
account advertising 176

accounting department 1545

action alley 104

add date 266

advertisements 161, 191, 300, 326, 405, 42930, 440, 4556

advertisers 75, 228, 2513, 255, 258, 351, 408, 429, 431, 442, 4457, 455

advertising 27, 312, 523, 58, 968, 105, 11014, 117, 1768, 18991, 2567, 4223, 42932, 4346, 43856; campaigns 406, 448, 452, 454, 456; cooperative 455; effectiveness 447, 449, 451, 453; media options 429, 431, 433, 435, 437, 439, 441, 443, 445; rates of 261, 296; revenue of 18, 251, 264, 296, 298

affect 60

aficionado fans 409

agreements 345, 96, 103, 154, 2789, 380, 463

airplay 269; charts 75, 211, 269, 273, 277, 2812; detections 282, 287

album: art 86, 154, 178; chart 9, 137, 352; downloads 1356, 152, 353, 396; launch of 85, 94, 96, 127; projects 211, 271, 273; sales 4, 8, 135, 137, 13940, 146, 148, 152, 165, 169, 181, 184, 3202, 366, 3689; single 1356, 152, 353, 396

algorithm, news feed 229, 231

AllAccess Music Group 287

ambush marketing 423

American Marketing Association 22, 37, 45, 53, 63, 81, 83

America’s Music Charts 257, 287

analysis, SWOT 11719

analytics 778, 2278, 242, 244, 453

area of dominant influence (ADI) 45, 60

Aristomedia 303, 305

artist and repertoire (A&R) process 8, 20, 1556, 15960, 165, 168

artists: appearances 2089; audience 92, 95, 247; audience profile 98, 100; brand 8, 84, 867, 90, 93, 967, 99, 104, 243; brand identity 92, 98; brand profile 99, 104; career 99, 103, 115, 176, 203, 293, 295, 399400; channel 2389; fan base 95, 242, 416; image 195, 199; label 156, 191, 205, 2712; major 114, 120, 207, 209; music 68, 92, 203, 226, 419; name 51, 84, 93, 221, 235, 264; owned brand opportunities 102; profile 92, 98, 243; promotion 1778, 183; recording 20, 158, 191, 208, 289, 421, 463; successful 156, 158, 211; target market 201, 421; website 86, 1989, 2223, 2356, 244, 304, 410

Atlanta market 261, 452

attitudes, affect-based 58

audience, artist and 92, 95, 98, 100, 247

average quarter-hour (AQH) 253, 255, 259, 2612, 266

award shows 210

Bacon’s MediaSource 193, 273

Bandcamp 390

banner advertising 455

behavioral segmentation 50, 60

Bertelsmann Music Group (BMG) 144, 151, 311, 319

best selling markets 384

Big 3 340

Big Champagne 389

big data 80, 345, 347, 349, 395; analytics 345, 396

Big Machine Label Group 101, 463

billboards 33, 74, 76, 147, 155, 177, 210, 273, 2805, 302, 3501, 358, 387, 430

biography 198, 215, 223

bloggers 1967, 201, 205, 2456, 401, 417, 4202, 426

blogs 30, 198, 205, 217, 2223, 235, 237, 2446, 249, 273, 299, 421, 443

blues music 442

BMG see Bertelsmann Music Group

Border City Media 366, 368

box lot 340

branding 7, 10, 836, 8890, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 1046, 160, 164, 166, 3034; basics 86; history of 86; personal 105

brands 8, 523, 56, 8390, 925, 97100, 1026, 195, 199, 212, 231, 4056, 41213, 417, 462; architecture 878, 104, 340; CDs 405, 413; connection with consumers 93; corporate 85, 87, 95100, 104; display 85, 104; endorsed 88, 105; equity 84, 87, 93, 97, 1034; fit 92, 967, 99, 104; house 87, 104; house of 105; identity 901; loyalty 28, 51, 95; maintaining 93; master 105; Music 405; partnerships 7, 845, 95, 979, 411, 462; promise 889, 94; promoting and building 92; protecting 94; relationship strategy 1045; strong 845, 87, 8990, 923, 957, 199, 208; strong artist 90, 104

brick and mortar stores 55, 340, 413

broadband 295, 305

broadcast companies 264, 294

Broadcast Data System (BDS) 64, 745, 250, 2813, 285, 2878, 358

broadcasting stations 45, 60

budget 11314, 1556, 191, 203, 2978, 420, 430, 446, 452

build audience tab 233

burnout/burn 287, 291

business affairs 1545

business of radio 24968

buyers 340

BuzzAngle Music 3667

Call to Action (CTA) 37, 226, 236, 239

card price 171, 182

career, of artist 99, 103, 115, 176, 203, 293, 295, 399400

catalog 148, 151, 157, 166, 407, 454; albums 1468; sales 21, 143, 1469

causal design 80

cause marketing 84, 1001, 105

CDs, branded 413

chain stores 338, 340, 365

champagne, big 389

channels, artist’s 2389

charge records 178

chart position 116, 208

charts 5, 910, 11517, 253, 2557, 2612, 26972, 2768, 28090, 302, 3513, 3578, 367, 387, 393; album 9, 137, 357

classic product lifecycles 3789, 383

clippings 215

CMA see Country Music Association

Coalition of Independent Music Stores (CIMS) 413

co-branding 31, 94, 105, 114

coding 80

college marketing 127

commercial radio 250, 253, 264, 271, 280

competition-based pricing 26, 28, 37

computerized ordering process 340

conation 60

concert revenues 1314

construct 80

consumer behavior 412, 44, 46, 48, 50, 524, 56, 5860; decision processes of 22, 37; decision process of 56, 60; and purchasing decisions 53, 55; tracking 77, 79

consumers: advertising 455; advertising and 177; promotions 32; purchases 77, 300, 349, 396; relationship 52, 60; sweepstakes 401; young 134, 205, 462

contact lists 193

contemporary hit radio (CHR) 45, 257

content marketing 105

contextual advertising 443, 455

contract 154

contribution to overhead 172, 1789, 182, 1856

cookies 60

co-op advertising 341

cooperative advertising 455

corporate brands 85, 87, 95100, 104

corporate partnerships 84, 957, 387

corporate sponsorship 9

cost-based pricing 267, 37

cost of sales 172, 1756, 179, 181, 185, 187

cost-per-click (CPC) 432, 4445, 455

cost per point 449, 455

cost per thousand (CPM) 449, 455

costs, variable 27, 175

Country Music Association (CMA) 83

creative department 215

cross-promotion 413

crowdfunding 29

Cume 253, 259, 261, 266, 4478, 455

customer profile 105

custom research 64, 76, 80; firms 76

dashboards 371

data collection 667, 70, 72, 74, 77, 80, 349

dayparts 432, 452, 455

decision making process: cognitive vs. emotional 58; of consumer behavior 22, 37, 56, 60; high and low-involvement 567

decisions 224, 53, 567, 69, 176, 1945, 2523, 2623, 270, 297, 326, 328, 429, 431, 447

demographics 42, 44, 467, 92, 989, 151, 256, 258, 402, 432, 445; personal 60; segmentation 46

Department of Recording Industry 83

departments: accounting 1545; social media 164, 299

descriptive research 66, 80

design, causal 80

designated market areas (DMAs) 60, 347, 383

developing artists 153, 155, 157, 159, 285, 400

diffusion of innovations 22, 37, 416

digital aggregators 331

digital album sales 135, 184, 321, 366

digital distribution 33, 35, 3201, 391

digital download sales 135

digital music sales 2, 33, 70, 1378, 1745, 181, 331, 352, 358, 378, 460

digital revenues 325

direct-to-consumer outlets 144, 390, 397

discography 215

discount 27, 32, 52, 112, 1713, 182, 184, 314, 329, 3323, 341; adjusted sales number deducting 1745; and dating 341

display, branded 85, 104

distribution 341; center 129, 31415, 329, 340; channels 37; Companies Market Share 319; digital 33, 35, 3201, 391; fees 1736; Fees 173; function 31011, 31314, 359; royalty 1112; systems 34; Universal Music Group 311; values 326

distribution companies 163, 171, 309, 31416, 3267, 329, 342, 359

distributors 32, 345, 10910, 163, 1723, 310, 31417, 326, 3289, 3312, 33940, 342, 359, 368, 371

DMAs see designated market areas

do-it-yourself (DIY) 455

dollar value 134, 151

economies of scale 341

editing 71, 80

Electrical and Mechanical Industries (EMI) 151

electronic data interchange (EDI) 341

electronic press kit (EPK) 1945, 304

electronic superstores 341

end cap 330, 341

endorsements 105

entertainment industry 6, 29, 64, 74, 99, 153, 351, 458

European Article Numbering system (EAN) 37

exclusives 413

exploratory research 667, 69, 80

Facebook 74, 105, 2223, 22738, 2425, 289, 300, 3545, 391, 406, 4456; fan pages 227, 22933; insights 228; news feed algorithm 22931

fan base, artist 95, 242, 416

fans, aficionado 409

fill-in business 314, 341

floor designs 341

focus groups 67, 69, 80

formats 266, 396

Forrester Research 76, 190, 204, 304

free music 168, 420

gender 143

genre: of music 70, 151, 153, 1712, 201, 238, 264, 280, 285, 287, 297, 376, 383; trends 140

geographic regions 349, 396

geographic segmentation 44, 46, 60

geotargeting 455

Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) 396

good brand fit 92, 967, 99, 104

Google 235, 2445, 325, 331, 339, 4401, 443

grassroots marketing 110, 41518, 420, 4224, 426

gross digital units/albums 174

gross impressions 455

gross margin 172, 1756, 178, 334

gross physical sales 174

gross rating point (GRP) 4489, 452, 4556

gross sales 1723, 181, 185

gross streaming revenue 1745

guerilla marketing 41516, 4203, 426

HD radio 2645, 291

hedonic: defined 37; products 25; responses to music 25, 51

home market television stations 45, 347, 396

home page 221

house: branded 87, 104; of brands 88, 105

iHeartRadio 249, 265, 464

independent labels 147, 165, 167, 209, 265, 279, 289, 31112, 314, 31920

independent promoters (indies) 269, 2769, 2901

independent record labels 35

independent video promoters 3045

indie labels 117, 165, 167, 173, 203, 341

indie stores 341

industry concentration 149

industry numbers 1312, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152, 353

information: basic 66, 112, 206; new 667, 69; search 57; system 74, 180, 351

Instagram 105, 243, 4457

International Federation of Phonographic

Industries (IFPI) 75, 463

International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) 3501, 396

Internet 67, 434, 723, 767, 80, 1334, 165, 2001, 205, 265, 299, 3245, 41921, 45860, 4634; marketing 164, 219, 221, 339, 399; radio 217, 2645, 356, 368

inventory management 315, 3289, 3402

involvement 37, 60; level of 23, 559, 160

iTunes 356, 120, 125, 127, 1334, 159, 164, 222, 226, 289, 330, 332, 411, 462, 465

iTunes radio 265, 465

keywords 43, 193, 238, 240, 4423, 446, 4556

labels: distributors and 173, 331, 339, 342, 390; independent record 35; indie 117, 165, 167, 173, 203, 313, 341; major record 345, 159, 1656, 421; market share 143, 151; operations 1534, 156, 158, 160, 162, 164, 166, 168, 170; operations 1534, 156, 158, 160, 162, 164, 166, 168, 170; publicists 110, 162, 1912, 2068, 215; publicity department 192, 208; staffing 303; websites 195, 198, 206, 217, 219, 221, 299

lead time 215

licensing 126, 300

lifecycles 397; classic product 3789, 383

lifestyles 405; marketing 128

light rotation 266

list, contact 193, 203

listeners 75, 163, 177, 2501, 253, 2567, 259, 2616, 283, 324, 387, 393, 429, 431

listening 17, 25, 45, 60, 122, 2545, 259, 262, 267, 329, 339, 387, 390, 456, 459

listening stations 341

list price 182; suggested retail 171, 332

loose 341

loss leader pricing 37, 341

manufacturing cost 27, 180

margin 333, 341

market efficiencies 383

marketers 1920, 245, 37, 414, 4650, 535, 77, 80, 262, 264, 280, 284, 349, 356, 41518; browsers to buyers conversion 55; of recorded music 46, 259, 264; segment markets 41

marketing 1720, 25, 27, 37, 434, 83, 1634, 167, 181, 227, 314, 3423, 41617, 459, 4634; activities 32, 38, 116, 163, 399; ambush 423; cause 84, 1001, 105; charts 358; college 127; concepts and definitions 1718, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36, 38; costs 27, 43, 1768, 1812, 184; decisions 41, 43, 67, 422; department 110, 118, 163, 201, 282, 300, 303, 383, 406; effect 430; efforts 9, 18, 201, 424, 60, 88, 154, 189, 285, 315, 326, 339, 342, 383, 429; guerrilla 41516, 423; managers 252; messages 478, 421; mix 19, 21, 23, 37; nontraditional tools 422, 426; plan 10910, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 331; representatives 426; research 66, 80; research and personality 70; strategies 46, 74, 86, 11718, 166, 204, 327, 333, 378, 404; team 11920, 1956, 422; word-of-mouth 184, 41718

marketplace 1820, 22, 489, 114, 11618, 136, 1467, 153, 1734, 1801, 31012, 3323, 347, 3589, 390

market research 80; in music industry 634; types of 64

markets 1921, 234, 414, 501, 60, 6970, 127, 1334, 25962, 3467, 3835, 3956, 419, 4512, 4567; Atlanta 261, 452; best 365, 385; DMA 383; free 13; local 43; segment 44, 46; segmentation 4152, 54, 56, 5860; segments 44, 48, 53, 445; share 1434, 146, 149, 151, 318

markup 333, 341

mass merchants 342

master brand 879, 1056

media 84, 90, 93, 96, 104, 178, 18992, 194, 196, 199, 2012, 208, 215, 42932, 447; ads 440; fragmentation 455; options 429, 431, 433, 435, 437, 439, 441, 443, 445; planning 455; traditional 1912, 196, 200, 205, 4212; travel 178

MediaBase 75, 281, 2878

mediums 455

millennials 60; generation 523

min/max systems 342

MPEG 305

multiple revenue streams 9

multiple rights contract 305

music: artist 68, 92, 203, 226, 419; blues 442; bookers of 207, 209; branded 405; business 17, 1921, 65, 678, 836, 88, 90, 924, 96, 98, 100, 1678, 345, 3967, 459; buyers 177, 249; companies of 4, 9, 84, 143, 1478, 155, 174, 315, 399400, 405, 45961; conglomerates 144, 1512, 311; consumers 22, 166, 309, 329, 407; consumption 14, 18, 25, 136, 324, 464; distribution 30910, 312, 314, 316, 318, 320, 322, 324, 326, 328, 330, 332, 334, 338, 340; distributors 309, 338; fans 1718, 75, 95, 137, 139, 287, 295, 299300, 321; festival 945, 105, 403; formats 43, 257, 349, 396, 399; genre of 20, 70, 151, 153, 1712, 201, 238, 264, 280, 285, 287, 297, 376, 383; hedonic responses to 25, 51; history 200, 215; industry 2, 7, 15, 501, 634, 89, 956, 356, 439, 447, 451, 4578, 460, 462, 465; label 119, 269, 289; Latin 322; marketers 55, 257, 264, 463; marketing 314, 463; partnerships 84, 95, 1023; promoting 280, 305; publishing industry 11; purchases 18, 59, 115, 176, 320; retail environment 3267, 329; retailers 327, 329, 338, 340, 351, 413; retailing 30910, 312, 314, 316, 318, 320, 322, 324, 3268, 330, 332, 334, 338, 340, 342; Rock River 406; Sony 312, 315; subscription services 18, 265

Music Business Association 75, 327, 458

music connect 354, 356

musicians 26, 217, 223, 225, 238, 2445, 305, 391, 458, 461

music sales 2, 6, 8, 1415, 84, 135, 1389, 143, 191, 288, 315, 319, 325, 3389, 376, 379, 390, 391, 411; digital 33, 331; recorded 18, 25, 97, 133, 135, 271

music videos 9, 13, 103, 1945, 293300, 3026; feature 295; history of 294; popular 289; recordings 350, 396; products 74, 180, 351; sales 132, 3012; tracks sales of 74, 180, 351

NARM see National Association of Recording Merchandiser

Nashville Musicians Association 4601

National Association of Recording Merchandiser (NARM) 342

National Sales Summary Report 365

net generation 60

net sales 173, 175, 178

newsletters 2236, 235, 280

Next Big Sound (NBS) 289, 387, 462

Nielsen Audio 45, 47, 249, 2534, 256, 25962, 266, 273, 284

Nielsen Entertainment 351

Nielsen SoundScan 18, 74, 85, 351

nontraditional marketing tools 422, 426

non-traditional outlets 144

on-demand streaming 1367, 320, 329

one-stop 342

online media 164, 4212

online street team members 4212

online surveys 713, 92; tools 68

on-pack promotion 401

open rate 97, 105, 224, 435

opinion leaders 234, 41617, 421

outlets, non-traditional 105, 309, 349

out-of-home (OOH) advertising 456

overhead, contribution to 172, 1789, 182, 1845, 187

particular radio station 259, 266

partnerships 7, 10, 846, 959, 1034, 144, 164, 4023, 411, 462; corporate 95

payola 291

peer-to-peer (P2P) 151

personal demographics 60

personality segmentation 50

Pinterest 244

PLC see product life cycle

point-of-purchase (POP) 330, 342, 432

point-of-sale (POS) 328, 342, 351

popular music videos 289

popular songs 756, 266, 280

Portable People Meter 2601, 263

predictor equation 181

press 125; clippings 198; release 114, 189, 192, 194, 1968, 21415, 239

press kit 194, 215, 222; electronic 215

price 3334, 3412; card 171; consumer-based 37; fixing 38; and positioning 35; strategies 342

private label 413

problem definition 81

problem recognition 57

process, decision-making 22, 41, 57

producers 37, 1567, 160, 193, 195, 2078, 215, 238, 277, 461

product life cycle (PLC) 20, 24, 38, 378, 380, 383

products: actual 1745; categories 22, 46, 58, 88, 98, 100, 105; class 38; configuration 151; extensions 334, 405, 409; form 38; involvement 23, 56; label 273, 420; online 36, 38; positioning 38; purchasing 3278; sampling 105, 401, 431, 4356; usage 501, 99; usage segmentation 51

professional connections 169

profile: artist 92, 98, 243; artist brand 99, 104

profit and loss (P&L) statements 155, 171, 174, 181, 184, 187

program directors 111, 201, 2523, 257, 266, 269, 271, 2767

programmers 177, 252, 2579, 2623, 269, 272, 276, 278

project efficiency 179

project picture 1356, 353

promoter 7, 71, 269, 272, 275, 277, 279; independent video 3045

promotion 211, 269, 271; artist 1778; department 110, 163, 2778; record labels 269

psychographics 42, 44, 478, 432; segmentation 47, 60

publicist 162, 189, 1926, 199201, 203, 2067, 209, 213, 299, 304, 421; independent 192, 215; label vs. indie 192; tools of 192

publicity 111, 113, 117, 119, 162, 165, 168, 1768, 18992, 1946, 198204, 2068, 21015, 293, 303; department 110, 162, 189, 193, 203, 211, 289, 299, 454; plan 200202; strategy 203, 205

public service 211

publishing companies 1578, 312

pull strategy 38

purchase involvement 223, 56

purchasing decisions 41, 53, 55, 326, 328, 330

push strategy 38, 130

Q Factor 215

qualitative research 81

rack jobbers 314, 339, 342, 409

radio: activity 3545; advertising 436; airplay 6, 8, 74, 113, 163, 275, 277, 279, 328, 354, 356, 358, 366, 399, 419; audiences 75, 253, 256, 259, 277, 383; brands 51, 265; broadcasting companies 251; broadcasting industry 251; business of 24968; formats 2557, 278, 285, 287; industry 265; listening 2545, 260; markets 113, 256, 258, 282; programmers 75, 110, 163, 201, 211, 251, 261, 2713, 281, 299; promotion 31, 113, 163, 176, 210, 26971, 279, 282, 303, 395; promotion staffs 163, 299; single and marketing plan 165; stations 745, 163, 177, 249, 2513, 259, 2616, 271, 273, 275, 2779, 2813, 287, 291, 463

Radiohead 31

rating 206, 238, 25961, 393, 4489, 4556

rating point 456

ratings research 249, 259, 261

record business 335, 745, 177

record companies 155, 181

recorded music 1819, 25, 27, 29, 845, 250, 253, 257, 259, 264, 269, 271, 277, 2889, 4589; projects 191, 210, 215, 284, 295, 299; sale of 14; sales 18, 25, 97, 133, 135, 271; selling 17, 33, 103

recordings 267, 36, 1568, 1601, 1667, 2513, 257, 266, 271, 2758, 291, 2934, 2967, 299300, 45860; artists 20, 158, 191, 208, 289, 421, 463; costs 8, 27, 1756, 181, 184; industry 76, 250, 41718, 42930, 432, 434, 436, 438, 440, 442, 444, 446, 448, 450, 458

record labels 345, 159, 1656, 421; business model 27; finances 1712, 174, 176, 178, 180, 182, 184, 186, 188; marketers 19, 213; survival 1, 8

record promoters 266, 271, 273, 2756

record promotion 210, 266, 271, 2734, 277, 295

record sales 3, 1112, 15, 74, 76, 97, 147, 153, 177, 200, 271, 340, 376, 405

recurrents 291

relationships, consumer 52, 60

reliability 65, 81

rental culture 457, 4613

repertoire 20, 153, 155, 157, 15960

replacement cycle 151

reporting stations 2723, 288

research, Ratings 249, 259, 261

research design 64, 667, 70, 801

research process 657, 69, 71, 73, 80

research questions 69, 801

respondents 703, 80, 465

retail accounts 110, 112

retailers 28, 312, 346, 115, 1634, 172, 30910, 31415, 32730, 3324, 3389, 3412, 351, 4056, 413; music supply to 314

retail exclusives 409

retail inventories 17

retail prices 26, 37, 134, 172, 341

retail stores, traditional 131

return on investment (ROI) 429, 456

returns 342

returns reserve opp 174

revenue: concert 1314; digital 325; streams 1, 79, 165

ReverbNation 194, 245, 332, 391

rich media advertising 456

road blocking 433, 456

Rock River Music 406

rotation 291; heavy 266

royalty distribution 1112

run-of-schedule (ROS) 432, 456

sale of music 191, 325, 3389, 391

sales 121, 134, 149, 151, 300, 339; book 161, 31617, 342; of CD singles 132, 134; charts 140, 209, 281, 350, 363, 377; cost of 172, 1756, 179, 181, 183, 186; cumulative 3945; data 74, 133, 177, 180, 315, 320, 3502, 356, 387, 390, 393; departments 1634, 454; digital download 135; figures 76, 85, 184, 299; forecast 342; gross 1723, 181; identifying source of 349, 396; information 314, 351; level 21; manager 252; music video 132, 3012; numbers 24, 64, 173; patterns 378, 3812; process 316, 342; product 20, 38; promotion 31, 271; source 74, 351; success 86, 104, 378; trends 74, 131, 133, 135, 137, 139, 148, 376, 378, 383; vinyl 3201

sample labels 31112

satellite radio 74, 250, 2634, 27980

Satellite Radio Promotion 279

search engine advertising 456

secondary research 67, 81

segmentation 423, 46, 48, 51, 455; behavioral 60; geographic 44, 46, 60

segments 6, 424, 468, 523, 60, 89, 259, 406, 419, 431, 436, 455; markets 44, 46

selling markets 384, 419

selling recorded music 17, 33, 103

sell-through 342

share 267

share video 237

showrooming 36, 38

shrinkage 342

shrinking retail inventories 17, 36

single focus group 67, 69

singles chart 283, 358

slug 215

sniping 420, 426

social media 164, 21718, 220, 222, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242, 244; marketing 31, 347; sites 221, 237, 239, 391, 421

solicitation 342

song, sales 366, 3689, 375

songs: downloaded 4; featured 121, 123; popular 756, 266, 280

Sony Music Group (SMG) 152

SoundExchange 174, 331

soundie 305

sound recordings 1, 3, 68, 10, 1415, 175, 305, 350, 396, 406

SoundScan 180, 350, 352, 358, 396; marketing reports 3589, 361, 363, 365; sales trends and configurations 135

soundtracks 10, 50, 119, 131, 320, 4079

source tagging 342

spins 65, 279, 2823, 285, 291

sponsorships 945, 105, 114, 399400, 4024, 406, 408, 410, 412

statement, profit and loss 174, 181, 1846

stations: broadcasting 45, 60; home market television 45, 347, 396; particular radio 259, 266; reporting 2723, 288; terrestrial radio 2645, 463

Stock-Keeping Unit (SKU) 130

store types 396

streaming 136, 289, 3536; on-demand 1367, 320, 329

streaming equivalent albums (SEA) 8, 1357, 140, 152, 181, 321, 3523, 396

streaming revenue, gross 1745, 1857

street date 11415, 136, 1546, 162, 2012, 314, 31617, 380, 411, 454

street teams 418, 426

strong artist brands 90, 104

sub-brands 89, 106

suggested retail list price (SRLP) 171, 3323, 335

super fans 218

survey research 68, 81

SWOT analysis 11719

syndicated research 64, 745, 81

talent bookers 215

talk-entertainment shows 208

targeted rating points (TRP) 449, 456

target market 53, 60, 69, 106

television 10, 96, 98, 1778, 190, 192, 194, 2089, 2936, 299300, 3045, 42933, 4512, 4546, 4623

television appearances 190, 207, 209

terrestrial radio 269, 276, 291, 463; stations 2645, 463

theft protection 342 360

deal 9

ticket sales 13, 15, 97, 289

timeline 316

time spent listening 259, 267

topspin 169, 2212, 390

tour sponsorships 399404, 406, 408, 410, 41213

tour support 399400, 402, 404, 406, 408, 410, 412

track equivalent albums (TEA) 152, 396

tracking consumer behavior 77, 79

track music popularity 270

trade 130, 291; advertising 117, 130, 450, 456; advertising 117, 130, 450, 456; publication 456; publicity 117

tribes, concept of 217

Twitter 237, 23942; home page 2401, 2478

UMG, see Universal Music Group

units shipped 152

Universal Music Group (UMG) 152

universal product code (UPC) 35, 378, 328, 343, 34951, 396

UPC see Universal product codes

user status 512, 60

value-adds 413

value of branding 836, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106

variable costs 27, 175, 182

vehicles 456

vertical integration 34, 31213, 343

video bloggers 426

video deejay 294, 305

video pools 3035

video production 1778, 293

videos, product placement in 103

video streaming 302, 352

viral marketing 190, 293, 300, 420, 426, 460

visual records 305

Wal-Mart action alley 85

Warner, Elektra, Atlantic (WEA) 152

web analytics 61

web data mining 61

WIIFM principle 224 207

word-of-mouth marketing 184, 41618

Year-End Music Industry Report 320

Year-To-Date (YTD) sales 3589, 363

YouTube 10, 13, 94, 164, 200, 208, 220, 2359, 289, 2956, 298, 302, 325, 331, 339

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