Predicting Online Ad Click-Through with Tree-Based Algorithms

In this chapter and the next, we will be solving one of the most data-driven problems in digital advertising: ad click-through prediction - given a user and the page he/she is visiting, this predicts how likely it is that they will click on a given ad. We will be focusing on learning tree-based algorithms (decision tree and random forest) and utilizing them to tackle this billion-dollar problem. We will be exploring decision trees from the root to the leaves, as well as the aggregated version, a forest of trees. This won't be a bland chapter, as there are a lot of hand-calculations and implementations of tree models from scratch, and using scikit-learn and TensorFlow.

We will cover the following topics in this chapter:

  • Introduction to online advertising click-through
  • Two types of feature: numerical and categorical
  • What is decision tree
  • The mechanics of a decision tree classifier
  • The construction of decision tree
  • The implementation of decision tree from scratch
  • The implementation of decision tree using scikit-learn
  • Click-through predictions with decision tree
  • The ensemble method and bagging technique
  • What is random forest?
  • The mechanics of random forest
  • Click-through predictions with random forest
  • Tuning a tree model using grid search and cross-validation
  • The implementation of random forest using TensorFlow
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