How does k-means clustering work?

The goal of the k-means algorithm is to partition the data into k groups based on feature similarities. K is a predefined property of a k-means clustering model. Each of the k clusters are specified by a centroid (center of a cluster) and each data sample belongs to the cluster with the nearest centroid. During training, the algorithm iteratively updates the k centroids based on the data provided. Specifically, it involves the following steps:

  1. Specifying k: The algorithm needs to know how many clusters to generate as an end result.
  2. Initializing centroids: The algorithm starts with randomly selecting k samples from the dataset as centroids.
  3. Assigning clusters: Now that we have k centroids, samples that share the same closest centroid constitute one cluster. K clusters are created as a result. Note that, closeness is usually measured by the Euclidean distance. Other metrics can also be used, such as the Manhattan distance and Chebyshev distance, which are listed in the following table:

  1. Updating centroids: For each cluster, we need to recalculate its center point, which is the mean of all the samples in the cluster. K centroids are updated to be the means of corresponding clusters. This is why the algorithm is called k-means.
  2. Repeating step 3 and 4: It keeps repeating assigning clusters and updating centroids until the model is converged where the centroids stop moving or move small enough, or enough iterations have been taken.

The outputs of a trained k-means clustering model include the following:

  • The cluster ID of each training sample, ranging from 1 to k
  • K centroids, which can be used to cluster new samples—the new sample will belong to the cluster of the closest centroid

It is very easy to understand the k-means clustering algorithm and its implementation is also straightforward, as we will discover next. 

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