
Accountability, defining, 69

Actual cost work performed (ACWP), 347

Addison-Wesley, 365

Air University Review, 62

American Heritage Dictionary, 40

American Society for the Advancement of Project Management (asapm), 37, 44, 431

Assessing organizational project competence, 425

performance based competence, 426

Association for Project Management (APM), 37, 45

Attitude and behavior, 13

Audit. See Project audits

Audit teams, 312

composite, 313

external, 313

internal, 313

Australian Institute for Project Management (AIPM), 37, 45


de facto, 8, 67, 398

de jure, 7, 66, 398

Authority and responsibility, 15

Authority-Responsibility-Accountability, 66

Bar chart. See Gantt chart


leadership of, 108

pitfalls, 108

standard steps, 108, 109

teams, 107

Benefits of project management, 23, 24, 25, 122

Bennis, Warren G., 174, 196

Board of directors, 149

capital project surveillance, 150

inadequacies regarding projects, 150

major projects, 149

project information, 152

responsibilities, 151

Budget execution, 337

Budgeted cost work performed (BCWP), 347

Budgeted cost work scheduled (BCWS), 347

Business Horizons, 6, 7

Business Publications, 388

CAS. See Cultural ambience subsystem

Cashflow analysis, 228

Certification in project management

beneficiaries, 41

knowledge-based versus competence-based, value of, 44

Champy, James, 91, 93


accepting, 113

denial of, 113

negative reaction to, 112

negotiating, 113

realization of, 113

Cleland, David I., 7, 8, 60, 62, 64, 68, 102, 104, 105, 106, 132, 136, 137, 141, 159, 211, 212, 299, 332, 352, 353, 354, 357, 358, 359, 362, 363


characteristics, 188

project leader’s role, 185

techniques and tools, 186

Code of ethics, enforcement, 32

Communication in project meetings, 392

controlling, 395

effective and ineffective, 394

guideposts, 395

organizing, 393

planning, 393

Communications. See also Linear responsibility chart

defined, 387

difficulties, 389, 390

emotional, 389, 390

informal, 388

listening, 389

model, 388

nonverbal, 390

project meetings. See Meetings

written, 391

Competence, 9, 10

elements, 38, 39

Conceptual phase, 33, 34


causes, 193

preventing, 191

resolution modes, 194

compromise, 194

forcing, 194

problem solving, 194

smoothing, 194

withdrawal, 194

sources, 191

types, 192

Consideration of termination

possibilities, 273

strategies, 273

Contingency planning, 309

Contingency reserves, 309

Continuation of projects whose value is in doubt, 273

Continuous improvement, 269

Continuous team development, 363

Contract, 263

Contract structure

cost-reimbursement, 238

fixed-price, 238

target-price, 238

unit-price, 238

Cost of quality, 268

appraisal, 268

external failure, 268

internal failure, 268

measurement and test, 268

prevention, 268

Cost variance, 347

Critical path method (CPM), 255

Cultural ambience subsystem (CAS), 11

Customers, benefits, 27

Davis, Keith, 209

Davis, Ralph Currier, 6

Decision making

classifications, 215

considerations, 213

process, 214, 215

in projects, 213

team, 217

Definition phase, 33, 34

Deming, W. Edwards, 266

Deming’s 14 points, 267

Detailed software requirements, 258

Developing a budget, 335

burden cost, 336

burden or indirect cost, 336

cost categories in budget, 336

profit, 336

raw cost, 336

total cost, 336

total price, 336

Developing winning proposals, 245

Divestment phase, 35-36

Donnelly, James H., 388

Earned value management (EVM), 342

Earned value management system (EVMS), 342, 346, 349

application, 343

basic chart, 346

planning, 344

process, 345

variance how much is tolerable, 348

Earned value management system planning

project budget, 345

project schedule, 345

statement of work, 344

WBS dictionary, 344

work breakdown structure, 344

E.I. Dupont Company, 255

Elements in the control system, 300

comparing planned and actual performance, 301

corrective action, 302

establishing standards, 300

observing performance, 300

Emotional considerations in communication, 390

Emotional intelligence, 15

Establishing a project management system, 329

Establishing project priorities, 287


code of, 29

obligations of a professional, 29

Evaluating a project’s value, 272

EVM. See Earned value management

EVMS. See Earned value management system

Facilitative organization subsystem (FOS), 11

Fish, Gerald, 6

Fortune, 8, 90

Fully integrated team, characteristics, 363

Gantt, Henry L., 255

Gantt chart, 295

General functions of project management software, 256

cost management, 257

human resource management, 257

resources, 257

time management, 256

Generic SOW topics, 251

acceptance criteria, 252

applicable standards, 252

deliverable schedule, 252

location of the work, 252

period of performance, 252

scope of work, 251

special requirements, 252

type of contract and payment schedule, 252

Gibson, James L., 388

Goleman, Daniel, 15

Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), 38, 97

Hammer, Michael, 91, 93

Handling potential claims, 239

Harper and Row, 49

Harper Business, 91, 93

Harvard Business Review, 5, 6

Hierarchy of needs, 14

Honesty, 31

Human subsystem (HS), 12

ICB, 38

Importance of project work, 287

Indemnification, 264

Individual competence, 15

model, 16

Integrity, 31

Internal rate of return (IRR), 227

International Project Management Association (IPMA), 37, 38, 39

International projects, 152

advantages, 155

consortium of organizations, 154

developing a project plan, 158

disadvantages, 156

multinational, 153

product components in different nations, 154

project elements in different nations, 154

rationale, 153

types of, 153

IPMA. See International Project Management Association

Ireland, Lewis R., 60, 64, 132, 136, 159

IRR. See Internal rate of return

Ivanevich, John M., 388

Jacob, Rahuyl, 90

John Wiley & Sons, 102, 104, 105, 106, 141, 352, 353, 354, 357, 358, 359, 362, 363

Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), F-35, 54

Jossey-Bass, 137

King, William R., 68, 212

Knowledge, 10

areas, 38

Knowledge, skill, ability requirements, 372

Kocaoglu, Dundar F., 211

Labor costs, 337

actual labor rate, 337

average labor rate, 337

burdened labor rate, 337

nominal labor rate, 337

Leadership, 174, 195

characteristics, 176

components, 180

fundamentals, 178

managership, 174

principles, 183

in projects, 177

traits, 183, 184


authority, 7

framework, 236

Linear responsibility chart (LRC), 21, 23, 63

Lockheed Martin Company, 54

LRC. See Linear responsibility chart

McGregor, Douglas, 14, 209, 373, 374, 394, 395

Manager. See Project manager

Managing costs in projects, 332

planning, 333

Manhattan Project, 6

Maslow, A. H., 14

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 14, 208, 209

esteem and status needs, 208

physiological needs, 208

safety and security needs, 208

self-realization and fulfillment needs, 208

Matrix organization, 59

strong matrix, 62

weak matrix, 61

Measures of success, 27

Mee, John F., 6


basic purposes, 393

controlling, 395

effective and ineffective, 394

guideposts, 395

organizing, 393

planning, 393

Mescon, M. H., 49


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 14

theory X, 14, 210, 373

theory Y, 14, 210, 374

Multiple projects

benefits, 167

complexity, 169

duration and resources, 169

grouping projects, 168

life cycle, 169

managing, 167, 169

project categories, 169

project priorities, 168

single versus multiple, 171

technologies, 169

Need urgency of, 288, 289

Negotiations, 396

conflict, 397

dangers in, 399

power, 398

types, 397

Net present value (NPV), 227, 228

Nontraditional project teams

characteristics of, 88

work of, 89

Operational phase, 35, 36

Organization, benefits, 25

Organizational change, five phases, 114

Organizational project competence, 426

best project practices, 428

competent project personnel, 428

organization’s project management competencies, 429

project methodology, 428

resources for projects, 427

senior management leadership, 427

strategic plan, 426

who conducts assessment, 430

Organizational values, 193


criteria for provider selection, 325

guidelines, 328

service, 323

project management, 322

project management component, 327

project management services and products, 326

selecting a provider, 324, 325

trends, 324

Partnering. See Project partnering

Pennsylvania Power and Light Company, 151

PERT. See Program evaluation and review technique

Pinto, Jeffrey K., 137

Planning. See Project planning

Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System (PPBS), 55

PMBOK® Guide . See Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge

PMI®. See Project Management Institute

PMIS. See Project management information system

Polaris Submarine Project, 6

Political process in project management, 376

personal sponsorship, 378

politics in projects, 379

project impacts, 378

project selection and sponsorship, 377

working in a political environment, 380

Portfolio management for projects, 159

background, 160

portfolio management, 166

portfolio model, 161

project selection criteria, 162

project selection process elements, 164, 165

Postproject reviews, 303

Precedence diagram method (PDM), 294

Preparing a schedule, 294

Problem-solving process, 269

Production phase, 35

Program evaluation and review technique (PERT), 255, 294

Program management, 49

evolution of, 51

examples of, 52

programs, 49

projects, 50

Program Office, 51


auditing, 310

changes, 239

control subsystem (PCS), 11

control system, 299

controlling, 47

diary, 241, 242

directing, 47

evaluation. See Project audits

factors, 2

failure factors, 3

knowledge and skill areas, 72

life cycle, 33

motivating, 47

organizing, 47

people involved, 71

planning, 47

start-up, 240

success or failure, 1

team control, 48

team direction, 48

team motivation, 48

team organization, 48

team planning, 48

teams. See Project team(s)

uncertainty, 304

working in, 74

Project audits, 302, 303

activities, 303

conducting the audit, 315

planning project audits, 314

teams, 312

types of audits, 311, 313

Project authority

de facto, 8, 67

de jure, 7, 66

Project change mechanisms, 239

Project communication, 387

communication model, 388

difficulties, 390

nonverbal, 390

written, 391

Project contract negotiations and administration, 261

administration, 264

negotiations, 262

Project diary, 241, 242

Project evaluation. See Project audits

Project failure, contributing factors, 4

Project feasibility study, 229

common factors, 228

common problems, 332

economics, 230

format, 332

legality, 230

operation, 230

preparing the study, 230

technology and system integration, 230

time, 230

Project kick-off, 244

goals, 242

meeting, 243

Project leadership, 173, 180

benefits, 26

characteristics, 173

of effective coaching, 188, 189

coaching techniques and tools, 186

fundamentals, 178

good and poor, 176, 177

job motivational factors, 212, 213

management methodology, 191

priorities, 191

role as a coach, 185

sources of conflict, 191

Project life cycle

conceptual phase, 33, 34

definition phase, 33, 34

divestment phase, 35

operational phase, 35, 36

production phase, 35

Project management

avoiding waste, 24

basic functions, 46

benefits, 23, 24, 25, 122

bodies of knowledge, 37

certification, 44

value of, 40

change agent, 113

comparison of operations, 124

competence, 9

conceptual framework, 18

contemporary model, 8

contribution of, 8

control, 20

core functions, 19

directing, 20

effecting change in an organization, 111

emergence of, 6

ethics, 28

functions, 19

implementation sequence, 121

knowledge and skills, 70

legal considerations, 236

legal framework, 236

managing change, 110

managing conflicts, 190

motivating, 20

opportunities for improving productivity, 24

organizing, 19, 22, 57

outsourced service, 323

philosophy, 16

planning, 19

selling, 123

selling to senior managers, 119

strategic planning, 120

training, 70

using, 116

Project management information system (PMIS), 11, 383

formal information, 386

informal information, 383

information quality, 386

information required, 386

linkages, 384

principles, 386

Project Management Institute (PMI®), 29, 37, 45, 137

Project management organizational competence, 401

developing project managers, 403

developing project teams, 403

managing, 402

organizational checklist, 405

other considerations, 406

Project management practitioner, ethics for, 31

Project management process, 45

controlling, 46

directing, 46

motivating, 46

organizing, 46

planning, 46

Project Management Professional (PMP®), 29

obligations of, 31

Project management software

requirements, 258

selection, 260

Project management system, 8, 329

control subsystem, 330

cultural ambience subsystem, 330

facilitative organizational subsystem, 329

human subsystem, 331

management information subsystem, 330

planning subsystem, 331

techniques and methodologies subsystem, 330

Project manager, 404

adequate knowledge base, 374

attitude and behaviors, 204

competences, 200, 373

customer interface, 62

demonstrated personal capabilities, 375

duties, 370

performance standard, 201

principles for, 206

role of, 61

successful, 200

understanding, 77

Project manager attributes, 201

control, 202

direct, 202

motivate, 202

organize, 201

plan, 201

Project managers knowledge, 203

budget development and management, 203

risk management, 204

schedule development and management, 204

technical performance management, 204

Project meetings. See Meetings

Project monitoring, evaluation, and control, 298

elements in the control system, 300

postproject reviews, 303

project audits, 302

Project office, 79, 80, 83, 84

functions, 81, 82

implementation, 85

Project organization, 58

balanced matrix, 59

basic management matrix, 58

functional matrix, 59

functional organization, 59

role and training matrix, 73

traditional matrix, 59

Project partnering, 125

arrangements, 125, 126

benefits, 130

examples, 127

managing, 126

technical aspects, 129

Project personnel recovery, 411, 412

buddy system, 413

communication, 414

fatigue, 411

inability to perform tasks, 412

planning, 414

rewards, 414

show concern, 413

sleep deprivation, 411

stress, 411

trust and confidence, 413

work environment, 414

Project planning, 277

adverse effects on, 283

benefits of proper, 285

charter, 281

common errors and excuses, 284

competences for, 282

contents, 279

developing a budget, 335

need for, 278

organizational context, 278

responsibilities for, 282

sequence of, 281

subsystem (PPS), 11

work breakdown structure (WBS), 20

work package elements, 20

Project portfolio. See Portfolio management for projects

Project practitioners, 75, 76

growth, 78

Project priority system, 289

advantages, 292

implementation, 291

model, 290

rationale for prioritizing projects, 289

Project recovery for the project team

capability assessment, 418

challenged environments, 415

challenged projects, 408, 416

degradation of team member capability, 408, 409

personnel recovery, 411, 419

team leader responsibility, 410

Project risk management, 304

internal and external, 305

Project schedule purposes, 294

Project scheduling, 293

resource loading a schedule, 297

tracking and control, 297

Project selection process, 221

external, 222

financial considerations, 226

internal, 222

models, 225

other considerations, 223

strategic and operational fit, 224

Project stability, 421

defined by elements, 421

indications of instability, 423

prevention measures, 424

Project stakeholder management (PSM), 134

evaluating, 134

implementing management strategy, 139

influence, 134

model, 135

predicting behavior, 139

Project statement of work, 251

Project strategic issue management, 131, 132

Project success, contributing factors, 4

Project team building, 362

conflict resolution, 365

continuous team development, 363

managing team conflict, 365

team leader actions, 367

team performance, 364

Project team members

benefits, 26

coaching, 184

Project team(s)

alternative, 87

business titles and functions, 369

driven reengineering, 94

motivating, 207

personal impact, 90

position and expertise requirements, 370

reengineering through, 91

role and responsibility, 368

skill and requirements, 371

traditional characteristics of, 87

Project termination, reasons for, 271

Project work breakdown structure, 338

Project work packages, 261


content, 248

developing, 245

management component, 249

planning, 245

pricing component, 250

schedule, 247

technical component, 249

Proposal contents, 248

management, 248

pricing, 248

technical, 248


management, 267

principles, 266

in projects, 265

team, 270

Quality management components, 267

assurance, 267

control, 267

planning, 267


basics, 94

lifecycle phases, 94

Resolution of disputes, 238

arbitration, 238

litigation, 238

mediation, 238

Responsibility, defining, 67

Return on investment (ROI), 227


identification, 306

mitigation, 308

quantification, 307

Risk control responsibility, 310

Roget’s International Thesaurus, 9

Role and responsibility

project manager, 61

senior leaders, 73

skills and knowledge, 70, 72

Schedule. See Project scheduling

Schedule variance, 347

Scheduling definitions, 293

critical path method (CPM), 293

milestone, 293

precedence diagram method (PDM), 294

program evaluation and review technique (PERT), 294

scheduling relationships for tasks, 294

task, 293

work breakdown structure, 294

Scheduling standards, 316

dependencies and interfaces, 320

external interfaces dependencies, 321

standards, 317

Selecting PM software, 255

Self-managed production team (SMPT), 101

Selling project management, 119

Senior management, 145

responsibility for projects, 146

review by life cycle phases, 148

role of, 6

Senior managers, benefits, 26

Sequence of planning actions, project charter, 281

Skill, 12

Small projects management of, 96

SMPT. See Self-managed production team

Software selection, 257

Sources of conflict, 191

jokes, 192

management methodology, 191

project priorities, 191

schedules and resources, 192

sexual harassment, 192

Stakeholder. See Project stakeholder management (PSM)

Statement of work, 344

Stepanek, John, SGM, 182

Stewart, Thomas H., 9

Strategic management of teams, 140

Susquehanna nuclear plant project, 151


relationship, 296

types of, 296

Team. See also Project team(s)

costs of, 360

decision making, 217

enterprise for the use of, 144

key ingredients of, 361

managing conflict, 365

negative side of teams, 359

performance, 364

planning failure, 360

positive and negative aspects, 358

Team building and development. See Project team building

Team culture

characteristics after teams, 355, 356, 357

characteristics before teams, 354

maintenance, 353

strengths, 352

understanding, 351

Team leadership, general characteristics, 195

Theory X, 14, 210, 373

Theory Y, 14, 210, 374

Thorndike, E. L., 15

Traditional organizational design, 57

Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), 150

Types of projects audits, 311

contract audit, 312

general audit, 312

process audit, 311

product audit, 312

progress audit, 311

special audit, 312

system audit, 311

Types of projects costs, 334

contracts, 334

human resource, 334

material, 334

support, 334

Urgency, 288

U.S. Army Field Manual 101-5, Staff Organization and Operations, 236

U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 54

U.S. Department of the Navy, 255, 348

Walton, R., 365


implied, 263

verbal or written, 263

Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS), 151

WBS-OBS integration, 346

Webster’s II New College Dictionary, 9

Work breakdown structure (WBS), 294, 341, 344, 346

characteristics, 339

dictionary, 344

maintaining, 342

putting together, 341

Work package, 64

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