Retrying downloads

Often, the errors encountered when downloading are temporary; an example is when the web server is overloaded and returns a 503 Service Unavailable error. For these errors, we can retry the download after a short time because the server problem may now be resolved. However, we do not want to retry downloading for all errors. If the server returns 404 Not Found, then the web page does not currently exist and the same request is unlikely to produce a different result.

The full list of possible HTTP errors is defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force, and is available for viewing at In this document, we can see that 4xx errors occur when there is something wrong with our request and 5xx errors occur when there is something wrong with the server. So, we will ensure our download function only retries the 5xx errors. Here is the updated version to support this:

def download(url, num_retries=2): 
print('Downloading:', url)
html = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
except (URLError, HTTPError, ContentTooShortError) as e:
print('Download error:', e.reason)
html = None
if num_retries > 0:
if hasattr(e, 'code') and 500 <= e.code < 600:
# recursively retry 5xx HTTP errors
return download(url, num_retries - 1)
return html

Now, when a download error is encountered with a 5xx code, the download error is retried by recursively calling itself. The function now also takes an additional argument for the number of times the download can be retried, which is set to two times by default. We limit the number of times we attempt to download a web page because the server error may not recover. To test this functionality we can try downloading, which returns the 500 error code:

    >>> download('')
Download error: Internal Server Error
Download error: Internal Server Error
Download error: Internal Server Error

As expected, the download function now tries downloading the web page, and then, on receiving the 500 error, it retries the download twice before giving up.

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