Time for action - logging to BookshelfLogHelper

We've gone through a few methods where we had printed to the System.out stream. It's now time to replace them with calls to the BookshelfLogHelper service.

Next, I'll take two examples and comment on them. The others will be left for you to do on your own:

public MutableBook getBookForEdit(String session, String isbn)
throws BookNotFoundException
getLogger().debug(LoggerConstants.LOG_EDIT_BY_ISBN, isbn);
MutableBook book = this.inventory.loadBookForEdit(isbn);
debug("Got book for edit: " + book);
return book;

The call is logged as a debug message, including the ISBN parameter received by the method. In this implementation, the checkSession() method also logs session check attempts and failures.

Here a new interface was defined, the LoggerConstants interface, which holds the pattern strings for the log messages. For example, the declaration for the above constant would be as follows:

public interface LoggerConstants
"LOG_EDIT_BY_ISBN: Get book for edit: [isbn={0}]";

Once the full bundle is migrated to use the BookshelfLogHelper service, this interface would contain the listing of all log messages, along with the expected arguments for each.

Let's go back to the BookshelfServiceImpl and migrate another method, namely, the addBook() method:

public void addBook(
String sessionId, String isbn, String title, String author,
String category, int rating)
throws BookAlreadyExistsException, InvalidBookException
isbn, title, author, category, rating);
BookInventory inv = lookupBookInventory();
getLogger().debug(LoggerConstants.LOG_CREATE_BOOK, isbn);
MutableBook book = inv.createBook(isbn);
getLogger().debug(LoggerConstants.LOG_STORE_BOOK, isbn);

It's typical to log something before an operation that may fail to keep a record of its context in the log files. In our case, the operations that may fail are the check for the session, the creation of the book, and its update in the store.

The above log calls have resulted in the following additional constants in the LogConstants interface:

"LOG_ADD_BOOK: Add book: [isbn={0}] [title={1}] "+
"[author={2}] [category={3}] [rating={4}]";
"LOG_CREATE_BOOK: Create new book [isbn={0}]";
"LOG_STORE_BOOK: Store book [isbn={0}]";

The above messages can easily be recognized by an external monitoring system and parsed for useful information.

Update bookshelf-service-tui dependency

The one last thing to do before we're ready to test our changes is to update the bookshelf-service-tui dependency on the bookshelf-service.

Having released the bookshelf-service bundle with a new version (1.10.0), edit the bookshelf-service-tui project descriptor and update the dependency version:



This shows the downside of having joined service API and implementation in the same bundle for bookshelf-service. The change we have just made was to the implementation only: releasing a new version of the implementation without changing the interface. However, since both API and implementation are in the same bundle, they are released together.

Have a go hero- adding the remaining logs

Continue what we've started here and update the remaining logging calls in the other bundles. Then update those in the BookInventoryMockImpl class in the bookshelf-inventory-impl-mock bundle and those in the BookshelfServiceProxyImpl class in the bookshelf-service-tui bundle.

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