Avoiding overfitting with cross-validation

Recall that between practice questions and actual exams, there are mock exams where we can assess how well we'll perform in actual exams and use that information to conduct necessary revision. In machine learning, the validation procedure helps evaluate how the models will generalize to independent or unseen datasets in a simulated setting. In a conventional validation setting, the original data is partitioned into three subsets, usually 60% for the training set, 20% for the validation set, and the rest (20%) for the testing set. This setting suffices if we have enough training samples after partitioning and we only need a rough estimate of simulated performance. Otherwise, cross-validation is preferable.

In one round of cross-validation, the original data is divided into two subsets, for training and testing (or validation) respectively. The testing performance is recorded. Similarly, multiple rounds of cross-validation are performed under different partitions. Testing results from all rounds are finally averaged to generate a more reliable estimate of model prediction performance. Cross-validation helps to reduce variability and, therefore, limit overfitting.

When the training size is very large, it's often sufficient to split it into training, validation, and testing (three subsets) and conduct a performance check on the latter two. Cross-validation is less preferable in this case since it's computationally costly to train a model for each single round. But if you can afford it, there's no reason not to use cross-validation. When the size isn't so large, cross-validation is definitely a good choice.

There are mainly two cross-validation schemes in use, exhaustive and non-exhaustive. In the exhaustive scheme, we leave out a fixed number of observations in each round as testing (or validation) samples and the remaining observations as training samples. This process is repeated until all possible different subsets of samples are used for testing once. For instance, we can apply Leave-One-Out-Cross-Validation (LOOCV) and let each datum be in the testing set once. For a dataset of the size n, LOOCV requires n rounds of cross-validation. This can be slow when n gets large. This following diagram presents the workflow of LOOCV:

A non-exhaustive scheme, on the other hand, as the name implies, doesn't try out all possible partitions. The most widely used type of this scheme is k-fold cross-validation. The original data first randomly splits the data into k equal-sized folds. In each trial, one of these folds becomes the testing set, and the rest of the data becomes the training set. We repeat this process k times, with each fold being the designated testing set once. Finally, we average the k sets of test results for the purpose of evaluation. Common values for k are 3, 5, and 10. The following table illustrates the setup for five-fold:

K-fold cross-validation often has a lower variance compared to LOOCV, since we're using a chunk of samples instead a single one for validation.

We can also randomly split the data into training and testing sets numerous times. This is formally called the holdout method. The problem with this algorithm is that some samples may never end up in the testing set, while some may be selected multiple times in the testing set.

Last but not the least, nested cross-validation is a combination of cross-validations. It consists of the following two phases:

  • Inner cross-validation: This phase is conducted to find the best fit and can be implemented as a k-fold cross-validation
  • Outer cross-validation: This phase is used for performance evaluation and statistical analysis

We'll apply cross-validation very intensively throughout this entire book. Before that, let's look at cross-validation with an analogy next, which will help us to better understand it.

A data scientist plans to take his car to work and his goal is to arrive before 9 a.m. every day. He needs to decide the departure time and the route to take. He tries out different combinations of these two parameters on some Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays and records the arrival time for each trial. He then figures out the best schedule and applies it every day. However, it doesn't work quite as well as expected. It turns out the scheduling model is overfit with data points gathered in the first three days and may not work well on Thursdays and Fridays. A better solution would be to test the best combination of parameters derived from Mondays to Wednesdays on Thursdays and Fridays and similarly repeat this process based on different sets of learning days and testing days of the week. This analogized cross-validation ensures the selected schedule works for the whole week.

In summary, cross-validation derives a more accurate assess of model performance by combining measures of prediction performance on different subsets of data. This technique not only reduces variances and avoids overfitting, but also gives an insight into how the model will generally perform in practice.

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