5.3. Find Similar Words


You have several problems in this case:

  • You want to find all occurrences of both color and colour in a string.

  • You want to find any of three words that end with “at”: bat, cat, or rat.

  • You want to find any word ending with phobia.

  • You want to find common variations on the name “Steven”: Steve, Steven, and Stephen.

  • You want to match any common form of the term “regular expression.”


Regular expressions to solve each of the problems just listed are shown in turn. All of these solutions are listed with the case insensitive option.

Color or colour

Regex options: Case insensitive
Regex flavors: .NET, Java, JavaScript, PCRE, Perl, Python, Ruby

Bat, cat, or rat

Regex options: Case insensitive
Regex flavors: .NET, Java, JavaScript, PCRE, Perl, Python, Ruby

Words ending with “phobia”

Regex options: Case insensitive
Regex flavors: .NET, Java, JavaScript, PCRE, Perl, Python, Ruby

Steve, Steven, or Stephen

Regex options: Case insensitive
Regex flavors: .NET, Java, JavaScript, PCRE, Perl, Python, Ruby

Variations of “regular expression”

Regex options: Case insensitive
Regex flavors: .NET, Java, JavaScript, PCRE, Perl, Python, Ruby


Use word boundaries to match complete words

All five of these regular expressions use word boundaries () to ensure that they match only complete words. The patterns use several different approaches to allow variation in the words that they match.

Let’s take a closer look at each one.

Color or colour

This regular expression will match color or colour, but will not match within colorblind. It uses the ? quantifier to make its preceding u optional. Quantifiers such as ? do not work like the wildcards that many people are more familiar with. Instead, they bind to the immediately preceding element, which can be either a single token (in this case, the literal character u) or a group of tokens wrapped in parentheses. The ? quantifier repeats the preceding element zero or one time. The regex engine first tries to match the element that the quantifier is bound to, and if that doesn’t work, the engine moves forward without matching it. Any quantifier that allows zero repetitions effectively makes the preceding element optional, which is exactly what we want here.

Bat, cat, or rat

This regular expression uses a character class to match b, c, or r, followed by the literal characters at. You could do the same thing using (?:b|c|r)at, (?:bat|cat|rat), or bat|cat|rat. However, any time the difference between allowed matches is a choice from one of a list of characters, you’re better off using a character class. Not only do character classes provide a more compact and readable syntax (thanks to being able to drop all the vertical bars and use ranges such as A–Z), most regex engines also provide far superior optimization for character classes. Alternation using vertical bars requires the engine to use the computationally expensive backtracking algorithm, whereas character classes use a simpler search approach.

A few words of caution, though. Character classes are among the most frequently misused regular expression features. It’s possible that they’re not always documented well, or maybe some readers just skimmed over the details. Whatever the reasons, don’t let yourself make the same newbie mistakes. Character classes are only capable of matching one character at a time from the characters specified within them—no exceptions.

Following are two of the most common ways that character classes are misused:

Putting words in character classes

Sure, something like [cat]{3} will match cat, but it will also match act, ttt, and any other three-character combination of the listed characters. The same applies to negated character classes such as [^cat], which matches any single character that is not c, a, or t.

Trying to use the alternation operator within character classes

By definition, character classes allow a choice between the characters specified within them. [a|b|c] matches a single character from the set “abc|”, which is probably not what you want. And even if it is, the class contains a redundant vertical bar.

See Recipe 2.3 for all the details you need to use character classes correctly and effectively.

Words ending with “phobia”

This pattern combines features from the two previous regexes to provide the variation in the strings it matches. Like the “bat, cat, or rat” regex, it uses a character class (the shorthand w) that matches any word character. It then uses the * quantifier to repeat the shorthand class zero or more times, similar to the “color or colour” regex’s use of ?.

This regular expression matches, for example, arachnophobia and hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia. Because the * allows zero repetitions, it also matches phobia on its own. If you want to require at least one word character before the “phobia” suffix, change the * to +.

Steve, Steven, or Stephen

Here we add alternation to the mix as yet another means for regex variation. A noncapturing group, written as (?:), limits the reach of the | alternation operator. The ? quantifier used inside the group’s first alternation option makes the preceding n character optional. This improves efficiency (and brevity) versus the equivalent Ste(?:ve|ven|phen). The same principle explains why the literal string Ste appears at the front of the regular expression, rather than being repeated three times as with (?:Steve|Steven|Stephen) or Steve|Steven|Stephen. Some backtracking regular expression engines are not smart enough to figure out that any text matched by these latter regexes must start with Ste. Instead, as the engine steps through the subject string looking for a match, it will first find a word boundary, then check the following character to see if it is an S. If not, the engine must try all alternative paths through the regular expression before it can move on and start over again at the next position in the string. Although it’s easy for a human to see that this would be a waste of effort (since the alternative paths through the regex all start with Ste), the engine doesn’t know this. If instead you write the regex as Ste(?:ven?|phen), the engine immediately realizes that it cannot match any string that does not start with those characters.

For an in-depth look under the hood of a backtracking regular expression engine, see Recipe 2.13.

Variations of “regular expression”

The final example for this recipe mixes alternation, character classes, and quantifiers to match any common variation of the term “regular expression.” Since the regular expression can be a bit difficult to take in at a glance, let’s break it down and examine each of its parts.

This next regex uses the free-spacing option, which is not available in standard JavaScript. Since whitespace is ignored in free-spacing mode, the literal space character has been escaped with a backslash:

              # Assert position at a word boundary.
reg             # Match "reg".
(?:             # Group but don't capture:
  ular         #   Match "ular ".
  expressions?  #   Match "expression" or "expressions".
 |              #  Or:
  ex            #   Match "ex".
  (?:           #   Group but don't capture:
    ps?         #     Match "p" or "ps".
   |            #    Or:
    e[sn]       #     Match "es" or "en".
  )?            #   End the group and make it optional.
)               # End the group.
              # Assert position at a word boundary.
Regex options: Free-spacing, case insensitive
Regex flavors: .NET, Java, XRegExp, PCRE, Perl, Python, Ruby

This pattern matches any of the following seven strings, with any combination of upper- and lowercase letters:

  • regular expressions

  • regular expression

  • regexps

  • regexp

  • regexes

  • regexen

  • regex

See Also

Recipe 5.1 explains how to find a specific word. Recipe 5.2 explains how to find any of multiple words. Recipe 5.4 explains how to find all except a specific word.

Techniques used in the regular expressions in this recipe are discussed in Chapter 2. Recipe 2.3 explains character classes. Recipe 2.6 explains word boundaries. Recipe 2.9 explains grouping. Recipe 2.12 explains repetition.

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