
Lxml is a Python library built on top of the libxml2 XML parsing library written in C, which helps make it faster than Beautiful Soup but also harder to install on some computers, specifically Windows. The latest installation instructions are available at http://lxml.de/installation.html. If you run into difficulties installing the library on your own, you can also use Anaconda to do so:  https://anaconda.org/anaconda/lxml.

If you are unfamiliar with Anaconda, it is a package and environment manager primarily focused on open data science packages built by the folks at Continuum Analytics. You can download and install Anaconda by following their setup instructions here: https://www.continuum.io/downloads. Note that using the Anaconda quick install will set your PYTHON_PATH to the Conda installation of Python.

As with Beautiful Soup, the first step when using lxml is parsing the potentially invalid HTML into a consistent format. Here is an example of parsing the same broken HTML:

>>> from lxml.html import fromstring, tostring
>>> broken_html = '<ul class=country><li>Area<li>Population</ul>'
>>> tree = fromstring(broken_html) # parse the HTML
>>> fixed_html = tostring(tree, pretty_print=True)
>>> print(fixed_html)
<ul class="country">

As with BeautifulSoup, lxml was able to correctly parse the missing attribute quotes and closing tags, although it did not add the <html> and <body> tags. These are not requirements for standard XML and so are unnecessary for lxml to insert.

After parsing the input, lxml has a number of different options to select elements, such as XPath selectors and a find() method similar to Beautiful Soup. Instead, we will use CSS selectors here, because they are more compact and can be reused later in Chapter 5, Dynamic Content when parsing dynamic content. Some readers will already be familiar with them from their experience with jQuery selectors or use in front-end web application development. Later in this chapter we will compare performance of these selectors with XPath. To use CSS selectors, you might need to install the cssselect library like so:

pip install cssselect

Now we can use the lxml CSS selectors to extract the area data from the example page:

>>> tree = fromstring(html) 
>>> td = tree.cssselect('tr#places_area__row > td.w2p_fw')[0]
>>> area = td.text_content()
>>> print(area)
244,820 square kilometres

By using the cssselect method on our tree, we can utilize CSS syntax to select a table row element with the places_area__row ID, and then the child table data tag with the w2p_fw class. Since cssselect returns a list, we then index the first result and call the text_content method, which will iterate over all child elements and return concatenated text of each element. In this case, we only have one element, but this functionality is useful to know for more complex extraction examples.

You can see this code and the other code for this chapter in the book code repository: https://github.com/kjam/wswp/blob/master/code/chp2.

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