Table of Contents

Title Page
Copyright Page
Preamble – The Reference to God as a Stimulus for Freedom
The Religious between Self-Referential Religious Communication, Communication on Religion, and Sacralization
1 Secularization or Reenchantment of the World?
2 Introductory Conceptual Considerations
3 Empirical Findings and their Interpretation
3.1 The Religious Situation on a Global Scale
3.2 The Relevance of Religion at the Micro-, Meso-, and Macro-levels
3.2.1 Micro-level: Personal Religiosity
3.2.2 Religious Convictions
3.2.3 Meso-level: Significance of Organized Religion
3.2.4 Macro-level: Relevance of Religion in the Public Sphere
3.3 Fundamentalism
3.4 Religious Fundamentalism
3.5 Political Fundamentalism Influenced by Religious Elements
3.5.1 Zimbabwe
3.5.2 USA
3.5.3 Poland
3.5.4 Argentina
3.5.5 Nigeria
3.5.6 Egypt
3.5.7 Iraq
3.6 Religion as a Strong Identity Marker
4 Conceptual Conclusions
Pluralism, Liberalism and Constitutional Patriotism: A Normative Theory from the Indian Constitution
1 Introduction
2 Pluralism within Liberalism: Theory, Practice and European Experience
3 The Pluralist History of India and its Impact on the Nature of the Indian Constitution
4 The Indian Constitution as a Philosophical Expression of Liberal Citizens in Plural Societies
5 Reinterpreting Constitutional Patriotism for a Pluralized Society
The Formation of the Nation-State, Religious Pluralism, and the Public Sphere in Brazil
1 The Colonial Prehistory
2 Religious Pluralism in Brazil
3 The Historical Construction of Brazilian Religious Diversity
4 Democracy, Religious Secularization, and the Public Sphere
The Midwife or the Handmaid? Religion in Political Advertising in Nigeria
1 Introduction
2 Ambiguity of Religion in Nigerian Politics
3 The Regulation of the Nigerian Political Market and Advertising
4 Vox Dei, Vox Populi: Religion in Political Advertisement
5 Conclusion
Sacrificial Space: The Hebrew Imagination “Comes Home”
1 The akeda in the Jewish Tradition
2 Modern Retellings
3 Greenberg’s and Agnon’s “Aesthetics of the Whole”
4 Amichai’s Alternative Rewriting
Religion under Liberal-Secular Governance: Dialoguing with Muslims in Germany
1 Introduction
2 Consensus-Orientated Dialogue in Liberal/Secular Terms
3 The DIK, “Free and Democratic” Consensus and “Constitution Plus”
4 Non-Conforming Muslim Utterances in Controlled Dialogue
5 Concluding Remarks
Concepts of Religion and Their Political Implications
1 Introduction
2 Western Discourses on Religion
2.1 Religion as a Divine Gift of Reason
2.2 Religion as an Experience of Revelation
2.3 Religion as a Function of the Brain
2.4 Religion as Projection
2.5 Religion as Sacralized Social Principles
2.6 Religion as an Interest in Salvation
2.7 Religions as Competing Firms
2.8 Religions as Religious Traditions
2.9 Understanding Religions as Systems of Practices
3 Churches, Voluntary Associations, and the State
4 The “Real” Problem: Protecting the Freedom of Religion
Notes on the Contributors
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