


COL[UMN] column | expression [option ...]

Specifies the display characteristics for a column or expression, optionally using one or more options. If an option is not specified, the command displays the current display attributes for column or expression.


The column name used in a SQL statement.


The expression used in a SQL statement.


One or more of the following:

ALI[AS] alias

Assigns alias to the column or expression, which can then be used in BREAK, COMPUTE, or other COLUMN commands.


Resets attributes for this column or expression to defaults.


Inserts a carriage return after the heading and after each row of the column or expression.


Inserts a carriage return before the heading and before each row of the column or expression.

FOR[MAT] format

Specifies a character string format that describes the format for display of the column or expression.

HEA[DING] string

Defines a column heading using string, which must be enclosed in single or double quotes if it contains blanks or punctuation, and which can contain the HEADSEP character (“|” by default), each occurrence of which will cause SQL*Plus to begin a new line of heading.


Aligns the heading as specified. By default, NUMBER columns default to RIGHT and other columns default to LEFT.

LIKE {expression | alias}

Copies the display attributes of another column (identified by alias) orexpression defined in a prior COLUMN command, except that attributes specified in this COLUMN command are not copied.


Starts a new line before displaying the value for the column or expression.

NEW_V [ALUE] variable

Specifies that the column value is to be held in variable, which can then be used in the TTITLE command.


Prevents the printing of the column or expression.

NUL [L] charstring

Specifies a charstring to be displayed when the value of the column or expression is NULL.


Disables the display attributes for the column or expression without affecting the attributes’ definitions.

OLD_V [ALUE] variable

Specifies that the previous value of the column or expression is to be held in variable, which can then be used in the BTITLE command.


Enables the display attributes for the column or expression that had been previously set to OFF.


Specifies that a CHAR string too long for the column is to be truncated.


Specifies that a CHAR string too long for the column is to be wrapped to the next line, starting with the first full word of the string that does not fit in the width of the column.


Specifies that a CHAR string too long for the column is to be wrapped to the next line, starting with the first character of the string that does not fit in the width of the column.

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