Chapter 4

Designing Your Shopify Store


Bullet Going behind the scenes of web development

Bullet Navigating your site

Bullet Choosing a theme

Bullet Designing your homepage

Bullet Creating menus and pages

It’s time to start the process of designing your store, which, in Shopify, starts with choosing the right theme.

Before I get to themes, however, I discuss the role that web developers play in ecommerce — as well as highlight the importance of user-friendly site navigation (in other words, how you get your customers to the products they want to see in as few clicks as possible).

I also take you through one of your website’s most important pages, the homepage, where you can find out how to set up your menus and pages to ensure visitors can get around your site with minimal friction.

So put the kettle on, clear your desk, clear your mind and charge your laptop — there’s a lot of ground to cover in this chapter!

Coding, Web Developers and Shopify

Before you dive into designing your store, it’s a good idea to touch on some of the fundamentals of web development and coding — the language used to create websites — and to figure out where Shopify sits within this world of website development.

As a Shopify merchant, you won’t be asked to write or understand HTML (hypertext markup language), which is a code used by web developers to build websites and other cool things. So you can keep your coding course under wraps for now … however, it will help if you know some of the basic web development lingo so you can understand how your business’s ecommerce platform — Shopify — operates.

Web development is the practice of building a website or application. A common mistake is to think of web developers as web designers, but web developers (or devs) are not concerned with the design or layout of a website; instead, they focus on the function and performance of the site.

Web developers (sometimes known as programmers) are focused on coding a website to build or maintain it, not designing websites. One of the beautiful things about Shopify is that you won’t need a web developer to get started — and smart Shopify sellers who are willing to invest time in getting to know all that the Shopify platform has to offer can scale a very long way before they need to look at bringing a web developer on board.

Most of the systems, platforms and applications that integrate with Shopify are built by web developers.

Technical Stuff Typically, web developers fall into three categories:

  • Front end developers: Front end developers are responsible for the look and feel of the website. When you see a design change on the homepage of your favorite site, or a new layout for the product pages, they have been updated by a front end developer. This is not to say the developer has designed those features; usually, this is done by a UX (user experience) designer, or a web designer. Shopify gives you all the tools you need to adjust your design by yourself, so you won’t need a developer at this point — which is one of the reasons that Shopify is such a great platform for those new to ecommerce.
  • Back end developers: A front end developer needs to be supported by a back end developer. Back end developers keep the website’s engine running smoothly. While not dealing with the fun stuff that the front end developers do, the back end developer plays a very important role. A back end developer spends their time writing code and dealing with the server side of the website, including updating a store’s prices, inventory and products. Fortunately, with Shopify, you have pre-built themes that include just about any feature you can think of, from wishlists to inventory management and general content management, so you can build your site without needing a back end developer.
  • Full stack developers: These are the big cheese in the hamburger! The full stack developer is comfortable managing both the front end and back end parts of a website. A full stack developer isn’t technically better or more skilful than either a front end or back end developer — they are simply proficient in both areas.

Technical Stuff Liquid is Shopify’s template language — in other words, the code used to build your website. It was developed by Tobias Lütke, Shopify’s co-founder, and Liquid is used across many different software projects (in addition to Shopify). At a technical level, Liquid creates a bridge between an HTML file and a data source. The data source is Shopify, and an HTML file is a text file designed for digital viewing (meaning it’s perfect for displaying on a screen, rather than in print); in other words, it’s designed to display content on your website.

Essentially, the Shopify platform retrieves data from the themes that you use to build your online Shopify store, as a result of the Liquid code used in the theme. The retrieved data may be anything from the title of a product to a gallery of images. The data is then displayed on your front end, which is the customer-facing side of your website. Shopify Liquid is the developer’s language that allows data, design and content to come together to form your website.

Thankfully, you don’t need to understand how to use Shopify Liquid, as part of the beauty of Shopify is that the heavy lifting has been done for you, which means when you choose your theme it will be ready for you to customize.

Finding Your Way: Website Architecture

Website architecture (or site architecture) refers to the way a website is structured and organized. Website architecture aims to keep people on your site, helping you avoid the dreaded bounce — which is when visitors to your site leave after only viewing one page. A high bounce rate is a sign of a poor user experience and can be due to a variety of reasons, which I consider further in Chapter 9. Website architecture also plays a part in SEO (search engine optimization), which I cover in Chapter 16.

Why is website architecture important when building your online Shopify store? It helps your customers find what they’re looking for. The overall goal of your site’s UX is to nurture the customer through the purchase journey smoothly, in such a way that makes them want to come back and buy from you again. The UX is what separates selling through your own website from selling through other channels, such as a marketplace — you need to give your customers a brilliant experience, rather than simply provide them with another way in which to shop.

Before you start building your website, it’s helpful to consider the UX that will encourage your customers to become returning customers. Here are some ideas for maximizing your Shopify store’s website architecture:

  • Keep it simple: The more difficult it is to navigate your website, the more likely your visitors are to bounce. If you send a customer around the world to find the perfect pair of black jeans, the chances are they won’t buy them and they’ll continue their search elsewhere — which is a real shame for you, and also for your customer if your products are the real deal.

    Warning ‘Keep it simple’ applies to your whole website, not just your product pages. If a user clicks on your ‘About Us’ page and a video appears that takes five seconds to load, many of your website’s visitors may bounce without waiting to find out more about who you are — your potential customers can be an impatient lot sometimes!

  • When in doubt, learn from the best: You can be sure the likes of Amazon, eBay, Revolve, ASOS, and so on AB test (in other words, trial variations on a specific site feature to determine which option provides a better result, such as a higher conversion rate) their website architecture constantly, so why not follow their lead? This is particularly important in the early days — when you probably won’t have set up any kind of website testing.

    Warning If your website’s structure differs greatly from the norms put in place by the big ecommerce players, it’s more likely that you have got it wrong — as opposed to the unlikely possibility that you have discovered a revolutionary way to structure your site.

  • Check your links: Broken links stink. If you’ve got links on your website that direct visitors to other pages, make sure they work. When I see a link on a website that takes me nowhere it feels like amateur hour, and I won’t trust a website with broken links to process my credit card.
  • Travel in no more than three or four clicks: A visitor to your website should be able to get to any of your website’s pages within three or four clicks. Don’t take them on a journey through your ecommerce platform — get to the point.
  • Choose your theme wisely: The next section talks all about themes, but here’s the clincher — if you’re using a theme, choose one that has good UX reviews. Just because it looks good, it doesn’t mean it is. Your theme has to work well and look good.

Remember There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Resist the urge to build your website based on what you think your customers will like. With AB testing, there’s no excuse not to develop a site you know they’ll love!

Team with the Theme: Exploring Shopify Themes

A theme is a pre-built website template that you can choose to adopt for your own website, saving you the hassle of having to build your website (or hire someone to build a website for you). Themes can be either paid or free and may be created by Shopify or by third parties. Browsing Shopify’s themes is one of my favorite things to do when starting a new Shopify store, because there are so many great-looking themes that you can apply within minutes to your own website. Themes drastically speed up the time it takes to create a website.

To get you started with searching for and choosing a theme, go ahead and visit — or log in to your Shopify admin, scroll down the sidebar till you reach ‘Online Store’, and when that expands, click on ‘Themes’ and then ‘Visit Theme Store’.

Tip Most themes are made by third parties, and Shopify isn’t responsible for providing technical support for third-party themes. Be sure to check out the support available for a theme you’re interested in using for your store.

If you want to look at the themes Shopify has built, you can access these themes through your Shopify admin panel by clicking on ‘Explore Free Themes’. Shopify provides support when needed for these themes.

Now you’re immersed in the world of Shopify themes, it’s time to investigate your next steps — from choosing a theme to publishing and customizing your theme. And don’t forget to preview how your chosen theme looks and works — all while keeping the user experience (UX) of your future customers in mind.

Choosing a theme

The theme store has pages and pages of themes — some free and some paid. Menus at the top of the theme store allow you to browse themes in a variety of ways, including searching by what’s trending, what themes are suited to large or small inventories, or even what themes work well with video and 3D. You can also browse by industry — for example, Toys & Games. As you browse through the available options, you can start to envisage what your store may look like.

On the left-hand side of the theme store, there’s also a sidebar that allows you to filter your search based on a variety of options, including paid and free themes, product page style, and homepage style. You can also use the search bar in the top-right corner to search for things that you consider to be must-haves for your store — for example, ‘product zoom’, so customers can zoom in on the details of your products — and the results will show you themes that include your requirements (in this case, all the themes with product zoom features will show up).

When you click into a theme, as well as being able to read about all the features and technical specs of the theme, you can check the look and feel of the site by using the demo feature — just click on ‘View Demo’ and you’ll be taken to a demo site that uses the selected theme. Have a good look around all the pages and try the various features before you select that theme for your store.

Remember Don’t skip the reviews when you’re selecting a theme — it may save you time and help you pick the most suitable theme for you. If you’re just starting out, you probably want something that has an easy set-up and simple integration, so check for feedback around ease of use.

Eureka! You’ve found your theme

Many of the themes look great, but I’m sure it will feel extra special when you find ‘the one’. When you’ve found your theme, you can add it very simply to your store by clicking on ‘Add Theme’, which adds your theme to the Themes page of your Shopify admin panel.

Tip If you’re not quite sold on a certain paid theme, you can click ‘Try Theme’ and you’ll be able to preview the theme in your store. You can make modifications if needed and then decide to buy it if you like it. You can preview up to 19 paid themes, so you have several opportunities to make the right choice.

You can store themes in your theme library (which is located in your Shopify admin) and switch between them as you please. If you manually customize a theme, it will appear as a new theme, with the original version of the theme also showing in your theme library.

Remember Changing themes doesn’t impact your inventory or content, as that’s stored in your admin — however, you will lose the styling that the theme provides, including the colors and fonts, if you decide to change themes.

Tip If you want to show a few people your theme to get feedback (and it is a great idea to get feedback when you can), follow these steps:

  1. From your Shopify admin panel, go to Online Store (located below Sales Channels in your left-side menu) and click on Themes.

    The theme library appears. The theme that you want to share to gather feedback is the one you have currently installed on your site, so you see this theme listed at the top of the Themes page, under Current Theme.

  2. For the theme that you want to share, click on Actions and then select View.

    When you select View, you’ll be taken to a preview of your website.

  3. Copy and paste the URL link to the website preview page from your browser. Send the link to friends and family to gauge their opinion.

Publishing your theme

While you can have up to 20 themes in your admin, only one can be published at any given time. Your published theme is what your customers see (and it’s also labelled as your ‘Live Theme’ in your Shopify admin panel), while your unpublished themes remain in your theme library.

To publish one of your chosen themes, therefore making it your Live Theme:

  1. From your Shopify admin panel, go to Online Store (located below Sales Channels in your left-side menu) and click on Themes.

    The theme library for your site appears, which is a selection of themes that you have added to your store while exploring your theme options.

    Remember The Live Theme is the one you’re currently working on and will always be the theme at the top of your Themes page.

  2. Click on Actions next to the theme that you want to become your Live Theme, and then click on Publish.

    The Publish window opens.

  3. In the Publish window, click on Publish.

Warning Don’t forget to make a back-up copy of your theme. It’s good to have in case something goes wrong as you start getting further into customizing your theme — this way, you’ll always have a theme to fall back on. You can back up your theme by clicking on ‘Themes’ then ‘Actions’, and then clicking on ‘Duplicate’.

Tip Your theme is only licensed to the store you bought it for — if you need to transfer a theme to a new store, you need to contact Shopify’s support.

Customizing your theme

The theme you choose gives you the skeleton of the look and feel of your online store, but it’s up to you to bring it to life in a way that suits your brand’s identity.

Shopify offers a lot of flexibility when it comes to customizing your theme. To illustrate, it’s possible for two businesses to use the same theme but have websites that look completely different — so much so that a customer wouldn’t be able to identify that they shared the same theme.

Remember To customize your theme, click the ‘Customize’ button in the Themes section of your Shopify admin panel (the ‘Customize’ button is next to the ‘Actions’ button). The structure of a homepage is then in front of you, with spaces to drop images and text. A new sidebar appears to the left, and a drop-down menu appears at the top of the page, which indicates which page of your website you’re currently editing.

I take you through customizing your website as I introduce each part of your website’s functionality throughout this book.

Designing Your Shop Window: The Homepage

The homepage is a constant source of debate among ecommerce professionals, who all have their own views on what should be there. Commonly known by its cute nickname, HP, your homepage is often the first port of call for your customer — it’s your shop window, so it needs to look good and load fast.

Tip I am a big believer in designing, building and buying for what you know your customer wants, not what you hope they want, so thank goodness for AB testing, which allows you to better understand your customer. I talk about AB testing in more detail in Chapter 9.

In the following sections, I walk you through the shape and structure of your homepage, including how to customize the key features of your homepage and make the most of your theme. But first, I talk about some of the menu options that may help to shape and style your store, making it easy to navigate for your customers.

What’s on the menu?

The menu of an online store is part of its navigation (or nav). It’s the section of a website that displays the categories and sub-categories of items that the online store is selling. The menu is usually located in the top-left corner of an online store’s homepage.

Remember An online store’s homepage looks different depending on what device you’re viewing it on; however, if it has been mobile optimized, it almost always shows the menu at the top.

Menus in desktop view tend to run from left to right across the top of the site, calling out the main categories (or pages) of the site — for example, Men, Women, Kids and Sale for a clothing website. Often, more options appear when you click on these sections — for example, clicking on Men may lead you to different types of men’s clothing, such as jeans and t-shirts (this is known as a drop-down menu — where additional sub-categories of the main category, in this case men’s clothing, appear to further direct the customer to the area they are interested in). When your cursor (the little arrow that moves around the screen on your desktop, directed by your mouse) leaves that part of the menu, the men’s jeans and t-shirts (and so on) disappear — so the drop-down menu appears when you click on the main menu item and then disappears when you leave it.

An expansion on the drop-down menu is a flyout menu — a list of additional options that appears to the side of each option (or some options) on the drop-down menu. Going back to men’s jeans, if you click on ‘Men’ and then ‘Jeans’, a sub-menu may appear to the side to show the different types of jeans you have for sale, such as casual jeans and dressy jeans. If you click on ‘Casual Jeans’, you may even see an additional flyout menu at the side that provides different size options. It may seem like overkill, but the idea is to guide your customer closer to the product that they want to buy.

You have more options than drop-down menus and flyout menus, however, when you are building your online store. Here are a few of the other menu styles that you may like to try:

  • Accordion menus are similar to drop-down menus in that the menu links drop down vertically, but when you click on the menu item, another set of menu items appear below it. To close the second set of menu items, simply click on the first menu item again.
  • Dropline menus appear when you hover your cursor over a main menu category (such as Men on a clothing website). Instead of a drop-down menu of options, the sub-categories appear below, running from left to right across the screen and forming a horizontal sub-menu under the main menu.
  • Mega menus are drop-down menus that use text plus visual content, such as imagery of the items in the menu — for example, if you’re browsing the menu of an electronics store online and you click on laptops, a mega menu shows you the names of the laptops, plus accompanying images of the laptops. Mega menus work well when you have a large range of categories; for example, large electronics retailers who need big, bulky menus to help customers navigate multiple departments, categories and sub-categories within their online store.
  • Split menus are when a menu and a sub-menu appear on different locations on the homepage; for example, if you click on ‘Men’ on the top menu (the main menu), different men’s clothing categories may appear on the left-hand side of the website, such as jeans, shirts, shorts, and so on.

A fun fact — when you are viewing websites on a smartphone or tablet, they often have three horizontal lines to represent the menu, which is called a hamburger menu (see Figure 4-1) because apparently the icon looks like a hamburger!

Snapshot of the hamburger menu icon.

Source: Shopify

FIGURE 4-1: The hamburger menu icon.

Later in this chapter, in the section ‘Adding Menus and Pages’, I show you how to create pages (such as About Us and Shipping) and menus within Shopify, and in Chapter 5, I show you how to create collections (another name for categories) and place them inside your menu.

Styling your homepage

Your homepage can vary in length and content. Some online stores like you to scroll and scroll and scroll, jamming as much content as they can onto that one page, whereas others simply have a homepage banner with a call to action (like ‘Shop Now’) and a menu, from which customers can navigate to other pages.

The homepage banner is really important, as is any content that is above the fold of a homepage. Above the fold is a term taken from print media. If you picture a folded newspaper, the content above the fold in the paper is on the upper half of the front page, where a key headline or image is placed. In ecommerce, above the fold is the content you see before you need to scroll. When you begin to scroll, the content below the fold appears. Online shoppers can be a fickle bunch, and even the act of scrolling can be too much effort, so typically you want to grab a visitor’s attention as quickly as you can by including priority content above the fold, without giving your site visitors any cause to abandon the page (or bounce)!

Tip Content below the fold is typically reserved for more banners, smaller in size than the main homepage banner, that advertise secondary offers or products. I like to use this web page real estate for talking about the history of the brand or showing photos of the team, in a sort of ‘get to know us’ kind of way — remember, building trust is important, and authenticity is difficult to replace.

Another useful piece of below the fold content is what is known as social proof. Without going into the science of social proof in marketing, it’s essentially convincing people that buying your product is the right thing to do — perhaps because other people the customer looks up to are doing it. Social proof is not a means of underestimating a customer’s intelligence, it’s simply helping to convince them that they can trust your store, and should buy from you, if they are so inclined — more of a gentle push, if you will.

You can make changes to style and personalize your homepage to fit with your brand through the theme customization areas of your Shopify admin.

To access the theme customization area, follow these steps:

  1. From your Shopify admin panel, go to Online Store (located below Sales Channels in your left-side menu) and click on Themes.

    The Themes page appears (see Figure 4-2).

  2. Click on the green Customize button, which appears on the Themes page — you can find it over on the right-hand side of your screen, next to Actions.

    You’ll then be taken to what is beginning to look like a website — at least in its basic form. It’s here you’ll be able to make changes to the design of your website using the theme customization menu on the left-hand side (see Figure 4-3) and preview your changes as you go.

    Tip Stay in the Customize section as you work through customizing your homepage in the following sections, as I show you how to make changes to your online store’s look and feel here.

Snapshot of the Themes page.

Source: Shopify

FIGURE 4-2: The Themes page.

Snapshot of the theme customization menu options on the Customize page.

Source: Shopify

FIGURE 4-3: The theme customization menu options on the Customize page.

Tip From time to time you may see options to Explore Free Images appear. If you click on this, it brings up a free library of images provided by Shopify that you can add to your store, which saves you time and money on paying for your own photo shoots.

After you start customizing your theme, you can view the skeleton of your first Shopify homepage by selecting View Your Store, in the top-right corner of the Themes section in your Shopify admin — see Figure 4-4.

Snapshot of view how your Shopify store is shaping up by clicking on View Your Store in the Themes section of your Shopify admin.

Source: Shopify

FIGURE 4-4: View how your Shopify store is shaping up by clicking on View Your Store in the Themes section of your Shopify admin.

Remember Don’t forget to save your changes!

As you work your way through the theme customization menu options (see Figure 4-3), you’ll see your homepage broken into sections, starting with Header.

Tip The following sections take you through customizing your homepage using Shopify’s default Debut theme. If you have chosen a different theme, there may be some differences in the layout or sequence of options below; however, the principles remain the same. To deepen your understanding of how Shopify works, you may find it helpful to use the Debut theme while you get to know your customization options — you can always change your theme later.

Customizing the header

The header is the bar at the top of your website that runs horizontally across each page. It usually contains your menu, the name of your business (often as a logo) and a search bar. Your logo should be large and clear, and it is typically positioned in the top-left corner of the homepage.

The main function of a website’s header is to house your menu. Your menu is how a customer finds their way to your products and the other pages of your site, such as your shipping information. I’m going to talk about configuring your menus to house pages like About Us and Shipping later in this chapter (in the section ‘Adding Menus and Pages’). I also return to building your menu in Chapter 5, when I show you how to create collections and position them in your menus.

To edit your header, click on — you guessed it — Header in the theme customization menu (see Figure 4-3).

You can upload your logo right away by clicking on Select Image (under Logo Image) in the Header section of the theme customization menu (see Figure 4-5). If you don’t already have a logo, you have the option to choose one from Shopify’s library of free images — although you probably want to design your own logo. You can also change the dimensions of your logo by dragging the Custom Logo Width bar (see Figure 4-5) from left to right, and change the alignment of your logo by selecting either Left or Centered for your Logo Alignment (as you tailor your logo image, the changes take effect in an updating preview that is constantly visible).

Snapshot of logo Image selection within the Header section of the theme customization menu.

Source: Shopify

FIGURE 4-5: Logo Image selection within the Header section of the theme customization menu. is a great resource for creating a new logo, plus other useful pieces of creative elements you can use on your website, such as social media material, infographics and GIFs.

The other part of the header you can change in this section is what’s known as the announcement bar, which is the strip of text at the top of the homepage. You can edit the text and link it to anywhere you like; you can also change the background color or leave it as text only. The announcement bar settings are found halfway down the Header section of your menu — simply type over the text that says Announce Something Here (see Figure 4-5).

Tip I tend to use the announcement bar to highlight free shipping messaging or to promote a sale. I generally also leave such announcements on all pages of the website (as opposed to selecting Home Page Only, in the announcement bar settings — see Figure 4-5) as this ensures your key promotions or free shipping offers are visible on every page of your website.

Building the homepage banner

As you move through the theme customization menu, the next item down is called Image with Text Overlay. This option allows you to create and edit your website’s homepage banner, which is usually the first banner a visitor to your website sees when they arrive at your online store.

When you click on Image with Text Overlay, you see a placeholder image that Shopify uses for all new stores — a grey box with shapes on it. You can replace this grey box with your own homepage banner image. A new set of menu options also appears on the left-hand side of the page (see Figure 4-6).

Snapshot of the homepage banner customization menu options.

Source: Shopify

FIGURE 4-6: The homepage banner customization menu options.

Here’s a rundown of the changes you can make to your homepage banner with each of these menu options:

  • Image — Select Image: Clicking on this option allows you to upload your own homepage banner, or you can choose one of the images in Shopify’s free image library.
  • Image Alignment: Choose from Top, Middle or Bottom, and watch your image move in the preview on the right-hand side of the page to help you decide the position that works best. The Image Alignment feature changes which part of the image you want to display — for example, selecting Middle shows the majority of the homepage banner, while selecting Top only shows the top of the image you have uploaded.

    Tip Play around with all three and see which looks best — it’s likely Middle is where you’ll land.

  • Layout: Here you can choose between Full Width and Fixed Width. Full Width occupies a larger horizontal space on your homepage, while Fixed Width shows space on either side of the banner. Again, the banner preview moves as you try out both options, so you can make an informed choice between the two.
  • Section Height: As with the Layout options, you can change the vertical size of the banner, with six different height options available: Adapt to Image (which adjusts according to your image size), Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large.
  • Text Size: Use this option to change the size of your overlying Heading text from Large to Medium (see the next item in this list).
  • Heading: Choose this option to add a Heading to your homepage banner — the text appears over the top of the homepage banner image. An example of a heading might be your store’s name or the name of a product range, such as Summer Collection.
  • Text: The next section down allows you to add another text section, which is smaller-sized text that appears under your Heading. You can use this for a call to action, such as Sale Now On or Limited Edition. You can add a link from this text section to any page on your website (or an external website) and you can change the font to bold or italic (the text default is regular, not bold or italic).
  • Button Label: This option allows you to create a button on your homepage banner, such as a Shop Now button. Simply type in the text you’d like to see on your button.
  • Button Link: A button isn’t much use unless it takes the customer to another point on your website; fortunately, this option allows you to add a link to the page you want to send the customer to when they click on the button. You can put a link in here (such as, so that when a shopper clicks the button you just created, it will take them to a particular page. For example, if your banner is advertising a new range of scooters (with the heading New Scooters), you can add a button that says Shop Scooters, which you can link to your scooter collection.

    Tip When you click on the Button Link field, a list of all your website’s available pages and collections appears, so you can choose which page you want to link your button to.

Remember Don’t forget to click the green Save button in the top-right corner, and then click the left-facing arrow button in the top-left corner to go back to the main theme menu, if you want to continue designing the rest of your homepage.

When you return to the theme customization menu, you may notice that the Image with Text Overlay menu option has changed to the name of the Heading for your homepage banner, such as New Scooters.

Technical Stuff If you’re designing your own homepage banner or using a graphic designer, the dimensions of a typical homepage banner in Shopify are 1200 x 400–600 pixels.

Boosting your homepage with extra images with text

The next section under your homepage is Image with Text. Here you have space to add another smaller image under the homepage banner. For example, if your homepage banner features new scooters, your secondary banner may feature helmets and kneepads, or a similar secondary collection. The options are basically the same as your homepage banner (refer to the preceding section, ‘Building the homepage banner’) — you can upload an image or choose from Shopify’s free image options, and you can add buttons and text, all the while viewing the live preview to see how it looks.

Adding text columns with images

This is a basic section that allows you to upload images with text underneath. When you click on this menu option, you’re taken to a page where you can first create a Title, or Tag Line. When you click on that option, you are presented with the option to add an image, once again with headings, text and a button that can link to wherever you want it to.

You can use this section to create an About Us section (though this section can also commonly be found in your homepage footer), where you display an image of yourself or your team on your homepage, with text that tells the story of your store’s history. Alternatively, you may like to feature a special product or collection of products, or even to promote a blog post that you’ve written. You can use this section to include virtually any content you’d like.

Making a feature of your key collections

Collections (or categories) group together products with similar properties, such as men’s clothes, children’s toys, dog treats, women’s shoes — you get the picture! By grouping similar items together, your customers can browse through the categories of interest to them, without wading through pages of items they don’t want.

The theme customization menu gives you the option to feature a collection on your homepage. To use this feature, you need to have created at least one collection in your store, and then added some products to that collection in order to preview them on your homepage. (In Chapter 5, I show you how to create a collection and add products to your store.)

When you click on the Featured Collections option, you can edit the name of the collection to whatever you want, for example Men’s Jeans or What’s New.

In the space beneath the collection name heading, you have the option to Select Collection — when you click on this, a list of all the collections you have created in your store appears, and you can click on one to display its products on your homepage.

Tip You can change the number of products per rows, and the number of rows overall that you want to show on your homepage — see Figure 4-7.

Snapshot of adding a Featured Collection to your homepage.

Source: Shopify

FIGURE 4-7: Adding a Featured Collection to your homepage.

Adding an extra banner

The next heading on the theme customization menu is Image with Text Overlay — which may ring a few bells. This extra banner follows the process of setting up your homepage banner exactly. With this option, you can create a similar banner further down the homepage, which you may decide to use to advertise another offer or collection. This is another section where you can show off your products or more about your store.

Tip If you don’t want to add an extra banner, or you want to remove any other section, click on the section you want to remove, such as Image with Text Overlay. An option at the bottom of the menu appears, called Remove Section, with a rubbish bin icon — click on it, and your section (in this case, Image with Text Overlay) will disappear from your menu, and therefore from your homepage.

If you want to add a section to your homepage — for example, you may decide to add another Image with Text Overlay section, or a new image gallery — there’s a blue button with a + symbol at the bottom of the theme customization menu with Add Section next to it. Click on this, and select any of the sections that appear from the list of options that appear. The sections that can be added are the same as the sections you’ve been editing in this chapter, along with some others, such as a map to your physical store (if you have one), videos or more image galleries.

To add an extra homepage banner, follow the process outlined in the earlier section, ‘Building the homepage banner’ and apply it to this section of the theme customization menu.

Selling yourself: Testimonials

The Debut theme comes with a Testimonials section, where you can add positive reviews and feedback to your online store to highlight the reliability of your service. Simply click on Testimonials and type in the testimonial text you want to appear, along with the author’s name, in the two fields that appear. Remember to click on the green Save button in the top-right corner when you’re done.

Tip Ask enthusiastic friends or willing early customers if they are happy to provide you with a testimonial. Chapter 8 talks about how to gather product and customer reviews, as well as utilizing the Shopify App Store to make the most of your positive feedback.

Adding an image gallery

The Gallery section allows you to upload a group of images. Typically, here you may choose to feature some products or marketing materials you have created for a collection. When you click on Gallery in the theme customization menu, you see three options drop down, as an extension of the Gallery menu, each labelled Image, with a grey square icon next to each Image label (so, the word Image is repeated three times, with grey squares next to each word). When you click on any of the three Image words or grey square icons, a new section appears within the menu that prompts you to upload the image you want to add to your homepage. Click on the Select Image button and upload the image from your computer. You can then add a caption, such as ‘The Paul Shoes in Black’ and link the image to any page on your site by clicking on the Link field and browsing the pages that appear in the list.

Another idea for this section is to create a gallery for user-generated content — which is content your customers have sent to you, such as an image of a happy customer using your product. You can then link that image to the product page on your site so that shoppers can view it and purchase it. You may also decide to use this section for adding influencer content — Part 5 covers marketing and influencer content.

Customizing the footer

Your footer, the helpful and informative resources section of your website located at the bottom of your homepage, can be edited from the bottom of your theme customization menu. Your footer usually contains links to other informative pages within your website, such as Shipping, Returns, About Us, Privacy and anything else that is valuable for the customer to know. (I show you how to create these pages and insert them into your footer menu in the later section ‘Adding Menus and Pages’.) You may also choose to display links to your social media pages, although increasingly you see Instagram and other social media marketing channels incorporated in higher positions on the homepage — for example, when using apps that feed Instagram images into a gallery for users to browse (more on Instagram in Chapter 17!).

Tip Check out the policies of other online stores to better understand the policies they hold for topics such as returns — and what your online store may need to include in its own policies. By understanding what your competitors (or some of the bigger ecommerce businesses) are offering, you can get an idea of what your customers may expect from your policies. I cover more general ecommerce practices — including store policies for shipping, returns and privacy — in my book Selling Online For Dummies.

Adjusting your theme’s settings

While in the theme customization menu, you’ll see down the bottom of the menu, another section titled Theme Settings. Go ahead and click on that, and you’ll be able to continue editing and styling some of the other features and functions of your homepage that may also impact other parts of your online store, such as your font styles and colors (see Figure 4-8).

Snapshot of the Theme Settings section.

Source: Shopify

FIGURE 4-8: The Theme Settings section.

You can use the following items in the Theme Settings menu to adjust your theme further:

  • Colors: This section allows you to change the colors across your website, from the color of the text your site uses to the color of the buttons on your site — and everything in between. You can also change background and border colors.

    Tip As with many of the customization options in Shopify, you can visualize your changes using the live preview feature to the right of the page as you experiment with different colors.

  • Typography: Clicking into this section allows you to change the font your store uses and the size of the text across your headings, on your buttons, and across your website.
  • Search: This section refers to the search bar, which customers use to search for certain products or pages in your website.

    Tip You’ll be presented with the option to Enable Product Suggestions, which is ticked by default. Leaving this ticked is useful, as it predicts the products customers may be searching for as they begin their search. For example, if your visitor starts typing Jeans in the search bar, any Jeans in your store may begin to appear below the search bar, to help the customer find what they’re looking for.

  • Social Media: You can add social media icons to the footer on your homepage. In this section you can set up links on your store that connect social media icons to your social media pages for Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, YouTube and Vimeo.
  • TipFavicon: Although it sounds like a creature out of Star Wars, a favicon is a nice little badge for your store to have. It’s that tiny icon or logo that appears as you search for a website. For example, if you type into your browser, the green ‘S’ logo — Shopify’s favicon — appears as you type. This lets you know you’re on their official site, which helps build trust and brand identity.

    In this section of the menu, you can upload your own favicon — the recommended dimensions are 32 x 32 pixels, so you may need to adjust your logo to something even smaller than it usually appears.

  • Add to Cart Notification: You only have one option when you click on this, and the default position on the Debut theme is to notify customers when an ‘add to cart’ has occurred. It’s just a nice way to let a customer know that they have successfully added something to their cart, rather than having them check their cart to see if the item was added.

    Tip I recommend keeping with the default setting and leaving this ticked.

  • Theme Style: When you click on this option in the menu, you see that the Debut theme has two styles, Default and Light, which change the overall color scheme of your site, basically giving you two different looks within the one theme. Try both to see which you prefer.

    You won’t be able to click on this until your changes so far have been saved, which is a timely reminder to do so!

Adding Menus and Pages

Menus exist in two places in your online store — your header and your footer (for more on the different types of menu, check out the earlier section ‘What’s on the menu?’). In this chapter, I’ve introduced some of the menu items that may exist in your store, such as product collections, as that’s how your visitors navigate their way around your store. I look at adding collections and linking them to your main header menu in Chapter 5.

Pages are where visitors to your store are taken when they click on certain menu items, such as a collection, About Us or Shipping. Your footer menu is a great place to keep some of the more informative pages that aren’t product-focused, such as the About Us page — which is a page that talks to the customer about who you are, what your store sells and how you got started. Stores with an authentic About Us page tend to get more sales than stores with those with a vague or unhelpful story to tell about themselves.

Tip I recommend adding the following pages to your footer:

  • About Us
  • Contact Us
  • Shipping
  • Returns Policy

In the following sections, I show you how to create pages and link these to your menu, using the footer as an example.

Creating a page

To create a page:

  1. Navigate to your main Shopify admin menu (not the themes customization menu, where you have spent much of your time in this chapter!).
  2. Click on Sales Channels → Online Store. Select Pages from the list of headings that appears.

    You’ll be taken to a new page, that is aptly titled Pages. It’s here that you’ll create … you guessed it, pages!

  3. Click on Add Page.

    A new page appears asking for some input into what sort of page you’re creating (see Figure 4-9).

  4. Give the page a title — for example, About Us.
    Snapshot of populating the About Us page.

    Source: Shopify

    FIGURE 4-9: Populating the About Us page.

  5. Enter your About Us content into the text box below the title field.

    Remember A good About Us page lets the shopper into your brand and is authentic and genuine. In your early days, it’s important to remember that a potential customer has no idea who you are, so before they part with their money, they often want to know who the people behind the brand are. A lot of brands have fun team photos or videos here — and don’t forget to show the office dog!

    The About Us page is a great opportunity to showcase your brand’s fabric, or innate qualities. Are you humorous, cheeky, serious, safe and trustworthy, or technically the best? Here’s your chance to convey that!

    Tip You can easily add images and videos in the text box — just click on the icons that represent the feature you want to add and upload your images and video.

    You may also see a space for SEO (search engine optimization), but perhaps leave that for now — I look at SEO in Chapter 16.

  6. In the top-right corner, you have the option to hide the page or make it visible, or even set a date you want it to become visible (click on the link that says Set Visibility Date — see Figure 4-9). When you are happy with the content, hit Save in the bottom-right corner.

Creating a menu item

To create a menu item:

  1. Navigate to your main Shopify admin menu. Click on Sales Channels → Online Store. Select Navigation from the list of headings that appears.

    The Navigation page appears, showing you two default menus — Main Menu and Footer Menu. The About Us page you created in the preceding section belongs on the Footer Menu, which is where the About Us page you just created will live.

  2. Click on Footer Menu.

    A new page called Footer Menu comes up (which you can rename, but there’s no real need to do that).

  3. On the Footer Menu page, under Menu Items, click on Add Menu Item.

    A dialogue box called Add Menu Item appears.

  4. Name the menu item by typing the name of the item in this box — for this example, you would type About Us.
  5. In the Link field that follows the Name box, click on Pages from the drop-down menu that appears.

    A list of pages that you have created appears — if you have only created the About Us page so far, this will be the only one that appears.

  6. Click on the page that you want to add to your menu — in this case, the About Us page.

    The About Us page title appears in the link field.

  7. Click on the green Add button at the bottom of the Add Menu Item dialogue box.
  8. Click Save Menu in the bottom-right corner.

    You’ve just created your first menu item — an About Us page in your Footer menu!

Tip If you want to preview what it looks like live, then click on the eyeball icon next to Sales Channels in the main menu, which directs you to a fully functioning preview of how your site looks and works.

Repeat the page and menu item creation process for each page you’d like to add to your store (such as About Us, Shipping, Returns Policy and any other pages you want to add to your store). Chapter 5 goes into the detail of adding product pages and linking your products to collections.

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