Time for action - downloading and installing Felix

Let's download the latest Felix Framework distribution from the Felix project site and install it.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Go to the downloads section of the Apache Felix website: http://felix.apache.org/site/downloads.cgi.


    At the time of writing, the distribution version was 3.0.1. However, be sure to check for a newer release!

  2. Download the Felix Framework Distribution (here org.apache.felix.main.distribution-3.0.1.zip) to a temporary location.
  3. Unzip the downloaded archive to a location of your choice. In my case, I've chosen: C:felix. From this point on, we will refer to this location as the Felix distribution base directory.

This concludes the installation process! The Felix distribution typically does not require any additional configuration to run. You can start using it as soon as you've unzipped it. We will touch on some configuration properties when they may be of interest.

What's in the box?

Let's quickly go through the contents of this distribution and get acquainted with its directory structure.

Under the Felix home directory, you should have the following:

  • bin: Contains the main application JAR (felix.jar). This is actually the org.apache.felix.main bundle renamed to felix.jar for convenience. We will be starting the framework through this JAR.
  • bundle: The auto-deploy directory; bundles in this directory are automatically installed and started at framework startup.
  • conf: Contains the configuration files. The default configuration is very suitable for most beginners. As you start looking for more ways to customize your Felix installation, you may come back to the files in this directory for a fine-tuning of the configuration.
  • doc: Contains useful documentation on the install and configuration of the framework, as well as on the bundles included by default in the distribution's bundle directory.

After the application is started for the first time, an additional folder will appear:

  • felix-cache: Contains the framework's local cache of installed bundles and their information. This folder can be deleted to reset the framework. Doing this will remove all bundles that have been installed.

We will now start Felix and check its default text user interface.

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