Installing Scrapy

Scrapy can be installed with the pip command, as follows:

pip install scrapy

Scrapy relies on some external libraries, so if you have trouble installing it there is additional information available on the official website at:

If Scrapy is installed correctly, a scrapy command will now be available in the terminal:

$ scrapy
Scrapy 1.3.3 - no active project

scrapy <command> [options] [args]

Available commands:
bench Run quick benchmark test
fetch Fetch a URL using the Scrapy downloader

We will use the following commands in this chapter:

  • startproject: Creates a new project
  • genspider: Generates a new spider from a template
  • crawl: Runs a spider
  • shell: Starts the interactive scraping console
For detailed information about these and other commands available, refer to
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