About This Book


The purpose of this book is to demonstrate how to develop predictive models quickly and effectively using SAS Enterprise Miner, to demonstrate how to use Enterprise Miner tools for accomplishing various tasks involved in developing predictive models, and to provide an in-depth explanation of the theory and computations of each tool.

Is This Book for You?

If you are a graduate student, researcher, or statistician interested in predictive modeling, a data mining expert who wants to learn SAS Enterprise Miner, or a business analyst looking for an introduction to predictive modeling using SAS Enterprise Miner, you'll be able to efficiently and skillfully develop predictive models using the theory and examples presented in this book.


You will need a knowledge of basic statistics that includes an understanding of regression analysis, statistical hypothesis testing, analysis of variance knowledge of linear algebra, and a good grasp of the business problem being analyzed.

What’s New in This Edition

This second edition features expanded coverage of the SAS Enterprise Miner nodes, now including File Import, Time Series, Variable Clustering, Cluster, Interactive Binning, Principal Components, AutoNeural, DMNeural, Dmine Regression, Gradient Boosting, Ensemble, and Text Mining.

About the Examples

Software Used to Develop the Book's Content

SAS Enterprise Miner 12.1 and SAS Text Miner.

The data and programs used in this book will be available from the author’s page at: http://support.sas.com/publishing/authors

Example Code and Data

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Output and Graphics Used in This Book

The output and graphs are from the Results windows of the Enterprise Miner. Additional graphics are generated using SAS/Graph. Most of the tables are from the results of various nodes. Additional tables are created using SAS code in the SAS code node. Exercises are added at the end of chapters 2 through 7 and 9.

Exercise Solutions

The exercises given are for reinforcing the methods used. For most exercises, the solutions will be obvious when the steps given are followed. For other exercises, answers will be posted on author’s page.

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