Automatic Roles

The roles listed below are automatically created by the CREATE DATABASE command. In fact, the SQL statements to do this are included in the sql.bsq file. Note, however, that Oracle warns that the CONNECT, DBA, and RESOURCE roles may not be automatically created in the future.


Based upon the CONNECT system privilege in Oracle V6. With this role, you can connect to the database and create objects that are not segments. Interestingly, this role also has the CREATE TABLE privilege, but you must be explicitly granted quotas in order to create the table.

As part of backward compatibility with Oracle V6, you can bypass the CREATE USER command and simply issue a GRANT CONNECT TO userid IDENTIFIED BY password statement. In this case, Oracle will first execute a CREATE USER userid IDENTIFIED BY password statement, followed by the GRANT CONNECT TO userid statement. We strongly recommend that you not use this feature, since it is not guaranteed to remain valid in future releases.


Based upon the DBA system privilege in Oracle V6. This role has every system privilege except UNLIMITED TABLESPACE, which cannot be granted to a role. The DBA role has also been granted the EXP_FULL_TABLESPACE, IMP_FULL_TABLESPACE, DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE, EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE, and SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE roles.


Required to delete from any object owned by SYS. Granted explicitly to the DBA role and SYS schema.


Required to execute any object owned by SYS. Granted to the DBA, EXP_FULL_DATABASE, and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles and to the SYS schema.


Based upon the Oracle V6 RESOURCE system privilege. This role expands upon the CONNECT role, allowing you to create procedures, snapshots, triggers, and types.

As part of backward compatibility with Oracle V6, when you GRANT RESOURCE to a userid, Oracle automatically grants the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privilege. We recommend that you either create a different role that emulates the RESOURCE role, or automatically revoke the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privilege after granting RESOURCE. Otherwise, you will not be able to restrict users to specific tablespaces using quotas.


Required to select directly from any object owned by SYS. Granted explicitly to the DBA, EXP_FULL_DATABASE, and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles and to the SYS schema.

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