Analyzing your data

Our new application has two filters we can use to get a response to our questions. Select Horeca in the Channel filters. The application responds by actualizing the data. Now everything you see is related to the Horeca customers. Use the green or red buttons to confirm or cancel your selection. This is depicted in the following screenshot:

Analyzing your data

In the following screenshot, I've selected Horeca and Porto, and in the Top Customers table, I can see the top 10 Horeca customers in Porto. Now you can use the filters and the visualizations we've created to answer your own questions:

Analyzing your data


You can filter the data using the filters we've put in the application or you can filter the data by clicking on the charts.

Finally, I've created a new sheet called 360º Analysis. In this last sheet, we analyze the customer average money spent and the total money spent in the two different sales channels, the three regions, and the six different product categories. The following screenshot represents all this:

Analyzing your data

In the bottom-right, you can see a scatter plot. In this chart, each point represents a customer. The y axis represents the money spent on Detergents_Paper and the x axis represents the money spent on Food. At the beginning of this chapter, we created the field Food to be able to represent the customer's behavior on a plane.

Now try to select the Retail customers directly on a chart. All of the charts will update automatically to represent only Retail customers.

Finally, cancel your selection and select a single customer. On the Total Spent by Product bar chart, you can see the money spent by this customer in each category.

Now it's your turn to try to create new charts with Qlik Sense and explore your customers' characteristics even more.

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