
* (asterisks), 4

@ (at signs), 524

< > (angle brackets), 224, 233

‘ (apostrophes), 39, 183, 186

! (exclamation marks) on yellow triangle icon, 473

- (hyphens) on Font menu, 237

“ (left double quotes), 39, 50, 183

‘ (left single quotes), 39, 50

+ (plus signs), 146, 301–302, 311

? (question marks), 473

“ (quotation marks). See quotation marks (“)

” (right double quotes), 39, 50, 183

’ (right single quotes), 39, 50

[ ] (square brackets), 85, 224, 257

~ (tildes), 202

0 setline-width strokes, 343

1.1.1-style lists, 297

2-position rollovers, 719–720

2-sided printing, 671

3D Ribbon path text option, 445, 446

5%-4000% views, 63


above line frames, 423. See also inline frames

above line objects, 429, 430

Absolute Colorimetric rendering intent, 631

absolute page numbering, 36, 646

absolute positioning, 576

accepting changes, 197

accessibility, 502–503, 523

accuracy of screen color. See color management

accursed files, 75

Acrobat. See Adobe Acrobat; PDF graphics and files

Acrobat layers, 736

actions for buttons, 716–718, 720

activated TOCs and indexes, 504

active publication windows, 8

ActiveWorkspace.xml file, 35

Actual Size 100% view, 63

AD, in text variables, 165

Add button (dictionaries), 202

Add Objects to Visible State button, 722

Add Page button, 82, 95

Add Pages To pop-up menu, 41

Add path operation, 338, 339

Add Point tool, 17, 18, 21

Add to Autocorrect List dialog box, 204

Add Untagged Items command, 534

Added Text option, 53

AddGuides example script, 114, 694

AddPoints example script, 694

Adjust Dashes command, 347–348

Adjust Gaps command, 347–348, 352

Adjust Scaling Percentage option, 37, 571, 572, 582

Adjust Spacing Automatically... option, 40–41

Adjust View Settings preferences settings, 55–56

adjusting layouts, 99, 101–104

AdjustLayout example script, 694

Adobe Acrobat

Acrobat layers, 736

compatibility of PDF files, 501

Portable Document Format. See PDF graphics and files

transparency and, 361

Adobe Bridge

launching, 4

metadata from, 176, 487, 10490

Mini Bridge, 6

revealing linked files in, 479

snippets in, 516

Adobe CMS system, 631

Adobe Connect, 735

Adobe Corporation, notes for, 433

Adobe Creative Suite, 486

Adobe Digital Editions, 522–523

Adobe Dreamweaver, 518

Adobe GoLive, 517

Adobe Illustrator. See Illustrator graphics

Adobe In-RIP trapping option, 655

Adobe InCopy, 197, 199–200, 214

Adobe InDesign Breakthroughs, 435

Adobe InDesign CS5 Scripting Guide and Tutorial, 693, 699

Adobe Media Encoder, 723

Adobe Paragraph Composer, 264, 284, 289

Adobe PDF Preset pop-up menu (export styles), 500

Adobe PDF Presets dialog box, 513–515

Adobe PDF Print Engine, 361, 644, 661, 674

Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop graphics

Adobe RGB color model, 627, 628

Adobe Single Line Composer, 284

Adobe Version Cue, 479

Advanced pane (Print dialog box), 662–664

Advanced Type Preferences dialog box, 41–42

After Entry page number option, 548

agates, 16

AI files. See Illustrator graphics

AICB setting (Illustrator), 456

AIF or AIFF files, 723

alert icon, 219, 220, 473

aliasing spot colors, 621

Align Away from Spine option, 264

Align options, path text, 448

Align panel, 11, 593–594

Align Stroke... options, 344

Align to Baseline Grid button, 273

Align To Character tab stops, 269

Align Towards Spine option, 264

aligning objects

above-line objects, 429, 430

captions, 453

frame contents, 486

Gap tool, 20, 595–597

grids of objects, 592–593

multi-state objects, 721

overview, 593–594

Smart Guides, 117–119

aligning strokes, 344

aligning Tabs panel, 269

aligning text

to baseline grid, 272–275

captions, 453

custom baseline grids, 273

optical margin alignment, 318–320

paragraph formatting, 264

path text, 448

tabs and tab stops, 267–272

alignment buttons, Paragraph panel, 264

Alignment option, 486

AlignToPage example script, 694

all caps formatting, 250–251

All Pages field, 645

All Printer’s Marks option, 651

Allow Fast Saves option (Word), 185

Allow Graphics and Groups to Resize option, 103

Allow Object-Level Display Settings feature, 466

Allow Pages to Shuffle feature, 84–86

Allow Ruler Guides to Move option, 103

Allow Selected Spread to Shuffle option, 84–86

Allow Split Footnotes option, 208, 209

Alpha Channel import option, 467

alpha channels, 467, 493–494

alpha index heads, 564


cross-references, 558

index entries, 554

table of contents entries, 548–549

Alternates for Selection command, 158

alternating colors or patterns in tables, 409–410

Alternating Pattern menu, 410

Always Subset Fonts... option, 36

anchor markers, 424, 434–435

anchor points. See points

anchored boxes. See inline frames

Anchored Object Options dialog box, 430

anchored objects. See also inline frames

anchor markers, 424, 434–435

characteristics of, 422–424

creating, 430–435

drop caps, 435–436

hanging side heads, 436–437

locking position, 434

positioning, 431–434

Reference Point proxies, 432

removing, 429–430

selecting, 429–430

unanchoring, 429–430

wrapping text around, 435

anchors. See anchored objects; cross references; destinations (hyperlinks)

ancient typographers. See also Blatner, David; Bringhurst, Bob; Kvern, Olav Martin

0 setline-width and, 343

admiration of tables, 387

Block cursors, horrible memories of, 55

heavy sighing of, 422

late nights and, 235, 320

orphans and widows as banes of existence for, 290

remembering the days before color separation previews, 671

typesetting purists, vs. typesetting realists, 288–289

angle brackets (< >), 224, 233


drop shadows, 368

feathering, 375

halftone screens, 655–657

Animate pop-up menu, 729–730


Animation panel settings, 728–730

AnimationEncyclopedia example script, 694

audio and video, 723–727

buttons and, 718, 730

complex, 730

customizing, 730

delaying, 731

exporting to Flash files, 739

fades, 730

Flash Professional, 732

hiding or showing objects, 730

importing presets, 732

looping, 732

motion presets, 728, 732

multiple objects, 730

order of, 731

overview, 727–728

in PDF files, 732

playing multiple effects at once, 731

previewing, 734–735

printing animated objects, 729

speed, 728

Timing panel, 729, 731–732

transparency and, 730

Animation action, 718

Animation panel, 728–730

AnimationEncyclopedia example script, 694

ANSI encoding, 233

anti-aliasing, 54, 57, 465, 496

apologies by authors, 279

apostrophes (‘), 39, 183, 186

Appearance of Black Preferences dialog box, 58–59

Appearance Only option, 737

Appearance pop-up menu, 210

Apple ColorSync system, 624

Apple iTunes, 723


example scripts, 700

overview, 691–692

.applescript files, 692

Application Bar, 3, 4, 5

Application Built-In trapping option, 655

application defaults, 62

Application Frame option, 2

application-level preferences, 35–36

Apply Color button, 18, 27

Apply Gradient button, 18, 27, 355

Apply Leading to Entire Paragraphs option, 40, 240

Apply Master dialog box, 99

Apply Master to Pages command, 99

Apply None button, 18, 27

Apply Photoshop Clipping Path option, 466–467, 469

Apply Style to Selection option, 304

Apply to Content option, 37, 571, 572

Arabic numerals, 90, 92

arithmetic in panel and dialog box fields, 16

Arrange Document pop-up menu, 4

arranging objects

aligning objects, 593–594, 694

contents of frames, 486

distributing objects, 594–597

distributing table rows or columns, 393

pages in spreads, 83–86

path operations, 338

arrays of objects (Grid Mode), 592–593

arrow keys, 46, 578

arrowheads, 346–347

arrows on tool icons, 18

art boards in PDF or Illustrator files, 469–470

Artifact tag, 503, 534

AS files, 692

ascenders in path text, 446, 448

Ascent baseline option, 139–140, 426

ASCII encoding, 233

ASCII files, exporting, 498

ASE files, 607

Asian fonts, embedding, 510

Assign Profiles dialog box, 632, 633

asterisks (*), 4

atomic regions, rasterizing, 679


finding and replacing in objects, 133–134

formatting, 218–221, 222

Attributes panel, 11

AU files, 723

audio files

button actions for, 717

converting to importable formats, 723

embedding in PDF files, 504, 706

exporting interactive documents, 737

exporting to Flash files, 739

importing and playing, 723

Media panel options, 726–727

posters, 726–727

previewing, 734–735

streaming audio, 725

Author metadata, 452

authors, bewildered, 598

Auto-Collapse Icon Panels option, 38

Auto-Fit option, 485

Auto Justified Tiling option, 650

Auto leading, 241, 289, 426, 427

Auto Page Number command, 92

Auto Refresh Highlight option, 680

Auto-Show Hidden Panels option, 38

Autocorrect feature, 51–52, 170, 203–204

Autocorrect Preferences dialog box, 51–52

autoflow text flow, 68, 152, 153

Autoflow text place icon, 68

Automatic Document Conversion option, 538

automatic kerning, 244–246

automatic page numbering, 92–93, 539, 542–543

automatic text flow, 68, 152, 153

Automatic Tiling option, 650

automatic trapping methods, 622–623

Automatically Adjust to Fit Marks and Bleeds option, 670

Automatically Use Correct Optical Size option, 40, 472

autorenumbering, 539

Available document status icons, 539–540

Average Downsample option, 506

AVI files, 723, 725


background color. See transparency

Background Tasks panel, 27

backing up workspace files, 35

backslashes, 224, 225

backward compatibility with InDesign CS3 and 4, 515

bafflement, layout changes and, 103

Balance Columns option, 139

Balance Ragged Lines option, 289–290

bandages, ancient page layout and, 17

base colors, 619

Based on Master pop-up menu, 97

baseline grid

aligning paragraphs to, 272–275

custom baseline grids, 273

exporting PDF files, 504

hiding and displaying, 110, 119

overview, 47

printing, 647

Snap to Guides command, 119

Baseline Grid preferences settings, 47

baseline JPEG images, 495

Baseline Shift field, 47

baselines of text

aligning path text, 446, 448

baseline shift, 42, 248–249, 255–256

first baseline position in frames, 139–141

inline frames in first line of text, 427–429

leading and, 240–241

Basic Feather effect, 372–373

Basic Graphics Frame object style, 440

Basic Paragraph style, 307–308

basic shapes, drawing, 322–323

Basic Text Frame object style, 440

battleship Nadesico, 355

BBEdit, 232

BC, in text variables, 165

BCE, in text variables, 165

Before Entry page number option, 548

behaviors of buttons, 716–718

Bermuda Triangle of page layout, 377

Between Entry and Page Number option, 548

between tags, finding text that is, 226, 229

Bevel effect, 371, 372

Beveled Join option, 345

Bezier paths, 323–324, 328–332

Bi-directional links, 474

bi-level images (monochrome), 464, 506, 659

Bicubic Downsample option, 506

BIG5 encoding, 233

binary files, 498

bitmap graphics

choices for file formats, 460

compression options, 505–507

display performance settings, 56

importing, 466–468

OPI replacement, 662–663

print settings, 658–660

raster images, 461–462

strengths and weaknesses of, 461–462

transparency and, 678

black and white art, 464, 506, 507, 659, 678

black background with white text, 247

black inks. See also inks

Appearance of Black preferences, 58–59

black point compensation setting, 632

managing color, 626

matching ink color on screen, 58–59, 635–636

overprinting, 59, 673

rich blacks, 58–59

black point compensation setting, 632

blank lines in imported data files, 528

blank pages, printing, 647

blank space between printed pages, 648

Blatner, David

“Blatner” as common household word, 201

cross references and tiny hearts, 177

difficulties with pronunciation, 629

distracting grids and, 120

drawing abilities of, 337

dreams about formatting and organizational goodness, 700

as driven batty by Smart Guides, 119

fondness for 16-point Georgia, 195

geometric art obsession, 702

idiosyncratic bookmarking behavior, 715

indexer’s eternal affection towards, 552

left-leaning yet flattening-far-right tendencies of, 678

love for eBooks, 521

as middle-of-the-road guy, 55

next-odd-page madness and, 543

as not getting out enough, 700

old style numeral disagreements with Ole, 260

other books by, 435, 464, 624

preferences for cubits, 45

as “select-challenged,” 107

side head self-experimentation and, 436

strong stomach of, save for runts, 286

tab tzarism of, 268

as taking “the hard way” because he can, 435

troubles with tables, 385

unsatisfied expectations for ragged lines, 289

as young pup publisher long ago, 705

Bleed Between Pages option, 668–670

Bleed fields (EPS exports), 498

bleed marks, 651, 666

Bleed Marks option, 651

Bleed setting, 653


bleed areas, 71–72

bleed marks, 651, 666

booklets, 668–670

cropping PDF files to, 470

facing pages and, 86

JPEG exports, 496

print settings, 653

blending modes, 363–364, 376

blends (gradient fills). See gradients and gradient fills

blindness, overuse of effects and, 367

blinking cursors, 55, 196

Bloat effect, 695

Block cursor

achieving the DOS look, 196

horrible memories of, 55

blue-green highlights, kerning and tracking, 44


On Blur events, 716

drop shadows, 369, 370

text, 375–376

blurry animated objects, 729

BMPs. See bitmap graphics

bold type, 243

book covers, 81, 89

Book Page Numbering Options dialog box, 543

Book panel, 536, 539–540, 541. See also books

Booklet Type pop-up menu, 668

booklets, 667–671

bookmarks in PDF files, 504, 714–715

Bookmarks panel, 714–715


adding documents to, 537–538

Book panel, 536, 538

chapter numbering in, 543–544, 546

converting from previous versions, 538

creating, 536

document status icons, 539–540

editing documents in, 539

EPUB files, 545

exporting as PDF files, 545

exporting for Web sites, 517–523

finding text in multiple documents, 214

generating indexes for, 562–566

managing document revisions, 538, 539

master documents, 541

moving documents in, 537

networked workgroup document management, 540–541

organizing documents in, 537

overview, 536

page numbering in, 536, 539, 542–543

printing, 544–545

removing documents from, 538

renumbering pages in, 536, 539

section numbering in, 543

synchronizing documents, 536, 541–542

tables of contents. See tables of contents

tips and guidelines for, 538–539

updating chapter numbers, 543–544


around cells, 402–404

around paragraphs, 399, 400

around table cells, 401–404

around tables, 409

Bottom vertical justification method, 142, 143

bounding boxes

cropping PDF files to, 470

exporting EPS graphics with, 498

wrapping text around, 419


around cells, 402–404

around paragraphs, 399, 400

displaying graphics as, 465

printing graphics as, 660

braces ({ }), 225

brackets, angle (< >), 233

brackets, square ( [ ] ), 85, 225, 257

Break Link to Style command, 441

BreakFrame example script, 694

breaking links

to files, 472–473

between text and style definitions, 305, 441

between text frames, 149, 150, 151


column breaks, 42, 290–292

entering, 156

inserting special characters, 155–156

page breaks, 42, 184, 290–292

preventing line breaks in text, 256

Brecht, Bertolt, 159


launching, 4

metadata from, 487, 488

Mini Bridge, 6

revealing linked files in, 479

snippets in, 516

Bring Forward command, 122

Bring to Front command, 120–122

Bringhurst, Bob

“Bringhurst” as common household word, 201

pushing and pulling gap conundrums, 597

strong stomach of, save for runts, 286

tab tzarism of, 268

Broback, Steve, 62

brochures, 668–669

Brown, Russell, 363


browser-safe colors, 628

previewing interactive documents in, 734

bubble sort algorithm example script, 696

bugs, updating merged data and, 530


indexes, 562–566

tables of contents, 550

built-in presets. See presets

bullets and bulleted lists

applying bullets, 293–295

converting bullets to normal text, 300

default characters, 294–295

exporting to XHTML, 518

finding glyphs, 228–230

formatting bullet characters, 293

hanging indent formatting, 266–267

lurking invisible fonts and, 262

named lists, 297–300

overview, 292–293

paragraph styles and, 300

positioning bullets, 293

removing bullets, 300

Bullets and Numbering dialog box, 292–300

Bunting, Fred, 624

Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 159

business cards, 81

Butt cap option, 345


animation and, 730

Buttons panel, 716, 717

descriptions, 721

exported to Flash files, 739

exporting interactive documents, 737

hidden, 720

multi-state objects, 722

non-printing, 721

PDF or SWF file usage, 504, 715–721

previewing, 734–735

rollovers and states, 719–720

slide show navigation, 722

SWF file usage, 737–738

tooltips for, 721

video navigation points, 726

Buttons And Media option, 737

Buttons panel, 716, 717

Buzzword files, 189


C, C#, C++, etc., 693

c shortcut, 451

calibrating devices, 624, 625

Cap Height option, 139–140, 426

Cap options, 344

capitalized words. See also case of characters

autocorrecting capitalization errors, 203–204

hyphenation, 286

index entries, 561

capitals. See case of characters

Caption Setup dialog box, 451


creating and updating, 451–454

exporting to HTML, 518

metadata, 452, 488

static, 453–454

text variables, 162, 164, 174–177

troubleshooting, 454

carriage returns

as defining paragraphs, 262

importing text-only files containing, 185, 186

leading and, 242

removing with GREP methods, 229

showing hidden characters, 192

space before and after as alternatives to, 272

Cascade command, 8

case of characters. See also capitalized words

all caps formatting, 250–251

case sensitivity in find and change options, 214

changing, 251–252

character formatting, 251–252

small caps formatting, 42, 247, 250–251, 258

text variable numbering, 164

tracking and, 247

Case Sensitive option, 214

catalogs of images, 695

caterpillars, transformation and, 598

Caution icon, 473

cave-dwelling EDLIN-using uncles, 232

CCITT compression, 506

CE, in text variables, 165

Cell Alignment setting, 187

Cell Options dialog box, 395, 401–405

Cell Proxy, 403, 404

Cell Range setting, 187

cell styles, 411–416

Cell Styles panel, 414

cells in tables

border strokes, 401–404

Cell Proxy, 403, 404

creating styles, 411–416

defined, 383, 384

diagonal lines, 407–408

entering tab characters, 388

fills or strokes, 401–410

gradients, 406–407

graphics in cells, 388, 390

height of cells, 387, 394–395

importing cell styles, 416

including cell styles in table styles, 412

merging, 398–399

overriding cell styles, 415

overset text, 386

rotating, 399, 400

selecting cells, 387–388

selecting text in cells, 389

splitting, 399

width of cells, 387

Center Content command, 484, 485

Center in Frame option, 529

center-justified paragraph alignment, 264

center of rotation, 23

center of transformation, 568–569, 573

center points of gradients, 355, 357

Center vertical justification method, 142, 143

centered paragraph alignment, 264

centered tab stops, 268–269

centerfolds, 81

centering contents in frames, 484, 485

Change All button, 200–201, 217

Change Bars option, 54

Change button, 200, 217

Change Case command, 251–252

Change Case option (text variables), 164

Change/Find button, 217

Change Format Settings dialog box, 218

Change Object Format Options dialog box, 133–134

Change To field, 217

change tracking. See tracking changes

Chapter Number text variable, 161, 164

chapter numbering in books, 161, 164, 543–544, 546

character combinations (ligatures), 157, 212, 255, 257, 258

character encoding

in tagged text, 233

in XML files, 533

character formatting. See also paragraph formatting

all caps formatting, 250–251

applying to all characters, 263

baseline shift, 248–249

case of characters, 251–252

Character panel, 11, 237

Control panel, 237

copying with Eyedropper tool, 24, 25

filling characters, 262, 263

font selection, 237–239

fractions, 257–258

horizontal scaling, 248

kerning, 244–246

language assignment, 249–250

leading. See leading

ligatures, 255, 258

line breaks, preventing, 256

numerals, 258, 260–261

OpenType fonts and, 256–261

outlining, 262, 263

overview, 237

point size, 239–240

removing underlines for spaces, 252

skewing, 249, 250

small caps formatting, 42, 247, 250–251

strikethrough formatting, 254–255

stroking characters, 262, 263

styles. See character styles

superscript and subscript, 42, 255–256, 259–260

swash characters, 258

titling characters, 258

tracking, 246–248

underlining, 252–253

vertical scaling, 248

Character panel, 11, 237. See also character formatting

character sets, 185, 224

Character Settings preferences settings, 41–42

Character Style option, 206

character styles

applying to text, 305–306

basing on example text, 303–304

basing on existing styles, 314–315

bulleted lists, 293

changing fonts in, 262

Character Styles panel, 11, 303, 317

compared to QuarkXPress character styles, 304

copying from other publications, 317–318

creating, 303–304, 694

deleting attributes of, 305

deleting styles, 307

deleting text with specified styles, 222

drop cap styles, 277

editing, 306

formatting attributes and, 304

hyperlinks, 708, 711

index styles, 565

interaction with paragraph styles, 309, 310

nested styles, 276–283

numbered lists, 296

overview, 302–303

parent-child style relationships, 314–315

Quick Apply feature, 448–451

redefining, 306–307

removing from text, 305, 309, 310

resetting to base styles, 315

saving in libraries, 318

style groups, 315–317

synchronizing in book documents, 541–542

table of contents styles, 548

tagged text and, 188

Character Styles panel, 11, 303, 317. See also character styles

characterizing devices, 624, 625


applying colors to, 618

bullets, 293–295

converting text to outlines, 420–422, 679

escaping, 225

finding and replacing. See finding and replacing

formatting. See character formatting

hidden, 192

highlighting substituted glyphs, 43

importing text-only files, 185

inline frames as, 424

leading. See leading

nested style metacharacters, 278

special or symbol. See special characters

styles. See character styles

subsets of, in fonts, 36

tab leaders, 271–272

tables of contents leaders, 548

transparency flattener and, 679

Unicode values, 27

wildcard metacharacters, 216

charts, 187

Chavez, Conrad, 464, 624

cheating software, 361

Check In and Check Out command, 479

Check Links Before Opening Document option, 60, 480

Check Spelling panel, 11, 200–204. See also checking spelling

checkerboard page icons, 675

checking links, 60, 480

checking spelling

adding words to dictionary, 201–202, 203

autocorrecting errors, 203–204

Check Spelling panel, 11, 200–204

deleted text, 54

dictionary options, 49–51

dynamic spelling, 51, 203, 204

hyphenation points, 202

including note text, 52

language and character formatting, 249–250

preferences, 51–52

removing words from dictionary, 203–204

child master spreads, 97, 98

Chinese history and printing, 641

Chinese text, 42

Choke option in feathering, 372

cicero override abbreviation, 16

Cicero, placing orations by, 160


drawing, 22

red, with question mark icon, 473

cleaning up imported files, 185–186

Clear Attributes Not Defined by Style button or command, 441

Clear Overrides command, 415

clearing overrides

layer visibility and, 471, 490

local text formatting, 309, 310, 700

master page items and, 101

object formatting, 440–441

paragraph style scripts, 700

table formatting, 415

Clip Complex Regions option, 679

Clipboard, 61, 221

Clipboard Preferences dialog box, 61

clipping movie frames, 727

Clipping Path dialog box, 491–492

clipping paths

applying to imported graphics, 466–467

compared to transparency, 491

converting to frames, 494

creating, 492–494

flattening methods, 674

importing EPS graphics containing, 469

overview, 490–491

path operations compared to, 338

removing, 494

selecting, 491–492

close (>) angle brackets, 233

close boxes and buttons, 3, 4

Close Path button, 340

closed paths, 331–332, 337, 340


open paths, 331–332

panels, 10

windows, 4, 9

CMYK color model. See also color management; color models

choosing color models, 601–602, 617

CMYK working space, 628–629, 632

color management policies, 630

color management settings, 627

composites and separations, 653–654

converting EPS images to, 497

converting RGB images to, 508

cross-rendering, 638

EPS files, 497, 640

JPEG files, 496

PDF, PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3, and PDF/X-4 files, 500, 638–640

Preserve CMYK Numbers option, 635, 637–638

presets, 627

Coated GRACoL setting, 629

coated papers, 625, 632

collaboration tools in networked workgroups, 540–541

Collapse All Footnotes command, 195


footnotes, 195

layer display, 125

notes, 199

panels, 10

Collate option, 645



Apply Color button, 18, 27

basic techniques, 618–619

behind paragraphs, 380–381

to cell borders, 403

to drop shadows, 368

to fills, 353–355, 603

to gaps in patterned strokes, 347, 348

to images, 618–619

to imported graphics, 494, 618–619

to objects or text, 27, 618–619

to page thumbnails, 80–81

to strokes, 603

in tables, 401–410

checking in Preflight, 684

color gamuts, 600, 607, 617, 631–632

color models. See color models; names of specific color models (RGB, CMYK, etc.)

Color panel. See Color panel

color separations. See color separations

color spectrum, 600

composite color, 653–654

compressed ranges of, 635–636

copying with Eyedropper tool, 24, 25

finding and replacing in objects, 133–134

gradients. See gradients and gradient fills

image resolution and, 505

ink list, 601

Ink Manager. See Ink Manager

of interface elements

change bars, 54

change tracking markups, 184–185

composition problem highlights, 42–44

conditional text, 210

dynamic spelling, 51, 203, 204

grids, 47

guides, 48, 115–116

layers, 124, 127–128

menu items, 33

notes, 52

Story Editor window, 54, 195–196

text changes, 53

Kuler panel, 619

matching. See color management

mixed ink swatches, 610–613

named colors, 600–601

printed samples of, 625–626

printing. See printing

process colors. See process colors

profiles. See color profiles

proofs and proofing, 625–626, 634–636, 658–659

sets of, 619–620

spot colors. See spot colors

swatch libraries, 606

Swatches panel, 11, 603–607

synchronizing in book documents, 541–542

tints, 380–381, 602, 607, 608, 615, 656

transparency. See transparency

trapping. See trapping

unnamed colors, 600–601, 605, 615

visual perception, 600

color bars, 617, 652, 667

Color Burn transparency blending mode, 364

color composites, 653–654. See also color management

Color Conversion pop-up menu, 638

Color Dodge transparency blending mode, 364

color gamuts, 600, 607, 617, 631–632

Color Handling pop-up menu, 636–637

Color Label command, 80–81

color management. See also color profiles

additional resources for, 624

advanced settings, 631–632

bitmapped images and, 467–468

black inks, 58–59, 635–636

black point compensation setting, 632

color gamuts, 600, 607, 617, 631–632

compressed dynamic color range, 635–636

determining need for, 624–625

document profiles, 632–633

engines, 631

EPS graphics and, 497, 640

gnawing off legs and, 627

imported images and, 633–634

in-RIP trapping, 655

matching ink color on screen, 58–59, 635–636

monitor guidelines, 625

optimizing environment for viewing color, 625

out-of-gamut colors, 607, 617, 631–632

overview, 623–624, 626

paper color, matching, 635–636

PDF, PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3, and PDF/X-4 files and, 471, 500, 508, 638–640

policies, 629–630

presets, 626–628

printed color samples, 625–626

printing, 636–638

proofing, 625–626, 634–636

rendering intents, 631–632

saving custom settings, 628

soft-proofing, 634–636

SWF files and, 738

synchronizing among Suite applications, 626

transparency blending modes and, 363–364, 676

working spaces, 628–629, 632–633

Color Management pane (Print dialog box), 636–638, 662

Color Management Policies settings, 629–630

color models

Adobe RGB, 627, 628

choosing, 601–602

CMYK. See CMYK color model

conversion errors between models, 602

LAB, 601, 617

RGB. See RGB color model

Color panel

applying fills, 354

fill and stroke selectors, 602

overview, 616–617

shortcuts, 11, 616–617

Color Picker, 617–618

Color pop-up menu, 210, 653

color printers, 626. See also color management

color profiles

applying to imported images, 633–634

changing for single documents, 632–633

CMYK profiles, 628–629

color management policies, 629–630

converting colors to new profiles, 632–633

default profiles, 628

device profiles, 623, 628

embedded profiles, 496, 633–634

exporting PDF files, 509, 638–640

ICC profiles, 509

output profiles, 509, 636–638

RGB profiles, 628–629

soft-proofing, 634–636

source and target profiles, 636–638

transparency and, 676

working spaces, 628–629, 632–633

color separations

color management. See color management

halftone screen settings, 655–657

in-RIP separations, 654

previewing, 671–673

printing, 653–654

Color setting (grids), 47

Color Settings dialog box, 626–630

color spaces

cross-rendering and, 638

displaying in Info panel, 28

exporting, 496

color spectrum, 600

color swatches. See swatches

Color transparency blending mode, 364

ColorSync color management system, 624

column guides

adjusting layouts and, 104

changing, 78, 111–112

defined, 108

manual text flow and, 153

preferences, 48–49

columns in grids, 592–593

columns in tables

adding, 395–397

alternating fills or strokes, 409–410

defined, 383

deleting, 397–398

distributing evenly, 393

resizing, 394–395

selecting, 387–388

table styles and, 414

width of, 387

columns on pages

balancing automatically, 139

column breaks, 42, 290–292

column guides, 48–49, 78, 104, 108, 111–112, 153

creating in text frames, 138–139

gutter width, 111

hyphenation and, 287

importing Word/RTF files, 184

layout adjustment settings, 101–104

leading and, 243

master spread settings, 94

New Document dialog box, 70, 71

optical margin alignment, 318–320

page layout options, 78

spanning headlines for multiple columns, 143–145

splitting, 143–145

width of, 111–112, 138–139

combining panels, 13

comma-delimited (.csv) files, 523


deleting, 222

tracking changes by commenters, 197

commercial printers. See also imagesetters and service providers

draw-downs, 610

sleep-talking habits of, 606

Compatibility pop-up menu, 501

complex path operations, 337–340

complex stroke patterns, 345–346

Compose Using options, 50

Composite CMYK option, 653–654

composite color, printing, 653–654

Composite Leave Unchanged option, 654

composite paths. See compound paths

Composite RGB option, 653–654

Composite RGB profile, 637


Adobe Paragraph Composer, 284, 289

Adobe Single Line Composer, 284

highlighting composition problems, 42–44, 290

multi-line composition, 283–285

preferences, 42–45, 290

Composition Preferences dialog box, 42–45, 290

compound paths (composite paths). See also outlines

converting text to paths, 420–422

converting to simple paths, 422

creating, 333

editing, 334

joining open paths, 332

path operations, 337–340

selecting portions of, 20

splitting, 334

compressed dynamic color range, simulating, 635–636

compressed PPDs, 643


exporting PDF files, 505–507

file formats and, 462

interactive document settings, 737

resampling images, 505–506

in SWF files, 738–739

Compression pop-up menu, 737

compromise, transparency and, 675

Compugraphics, 235


capacity to build indexes (in your dreams, maybe), 552

as objects to be thrown out of windows, 437

Concepción, Anne-Marie, 435, 521

concordances, 552

condensed typefaces, 248

condition sets, 210–212

conditional images, 721

conditional text, 209–213

Conditional Text panel, 210–212

confidence, scripts and, 691

Configure Plug-Ins dialog box (Extension Manager), 68

conflicting text variables, 168

connect-the-dots puzzles, 321, 324

consecutive hyphens, 286

consecutive imposition, 668–669

Constrain Proportions options, 649

contact sheets, 460

container selections, 109

content. See text

Content Grabber

moving contents, 19, 104, 105

panning images, 483

rotating objects, 583

selecting graphics, 481–482

content selections, 109

context menus

bizarre aversions to, 466

using, 29

contextual ligatures, 258

Continue from Previous Document option, 543

Continue on Next Even Page option, 543

Continue on Next Odd Page option, 543

continuing numbers, 295

contouring text wrap, 418–419

control handles (direction lines)

converting points, 326, 328

corner and curve points, 326

deleting, 329

illustrated, 322

manipulating and retracting, 329

overview, 325, 326

tips for working with, 329

Control panel

applying formatting with, 237, 263

basic transforming techniques, 568–576

customizing options on, 34

docking problems, 14–15

illustrated, 3

moving objects with, 576

Proxy, 568–569, 572, 573

rotating objects with, 584, 585

scaling objects with, 580–581

shortcuts, 11

table controls in, 390

Convert All Strokes to Outlines option, 679

Convert All Text to Outlines option, 679

Convert Clipping Path to Frame command, 494

Convert from Button command, 716

Convert Object to a Button command, 716

Convert Point operations, 340

Convert Point tool, 18, 21, 326, 328

Convert Quotes option (Use Typographer’s Quotes option), 39, 183, 188

Convert Shape operations, 340

Convert Table to Text dialog box, 386, 387

Convert Tables To option, 183

Convert Text to Table dialog box, 384, 386

Convert to Beveled-Corner Rectangle button, 340

Convert to Column Breaks option, 184

Convert to Destination (Preserve Numbers) option, 508, 638

Convert to Destination options (PDF export), 508

Convert to Ellipse button, 340

Convert to Header Rows and Convert to Footer Rows commands, 391

Convert to Inverse-Rounded-Corner Rectangle button, 340

Convert to Line button, 340

Convert to Note command, 199

Convert to Polygon button, 340

Convert to Profile dialog box, 632–633

Convert to Rectangle operation, 340

Convert to Rounded-Corner Rectangle button, 340

Convert to Text command, 199

Convert to Triangle button, 340

Convert to Vertical or Horizontal Line button, 340

Convert URLs to Hyperlinks dialog box, 709

Convert Variable to Text command, 169


clipping paths to frames, 494

color management working spaces, 508, 629–630

colors to different models, 602

colors to new profiles, 632–633

compound paths to simple paths, 422

corners to rounded edges, 341–342

frames to text frames, 39–40, 136

multi-state objects to independent elements, 723

notes to text, 199

objects to buttons, 715–716

older booked documents, 538

older InDesign files, 74

page breaks to column breaks, 184

PageMaker files, 74, 75

paths to motion paths, 730

point operations, 340

points, 18, 21, 326, 328

QuarkXPress files, 74–75

quotation marks to typographer’s quotes, 39, 183, 188

shapes to text frames, 136

spot colors and process colors, 613, 621

strokes to outlines, 679

table rows to headers or footers, 390–392

tables in Word files, 183

tables to text, 386, 387

text to notes, 199

text to outlines, 420–422, 679

text to tables, 384, 386

text variable instances to text, 168, 169–170

URLs to hyperlinks, 708–709

video formats, 723

coordinates in Transform and Control panels, 38, 573–574

Copies field, 645

Copy Fonts option, 686–687

Copy Full Path command, 479

“copy” in style names, 188

Copy Link(s) To command, 479

Copy PDF to Clipboard/Preserve PDF Data At Quit option, 61

Copy Platform Style Path option, 479, 524

copyfitting text in multiple windows, 8–9


dragging and dropping text, 192–193

duplicating while transforming, 574

duplicating with Step and Repeat, 578

effects, 376

file paths, 479

formatting with Eyedropper tool, 24, 25

importing graphic files, 456

layers between publications, 128

linked files, 479

linked text frames, 150, 151

master spreads, 95, 96–97

metadata from files, 488

objects, 335

objects into states, 722

objects to other layers, 126, 128

pages and page spreads, 83

pathnames, 524

PDF files, permissions and, 513

PDF formats on Clipboard, 61

ruler guides, 117

stroke styles, 352, 353

styles between publications, 317–318

styles to style groups, 316

swatches, 616

tables from other programs, 385

text variables, 166–168

Copyright metadata, 452

CorelDraw files, 477

Corner Options dialog box, 22, 341–342

corner points

control handles. See control handles

converting to curve points, 326, 328

corner options and, 341–342

drawing paths with Pen tool, 327–328

drawing paths with Pencil tool, 326–327

overview, 325

point conversion operations, 340

stroke join options, 344, 345

CornerEffects example script, 694


adjusting dotted or dashed line corners, 347–348

adjustments on strokes, 352

corner effects, 22, 341–342

feather corner options, 372

join options, 344, 345

miter limit, 344–345

Corners pop-up, 347–348

corrupt data, removing from files, 515

corrupted files, 77

covers, 81, 86, 646

crash recovery, 77

Create Acrobat Layers option, 503, 545, 736

Create Guides dialog box, 112

Create JDF File Using Acrobat option, 511

Create Links When Placing Text and Spreadsheet Files option, 60, 189, 480

Create Merged Document command and dialog box, 526, 528–529

Create New Hyperlink button, 711

Create Outlines command, 421

Create Package Folder dialog box, 686–687

Create PDF Bookmarks checkbox, 714

Create Tagged PDF option, 502–503, 736

CreateCharacterStyle example script, 304, 694

Creation Date metadata, 452

Creation Date text variable, 161, 164

Creative Suite, 486

creativity, scripting and, 689, 696–697

Creep option, 668–669

Creo Scitext RIPs, 676

crimes, glyph scaling and, 289

Crop Amount option, 486

crop marks

booklets, 670

CropMarks example script, 695

customizing, 667

printing, 651

turning on, 651

Crop Marks option, 651

Crop Pages dialog box (Acrobat), 470

Crop To setting, 470

CropMarks example script, 695

cropping. See also clipping paths; crop marks

exporting PDF files and, 507

importing PDF graphics and, 470

movie frames, 727

Page tool and, 20

during placing, 486

printing crop marks, 651

retaining after relinking, 480

cross-platform scripting, 691

Cross Reference Formats dialog box, 179

cross references

to document sections, 177

index, 557–559

text variables and, 162

cross-rendering CMYK images, 638

crotchety graphics formats, 461

CSS definitions, 517, 518

CSS tags, 520

CSV files, 523

Cthulhu (elder evil space god), 294, 376

cubits, 45

curled page effect, 738

curly quotes (typesetters’ quotes), 39, 183, 186, 188

current appearance (animated objects), 729

Current Page option, 554

Cursor Key field, 46, 578

cursors and cursor icons

behavior in story windows, 54–55

blinking cursors, madness and, 196

Block cursor, 55, 196

drag and drop icons, 192–193

dragging place icons, 458–459

graphic place icons, 67, 68

link icons, 148

moving cursor through text, 190–192

multiple-file place icons, 68

place icons (place guns), 67, 68, 458–459

preview images for, 37–38

shadow cursors, 6

Smart Cursors, 38, 117

Story Editor display, 196

table editing cursors, 389

text flow icons, 68, 152–154

text insertion point, 147

tools and, 18

unlink icons, 148

curve points

control handles. See control handles

converting to corner points, 326, 328

drawing paths with, 326–328

properties, 325

curves of line segments

adjusting, 329–330

smooth point operations, 340

symmetrical point operations, 340

custom baseline grids, 273

Custom Cross-Reference setting, 558

Custom Measurement Unit dialog box, 6

Custom soft-proofing setting, 634

Custom Text text variable, 161, 164, 171

Custom Tracking/Kerning option, 44

Customize Control Panel dialog box, 34

Customize Style Import option, 185


animation, 730

baseline grids, 273

color management settings, 628

Control panel options, 34

cross-references, 558

measurement units, 6

menus, 32–33

objects or text. See editing

printer’s marks. See printer’s marks

style imports, 185

text variables, 164, 166

time and date stamps, 170

tracking and kerning, 44

CutContents example script, 700–702

cute wool-producing animals that spit, 557


CutContents script, 700–702

points and paths in two, 26


Daisy Consortium, 523

damaged files, 77

Dark Ages of page layout, sighing and, 422

Darken transparency blending mode, 364

Dashboard, 397n

dashed strokes, 345, 346, 347–348, 350

dashes, 156. See also hyphenation

data fields, 523–524, 530

data files

importing, 186–188

merging into InDesign documents, 516–527

setup, 523–524

updating merged data, 529–530

Data Format setting, 498, 662

data merge

blank lines in data file, 528

data file setup, 523–524

importing images with text, 524

importing indexing with text, 560–561

limiting number of records, 529

master pages and, 526

merging data into InDesign documents, 516–527

multiple records on pages, 528

overview, 523

template setup, 524–526

updating merged data, 529–530

Data Merge panel, 523–530

Datacolor Spyder, 625

DataLinker, 523

dates in text variables, 161–162, 164, 165, 170

days in text variables, 165

DCS files and workflows, 462, 676

DDE/COM, 693

deadly Word features, 185

debugging scripts, 692

Decimal Places option, 187

decimal tabs and tab stops, 269

Default Fill/Stroke icon, 18

Default View Settings options, 55


application defaults, 62

Auto leading setting, 241

bullet characters, 294–295

character styles, 306

color management, 626–628

document defaults, 62

fills and strokes, 18

flattener presets, 680

keyboard shortcuts, 2, 30

new documents and, 73

numeral formatting, 261

object styles, 440

paragraph styles, 311

reverting to original defaults, 62

setting, 62

text variables, 163

view settings, 55

Define Document Presets dialog box, 72–73


keyboard shortcuts, 29–32

presets, 72–73, 664–665

stroke styles, 350–352

text variables, 167

Delete All Guides command, 117

Delete End Punctuation option (text variables), 164

Delete Layer button or command, 125, 129

Delete Master Spread command, 99

Delete Note button, 199

Delete Point tool, 18, 21

Delete Style button, 441

Delete Swatch dialog box, 615

Delete Text Variables dialog box, 168

Delete Type on a Path command, 448

Delete Unused Layers command, 129

Deleted Text option, 53

deleting. See also removing

anchored objects, 429–430

blank lines in data, 528–529

bullets or numbers, 300

character styles, 307

clipping paths, 494

colors, 614–615

conditions from text, 210

control handles, 329

corner effects, 341

corrupt data from files, 515

documents from books, 538

effects, 376

fill or stroke colors, 354–355

frame-fitting options, 485

hyperlinks, 713

index entries, 561

inline frames, 429–430

items from Quick Apply list, 450, 451

items in frames, 700–702

keyboard shortcuts, 30

layers, 125, 129

line segments, 22

linked text frames, 149–150, 151

master spreads, 99–100

notes in stories, 199

object styles, 441–442

objects, 132, 700–702

optical margin adjustments, 319–320

pages, 79

paragraph styles, 313

PDF export presets, 514–515

points from paths, 18, 22, 330

preference settings, 62

print presets, 666

punctuation in text variables, 164

ruler guides, 117

scripts accidentally, 697

shapes after path operations, 338

stroke styles, 352

tab stops, 270

table columns or rows, 397–398

tables, 397–398

text from paths, 448

text variables, 168

text with specified styles, 222

tracking changes to text, 53

unplaced graphics from cursor, 459

unused layers, 129

unwanted color swatches, 515

words from dictionaries, 203–204

delimiters, 384, 386, 523

Delphi, 693

denominator characters, 260

descenders, 253, 446, 448

Description metadata, 452

Description panel (File Info dialog box), 488


buttons, 721

files, 488

metadata, 452

deselecting objects, 106

A Designer’s Guide to Adobe InDesign and XML, 534

destinations (buttons), 716

destinations (cross references), 177

destinations (hyperlinks)

button action anchors, 716

editing, 712–713

shared, 710

types of, 709–712

Detach All Objects from Master command, 101

Detach Selection from Master command, 101

detecting edges for clipping paths, 493

device-independent PostScript files, 643

device profiles

applying to imported images, 633–634

CMYK profiles, 628–629

color management policies, 629–630

default profiles, 628

defined, 623

embedded profiles, 633–634

RGB profiles, 628–629

soft-proofing, 634–636

dfont packages, 688

diagonal lines

in cell styles, 412

in tables, 407–408

dialog boxes, 16. See also names of specific dialog boxes

dictionaries. See also checking spelling

adding words to, 201–202, 203

dictionary-style headers, 172, 175

importing text-only files, 186

language and character formatting, 249–250

merging with imported documents, 50

preferences, 49–51

Dictionary Preferences dialog box, 49–51

dictionary-style headers, 172, 175

didots, 16

Diffused feather corner option, 372–373

Digital Editions, 522–523

Digital Editions Export Options dialog box, 522

Digital Rights Management, 511–512

digits. See numbers

Dimensions Include Stroke Weight option, 575

dimensions, resizing to guides, 50

Direct Selection tool

overview, 20, 104–105

selecting frames and contents, 481–483

selecting text for formatting, 236

shortcuts, 18

subselecting objects, 107–108, 131

direct to plate printing, 625


drawn paths, 324–325

motion paths, 730

direction lines. See control handles (direction lines)

Directional Feather effect, 373–375

directories. See folders

disaster recovery, 77

discretionary hyphen characters, 287

discretionary ligatures, 257

Display All Blacks Accurately option, 58

Display All Blacks As Rich Blacks option, 59

Display Item Information button, 28

Display Performance Preferences dialog box, 55–58

display type, 243


animated objects, 730

baseline grid, 110

black inks, 58–59

changed text, 53

conditional text, 210

controls during interactive feature play, 725

fields, 717

glyphs and characters, 158

guides and grids, 47–49, 110, 128

hidden characters, 163, 192

hidden menu items, 33

hidden panels, 38

hidden tools, 18

hyperlinks, 713

import options, 181, 183

interactive documents full-screen, 737

kerning amounts, 246

keyboard shortcut list, 30, 32

layers, 125, 128

library item information, 28

links between text frames, 136, 146–147

metadata, 174–177

multiple windows, 7–9

nested object’s offset, 576

notes, 199

page views, 4–5

panels as icons, 38

prefixes or suffixes, 206

problem tags, 188–189

rotating page view, 89–90

Story Editor preferences, 54–55

subsets of libraries, 28

tag markers, 531

tagged frames, 531

text snippets, 531

text threads, 136, 147

text variables, 163

thumbnails, 37–38, 80

Tool Tips, 37

transparency on screen, 57

displays. See screen display

dissolves, 734

distances, measuring, 24, 25


objects. See transformations

printing process, 649

Distribute Columns Evenly command, 393

Distribute Rows Evenly command, 393

distributing objects

Align panel, 594–597

Gap tool, 595–597

Live Distribute feature, 595

table rows or columns, 393

“do script” method, 691

docked publication display, 39

Document Bleed settings, 496

Document Chapter Numbering options, 543–544, 546

Document CMYK setting, 634

document defaults, 62

Document dictionary preferences settings, 50

Document Fonts folder, 687–688

document grid, 47–48, 110, 119–120

Document Grid preferences settings, 47–48

Document Open Password setting, 512

document pages

applying master spread edits, 101–104

applying master spreads, 83, 97, 99

creating master pages from, 95

overriding master page items, 100–101

document presets, 72–73

Document Recovery Data preferences, 59–60

Document RGB setting, 738

Document Setup dialog box, 77–78, 83

Document source spaces, 636

document spaces (color management), 632–633

documents. See publications

dodecagons, drawing, 22

donut shapes, 333

dorkiness of hyperlink appearance options, 711

DOS look, achieving, 196

dot-doubling, 611

dot leaders

in tables of contents, 548

in tabs, 271–272

dots per inch (dpi), 464

dotted strokes, 347–348, 350, 352

double quotes (“), 39, 50, 183

double-sided printing, 671

double spaces, cleaning up, 229

doughnut shapes, 333

downloadable fonts, printing, 660–661


color sets, 619–620

fonts, 660–661

subsets of glyphs in fonts, 36

downsampling images, 464, 505–507

dpi (dots per inch), 464

drag and drop features

applying fills, 354

applying master pages, 97

copying text, 192–193

Grid Mode and, 592–593

image redraw settings, 39

importing graphic files, 456

importing multiple files, 459

importing text files, 136

magnifying area of screen, 64, 65, 66

moving objects, 576

moving text, 192–193

placing items, 458–459

resizing tables, 392–394

scrolling, 66

snippets on desktop, 516

text editing, 41, 192–193

draw-downs, 610

drawing. See also lines and line segments; paths (drawn); names of specific shapes

basic shapes, 322–323

Bezier paths, 323–324, 328–332

drawing tools, 17, 18, 322

drop shadows, 369

feathering, 372–375

fills. See fills

frames, 321, 322

gradients. See gradients and gradient fills

motion paths, 731

Ninas, 702–703

paths, 21, 321, 326–334, 328–329

with Pen tool, 21, 327–328

with Pencil tool, 21–22, 326–327

strokes. See strokes

tips, 328–329

transparency. See transparency

drawing and redrawing screen display, 55

drawing tools, 17, 18, 322


bitmap graphics. See bitmap graphics

choosing graphic file formats, 461–463

PostScript paths. See paths (drawn)

vector graphics. See vector graphics

dreaded pink highlights, 228, 239, 290

dreams of formatting and organizational goodness, 700

Dreamweaver, 518

driving cars, scripting and, 690

DRM (Digital Rights Management), 511–512

drop caps, 275–276, 282, 302, 435–436

Drop Caps and Nested Styles dialog box, 277

drop shadows

angles of, 368

applying, 369

colors, 368

creating, 369

display options, 465

glow effect, 371–373

Inner Shadow effect, 370–371

movie frames and, 727

positioning, 368

transparency and, 368, 675

DTBook .EPUB files, 523

DTPtools PageControl plug-in, 669

dull as rocks number formatting, 295

dummy second-level entries, 558

dummy text, 159–161, 550

duotones, halftone screening settings, 656

Duplicate Master Spread command, 95

Duplicate Spread command, 83

duplicated names of fonts, 239

duplicating. See also copying

animation, 730

grids of objects, 592–593

master spreads, 95

multiple merged records on a page, 528

objects, 335, 578

objects in states, 722

objects while transforming, 574

pages and page spreads, 83

ruler guides, 117

swatches, 616

duration of animated objects, 732

dynamic ranges of color, 635–636

Dynamic Spelling option, 51, 203, 204


early days of page layout, 17. See also ancient typographers

Ease In option, 728


Digital Editions, 522–523

tags in PDF files, 502, 533

ECMA JavaScript standard, 691

edges, feathering, 372–375

Edit Color Swatch dialog box, 614

Edit Glyph Set dialog box, 159

Edit Gradient Swatch dialog box, 614

Edit Header and Edit Footer commands, 390–392

Edit Original feature, 477

Edit Stroke Style dialog box, 352

Edit Text Variable dialog box, 166

Edit Tint Swatch dialog box, 614

Edit With feature, 477

editable objects, copying, 61


color sets, 620

colors, 614

compound paths, 334

Control panel options, 34

documents in Book panel, 539

effects, 376

embedded graphics, 478

Flash files, 739–740

glyph sets, 159

gradients, 358–360, 614

headers or footers, 392

hyperlink sources or destinations, 709–711, 712–713

images in PDF files, 507

layer properties, 127–128

master spreads, 99

menus, 32–33

metadata, 176

mixed ink groups, 613

motion paths, 730

multi-state objects, 722–723

notes, 199

object styles, 441

original graphic files, 477

page size, 79

PDF export presets, 515

print presets, 666

Quick Apply list items, 450, 451

ruler guides, 114

scripts, 691–693

shortcuts, 29–32

slide shows, 722–723

stroke styles, 352

strokes, 348–349

table or cell styles, 414–415

text. See editing text

text variables, 166, 169

text wrap boundary, 419, 420

tints, 614

tracking changes, 196–197

editing text. See also editing

character styles, 306

checking spelling, 200–204

cursor movement shortcuts, 190–192

deleting styled paragraphs, 222

drag and drop editing, 41, 192–193

finding and changing formatting attributes, 218–221

finding and changing text, 212–230

glyph sets, 159

headers and footers in tables, 392

index entries, 561

index page references, 561–562

moving text, 192–193

paragraph styles, 311

Story Editor, 193–196

tab stops, 270

table items, 389

tracking changes, 196–197

EditWriters, 235

Effect path text options, 445–447

effects. See also animation

beveling, 371, 372, 373

blurry text, 375–376

copying to other objects, 376

editing, 376

Effects panel, 11, 362, 364, 367

embossing, 371, 372, 373

feathering, 372–375

glows, 370–372, 371–373

removing, 376

text on a path options, 445–447

Effects dialog box, 367, 368

Effects panel, 11, 362, 364, 367

elder evil space gods (Cthulhu, etc.), 294, 376

elements, XML, 531. See also XML

Ellipse Frame tool, 17, 18

ellipses and Ellipse tool

converting shapes to, 340

drawing, 17, 22, 322–323

Tools panel, 18, 322

em, defined, 243

Em Software, 523

email addresses, 226, 710

embarrassment of hot pink dingbats, 311

Embed Fonts setting (EPS export), 498

Embed Page Thumbnails option, 502, 736

embedded color profiles, 496, 629–630, 633–634, 639

Embedded CSS declarations option, 520

embedded fonts, 498, 500, 510–511

embedded graphics

color profiles, 633–634

displaying on Links panel, 473

editing originals, 478

embedding and unembedding, 477–478

in lines of text. See inline frames

overview, 472

page thumbnails, 502

size of publications and, 478

embedded movies in PDF files, 706

embedded OPI links, 468–469

embedded Preflight profiles, 685–686

embedded sounds in PDF files, 726–727

embedded text files, 189

Emboss effect, 371, 372

embossing images, 371, 372

empowerment, 704

empty CSS declarations, 520

empty frames, placing and fitting graphics into, 486

Emulate Adobe InDesign 2.0 CMS Off (color management preset), 627

Emulate InDesign 2.0 option, 508

emulsion, print settings for, 655

Enable Anti-Aliasing option, 57

Enable Color Management option, 467–468

Enable Dynamic Spelling option, 51, 203

Enable Floating Document Window Docking option, 39

Enable Layout Adjustment option, 89, 102–103

Enable Multi-Touch Gestures option, 38

Enable Track Changes in Current Story option, 197


PDF files, 506–507

XML files, 533

encryption, exporting PDF files, 512–513

End Indicator (text on paths), 443

End Nested Style Character option, 278

endnotes, 183, 209

ends of stories, limiting searches to, 214

Engine pop-up menu, 631

entering text

creating text frames, 136–137

dummy text, 159–161

glyphs, 157–159

importing text, 181–182

Excel data, 186–188

tagged text, 188–189

text-only files, 185–186

Word and RTF files, 182–185

non-Latin faces and, 42

special characters, 155–159

Type tool, 17, 18, 21

entries, index. See indexes and index entries

Entry Separators options, 565–566

envelopes, 81

environment, optimizing for color management, 625

EPS graphics

choosing graphic file formats, 461

color management and, 624, 636, 640

display performance settings, 56

editing original, 477

exporting, 496–499

importing, 468–469, 663

listing fonts in, 261–262

metafiles, 460

OPI links in, 663

OPI print settings, 663

strengths and weaknesses of, 461

transparency and, 361, 675

EPS Import Options dialog box, 468–469, 663

EPUB files

creating, 521–523

exporting, 545

interactivity in, 706

equal-width columns, 111

equilateral polygons, 22

eras, text variables for, 165

Eraser tool, 18, 22, 336–337

erasing paths, 336–337


Preflight warnings, 683–684

previewing before placing files, 188–189

escaping characters, 225

Escher, M. C., 702

espresso machines, end of civilization and, 320

ESTK (ExtendScript Toolkit), 691

Europe ISO Fogra27 setting, 629

Europe Prepress 2 setting, 627

even and odd pages, 543, 646–647

even-odd fills, 334–335

Even Pages Only option, 646–647

evenly spacing columns on page, 111

evenly spacing objects on page, 20, 594–597


animation settings, 728

arranging timing, 731

button-activated, 716

reassigning, 732

evil space gods (Cthulhu, etc.), 294, 376

examples of scripts. See scripting examples

Excel files, 181, 186–188, 385

exclamation mark on yellow triangle icon, 473

Exclude Overlap path operation, 339

Expand All Footnotes command, 195

Expand/Collapse Notes, 199

expanded typefaces, faking, 248


footnotes, 195

layer display, 125

notes, 199

panels, 10, 14

Expert versions of fonts, 251

Export Adobe Flash CS5 Professional (FLA) dialog box, 739

Export Adobe PDF dialog box

color management and, 638–640

Compression pane, 505–507

General pane, 500–505

Ink Manager, 509, 621

overview, 500

Security pane, 511–513

Export dialog box, 190

Export EPS dialog box, 496–499, 621

export filters, 190, 232

Export for Dreamweaver command, 518

Export JPEG dialog box, 495–496

Export SWF dialog box, 737–739

Export XML dialog box, 533

ExportAllStories example script, 695


animation for PDF files, 732

Background Tasks panel information, 27

books, 536, 545, 671

Buzzword files, 189

color management profiles and, 636

documents with hyperlinks, 714

EPS graphics, 496–499

EPUB files, 521, 545

export options, saving, 513–515

Flash files, 739

HTML files, 517–523

InDesign IDML files, 516

InDesign Markup Format files, 76

interactive features, 706, 732, 739

interactive PDF files, 732, 736–737

interactive SWF files, 737–739

JPEG files, 495–496

metadata, 488

motion presets, 732

objects as snippets, 516

overview, 494

PDF export presets, 513–515

PDF files, 500–515, 545, 671, 736–737

PostScript files to disk, 643

print PDF files, 500–515

print presets, 666

stories from publications, 695

style groups and, 317

SWF files, 737–739

text files, 190, 317

XML files, 533

XML tags, 533–534

Exposé, 397n

ExtendScript Toolkit, 691

Extensible Markup Language. See XML

Extension Manager, 68

extensions, file, 75–76, 164

External CSS option, 520

Extra Carriage Returns setting, 186

Extra Spaces setting, 186

“extract label” method, 699

extracting metadata from files, 488

extraterrestrial plots, 376

eye icon, 125

Eyedropper Options dialog box, 24, 25

Eyedropper tool, 18, 24, 25, 354, 356

EyeOne device, 625


F4V files, 723, 724, 725

facing pages, 70, 71, 83, 86

Facing Pages option, 70, 71, 83

Fade In animation, 728

fades (animated objects), 730

fake condensed or expanded type, 248

fake fractions, 257–258

fake italic type, 249, 250

fake Latin text, 159–161

famine, 422

Farrukh Systems Imposition Publisher, 667

Fast Display setting, 465

fast hyperlinks, 707–708

Fast Saves option (Word), 185

favorite shortcuts, 32

Feather Widths option, 375

feathering, 372–375, 465, 610

Fidelity slider, 336


button actions for, 717

tab order in Acrobat, 719

fiends, hardcore Find/Change shortcuts and, 217


captions, 451–454

figure numbers, 162, 297, 299

lining figures, 260–261

numerals. See numbers

file control systems in networked workgroups, 540–541

file extensions, 75–76, 164

file formats. See also names of specific formats

compression and, 462

exporting text, 190

graphic file formats, 461–463

importing text, 181

output providers, sending files to, 683

File Handling dialog box, 59–61, 479–481

File Info dialog box, 487

file linking. See linked graphics and text files

File Name text variable, 162, 164

file paths

copying, 479

relinking, 480

files. See also publications

Buzzword files, 189

converting, 74–75, 472

creating links to, 60

exporting for Web sites, 517–523

hyperlinks to, 710

imagesetting, preparing for, 682–683

metadata in, 486–488

opening with button actions, 718

organizing in books, 538

packaging for remote printing, 686–688

preflight testing, 683–686

relinking to different file types, 476–477

temporary, 60

text variables in, 163

Fill Frame Proportionally option, 484, 529

Fill selector, 18, 27, 354, 603

Fill with Placeholder Text command, 160


after path operations, 338

alternating, in tables, 409–410

applying, 353–355

applying effects to, 367

applying to text characters, 262, 263

cell styles, 412

copying with Eyedropper tool, 24, 25

currently selected swatch, 603

default fill color, 603

displaying information about, 28

Fill selector, 27, 354, 603

finding and replacing in objects, 133–134

gradient fills. See gradients and gradient fills

paths with even-odd fills, 334–335

removing fills, 27, 354–355

swapping fill and stroke colors, 603

table options, 412

table styles, 414

filtering Quick Apply list, 451


export filters, 190, 232

import filters, 181–189, 232

Final positional form, 259

financial document numbering schemes, 171

find and replace. See finding and replacing

Find/Change dialog box, 11, 133–134, 212–230

Find Font dialog box, 261–262

Find Format Settings dialog box, 218

Find Missing Links Before Opening Document checkbox, 480

Find Missing Links Before Opening Document option, 60

Find Next button, 216

Find Object Format Options dialog box, 133–134

Find What field, 215

FindChangeByList example script, 695


linked images on disk, 478–479, 480

metadata in files, 488

missing links, 60, 475, 480

words, 215

finding and replacing

defining range of searches, 214

Find/Change dialog box, 11, 133–134, 212–230

finding next instances, 216

fonts, 261–262

formatting attributes, 218–221

index entries, 562

keyboard shortcuts, 217–218

metacharacters or wildcards, 216

methods, 212–213

object formatting, 133–134

options and settings, 213–214

overview, 212–213

saving queries, 230


deleting text with specified styles, 222

FindChangeByList example script, 695

glyphs, 228–230

GREP methods, 223–228

index entries, 562

metacharacters or wildcards, 216

methods, 212–213

note text, 52

replacing text, 216–217

replacing with Clipboard contents, 221

Unicode text values, 221–222

First Baseline Offset option, 208

First Baseline option, 426

first baselines of text, 139–141, 208, 426

First Line Left Indent field, 265

first line of paragraphs

aligning to baseline grid, 275

first line indentation, 265–267

“first name, last name” order, 225, 228

First on Page option, 164, 172

First Page button, 3, 5

Fit Content Proportionally command, 484, 592

Fit Content to Frame command, 484

Fit Frame to Content command, 484, 485, 592, 723

Fit Page in Window view, 32, 63, 81, 82

Fit Selection in Window command, 63–64

Fit Spread in Window view, 63–64


content in frames, 483–486, 592

data merge content, 529

frames to content, 154–155

objects on screen, 32, 63–66

video content in frames, 723

Fitting pop-up menu, 529

Fixed Column Width option, 138

fixed leading

baseline positioning, 139–141

inline frames and, 425

FLA. See Flash and FLA files

flagging. See highlighting

Flash and FLA files

animation, 727–728

controllers, 725

editing, 739–740

exporting, 706, 739–740

hyperlinks to, 709–710

limitations, 727

text in, 739

using motion presets in, 728, 732

Flash Professional, 732

Flash TLF Text option, 739

Flatten Transparency option, 739

flattened Photoshop files, 462–463

flattener. See also transparency

Acrobat Reader and, 501

exporting EPS graphics, 499

exporting PDF files, 511

flattener presets, 677–680

flattening methods, 674–675

previewing settings, 680–681

resolution setting, 677–679

settings, 361

tricks and guidelines, 675–676

flattener presets, 677–680

Flattener Preview panel (Flattener Alert panel), 680–681

Fleishman, Glenn, 464

flexographic printing, 649

Flip buttons, 575

Flip commands, 586

Flip option, path text, 447–448

Flip pop-up menu, 655


arrows, 346–347

buttons for, 575

objects, 586

output options, 655

pages automatically, 737

text on paths, 444, 447–448

floating panels, 3, 38

floating windows (documents), 39

floating windows (video), 726

floppy disk icon, 318

flowing text, 146–148, 150, 152–154. See also linked text frames

fluorescent inks, 610

FLV files, 723, 724, 725. See also Flash and FLA files

fly-out tool menus, 18

focus, 9–10, 716

Fogra setting, 627, 629

Folder Number display, 474

Folder options (metadata), 452


displaying paths in metadata, 452

paths in text variables, 164

relink folders, 480–481

searching for fonts, 688

Font Downloading settings, 660–661

font families and fonts

checking in Preflight, 683

Document Fonts folder, 687–688

downloadable fonts, printing, 660–661

duplicated names, 239

embedding in EPS files, 498

finding and changing, 218–221, 228–230

font preview size, 41

glyphs. See glyphs; special characters

hyphens next to names, 237

including with files, 686

kerning and, 245

letter and word spacing, 287–289

mixing and matching characters, 159

Multiple Master fonts, 40

non-Latin fonts, 42

OpenType fonts, 256–261

ornament characters, 159

outline fonts, 420

PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3, and PDF/X-4 files, 500

positional forms, 259

printer fonts, 420

publication folder for, 687–688

resident fonts, 660

searching directories for, 688

selecting, 237–239

special characters. See special characters

stylistic sets, 259

subsetting, 36, 510–511

substitution, 43, 228, 239

symbol fonts, 239

version numbers, 261

Font Preview Size option, 41

font subsetting, 36, 510–511

font substitution, 43, 228, 239

footers. See headers or footers

Footnote Options dialog box, 206–209


creating, 205–209

deleting, 206

endnotes, 209

finding text in, 214

footnote reference markers, 205

formatting, 206–209

leading, 207–208

limitations of, in InDesign, 205

numbering options, 206

placement options, 208

rules above, 209

spacing options, 207–208

split, 208, 209

split columns and, 145

Story Editor view, 195

text of, 205

usefulness of, 205

in Word files, 183

Footnotes/Endnotes option, 183

For Next # of Pages option, 556

For Next # of Paragraphs option, 556

For Position Only images, 477

force justified paragraph alignment, 264

foreground color. See transparency

formats. See file formats

formatting. See also styles

after path operations, 338

attributes. See formatting attributes

characters. See character formatting; formatting text

Clipboard contents and, 221

compared to styles, 301, 302

Eyedropper tool and, 24, 25

finding and replacing in objects, 133–134

paragraphs. See formatting text; paragraph formatting

paths, 324

Quick Apply feature, 448–451

retaining when pasting, 61

reusing. See styles

tables. See formatting tables

text. See formatting text

Web site files, 517–523

Formatting Affects Container button, 18, 27

Formatting Affects Text button, 18, 27, 263

formatting attributes

deleting text with specified styles, 222

finding and changing, 218–221

typesetting tags. See tagged text

formatting tables. See also tables

alternating fills or strokes, 409–410

applying, 401

borders of tables, 409

cell options, 401

diagonal lines, 407–408

fills, 404–408

gradients, 406–407

strokes, 401–404

formatting text. See also tagged text

applying formatting to entire text frames, 237

characters. See character formatting

in containers, 27, 263

cross references, 178, 179–180

dates, 164

deleting text with specified styles, 222

email addresses, 226

finding and changing attributes, 218–221

global formatting, 301

local formatting, 301, 305, 307, 309, 310

paragraphs. See paragraph formatting

pasted text, 180–181

preserving or removing in imported text, 183, 188

selecting text for formatting, 236–237, 241, 242

styles. See styles

tab leaders, 271–272

tables. See formatting tables

text between tags, 226, 229

typesetting tags. See tagged text

formulas in panel and dialog box fields, 16

forum, InDesign scripting, 693

fountains. See gradients and gradient fills

FPO images, 477

fractions, 157, 257–258

frame drawing tools, 136, 137

Frame Fitting Options dialog box, 485, 486

frames (layout)

applying effects to, 366

button rollovers and states, 719–720

centering contents in, 486

converting clipping paths to, 494

converting to buttons, 715

converting to text frames, 136

corner options, 341–342

drawing, 321, 322

EPUB layout, 521–522

fitting features, 483–486

graphic place icons, 68

inline. See inline frames

for media files, 723

non-rectangular, 143

placing graphics in, 457

placing multiple files and, 459–460

removing objects from, 700–702

scaling and, 582

selecting frames and contents, 481–482

shrinking to fit contents, 154–155

tagging with XML tags, 532

text. See text frames

text flow icons and, 68

transforming contents, 569–570, 572

XML element data and, 532

frames (movies), 725

Fraser, Bruce, 464, 624

Free Transform tool

moving objects, 578

overview, 17, 24

rotating objects, 584

scaling objects, 580

shortcuts, 18

Freedman, Matt, 702

freeform paths, 21–22, 327–328

“freezing” text variables, 169


angle settings, 655–657

compression and, 505

Friedl, Jeffrey E. F., 227

friends, impressing, 23

full-height numerals, 260–261

full screen mode (Acrobat), 737

full spectrum lighting, 625

“furi kuri,” 36

furlongs, 45

fx icon, 376

fx pop-up menu, 368


gamuts, color, 600, 607, 617, 631–632

Gap Color and Gap Tint pop-ups, 347, 348

Gap setting, 648

Gap tool, 17, 18, 20, 595–597


adjusting in strokes, 347–348

in dashed strokes, 345, 346, 347, 348

between printed pages, 648

spacing objects, 595–597

in stroke style patterns, 347, 348, 352

gate folds, 81

General pane (Print dialog box), 644–647

General Preferences dialog box, 36–37

General Purpose option (color management preset), 627

Generate Index button or dialog box, 562–566

Generate Overset Text Report with Document Creation option, 528


data merge reports, 528

embedded SWF file codes, 737

indexes, 562–566

tables of contents, 550

generosity of PeachPit Press, 287

gestures, 38

GIF files, 56, 460, 466–468, 519

Gilbert & Sullivan themes, 159

Gill, Tim, 673

global formatting, 301

Global Light option, 368

glow effect, 370–372, 371–373, 695

Glyph Scaling option, 288–289

glyph sets, 159

glyphs. See also special characters

accessing in fonts, 157–159

bullets, 293–295

entering in text frames, 157–159

finding and changing, 213, 228–230

Glyph panel, 228–230

glyph sets, 159

Glyphs panel, 11

highlighting substituted glyphs, 43, 44

OpenType fonts and, 257

recently-used, 159

scaling, 288–289

subsetting characters in fonts, 36

substitution, 228

Glyphs panel, 11, 157–159, 228–230

gnawing off legs, 627

Go Back and Go Forward commands, 67

Go to Bridge button, 4

Go to Destination action, 716

Go to Link button, 478

Go to Next Note or Go to Previous Note button, 198

Go to Next State action, 718

Go to Next View action, 718

Go to Note Anchor button, 198

Go to... Page action, 716

Go To Page command, 67

Go to Previous State action, 718

Go to Previous View action, 718

Go to State action, 718

Go to URL action, 717

GoLive, 517

Grabber hand. See Hand tool

GRACoL setting, 629

Gradient and Mesh Resolution setting, 678–679

Gradient Feather effect, 375, 610

Gradient Feather tool, 18, 26

Gradient panel, 11, 355, 358, 359, 602

gradient ramps, 356, 357

gradient stops, 356, 357, 609

gradient swatches, 607–610

Gradient tool, 18, 26, 356

gradients and gradient fills


basic techniques, 618–619

to characters, 262, 263

to multiple paths, 360

to paths, 355–356

to table cells, 406–407

transparency to, 610

center points, 355, 357

changing gradient colors, 359

creating, 356–358, 607–610

editing, 358–360

feathering effects and, 26, 375, 610

gradient center point control, 356, 357

gradient ramp control, 356, 357

gradient stop control, 356, 357

gradient swatches, 607–610

linear gradients, 355

radial gradients, 355

tools, 18

transparency and feathering, 610

transparency flattener and, 678–679

graphic display settings. See also screen display

Fast Display setting, 465

High Quality setting, 465

overriding for individual graphics, 465–466

Typical Display setting, 465

graphic file formats. See also names of specific formats (TIFF images, etc.)

bitmaps. See bitmap graphics

choosing formats, 461–463

hybrid files, 460–461

limitations of, 461–463

metafiles, 460–461

vector graphics. See vector graphics

graphic frames

converting to text frames, 136

inline. See inline frames

Graphic place icon, 68

graphics. See also names of specific formats (TIFF images, etc.)

applying colors to, 618–619

button rollovers and states, 719–720

captioning, 162, 164, 174–177, 451–454

checking in Preflight, 683

choosing graphic file formats, 461–463

conditional images, 721

contact sheets, 460

copying pathnames, 524

editing original files, 477

embedded. See embedded graphics

EPUB layout, 522

exporting HTML files, 517

exporting XHTML files, 519

fitting features, 483–486

gathering linked images, 479, 686–687

graphic display settings, 55–58, 464–466

image quality, 495

ImageCatalog script, 695

importing in merged data, 524, 525

importing into InDesign. See importing graphics

importing with Word files, 184

InDesign INDD files, 471–472

information about, 28

inline, 184

listing fonts in, 261–262

metadata, 162, 164, 174–177, 488

multi-state objects, 721–723

opening documents with linked graphics, 472–473

optimizing subsampling, 658–659

panning, 483

placing. See placing graphics

preserving dimensions during relinking, 480

preserving dimensions when relinking, 61

printing as crossed-out boxes, 660

printing proxy images, 660

redraw settings, 39

relinking to different file types, 476–477

replacing with Clipboard contents, 221

resampling images, 505–507

resizing after layout adjustments, 103

resolution. See image resolution

scaling and, 463–464, 582

screen display of, 55–58

selecting frames and contents, 481–482

slide shows, 721–723

in table cells, 388, 390

wrapping text around. See text wrap

Graphics pane (Print dialog box), 658–662

Gravity path text option, 445, 447

gray boxes, displaying for graphics, 465, 660

Gray Out setting, 56

grayscale images, 496, 497, 506, 658–659

Greek Type Below field, 57, 58

greeking, 57, 58


expressions in nested styles, 282–283

finding and changing text with, 213, 223–228

marking subexpressions, 225–226

nested GREP styles, 282–283

resources for mastering, 227–228

routine text cleanup, 227

saving queries, 230

GREP panel, 223–228

GREP Styles dialog box, 282–283

Gridline Every option, 47

grids. See also guides

arranging objects in, 592–593

baseline grid, 47, 119–120, 272–275

color of, 47

contact sheets, 460

custom baseline grids, 273

document grid, 47–48, 119–120

exporting PDF files containing, 504

Grid Mode, 592–593

leading and, 140

MakeGrid script, 695

overview, 119–120

positioning in back, 48

preferences, 47–48

printing, 647

snapping and, 119–120

spacing, 47–48

Grids in Back option, 48

Grids Preferences dialog box, 47–48

grizzled graybeards. See ancient typographers; Blatner, David; Bringhurst, Bob; Kvern, Olav Martin

Group command, 131


figures and captions, 453

grouped panels, 13–14

grouping selected objects, 131

layers and, 125, 131

mixed ink groups, 611–613

playing animated objects together, 732

selecting objects in groups, 20, 107–108, 109, 131

selecting objects in nested groups, 109

style groups, 315–317

transformations and, 571

transparency in, 365–366

ungrouping objects, 131

grunge effects, 370

guides. See also grids

adding around objects, 114, 694

colors, specifying, 115–116

column guides, 78, 108, 111–112

copying, 117

creating, 112–113

deleting, 117

displaying, 110, 115–116

document grid and, 110

editing, 114

exporting PDF files containing, 504

hiding, 110

layout adjustment settings, 103–104

locking and unlocking, 112, 116–117

margin guides, 78, 108

moving between layers, 114, 115

overview, 108–110

positioning in back, 49

preferences, 48–49

printing, 647

ruler guides, 3, 112–117

selecting, 114

setting page layout options, 108–119

Smart Guides, 49, 50, 108, 117–119

snapping and, 108–110, 113, 119–120

types of, 108

Guides and Pasteboard Preferences dialog box, 48–49

Guides in Back option, 49

Gutenberg, Johannes, 641

gutters, 71, 111, 138, 144


H&J Violations option, 43

H.264 encoded videos, 723, 724, 725

hairlines, 343

halftone screens

compression and, 505

graphics and, 464

mixed ink swatches and, 611

optimized subsampling, 659

Hand tool

as navigation tool, 18, 65–66

settings, 39

shortcuts for, 18

switching to, 26, 64

Hand Tool option, 39

handles. See control handles; selection handles

hanging indents, 266–267, 381

hanging punctuation, 318–320

hanging side heads, 427–429, 436–437

hanging text in margins, 276

Hard Light transparency blending mode, 364

hardware, optimizing for color viewing, 625

headers or footers

dictionary-style headers, 172, 175

phone book style, 173, 175

table header or footer rows, 390–392

table styles and, 414

text variables and, 162, 164, 171, 172


hanging side heads, 381, 427–429, 436–437

in index entries, 553

in tables of contents, 545

headline type, 243

headlines, spanning columns with, 143–145

heartache. See also madness

color policies and, 630

numbering and, 300

Hebrew typesetting, 259


baseline character positioning, 139–141

scaling and, 580

table rows, 394–395

x height and leading, 243

Height field, 581


finding in Tooltips, 37

Tool Hints panel, 19

hexagons, drawing, 22

hidden buttons, 720

hidden cells in Excel, importing, 187

hidden characters, 192, 216. See also special characters

hidden layers

finding text in, 214

hiding, 125–126, 128

including index entries from, 564

including tables of contents entries from, 549

text wrap and, 128

hidden objects, 125, 598

hidden panels, 38

hidden tables of contents, 715

hidden tools, 18

Hide button, 3

Hide Guides command, 110

Hide Live Corners command, 341

Hide Others command, 125


animated objects, 730

baseline grid, 110

buttons, 717, 720

Control panel items, 34

document grid, 110

fields, 717

guides, 110

layers, 125–126, 128

master page items, 100

menu items, 33

multi-state objects, 723

objects, 598

panels, 10

unused index topics, 560–561

High Quality display setting, 55, 465

High Resolution display setting, 56

High Resolution flattener style, 677, 678

high resolution images, 493, 725

Highlight preferences settings, 42–44


kerning, 44

simulating effect in text, 253–254

substituted fonts and glyphs, 43, 44

tracking, 44

typographic problems, 42–44, 290

Highlights for Children puzzles, 324

H&J violations, 43


clipping paths and, 493

in closed paths, 333–335

in objects, 339

horizontal axis, reflecting objects, 586

Horizontal Margins field, 49

horizontal ruler, 3, 45

horizontal ruler guides, 3

Horizontal Scaling field, 580, 581

horizontal scroll bar, 3

horizontally distributing objects on page, 594–597

horizontally scaling characters, 248

hourly-wages, paragraph styles and, 308

hours, in text variables, 165

HTML. See also tagged text

embedded SWF file codes, 737

exporting text to, 517–523

exporting XHTML, 518–521

finding and changing text between tags, 226, 229

importing tables, 385

XHTML and interactive features, 706

http://-style URLs, 724

Hue transparency blending mode, 364

human visual color perception, 600

hybrid files, 460–461. See also EPS graphics; Illustrator graphics; PDF graphics and files; PICT graphics; WMF graphics


appearance, 711

character styles, 708

converting URLs to, 708–709

creating, 711

creating from URLs, 713

cross references, 177–180

deleting or resetting, 713

destinations for, 709–711

displaying, 713

editing, 709–711

in exported HTML files, 517

exporting documents with, 714

exporting to Flash files, 739

fast hyperlinks, 707–708

limitations, 727

named and unnamed, 707, 711–712

overview, 707

in PDF files, 504, 707–714

previewing, 734–735

shared destinations, 710

styles for, 711

in SWF files, 737

updating, 714

in Word files, 711

Hyperlinks option, 504

Hyphenate button, 202


adding words to user dictionary, 202

consecutive hyphens, 286

controlling, 285–287

dictionaries, 50

discretionary hyphens, 287

exported text in Flash files, 739

hyphenation zone, 286

imported text, 186

language and character formatting, 249–250

multi-line composition, 284

paragraph formatting, 285–287

preventing reflow, 687

Hyphenation Settings dialog box, 285–287

Hyphenation Slider (“Nigel”), 286

hyphenation zone, 286


consecutive, 286

discretionary, 287

entering, 156

on Font menu, 237


ICC (International Color Consortium), 509, 624


displaying panels as, 38

reducing panels to, 12

resizing, 79

IDE (ExtendScript Toolkit), 691

IDML files, 74, 75, 515–516

IDMS files, 516

Ignore All button, 200

Ignore Linked Profiles policy, 633

Ignore Object and Layer Locks option, 103

Ignore Optical Margin feature, 319–320

Ignore Ruler Guide Alignments option, 103

Ignore Text Wrap option, 121–122, 141, 142, 419

Illustrator graphics

AI files, 624, 675

AICB setting, 456

color management and, 471, 624

importing, 456, 469–471

layers in, 471

metadata from, 164, 176

metafiles, 460–461

placing with captions, 454

transparency and, 675

Image Import Options dialog box, 466–472, 633

Image place icon, 68

image resolution

best settings, 463–464

clipping paths and, 493

displaying in Info panel, 28

exporting EPS graphics and, 498–499

image quality, 496

monochrome images, 506

optimizing printed images, 659–660

posters, 725

resampling images, 505–507

ImageCatalog script, 695

images. See bitmap graphics; GIF files; graphics; JPEG files; TIFF images; vector graphics

imagesetters and service providers. See also commercial printers

designer and service bureau responsibilities, 682

file formats for output providers, 683

packaging files for remote printing, 686–688

preflight file testing, 683–686

preparing files for, 682–683

screening settings and, 657

IME (Input Method Editor), 42

import filters

Excel data, 186–188

overview, 181

RTF files, 182–185

tagged text, 188–189, 232

text-only files, 185–186

Word files, 182–185

Import Hidden Cells Not Saved in View option, 187

Import Inline Graphics option, 184, 187

Import Options dialog box

bitmap images, 466–468

EPS files, 468–469

Image Import Options dialog box, 466–472

Microsoft Excel Import Options dialog box, 186–188

RTF Import Options, 182–185

Tagged Text Import Options dialog box, 188–189

Text Import Options dialog box, 185–186

Word Import Options, 182–185

Import Styles Automatically option, 185

Import Unused Styles option, 184


audio or video files, 723–724

data. See importing data

graphics. See importing graphics

master spreads and pages, 95–97

motion presets, 732

multiple files, 459–460

object styles, 442

PDF export presets, 515

print presets, 666

snippets, 60

stroke styles, 352, 353

tables, 385

text. See importing text

user dictionaries with documents, 50

importing data

blank lines in data file, 528–529

data file setup, 523–524

file metadata, 488

importing images with text, 524, 525

importing indexing with text, 560–561

limiting number of records, 529

master pages and, 526

merging data into InDesign documents, 516–527

multiple records on pages, 528

overview, 523

template setup, 524–526

updating merged data, 529–530

importing graphics

AI graphics, 469–471

applying color to imported graphics, 494

bitmap graphics, 466–468

charts, 187

color profiles, 633–634

copying and pasting, 456

with destination frame selected, 457

dragging and dropping, 456

embedding files, 472, 477–478

EPS graphics, 461, 468–469

graphic display settings, 464–466

graphic file formats, 461–463

import methods, 456

InDesign INDD files, 471–472

inline graphics in Excel files, 187

inline graphics in Word files, 184

layer visibility, 468

linking to files, 60, 473–477

metadata and, 488

multiple files, 459–460

with no frame selected, 458

object styles and, 442

overview, 456

path operations and, 338

PDF graphics, 463, 469–471

place icons, 67, 68

placing files, 456

resizing imported graphics, 482–483

unembedding graphics, 478

video files, 723–724

importing text

Buzzword files, 189

cell and table styles, 416

embedding text files, 189

Excel data, 186–188, 385

HTML files, 385

import filters, 181

index markers and, 560–561

inline graphics and, 184

linking to files, 60, 189

multiple files, 459–460

place icons, 67, 68

placing text files, 181–182

quotation marks and, 183

replacing selected text, 181

RTF files, 182–185

tables, 385

tagged text, 188–189

text-only files, 185–186

text styles, 317–318

text variables, 166–168

updating imported text, 189

Word files, 182–185, 385, 560–561

XML files, 531, 532–533

imposition, 667–671

Impostrip, 667

impressing friends, 23

in ports, 145–146, 148

In-RIP Separations option, 654

in-RIP trapping, 655

In Use document status icons, 540

inactive publication windows, 8

incandescent lighting, 625

inch measurement overrides, 16

Include Book Documents option, 563–564

Include Bookmarks option, 504

Include Deleted Text When Spellchecking option, 54

Include Entire Folder Path option (text variables), 164

Include Entries on Hidden Layers option, 564

Include File Extension option (text variables), 164

Include Footnotes option, 214

Include Hidden layers option, 214

Include Index Section Headings option, 564

Include Interactive Page Curl option, 738

Include Locked Layers (Find Only) option, 213

Include Locked Stories (Find Only) option, 214

Include Master Pages option, 214

Include Note Content in Find/Change Operations option, 52

Include Note Content When Checking Spelling option, 52

Include Text in Hidden Layers option, 549

InCopy, 197, 199–200, 214, 474

Increment Every field, 47

InData, 523

INDD files. See also publications

importing, 471–472

using extensions, 76

indenting. See also tabs and tab stops

bulleted lists, 294

hanging indents, 266–267, 381

indented (nested) index format, 564

paragraph formatting, 265–267

table of contents entry levels, 549


online help, 4

plug-ins, 67–68

publications. See publications

“saving back” to earlier versions, 76

scripting forum, 693

scripting philosophy, 696

windows and components, 2–9

InDesign CS5 Scripting Guide and Tutorial, 693

InDesign Interchange (IDML) format, 515–516

InDesign Interchange (INX) format, 76, 515

InDesign Recovery folder, 77

InDesign Shortcut Sets folder, 30

InDesign Snippet command, 516

InDesign tagged text. See tagged text

index entries. See indexes and index entries

Index panel, 11, 553. See also indexes and index entries

Index Style options, 565

Index Text option, 183


eternal affection towards David and Ole, 552

medication and, 552

whims of, 565

indexes and index entries

adding every instance of entries, 557

adding multiple entries, 557

alpha section heads, 564

applying styles, 564–565

book documents and, 563–564

building indexes, 562–566

bypassing dialog box, 557

compared to concordances, 552

creating entries, 553–557

cross-references, 557–559

deleting entries, 561

dummy, 558

editing entries, 561

editing page references, 561–562

finding entries, 562

first-level entries, 553–557

forcing entry sort order, 554, 562

hidden layers, entries on, 564

hyperlinked in PDF files, 504

importing topics from other documents, 560–561

importing Word/RTF files and, 183, 560–561

Index panel, 553

nested format, 564

overview, 552

page number styles, 554

page range options, 554–556

page references, adding to entries, 559

replacing existing indexes, 563

run-in format, 564

scope of entries, 554–556

second-level entries, 560

separators, specifying, 565

sorting special symbols or numbers, 562

styles for entries, 564–565

titles, 562–563

INDS files, 516

INDT extension, 76

inferior formatting (subscript), 42, 248–249, 255–256, 259

Info panel, 11, 27–28


master spreads, 97, 98

parent-child style relationships, 314–315, 439

Initial positional form, 259

Ink Black option, 635

Ink Limit option, 672, 673

Ink lists, 601, 657

Ink Manager

accessing, 621

aliasing spot colors, 622

converting spot colors, 621

exporting EPS files and, 499

exporting PDF files and, 509

overview, 621

printing and, 658

inkjet printers, 626


black inks, 58–59, 635–636, 673

black point compensation setting, 632

densities, 673

Ink Manager overview, 621

lists, 601, 657

matching, 58–59, 635–636

mixed ink swatches, 610–613

names, 671

overprinting black ink, 673

transparent objects and, 362–363

trapping. See trapping

turning on or off, 657

Inks list, 601, 657

Inline Background Color option, 52

inline frames. See also anchored objects

creating, 423, 424–425

drop caps, 435–436

hanging side heads, 427–429, 436–437

limitations of, 424

moving, 425

overview, 422–424

removing, 429–430

selecting, 425, 429–430

inline graphics

importing in Excel files, 187

importing in Word files, 184

Inline Input for Non-Latin text option, 42

INMS files, 34

Inner Bevel effect, 371, 372

Inner Glow feature, 371, 372–373

Inner Shadow effect, 370–371

Input Method Editor (IME), 42

insanity. See madness

Insert Anchored Object command, 424

Insert Break Character submenu, 155

Insert Column(s) dialog box, 396

“insert label” method, 699

Insert Pages command and dialog box, 82–83

Insert Row(s) dialog box, 395

Insert Special Character submenu, 92, 155, 278

Insert Table dialog box, 384

Insert Variable submenu, 163

Insert White Space submenu, 155

Inset Spacing settings, 139

insets, 139

inside edges of clipping paths, 493

INST files, 353

instances of text variables. See also text variables

converting to text, 168, 169–170

defined, 161

inserting, 163

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) (ExtendScript Toolkit), 691

Intent setting, 631–632

intents, 468, 631–632

interactive features

animation, 727–728

audio and video files, 723–727

bookmarks, 714–715

buttons, 715–721

exporting interactive documents, 737

exporting PDFs, 736–737

in Flash files, 739–740

hyperlinks, 707–714

interactivity after export, 706

Media panel, 725–727

multi-state objects, 721–723

overview, 706

page transition effects, 733–734

in PDF files, 504

Presentation Mode, 735

previewing, 734–735

rollovers and states, 719–720

slide shows, 721–723

in SWF files, 737–738

Interactivity setting, 737–738

interchange formats, 181

Interface Preferences dialog box, 37–39

International Color Consortium (ICC), 509, 624

Intersect path operation, 339

intersecting objects, path operations and, 337–340


arrowheads, 346–347

clipping paths, 493

path direction, 324–325, 348

text wrap, 418, 420

invisible animated objects, 730

invisible buttons, 720

INX files, 76, 515

irritation, scripting and, 697

island spreads, 84–85

ISO standard PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3, and PDF/X-4, 500. See also PDF graphics and files

Isolate Blending option, 365

Isolated positional form, 259

italic text, skewing compared to, 249, 250

itchy palms, overuse of effects and, 367

Item Information dialog box, 28

iTunes, 723

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