213
  • phone, 151–152
  • Pinterest, 374
  • plans, 15–19
    • Advanced Shopify, 17
    • Basic Shopify, 16
    • regular Shopify, 16–17
    • Shopify Plus, 17–19
  • Plug in SEO app, 388
  • PO. See purchase order (PO)
  • policies, 146–148
  • preferences, Sales channels page, 32
  • price-based shipping rates, 125–126
  • pricing products, 97–98
  • print on demand, 46
  • product creation model, 46
  • product recommendation engines, 209
  • Product Reviews (Shopify), 166
  • Product Status section, 103
  • product-based shipping, 125
  • products, 35–51. See also collections
    • adding new products to store, 90–106
    • adding to Instagram Shopping, 372–373
    • checking prices, 401
    • customer service and, 146–148
    • dropshipping, 44–48
      • comparing different kinds of, 45–46
      • pros and cons of, 47
      • on Shopify, 47–48
    • including tax in product price, 133
    • online sales channels, 41–44
      • business to business (B2B) sales, 43–44
      • business to consumer (B2C) sales, 42–43
      • direct to consumer (D2C) sales, 41–42
    • pricing, 294–296
    • quizzes and guided selling, 210–211
    • selling on online marketplaces, 48–51
    • sourcing right products to sell, 36–41
      • checking trending products in Shopify, 40–41
      • locating products to sell, 36–37
      • tools to check for trending products, 37–40
  • Products page, 27
  • profiles, shipping, 120–129
    • adjusting default package type, 121–123
    • rates and, 124–129
  • profit margin, 294–296
  • promoters, 158–159
  • promotions, 296–298, 358. See also discounts
  • purchase order, 227–234
    • creating, 228–229
    • receiving, 229–234
  • PushOwl, 385–386


  • quality control check, 229


  • real time shipping rates, 115
  • receiving orders, 248–249
  • recordings, 190–191
  • referral programs, 172–174
    • LoyaltyLion, 173–174
    • ReferralCandy, 174, 387–388
    • Yotpo Loyalty, 174
  • ReferralCandy, 174, 387–388
  • refunding customers, 259–260
  • repeat customer rate, 29
  • replenishment, 244–245
  • Reports, Analytics page, 28, 177–187, 405–406
  • reselling, 46
  • resolution time, 155
  • RET (rolled edge type) shelving, 236
  • return on ad spend (ROAS), 322
  • returns, 260–261
  • reviews, 162–168
    • free offsite review platforms, 168
    • offsite customer reviews, 164–166
    • Okendo, 382–383
    • onsite product reviews, 163–164
    • selecting platform for, 166–168
  • Reviews.IO, 167
  • RFM metrics, 172
  • ROAS (return on ad spend), 322
  • rolled edge type (RET) shelving, 236
  • Rosenfeld, Louis, 191–192


  • sales and marketing, 293–378
    • advertising, 333–362
      • email marketing, 357–362
      • Facebook Marketing, 334–343
      • Google Ads, 343–350
      • search engine optimisation (SEO), 350–357
    • Compare At price, 298–300
    • digital marketing, 317–332
      • building marketing plan, 318–324
      • implementing marketing campaigns and automations, 324–332
      • overview, 318
    • discounts, 301–315
      • creating codes for, 302–310
      • free shipping, 311–312
      • shortcuts for, 312–315
    • metrics for, 28–29
    • by POS location, 29
    • preparing to run sales and promotions, 296–298
    • pricing products, 294–296
    • social media, 363–378
      • affiliate marketing, 378
      • influencer marketing, 376–377
      • linking profiles, 375
      • marketing channels, 365–375
      • rise of in ecommerce, 364–365
  • sales channels, 104
    • listing inventory across, 238–241
      • making products available to, 239–241
      • product availability status, 239
    • page navigation, 30–31
      • blog posts, 31
      • domains, 31
      • navigation, 31
      • pages, 31
      • preferences, 32
      • themes, 31
  • search engine optimisation (SEO), 350–357
    • broken links and, 392
    • keywords, 351–356
    • Plug in SEO app, 388
    • SEO-friendly store, 356–357
  • search function, 200, 392–393
  • Selling Online For Dummies (Lundquist), 18
  • sell-through, 245
  • SFN (Shopify Fulfillment Network), 286
  • shareable discount link, 312–313
  • shelving equipment, 236
  • shipping, 99–100, 109–129
    • express shipping vs. standard shipping, 115–117
    • free shipping vs. paid shipping, 110–115
      • dynamic (real time) shipping rates, 115
      • flat rate shipping, 114–115
      • gross profit margin, 110–114
    • printing labels, 280–284
    • profiles for, 120–129
      • adjusting default package type, 121–123
      • rates and, 124–129
    • Shopify Shipping, 117–119
  • shipping aggregators, 115
  • Shopify, 15–34
    • choosing plan, 15–19
      • Advanced Shopify, 17
      • Basic Shopify, 16
      • regular Shopify, 16–17
      • Shopify Plus, 17–19
    • domain name, 21–22
    • Google sales channel in, 344–348
    • navigating admin panel, 25–32
      • Analytics page, 27–30
      • Apps page, 30
      • Customers page, 27
      • Home page, 26–27
      • Marketing page, 30
      • Orders page, 27
      • Products page, 27
      • Sales channels page, 30–31
      • settings, 32
    • overview, 9–10
    • selling digital products, 33–34
    • setting up store, 11–12
    • Shopify POS, 32–33
    • signing up, 22–25
    • support services, 19–21
  • Shopify Analytics, 194
  • Shopify App Store, 404
  • Shopify Compass, 20
  • Shopify Email app, 359–362
  • Shopify Fulfillment Network (SFN), 286
  • Shopify Inbox, 153–154
  • Shopify integration, 279
  • Shopify Liquid, 18
  • Shopify Lite, 17
  • Shopify Payments
    • setting up, 134–136
    • setting up multiple currencies in, 138–139
  • Shopify Payouts, 137
  • Shopify Plus, 17–19
  • Shopify POS, 32–33, 226
  • Shopify Shipping, 117–119, 282–284
  • signing up, 22–25
  • SKU (stock-keeping unit) code, 99, 235
  • SMS (short message service), 152–153, 357
  • Snapchat, 375
  • social media, 363–378
    • adding social media icons to homepage, 76
    • affiliate marketing, 378
    • as customer service channel, 152–153
    • influencer marketing, 376–377
    • linking profiles, 375
    • marketing channels, 365–375
      • Facebook, 366–368
      • Instagram, 368–373
      • Pinterest, 374
      • Snapchat, 375
      • TikTok, 373–374
    • rise of in ecommerce, 364–365
    • shareable discount link, 312–313
    • user-generated content on, 176
  • social proof, 65
  • SOH (stock on hand), 98–99, 230
  • split menus, 64
  • split testing (AB testing), 200–202, 393
  • standard shipping, 115–117
  • static banners, 208
  • stock levels, 12–13
  • stock on hand (SOH), 98–99, 230
  • stock-keeping unit (SKU) code, 99, 235
  • Stocky, 226–227
  • store, Shopify, 55–107
    • adding pages, 76–78
    • collections, 81–107
      • activating products, 107
      • adding new products to store, 90–106
      • adding to menu, 89–90
      • creating, 82–86
      • merchandising, 106–107
      • using product tags, 86–89
    • creating menu items, 79
    • fraud prevention, 139–142
      • investigating suspicious orders, 139–141
      • processing chargebacks, 141–142
    • going live, 399–408
    • homepage, 62–76
      • adjusting theme settings, 74–76
      • menu, 63–64
      • styling, 64–74
    • making content SEO-friendly, 356–357
    • payment processing, 133–139
      • alternative payment providers, 136–137
      • setting up multiple currencies in Shopify Payments, 138–139
      • setting up third-party payment provider, 139
      • Shopify Payments, 134–136
      • Shopify Payouts, 137
    • personalization of, 206–213
    • setting up, 11–12
    • shipping options, 109–129
      • express shipping vs. standard shipping, 115–117
      • free shipping vs. paid shipping, 110–115
      • profiles for, 120–129
      • Shopify Shipping, 117–119
    • tax rates, 129–133
      • including tax in product price, 133
      • setting up tax collection, 130–133
    • themes, 59–62
    • web development and coding, 56–57
    • website architecture, 57–59
  • storing inventory, 234–238
    • layout and design, 237–238
    • locations, 236–237
    • shelving equipment, 236
  • subscribers, 357–358
  • supply, 37
  • support services, 19–21
  • surveys, 197–198, 395
  • suspicious orders, 139–141


  • tags, 86–89, 105
  • tax rates, 129–133
    • including tax in product price, 133
    • setting up tax collection, 130–133
  • testimonials, 73
  • themes, store, 31, 59–62
    • adding, 60–61
    • choosing, 60
    • customizing, 62
    • publishing, 61–62
    • social media and, 375
  • third-party payment providers, 139
  • 3D models, 95
  • TikTok, 373–374
  • Timeline section, 256–257
  • title tags, 352–354
  • top landing pages, 29
  • tracking
  • trade shows, 36
  • traffic source, 29
  • Transfers function, 230–232
  • trending products
    • checking in Shopify, 40–41
    • tools to check for, 37–40
  • Trustpilot, 167
  • typography, 75


  • unique value proposition, 319–320
  • Urchin Tracking Modules (UTMs), 29, 322
  • usability tests, 197–198
  • user experience honeycomb, 192
  • user experience (UX), 189–202
    • AB testing, 200–202
    • improving, 193–200
    • overview, 190–193
  • user research, 194–198
  • user-generated content, 174–177, 386–387
  • users, 12
  • UTMs (Urchin Tracking Modules), 29, 322


  • variants, 87, 100–102, 299, 386
  • VAT (value-added tax), 132
  • vendors, 104
  • video, personalized, 219
  • voiding shipping labels, 283–284


  • warehouse management system (WMS), 99
  • web development, 56–57
  • web hosting, 21–22
  • web push notifications, 385–386
  • website architecture, 57–59
  • weights, 100
  • WhatsApp, 152–153
  • white hat dropshipping, 45–46
  • wholesale trade, 41
  • WMS (warehouse management system), 99


  • Yotpo, 167
  • Yotpo Loyalty, 174


  • Zalora, 49
  • zones, shipping, 126
  • zoom feature, 96
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