
I've often thought of myself as a one-man show: Mark, the Developer for Every Occasion™. This book, however, is not mine alone. A lot of people have contributed in one way or another to make this book possible, and I'd like to take a piece of it to thank them.

First, I want to give a big thank-you to Valerio Proietti, MooTools Founder and Lead Developer, who has not only given his time to read early drafts of the work, but has also graced this book with a foreword. You, sir, are truly awesome.

I'd also like to thank the MooTools team—the builders, the contributors, and the creators—who have tirelessly given their love to the framework. This book would literally not have been possible if not for the great work that you've put into MooTools. Special thanks to Christoph, Djamil, William, David, and Thomas, who have given their input, pings, and thumbs-up for the book.

A thank-you also goes out to the members of the MooTools community, especially the regulars of the #mootools IRC channel. Your constant need for updates about the book and unending encouragement drove me to make this work worthy of the highlights. Thanks and []/ are also due to the regulars of the "other" mootools IRC channel: Jabis, Michael, Graham, and Rud. You guys are all awesome.

Of course, I won't forget to thank Simo, my dear technical reviewer, who has given his time and effort in reviewing the drafts of this work. Thank you for putting up with my dangling semicolons. Chocolates and thank-yous are sent to Tokyo for you.

Another round of cheers and claps are also given to the people at Apress who believed enough in this work to put their time into it. To Frank, thank you for giving me the chance to broadcast my ideas to the world, and thank you for believing that I could pull off this work. To Mary and Ben, thank you for putting up with my haphazard writing styles and weird submission schedule. And to Sharon, thank you for adding more awesome to my writing.

Of course, I'd also like to give thanks and hugs to my family. To my mom and dad who have always believed in me in their own quirky way, to my siblings Christine and Jan Raleigh who are now learning the value of being connected, and to my aunt and uncle who have stood by me like a second set of parents, thank you.

Finally, I'd like to give the biggest thanks to three people by dedicating parts of the book to them.

Part I is dedicated to my friend Garrick Cheung. Without you, this book would have never been started. Thank you for the input, the critiques and the ideas. You are a great man, an awesome person, and a very good friend. To Happiness.

Part II is dedicated to my very good friend Tim Wienk. Without you, this book would never have been completed. Thank you for listening to my rants, thank you for keeping me company, thank you for keeping me sane, and thank you for being a good friend. To Friendship.

And Part III is dedicated to P.E.M. Without you, I would have never gotten the courage to find happiness. Thank you for showing me what's wrong, what's changing, and what's possible. I'll always be your Marquito. To Love.

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