About the Author

Paul Waddy is a passionate online retailer who has built, bought and advised online retail businesses across the world. Paul’s primary focus is to help people improve their lives using the vehicle of ecommerce, with the help of the Shopify platform.

Paul was born in Sydney, Australia, and attended school at Redfield College. After leaving school, Paul worked in various jobs, before starting a men’s footwear business in 2007, which he owned for ten years. He derived most of its sales via online channels, which started Paul’s love affair with all things relating to selling online.

After rounding out his practical experience by completing an MBA, Paul moved into ecommerce advisory work (through his business, Paul Waddy Advisory), and he now advises many online retailers, including several he has invested in. Paul is also the co-founder of Ecom Nation, a digital marketing agency created to build and scale online businesses; the founder of learnecommerce.com.au, a resource for people to learn ecommerce through an online course Paul has created; and the co-founder of the Tippy toothbrush, a sustainable toothbrush aimed at reducing landfill.

Paul lives in Sydney with his wife and three daughters, and his dog. Feel free to get in touch with Paul at paulwaddy.com, or follow him on LinkedIn for free ecommerce insights.


For my mum, Caroline, and my grandparents, Paul and Rosheen — thank you for everything.


Far more goes into writing a book than I’d ever imagined, and I couldn’t have done it without a great team — thanks to the John Wiley editorial team, especially Kerry Laundon, Ingrid Bond, and the publishing and marketing team, in particular Lucy Raymond.

I’d like to acknowledge all the team at our digital marketing agency Ecom Nation, especially my co-founders Mal Chia and Andrew Sabatino, world-class experts in their respective fields.

I’d like to thank all my corporate advisory clients, and my students at learnecommerce.com.au, who have been pivotal in giving me exposure to many different businesses and products.

Last but not least, I’d like to thank my family: my wife and kids, for being so patient during the writing of this book, and for giving me many entertaining writing breaks; and my dog Archie — my co-author. My inspiration for staying up late writing this book came from my mum and my grandparents, so this is for you.

Publisher’s Acknowledgements

Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:

Acquisitions, Editorial and Media Development

Project Editor: Tamilmani Varadharaj

Acquisitions Editor: Lucy Raymond

Editorial Manager: Ingrid Bond

Copy Editor: Kerry Laundon


Proofreader: Susan Hobbs

Indexer: Estalita Slivoskey

The author and publisher would like to thank the following copyright holders, organisations and individuals for their permission to reproduce copyright material in this book:

  • Cover image: © AnnaStills/Shutterstock
  • Screen captures from Shopify used with permission. © Shopify Inc. Shopify is not affiliated with John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd in any manner. Shopify has not approved or otherwise endorsed this Publication and its contents.

Every effort has been made to trace the ownership of copyright material. Information that will enable the publisher to rectify any error or omission in subsequent editions will be welcome. In such cases, please contact the Permissions Section of John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

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