Appendix 4. Development Process

Your development process guide should live separately from your coding standards on a wiki. These processes can (and should) change frequently so there needs to be a single point of authority for the team to reference.

Igloo Refrigerator Parts Inc. Development Process

This document describes the process we intend to use within our organization. This process can be amended from team to team, but this guide should serve as a baseline for new projects. This document should live on a wiki and discussions around improving it should be encouraged. Each project should amend the document for its purposes, to be more accurate to its intended process.

The development process spans the time between receiving the requirements and deploying to production.

The Team

The team for this project is defined as the following:

  • Project manager

  • Server-side developer x 2

  • Front-end developer x 2

  • Tester


The project is broken into two-week sprints (or iterations). This length is intended to be long enough to avoid the cost and time implications of each sprint, but short enough to react quickly to change. Every iteration will begin on a Monday and end on the second Friday after. Before the project begins, we must already have a list of requirements and designs from the business. These should not change, but they might, and this process is intended to accommodate that.

The first sprint is known as iteration zero. During iteration zero, anything blocking the team from performing their roles will be dealt with. This may include setting up environments and builds, adding users or licenses to the tools, buying software and hardware, and so on. At the end of this iteration the team will have the following:

  • A good understanding of the requirements

  • A prioritized list of stories that represent the entirety of the project

  • An idea of the intended architecture of the system

  • Everything the members of the team need to start development

  • A working continuous integration environment with necessary build scripts and debug methods


During iteration zero, the requirements will be broken into stories in the current tense, such as the following:

  • The login web service exists

  • The user can log in

The stories will be each given acceptance criteria, which are what is used to define a story as complete. The tester, who should be skilled in edge cases and security holes, will help with these. During this process, other requirements might be discovered. Nonfunctional requirements[108] should also be considered, since stories may arise from them, too. Example acceptance criteria might be the following:

  • The login web service exists

    • The service MUST accept two parameters: username and password

    • The service MUST ignore any further parameters

    • Where the username and password match an entry in the database, a logged-in cookie MUST be set and the user redirected to the secure page

    • Where the username and password do not match an entry in the database, the user MUST be redirected back to the original page and an error shown

These stories will be tracked in JIRA and GreenHopper. The stories will also be placed in a prioritized order. No two stories will have the same priority.

Structure and Version Control

We will be using SVN. Our (front-end) folder structure will be as follows:

                    [Build files]
                    [CSS imagery]
            [CSS files]
            [JS files]
    [HTML files]

All CSS files will be built in the css folder. There can be as many as are needed to keep development easy. Every CSS file will be referenced in all-debug.css in @import statements. Here's an example:

@charset "UTF-8";

@import url(reset.css);
@import url(main.css);

A build script[109] (in the build directory) will be runnable manually that will parse this file, concatenate all the referenced files (prefixed with the @charset) and save those as all-concat.css. Finally, it will minify that file with YUI Compressor and save it as all.css. In development, the HTML files will point at all-debug.css, but in production they will point at all.css. all-concat.css may be useful for debugging the build process. An SVN hook on the css directory will automatically trigger this build script whenever a CSS file is committed to SVN.

Planning Meeting

At the beginning of every sprint following iteration zero, at 10am, the team will have a planning meeting, which is facilitated by the project manager. First, the project manager will calculate the resources he has available. We will only need the totals for the server-side and front-end developers. We assume that each member of the team has six hours available to work per day to allow for meetings, replying to emails, and so on. We will take into account planned holidays or days off. We will subtract three hours from this total for the meetings on the first and last day of this iteration. As an example, this would give us totals of:

  • Server-Side Developer

    • 2 * ((6 * 10) −3) = 114 hours

  • Front-End Developer

    • 2 * ((6 * 10) −3) = 114 hours

Next, the highest-priority story will be broken down into tasks. The tasks are for developers, so they need to make sense for the developers. Each task will be marked as a server-side or front-end task, and each will need an estimate in time against it. The estimate should be equally divisible by three hours—if it is less than three hours, multiple tasks may be combined together. Estimates should be rounded up. When estimating the appropriate time for the task, the two appropriate developers should have a conversation until they both agree on the estimate, though other members of the team may contribute to the discussion. The tasks should (like the stories) be in priority order. Here are example tasks:

  • Story: The login web service exists

    • Front-End: Create HTML—3 hours

    • Server-Side: Create server-side form validation—3 hours

    • Front-End: Create front-end form validation—6 hours

    • Front-End: Create CSS—6 hours

    • Server-Side: Set cookie—3 hours

    • Server-Side: Check details against database—6 hours

    • Server-Side: Implement redirections—3 hours[110]

The project manager should be tallying this against his total resource available. Once this story has been estimated, the remaining resource available is 99 front-end development hours, and 99 server-side development hours. This story and its tasks should now be moved in our tool (GreenHopper) to the iteration. Next, the team will do the same for the highest priority story of those remaining and will continue this process until there are no more hours available. Finally, another story will be estimated and considered to be the stretch for the project, i.e. we may not achieve this, but if we get to it, we will.

Stand-up Meeting

After the first Planning Meeting the team can begin development. Every day there will be a stand-up meeting at 10 am, which is facilitated by the project manager. Any member of the team late to this meeting will receive a mark against them. After three marks, that member must buy the entire team donuts at the next meeting! Representatives of the business will be encouraged to attend these meetings, but should not contribute. During the meeting, everyone will gather around a screen showing the current state of the project in JIRA. This will make it immediately clear what everyone is working on. The project manager should highlight any tasks that seem to be taking very long to complete, any developers that have no tasks in progress and isolate anything that is blocking the team from completing any work (as well as creating actions to address these).

Day-to-Day Development

Outside of the meetings, the developers should take the highest-priority task from the queue and mark it as in progress. They should do nothing but work on that task until it is complete. When it is complete, they should add a comment letting the tester know how to test that task and then move on to the next available task.

The tester should sign off any task that is complete and mark it as done. If it fails the testing for whatever reason, the tester should add a comment explaining how it failed testing and move it back into the task queue. Only the developer that worked on that task should pick it up.

When all the tasks for a story are marked as done, the tester and project manager should work together to check all the acceptance criteria for that story. If everything is acceptable, the story will be marked as complete.

During the iteration, nothing within the sprint should be changed or added. Whenever possible, however, it is acceptable for new stories to be added to the backlog or for the stories outside of the current sprint to be reprioritized.

Tidy-up Meeting

On the last day of each sprint are two meetings. The first, the tidy-up meeting that is be facilitated by the project manager, will happen at 3 pm. During this meeting, any incomplete tasks and stories will be moved back into the backlog, and the project manager will work out the sprint velocity. This is the number of hours of estimated work that were actually completed in the previous sprint. Over time, this value can be used to calculate the average number of hours that are actually achieved, which will help with more accurate estimations in future iterations.


The second meeting on the last day of each sprint is the retrospective, which is facilitated by the project manager. The retrospective is intended to be a conversation about how well the iteration went and any problems that occurred and how they could be addressed. It should also be used to recognize any team members who have done well in the previous iteration. If the team has achieved a high velocity, when possible we will take the team to a nearby bar or restaurant and have the meeting there as a reward.

The format of the retrospectives shall be as follows:

  • First, the team (minus the project manager) will spend one minute writing down things they think went well in the previous iteration on post-it notes.

  • The project manager will go through these, putting similar items together into piles. The more items in a pile, the more positive the team feels about these particular items. Each of them should be discussed, and the appropriate members congratulated.

  • Next, the team (minus the project manager) will spend one minute writing down things they think went badly in the previous iteration on post-it notes.

  • The project manager will go through them, and for every item an action must be recorded to address it. Each action must have a person responsible for actioning it (typically the project manager) and must be complete by the next retrospective.

  • If the process needs to change, we will change it!

  • Finally, the team should have a general informal chat about how everything is going. This is a great time to bring up general gripes or non-work-related issues and for the team to bond.

The last retrospective of the entire project will be the Project Retrospective. This will take the same form as any other retrospective, but will be based around the entire project rather than only the previous iteration. The project manager may like to present his findings to a wider audience than his team, to recognize them and share any changes to their process they may have implemented that might help the organization as a whole.


Here's a quick recap of the scheduling for the iterations:

  • Monday

    • 10 am Planning Meeting

  • Tuesday-Friday

    • 10 am Stand-up

  • Monday-Thursday

    • 10 am Stand-up

  • Friday

    • 10 am Stand-up

    • 3 pm Tidy-up Meeting

    • 4 pm Retrospective


The entire process will be repeated until there are no more stories, or the project is deemed complete. At this point, the project is released to an environment for quality assurance (QA), which involves more in-depth testing to ensure the project is ready for release. Then, the project is immediately released to production and is considered to be under warranty for three months.

Finally, the team will move onto the next project, although it must have availability to address any further bugs found for the duration of the warranty period.

[108] Non-functional requirements are those that describe how a system should be rather than what it should do. Examples include uptime, performance, reliability, and usability.

[109] An example build script is available on the website of this book.

[110] Note that the CSS will be the last thing to happen. This is to allow for changes in design as late as possible in the process. Design is the most likely thing to change, and although we should try to avoid this, we should also be prepared for it.

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