Apache Felix iPOJO WebConsole Plugin

The Web Management Console has a plugin mechanism that allows third parties to add functional tabs. It's a simple mechanism, but beyond the scope of this book. Visit http://felix.apache.org/site/extending-the-apache-felix-web-console.html for more on extending the Web Console.

The iPOJO project extends the Web Management Console with its own plugin that provides functionality, which corresponds to the ipojo scope commands. The graphical view of this information makes inspecting the output a little easier.

Let's use the Web Console to install the iPOJO WebConsole Plugin bundle. To do that, go to the OSGi Repository tab and search the resources (for example, by "ipojo").

By expanding the Apache Felix iPOJO WebConsole Plugin resource entry, you can select the version you want to inspect (and potentially deploy).

Apache Felix iPOJO WebConsole Plugin

Here I picked version 1.4.4. To deploy and start it, just click on the Deploy and Start button.

Apache Felix iPOJO WebConsole Plugin

The click seems uneventful, but the bundle is installed and started.

If you refresh your browser, you should get a new tab in the menu bar: iPOJO.

Apache Felix iPOJO WebConsole Plugin

The default view for this tab is the instances listing, along with their factories and state. This corresponds to the ipojo:instances Gogo command.

Most of the previously shown entries are familiar to us. We find the ipojo scope commands service instance, which was installed by the Apache Felix iPOJO Gogo Command bundle in Chapter 9, Improving the Bookshelf Service with iPOJO, along with our iPOJO-ized services and commands.

We also find the bookshelf and the iPOJO WebConsole Plugin servlets.

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